The Implementation of Total Physical Response (TPR) Method in Improving Arabic Speaking Skills

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-72
P. Pahri

Students in Islamic boarding schools have difficulty expressing their thoughts verbally using Arabic. Meanwhile, in terms of understanding written texts and reading written language, they have pretty good skills. This study aimed to describe the implementation of the TPR method to improve the speaking skills. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were Arabic teachers and selected students using the snowball technique. Based on the results, the TPR method can break the ice of communicating in Arabic among students, their difficulties in expressing their thoughts can be minimized by getting used to responding to those around them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Putu Eddy Purnomo Arta ◽  
Kadek Jayanthi Riva Prathiwi ◽  
I Kadek Ruminten

<p><em>This research examines the teacher's strategy for increasing the ability to speak in Balinese. The method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The use of local languages in everyday life, especially Balinese, has declined due to lack of motivation to learn. This is reflected when speaking in Balinese. Seeing this phenomenon, then a teacher has an important role in improving students' speaking skills in accordance with the language of Bali. The purpose of this study is to improve students' speaking ability in Balinese. Through appropriate learning strategies, teachers are expected to be able to improve students' speaking skills, which are supported by the family environment. Factors that influence students' speaking skills using Balinese are internal and external factors. Hopefully, with the collaboration between family and teachers in schools in educating children, especially practicing the ability to speak in Balinese, can give birth to a child who loves his own culture, especially Balinese.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-82
Ahmad Mizan Rosyadi Abdul Jalil Manan ◽  
Nor Holis Bin Nafsah

Learning Arabic-speaking skills is a must for Arabic learners. Several methods are often practiced in learning to speak Arabic. Educators need to pay attention to the typology of their students so that they can choose the right method. This research-oriented was to evaluate the relevant methods for studying Arabic communication. In this article, the researcher used a qualitative method with data sources from the literature documentation. The results of this research found that there were advantages and disadvantages to each method that was used to train students' speaking skills. Success in using the method depended on the competence of educators in applying it, supporting media, and teaching materials that were appropriate to the context of the learner. To achieve Arabic-speaking skills, a combination of various elements in learning is needed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-43
Novi Mutmainah ◽  
Lina Marlina

Speaking skills are very important skills in learning Arabic, especially in learning Muhadastah because in general speaking skills aim to make students able to communicate verbally properly and correctly. However, in reality the question of the Arabic speaking skills of students in SMP Plus Qurrota Ayun Singaparna is still low. As is known the learning method applied is the direct method. This research was conducted to determine students' Arabic speaking ability through the use of the preacher method in the school. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The interview results show that the purpose of using the preacher method is so that students are more skilled in speaking Arabic and so students are motivated to speak Arabic. In practice, the teacher prepares vocabulary related to the material then reads the text followed by students repeatedly and the teacher justifies the pronunciation of students who are still wrong. Evaluation of Muhadastah Learning with the Direct Method is carried out by giving individual students assessments in the form of oral and written tests. The obstacle in learning Muhadastah with the method of preaching that is felt by students is that students have difficulty interpreting unknown vocabulary because students have not learned Arabic before. The obstacles felt by the teacher are the teachers find it difficult to deliver the material due to different student backgrounds and many students who do not live in boarding schools.

Al-Ma rifah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138
Nurul Daroeni ◽  
Walfajri ◽  

This study aims to determine how the learning method is a very important factor in learning foreign language speaking skills, especially Arabic. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. The object of this research is Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 1 Metro, Lampung. Meanwhile, the instruments in this study were interviews and literature studies. It can be noted that the learning method greatly influences the learning process and outcomes. The results of this study indicate that the learning method used in MAN 1 Metro, Lampung, is the direct method (mubāsharah). The effectiveness and efficiency of this method can be proven in learning activities for vocabulary development, the practice of Arabic in daily communication, the practice of Arabic speech, and Arabic drama, and the use of Arabic vocabulary in public facilities. However, this is also not free from inhibiting factors, namely the background of educators who do not have an Arabic education background and a lack of competence as an Arabic teacher, students who are less motivated in learning Arabic, the background of students who do not understand Arabic, as well as teaching materials that are less relevant for students to use in learning Arabic speaking skills.

NALARs ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Ari Widyati Purwantiasning

ABSTRAK.  Tulisan ini merupakan sebuah kajian tentang bagaimana mengungkapkan sebuah karya arsitektural, gagasan maupun ide dalam sebuah Bahasa naratif yaitu tulisan. Beberapa teori tentang Bahasa naratif tersebut disajikan oleh beberapa ahlinya sebagai sebuah dasar dan referensi dalam mengungkapkan tiga buah studi kasus yang akan ditinjau. Tinjauan yang dilakukan terhadap tiga studi kasus tersebut menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif naratif, dimana Saya mencoba untuk mengungkapkan kekuatan penulis dalam gaya penulisannya terutama dalam menggiring opini pembaca baik negatif maupun positif bahkan imaginatif. Tulisan ini akan memberikan wacara bagi para calon arsitek yaitu mahasiswa arsitektur atau para civitas akademika lainnya sehingga dapat lebih memahami bagaimana seharusnya sebuah karya arsitektural baik bangunan maupun ruang arsitektural harus diungkapkan untuk mempersuasi pembacanya. Kata Kunci: naratif, linguistik, komunikasi, arsitektur ABSTRACT. This paper is a research about how to express and describe an architectural masterpiece, idea, and thought into a written narrative language. Some theories about narrative language and linguistic language have been discussed in this article and have been used as a primary reference in discussing three case studies. I have reviewed three case studies using a qualitative method with a narrative descriptive approach. I have tried to reveal the author's power with their character and style of their written language, mainly how to persuade the reader either negatively, positively, and imaginatively. This research will give architecture students a new discourse to understand how an architectural masterpiece should be described in a written narrative language to persuade the readers.   Keywords: narrative, linguistic, communication, architecture

Jurnal Common ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Rismawaty Rismawaty ◽  
Sofie Aulia Rahmah

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui proses komunikasi kelompok dalam metode pembelajaran sentra di TK Zaid bin Tsabit. Penelitian ini mendiskusikan tentang proses komunikasi kelompok. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Kualitatif dengan pendekatan Deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan peneliti ada dengan studi pustaka, penelusuran data secara online, wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi dengan 3 orang informan kunci yaitu guru di TK Zaid bin Tsabit serta 3 informan pendukung yaitu Kepala TK Zaid bin Tsabit dan 2 orang tua murid. Uji keabsahan data dengan peningkatan ketekunan, triangulasi dan diskusi dengan teman sejawat, teknik analisis data menggunakan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan dan evaluasi.Hasil penelitian ini bahwa Proses komunikasi yang terjadi merupakan komunikasi langsung yang terjadi dua arah dan dilakukan terus menerus untuk membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang terjadi dalam kelompok metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak. Proses komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada anak dilakukan dengan memberikan arahan-arahan kepada anak serta contoh dari arahan yang telah disampaikan oleh guru.Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah metode pembelajaran sentra membentuk kemandirian anak lewat komunikasi yang dilakukan guru secara terus menerus, karna melalui pembelajaran sentra anak diminta untuk melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri dalam pengawasan guru. Saran yang diberikan adalah guru harus lebih kreatif dalam memberikan materi pada metode pembelajaran sentra serta bersikap lebih tegas dalam mendidik anak dan melakukan komunikasi yang berkelanjutan dengan orang tua murid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This study was conducted to determine the process of group communication in the center learning method at TK Zaid bin Tsabit. This study discusses the process of group communication. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques carried out by the researcher were with literature studies, online data searches, interviews, observation and documentation with 3 key informants namely the teacher at TK Zaid bin Tsabit and 3 supporting informants namely TK Head Zaid bin Tsabit and 2 parents. Test the validity of data by increasing perseverance, triangulation and discussion with colleagues, data analysis techniques using data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and evaluations.The results of this study that the communication process that occurs is direct communication that occurs in two directions and carried out continuously to form the independence of children. The communication process that occurs in a group of central learning methods shapes children's independence. The process of communication carried out by the teacher to the child is done by giving directions to the child as well as examples of directions that have been delivered by the teacher.The conclusion of this study is that the central learning method shapes children's independence through continuous communication by the teacher, because through central learning children are asked to do everything themselves in the supervision of the teacher. The advice given is that the teacher must be more creative in giving material to the central learning method and be more assertive in educating children and making ongoing communication with parents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 319-341
Ade Salamun ◽  
Maemunah Sa’diyah

This study aims to provide an overview of the process of cultural change through total quality management in Islamic perspective carried out at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School. The method of the study is qualitative method by using in-depth interview techniques with informants. This research was conducted at the Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School, Depok City, West Java. Data analysis was carried out using content analysis with the stages of reducing data, triangulating data, presenting data descriptively, and drawing conclusions/verification. The results showed that cultural change through total quality management at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School was seen from 7 focuses. The focus of planning for Islamic boarding schools is still focused on current conditions. The focus of the organization is participatory by involving all individuals to improve the quality of education and to develop Islamic boarding schools. The focus of control is still in the form of monitoring and supervising each section based on the existing SOP. The focus of communication has been two-way communication. The focus of the decision is still reactive and not based on well planning even though decisions are made based on deliberation and consensus. The focus of functional management has not been fully integrated. The focus of quality management is still reactive because it is still in the stage of finding the best and most suitable method to be applied in Islamic boarding schools. Therefore, the process of cultural change at Daar El Manshur Islamic Boarding School has begun to occur.

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-162
Achmad Kusyaeri ◽  
Bambang Suyudi ◽  
Rochmat Martanto

Abstract: Complete Systematic Land Registration/ Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) is a land registration program in Indonesia which is targeted to be completed in 2025. The availability of a working map is an initial requirement in the preparation of PTSL implementation. The implementation of PTSL 2018 in Karanganyar Regency targeted to register 35,195 parcels of land. The registration map can be used as a reference for making PTSL Working Maps. Collecting physical data and identifying land parcels can be carried out by the community. This study aimed to (1) find the community participation in preparing working maps at the Land Office of Karanganyar Regency, and (2) know the use of working maps. To achieve these objectives, the researcher used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to describe and examine the making of a working map. The results of this study showed that the community provided the PBB, DHKP, and CSRT maps in 2014 that used as a basic source for the development of the current PTSL map. Working maps used in mapping a complete village.Keyword: community participation, work map, PTSL. Intisari: Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL), merupakan program pemerintah dalam penyelesaian pendaftaran tanah di seluruh indonesia yang akan diselesai pada tahun 2025. Ketersediaan peta kerja merupakan proses awal dalam persiapan pelaksanaan PTSL. Kabupaten Karanganyar dalam program PTSL 2018 menargetkan 35.195 bidang tanah terdaftar. Ketersediaan infrastruktur berupa peta dasar pendaftaran dapat jadi acuan pembuatan Peta Kerja PTSL. Optimalisasi dan simplikasi pelaksanaan kegiatan PTSL dalam pengumpulan data fisik dan indentifikasi bidang-bidang tanah dapat mengoptimalkan partisipasi masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengetahui bentuk partsipasi masyarakat dalam penyiapan peta kerja di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Karanganyar; (2) mengetahui pemanfaatan peta kerja. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, guna menggambarkan dan mengkaji setiap proses penyiapan peta kerja. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bentuk dari partisipasi masyarakat dalam penyiapan peta kerja dalam bentuk sumbangan materi berupa barang peta PBB, DHKP dan CSRT yang dijadikan sumber data pembangunan peta dasar pendaftaran yang selesai pada tahun 2014 dan dijadikan acuan peta kerja PTSL saat ini. Pemanfaatan peta kerja digunakan sebagai pemetaan desa lengkap.Kata Kunci: partisipasi masyarakat, peta kerja, PTSL 

Tunas Agraria ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Farista Dewi Anindyati ◽  
Abdul Haris Farid ◽  
Dwi Wulan Titik Andari

Land archive is the living archive of that must be fully maintained. As things goes, Sleman Land Office does digitalization archives to Gambar Ukur, Surat Ukur, Buku Tanah and Warkah by using a web-based application system which is called the Laris application. The research is aimed at finding out the reason why the office is doing digitalization with Laris application and finding out wheter this digitalized archive has been able to replace the original file in the form of paper. This research was conducted with a qualitative method with a descriptive approach Based on research results, obtained information that the digitalization of land records carried out in the Sleman’s Land office which has been done since year 2014 not solely done to change the format of analog files to digital files, but is expected to able provide more comprehensive benefits related to the acceleration of land services so that in practice it uses the Laris application.  However, the existence of this digitalized archive still not able to replace the position of analog archive in manner so that the analog archive is still maintained. Therefore, its important to authentication and legalization so the archive of digitalization result legally strong.

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