scholarly journals Metaphor as Discourse Main Element

2020 ◽  
pp. 109-125
Luiza Oliander

The article deals with the relationship between metaphor and discourse. The metaphor is characterized as the main element of discourse. In the analysis, the emphasis is on its understanding by Bakhtin, when the discourse appears as a “whole utterance”, as a “unit of verbal communication”, which has not meaning, but “meaning related to value – truth, beauty, etc. – and requires a reciprocal understanding which includes an assessment.” According to these positions, on the material of Pushkin’s “The Bronze Horseman”, the works of S. Dovlatov, the works of P. Florensky and others it is proved that the metaphor is a living phenomenon, that “metaphor is a paradigm,” it, “like rapids on a river, makes the recipient's mind boil” (P. Ricoeur). A metaphor is examined as a means of enriching the productivity of philosophical thinking, and it can be a “body of philosophy” (T. Adorno).

María del Rocío Soto Flores ◽  
Ingrid Yadibel Cuevas Zuñiga ◽  
Susana Asela Garduño Román

The processes of economic globalization and accelerating technological change have led to changes in economic and social life at a global level. New technologies, such as the TICs, systems of artificial intelligence, scanning, connectivity, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, among others, have transformed the national productive structures and human capital that require technologies disruptive today. In this context, education has become the main element of the knowledge society and training of human capital that demands a knowledge-based economy. The objective of the chapter is to analyze the relationship between human capital formations in the construction of a society of knowledge in Mexico. The structure is organized in three sections: 1) an analysis of the knowledge society, 2) the formation of human capital and the institutions of higher education in the knowledge society, and 3) human capital formation and its relationship in the construction of a society of knowledge in Mexico.

Christie M. Fuller ◽  
Douglas P. Twitchell ◽  
Kent Marett ◽  
A. J. Burns

The relationship between trust and task performance in virtual teams is well established. Currently, studies examine key antecedent to trust in groups, the perceived ability of other group members. While it has been shown that perceived ability of teammates contributes to trust, little is known about how the perceptions of ability are formed in virtual teams. In this study, teams performed a decision-making task in a synchronous computer-mediated communication environment. As teams were limited to verbal communication, the authors examined the relationship between participant ability and verbal communication amount, as well as team member perceptions of their partners’ ability based on the amount of participation. The results show that participants who perceive themselves to have higher ability communicate more, whereas those who speak more are rated by their teammates to have lower ability. Based on the results, post hoc analysis explored the relationship between reduced participation and perceived ability.

2018 ◽  
pp. 604
Ayu Putu Fridayanti ◽  
Ni Wayan Sukarini ◽  
Putu Weddha Savitri

Communication can be made by using two kinds of mode; they are verbal and visual communication modes. Nowadays, people tend to focus on the verbal communication and ignore the visual communication itself, even though they have the same important part of communication by using language. This study entitled “Verbal and Visual Communication in the Movie The Hunger Games” is trying to reveal and find out the sentence forms of the characters’ verbal utterances, the visual signs of the scene among the characters and the relationship between those communications. In the study, The Hunger Games movie is used as the data source. It tells about a death game that was held by a capitol city which was inhabited by people of the upper class and the people of the lower class who live in the districts as the tribute of the game. The method used to analyze the movie is Qualitative method. The main theory used is proposed by Dyer (1986) with his Verbal and Visual Communication theory and helped by using a theory from Timothy Shopen (2007) describing the types of sentence in form of verbal utterance. Based on the analysis, all of the sentence types as the verbal communication analysis and almost all of the visual sign elements in the movie were found, except for the national and racial element in appearance category. The verbal and visual communications represented in the movie supports each other to convey the meaning. It shows the differences between two different social classes; they are upper and lower classes. How the characters of the upper class speak, act, and look, tend to be more polite, prestigious, classy, colorful, and more educated than the characters of the lower class. It shows the relationship of visual and verbal communication itself. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 019685992097712
Maja Šerić

This paper aims at providing insights on the role of non-verbal communication (NVC) in classroom by examining the relationship between teacher NVC cues and student behavior. Student behavior is considered in terms of perceptions of the match between the teacher and the student self-concept (i.e. self-image congruence), attention, and learning. Hypotheses are tested on a sample of students coming from Spain and Italy. Findings indicate that the student self-concept has the strongest relationship with teacher personal appearance, attention with paralinguistics, and learning with kinesics. Some differences are found in the strength of the examined relationships between Spanish and Italian students.

2013 ◽  
Vol 869-870 ◽  
pp. 652-655
Shi Hua Li

Ecology is the science of studying the relationship between the living organisms and their environment. And the Environmental Science, which reveals the basic law of the harmonious development of society, economy and environment, is the discipline studying the interaction of people and environment. Ecology is not only the basic disciplines of environmental science, but also the scientifically recognized theoretical basis of environmental ethics. Tsunzi, a master on the Confucianism, one of the most distinguished Confucianists of the pre-Qin period, made the conception of sustainable development penetrate into his ecological ethics thoughts on the basis of philosophical thinking-Nature has its true law. If we hackle, inherit, comprehend, and utilize critically Tsunzis thought on ecological ethics, there will be some significant enlightening value for us to not only establish the theory of environmental ethics but also solve the increasing ecological crises facing humanity.

Prawo ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 327 ◽  
pp. 385-401
Marek Bratuń ◽  
Aleksandra Szadok-Bratuń

On certain philosophical categories in the administrative and legal output of professor Jan BoćThe authors of this article analyze selected philosophical categories contained in administrative and legal publications by professor Jan Boć. In this way they want to focus the reader’s attention on the presence of philosophical reflection in the works of a representative of the Wrocław school of cameralistics. The basis for the considerations are the following texts by the professor: monographs entitled Obywatel wobec ingerencji współczesnej administracji Citizen against the interference of modern administration and Gmina w Belgii Commune in Belgium, the author’s entries contained in the legal dictionary of difficult words, as well as the article entitled “Normatywizacja wartościw prawie administracyjnym” Normativization of values in administrative law co-authored with Piotr Lisowski.The article begins with a reminder of basic facts from the biography of professor Jan Boć.Then, the concept of a “citizen” is examined, analyzed in the historiosophical and administrative-legal contexts. The following categories of philosophy, considered in the comparative aspect, are discussed: “autonomy”, “heteronomy”, “ethical naturalism”, “ethical relativism”, “value” and “axiology”.In the conclusion of their investigations, the authors emphasize the objective praise of the axiormormality of professor Jan Boć that appears in his studies, as well as of the very high level of their substantiveness, originality and constant, deepened philosophical reflection. In a special way they highlight the fact that the relationship between philosophical thinking and administrative law was a valuable asset of the legal culture of Jan Boć.

2007 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-59 ◽  
Loreta Poškaitė

Vilnius UniversityThis article deals with the treatment of human talent (cai 才) in pre-imperial and early imperial China and concentrates on its relationship with other Chinese philosophical and anthropological concepts and the general cultural context. On the one hand, it analyses the moral meaning of talent, discussing its relationship with the concept of xian 贤 ( the worthy) in Classical Confucianism, and on the other hand it analyses its relationship with the concept of de 德 (virtue) as it was treated from Classical Confucianism and Legalism to the Six Dynasties. The latter analysis is based mainly on books by Xu Gan Zhong lun 中论 (Balanced Discources) and Liu Shao Renwuzhi 人物志 (The Study of Human Abilities), paying special attention to the infiltration of the Legalist understanding of cai into those books. The second problem discussed here is the relationship of cai and human nature (xing). The author argues that the discussions concerning human resources or talent in pre-imperial and early imperial China were inseparable from the anthropological and philosophical thinking on human nature and from the resolution of political problems. The understanding of human resources in China had from the very beginning a strong motivation for applicability in the political sphere, and this was a contribution not only of Confucian thinkers, but also by the schools of Legalists, Logicians (or School of Names), and Dialecticians (or School of Yin-yang). This could be the reason why the Chinese avoided the mystification, essentialisation and romanticisation of human talent, as happened in Western culture (especially with the titanism of the Renaissance and beyond).

Boichuk M.I.

The article outlines the concept of “conversion”, which is defined as an affixless, derivational way of word formation, in which a new word formed from another part of the language does not acquire an external word-forming rearrangement. The concept of “word formation” has also been analyzed and the phonetic component of compounds of religious vocabulary characterized. The structural classification has been distinguished taking into account the structure of compoundings. It has been found that among the layer of religious vocabulary derivational connections of conversion occur between two, three or more words, and the main ways of direction of this process have been identified. Five main models of conversion of lexical units of the religious sphere have been determined, such as: Noun – Verb, which further is divided into three categories, Verb – Noun, Adjective – Noun, Noun – Adjective, Adjective – Verb. The process of substantivization of religious vocabulary as a variant of conversion has also been analyzed. Under substantivization we understand the process of changing the paradigm of the basic word and a part of speech. Analysis of religious vocabulary shows that the transition is from adjectives to nouns, the first acquires the characteristic features of the latter.The article presents an analysis of religious vocabulary based on the dictionary of O. O. Azarov “Comprehensive English-Russian dictionary of religious terminology” which allows to identify such productive models of word formation of religious vocabulary in English: Noun + Noun, Noun + Participle, Adjective + Noun, Noun + Preposition + Noun, Participle + Noun, Pronoun + Noun, Adjective + Participle. These models are most actively involved in the creation of religious vocabulary in English, as they have the largest number of words in their structure. Compounds of religious lexis are divided into root compounds and compound derivatives, the structural integrity of which allows to distinguish them from phrases. Considering the components of compound words, the main element can be both the first and second part. According to the relationship between the components, compounds are divided into endocentric and exocentric types. The first is expressed by a compound word, the meaning of which is derived from the sum of the meanings of the compound’s components, the latter includes complex words, the meaning of which is not determined by any of its constituent elements. Among the layer of religious vocabulary of the English language we distinguish the following endocentric models: Adj + N = N, V + N = N, Part I + N = N, Ger + N = N, N + N = N and exocentric models: Participle + N = Adj, N+Pro.=Adj, V+Prep.=N, Adv+Participle=Adj.Key words:compounding, endocentric and exocentric compound words, substantivization, conversion. У статті обґрунтовано поняття «конверсія», яке визначається як безафіксальний, дериваційний спосіб словотвору, за якого нове слово, що утворюється з іншої частини мови, не набуває зовнішньої словотвірної перебудови. Також у роботі проаналізовано поняття «словоскладання», охарактеризовано фонетичний складник композитів релігійної лексики та виділено структурну класифікацію з урахуванням структури композитів складених слів. З’ясовано, що серед пласту релігійної лексики конверсивні дериваційні зв’язки відбуваються між двома, трьома та більшою кількістю слів, та визначено основні способи спрямованості цього процесу. Виділяємо п’ять основних моделей конверсії лексичних одиниць релігійної сфери: Noun – Verb, яка своєю чергою поділяється на три категорії, Verb – Noun, Adjective – Noun, Noun – Adjective, Adjective – Verb. Також проаналізовано процес субстантивації релігійної лексики як варіант конверсії. Під субстантивацією розуміємо процес зміни парадигми твірного слова й частини мови. Аналіз релігійної лексики показує, що перехід відбувається від прикметників у іменники, прикметник набуває характерних ознак іменника. У статті представлено аналіз релігійної лексики на основі словника О.О. Азарова «Большой англо-русский словарь религиозной лексики», який дає змогу виокремити такі продуктивні моделі словоскладання релігійної лексики в англійській мові: Noun + Noun, Noun + Participle, Adjective + Noun, Noun + Preposition + Noun, Participle + Noun, Pronoun + Noun, Adjective + Participle.Ці моделі беруть найактивнішу участь у творенні релігійної лексики в англійській мові, оскільки налічують найбільшу кількість слів у своїй структурі. Композити релігійної лексики поділяються на власне складні та склад-нопохідні, структурна цілісність яких дозволяє відмежувати їх від словосполучень. Щодо компонентів складних слів, то головним елементом може бути як перша, так і друга частина. Відповідно до відносин між компонентами складні слова поділяються на ендоцентричний та екзоцентричний типи. Перший виражається складним словом, значення якого виводиться із суми значень компонентів композита, до останнього відносяться складні слова, значення яких не визначається жодним із його складових елементів. Серед пласту релігійної лексики англійської мови виокремлюємо такі ендоцентричні моделі: Adj + N = N, V + N = N, Part I + N = N, Ger + N = N, N + N = N та екзоцентричні моделі: Participle + N = Adj, N+Pro.=Adj, V+Prep.=N, Adv+Participle=Adj.Ключові слова:словоскладання, ендоцентричні та екзоцентричні складні слова, субстантивація, конверсія.

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