scholarly journals Pembekalan Keterampilan Membatik oleh Batik “Seng” bagi Kelompok Marginal Desa Sengguruh Kabupaten Malang

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Aris Siswati ◽  
Boge Triatmanto ◽  
Anwar Sanusi

National economic development can be realized, one of which is economic independence by encouraging the number of entrepreneurs, increasing business activities in the form of businesses and businesses on a small, medium or large scale. One of the potentials to become independent entrepreneurs is young people who of course must first have the provision of education. The reality is that there are still school-age teenagers who do not have the opportunity to get the right to education due to several things, one of which is economic limitations that prevent them from continuing their education. The consequences that arise from situations that are not good, namely teenagers who cannot continue their schooling will cause a new problem for both the child himself and his environment. The form of community service activities carried out is holding written batik training activities targeting marginal groups in Sengguruh Village, Malang Regency with a total of 30 participants. The purpose of this activity is to provide training participants with the opportunity to develop themselves and get alternative business ideas. The results obtained from this activity are an increase in insight and skills in making batik, increasing motivation for training participants to develop themselves, participants getting alternative business ideas that can be chosen as professions that have the potential to generate income and obtain business network information

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Nonot Yuliantoro

Skill Development with Cooking Training for Guramek Fish Dishes to the Extra-Curricular Group of Food Catering Students at Permai Pluit High School Jakarta. Cooking is an art to process raw materials into a ready eat the dish with proper cooking methods. To be able to cook well and properly, people need training the right way. Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality and Tourism carry out community service cooking training activities aimed at the cooking club at Permai Senior High School Pluit Jakarta. The purpose of this community service is to share cooking skill and knowledge with the member of the cooking club at Permai High School Pluit Jakarta since they need assistance to improve their cooking and food presentation skill. A pre-test was conducted before the training to find out the basic skill and knowledge of cooking especially gurame fish; the ending of community service activities was carried out in the post-test to determine the effectiveness of the gurame cooking training that had done. Cooking training activities to the member of the cooking class Permai High School Students has a positive influence because the cooking club member became more skillfully and understand in processing gurame into various Nusantara Recipes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 484
Abdul Bashith ◽  
Ali Nashith ◽  
Saiful Amin

Kelurahan Tunggulwulung merupakan salah daerah di Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang yang memiliki potensi daerah berupa kesenian budaya tradisional. Hal ini dapat menjadikan Kelurahan Tunggulwulung sebagai daerah yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kampung wisata budaya di Kota Malang. Perlu adanya pemberdayaan masyarakat Tunggulwulung melalui pelatihan tembang macapat. Melalui program kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, diharapkan menjadi salah satu program yang tepat dalam membantu masyarakat Tunggulwulung meningkatkan potensi daerah sebagai Kampung Budaya Tunggulwulung Yang Berbhineka Tunggal Ika yang dikenal masyarakat luas, baik nasional maupun internasional. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui perencanaan pelatihan tembang macapat; (2) terealisasikan pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan tembang macapat; (3) menumbuhkan kesadaran dari hasil kegiatan pelatihan tembang macapat; dan (4) mengetahui hambatan-hambatan kegiatan pelatihan tembang macapat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Partisipatory Action Research (PAR) dengan tahapan: Plan (Perencanaan), Action (Tindakan), Observe (Pengamatan), dan Reflect (Refleksi). Hasil pengabdian berbasis riset ini, yaitu (1) penyusunan materi kegiatan pelatihan tembang macapat pada tahap perencanaan; (2) pelaksanaan latihan tembang macapat bertempat di Sekolah Budaya Tunggulwulung; (3) kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap Kelurahan Tunggulwulung dalam mendukung terciptanya kampung budaya; dan (4) hambatan pada pelatihan tembang macapat: a) sulit menemukan waktu dalam latihan,b) peserta pelatihan dari kalangan tertentu saja, dan c) warga Kelurahan Tunggulwulung tidak semua warga berasal dari Jawa, sehingga enggan mengikuti pelatihan. Tembang Macapat: Motivator of Tunggulwulung VillageTowards the Malang City Cultural Tourism Village ABSTRACT Tunggulwulung Village is one of the areas in Lowokwaru District, Malang City which has regional potential in the form of traditional cultural arts. This can make Tunggulwulung Village an area that has the potential to be developed into a cultural tourism village in Malang. The need for community empowerment in Tunggulwulung through macapat song training. Through the community service program at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, it is expected to be one of the right programs to help the people of Tunggulwulung improve the potential of the region as the Diverse Single Cultural Community of Tunggulwulung, known to the wider community, both nationally and internationally. This community service activity aims to: (1) know the planning of a macapat song training; (2) the implementation of macapat song training activities is realized; (3) raising awareness of the results of macapat song training activities; and (4) know the obstacles of macapat song training activities. This research uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method with stages: Plan, Action, Observe, and Reflect. The results of this research-based service, namely (1) the preparation of material for macapat song training activities at the planning stage; (2) the macapat song training exercise takes place at the Tunggulwulung Cultural School; (3) this training activity can contribute to the Tunggulwulung Village in supporting the creation of a cultural village; and (4) barriers to macapat song training: a) it is difficult to find time in training, b) only certain participants, and c) not all residents of Tunggulwulung Kelurahan are from Java, so they are reluctant to attend training. Keywords: macapat song; Tunggulwulung Village; village of cultural tourism

Hery Wibowo ◽  
Maulana Irfan ◽  
Meilanny Budiarti Santoso

ABSTRAKPandemi covid-19 secara nyata berdampak terhadap kondisi perekonomian masyarakat khususnya bagi para pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk mengatasi perubahan yang terjadi agar mereka tidak sampai menghentikan kegiatan usahanya. Dalam hal pengembangan usaha, beberapa metode dapat dipilih untuk meningkatkan kinerja, antara lain dengan melakukan kegiatan pelatihan, konsultasi, mentoring ataupun business coaching. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode business coaching sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan kinerja usaha yang didasarkan atas komunikasi apresiatif bertujuan serta kerjasama dan rasa saling percaya diantara pembimbing (coach) dengan mitra (coachee). Secara umum tahapan yang dilakukan adalah kegiatan eksplorasi, assessment, plan of treatment dan treatment. Proses coacing dilakukan terhadap sejumlah pelaku usaha yang memiliki jenis usaha berbeda dengan lokasi usaha tersebar di beberapa wilayah. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata - pengabdian pada masyarakat (KKN-PPM) Unpad menunjukkan bahwa dengan dilakukannya business coaching telah muncul kesadaran baru tentang kondisi usaha dan wawasan baru tentang beragam alternatif teknik usaha yang dapat dioptimalkan untuk menambah pasar, menyasar pelanggan yang tepat dan meningkatkan penjualan. ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the economic condition of the community, especially for small and medium business actors, so efforts are needed to cope with the changes that have occurred so that they can maintain their business. In terms of business development, several methods can be chosen to improve performance, among others, by conducting training activities, consulting, mentoring or business coaching. This community service activity is carried out using the business coaching method as an effort to improve business performance based on appreciative communication with the aim of cooperation and mutual trust between the coaches and partners (coachee). In general, the stages carried out are exploration, assessment, plan of treatment and treatment activities. The coacing process is carried out on a number of business actors who have different types of business with business locations scattered in several regions. The results of the implementation of real work lecture activities - community service (KKN-PPM) Unpad show that by carrying out business coaching, new awareness has emerged about business conditions and new insights on various alternative business techniques that can be optimized to increases the market, target the right customers and increase sales.

Hery Wibowo ◽  
Maulana Irfan ◽  
Meilanny Budiarti Santoso

ABSTRAKPandemi covid-19 secara nyata berdampak terhadap kondisi perekonomian masyarakat khususnya bagi para pelaku usaha kecil dan menengah, sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk mengatasi perubahan yang terjadi agar mereka tidak sampai menghentikan kegiatan usahanya. Dalam hal pengembangan usaha, beberapa metode dapat dipilih untuk meningkatkan kinerja, antara lain dengan melakukan kegiatan pelatihan, konsultasi, mentoring ataupun business coaching. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan metode business coaching sebagai salah satu upaya meningkatkan kinerja usaha yang didasarkan atas komunikasi apresiatif bertujuan serta kerjasama dan rasa saling percaya diantara pembimbing (coach) dengan mitra (coachee). Secara umum tahapan yang dilakukan adalah kegiatan eksplorasi, assessment, plan of treatment dan treatment. Proses coacing dilakukan terhadap sejumlah pelaku usaha yang memiliki jenis usaha berbeda dengan lokasi usaha tersebar di beberapa wilayah. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata - pengabdian pada masyarakat (KKN-PPM) Unpad menunjukkan bahwa dengan dilakukannya business coaching telah muncul kesadaran baru tentang kondisi usaha dan wawasan baru tentang beragam alternatif teknik usaha yang dapat dioptimalkan untuk menambah pasar, menyasar pelanggan yang tepat dan meningkatkan penjualan. ABSTRACT The Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on the economic condition of the community, especially for small and medium business actors, so efforts are needed to cope with the changes that have occurred so that they can maintain their business. In terms of business development, several methods can be chosen to improve performance, among others, by conducting training activities, consulting, mentoring or business coaching. This community service activity is carried out using the business coaching method as an effort to improve business performance based on appreciative communication with the aim of cooperation and mutual trust between the coaches and partners (coachee). In general, the stages carried out are exploration, assessment, plan of treatment and treatment activities. The coacing process is carried out on a number of business actors who have different types of business with business locations scattered in several regions. The results of the implementation of real work lecture activities - community service (KKN-PPM) Unpad show that by carrying out business coaching, new awareness has emerged about business conditions and new insights on various alternative business techniques that can be optimized to increases the market, target the right customers and increase sales.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 204
M. Nasrul Kamal ◽  
Dwi Mutia Sari ◽  
Harisnal Hadi ◽  
Syeilendra Syeilendra

AbstrakPengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini dimaksudkan untuk memberi keterampilan cara mendendangkan lagu tradisi Minangkabau (dendang) bagi guru dan siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 04 Nagari Jaho Kecamatan X Koto Kabupaten Tanah Datar. Pelatihan dilakukan menggunakan metode drill dengan pemanfaatan media audiovisual (video dendang Minangkabau) yang ditampilkan lalu pelatih mendemonstasikan secara langsung di depan peserta dan selanjutnya meminta peserta melaksanakan cara-cara yang telah diperagakan tersebut dengan bimbingan intensif pelatih. Hasil yang diharapkan dengan pelatihan ini secara signifikan hendaknya memperlihatkan keterampilan guru dan siswa dalam mendendangkan lagu tradisi Minangkabau sesuai tata cara yang diberikan. Kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dengan membentuk tiga kelompok dibawah bimbingan satu orang pelatih. Berdasarkan penampilan video dan cara-cara yang didemonstrasikan pelatih diharapkan guru dan murid dapat merasakan irama dendang dan melodi dendang dapat dibawakan sesuai tempo dan dinamik yang tepat. Dari hasil pelatihan ini diharapkan guru dapat mengembangkan materi pembelajaran Kertakes dengan memasukkan materi muatan local seperti dendang Minangkabau di kelas.Kata Kunci: pelatihan, dendang, metode drill.AbstractThis Community Service is intended to provide the Minangkabau traditional song (dendang) skills for teachers and students of Nagari Jaho 04 Primary School District X Koto, Tanah Datar District. The training was conducted using the drill method with the use of audiovisual media (Minangkabau dendang video) that was displayed then the trainer demonstrated it directly in front of the participants and then asked the participants to implement the methods that had been demonstrated with the trainer's intensive guidance. Expected results with this training should significantly demonstrate the skills of teachers and students in singing Minangkabau traditional songs according to the procedures given. The training activities were carried out in stages by forming three groups under the guidance of one trainer. Based on the video performance and the methods demonstrated by the trainer, it is expected that teachers and students can feel the rhythm of the drums and the melody of the drums can be performed according to the right tempo and dynamic. From the results of this training it is hoped that the teacher can develop Kertakes learning materials by including local content such as dendang Minangkabau in the classroom.  Keywords: training, dendang, drill method. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-84
Muhammad Bibin ◽  
Ani Ardian ◽  
Adiba Nuwaira Mecca

Commercial feed produced by the factory has a guaranteed quality and quantity. However, the problem is the price of commercial feed produced by factories that are getting more and more expensive and troubling to fish breeders, thus making fish breeders have to look for other alternatives to reduce the cost of feed. Cultivation of maggots or larvae of black soldier fly flies (Hermetia illicens) the right solution to overcome the problem in lieu of high-protein fish feed. Maggot cultivation training activities as an alternative to fish feed are carried out in Carawali Village. The implementation method is done by means of lectures, discussions and practices. The result of this community service activity is the amount of enthusiasm of participants to the training activities by evidenced that the active participants follow the activity from start to finish. In addition, many participants are active in discussion and question and answer sessions. So it can be concluded that the maggot cultivation training in Carawali Village went successfully and smoothly. The continuation of this PKM activity is to train the understanding and attitude of the trainees on the importance of organic waste management for maggot cultivation as an alternative to fish feed.

2019 ◽  
Jurnal Abdimas Pariwisata ◽  
Nonot Yuliantoro

Cooking is an art to process raw materials into ready to eat a dish with a proper cooking methods. To be able to cook well and properly people need training at the right way. Pelita Harapan School of Hospitality and Tourism carry out community service cooking training activities aimed to the cooking club at Permai Senior High School Pluit Jakarta. The purpose of this community service is to share cooking skill and knowledge to the member of cooking club at Permai High School Pluit Jakarta since they need assistance to improve their cooking and food presentation skill. Pre-test was conducted before the training to find out the basic skill and knowledge of cooking especially gurame fish, the ending of community service activities was carried out the post-test to determine the effectiveness of the gurame cooking training that had been done. Cooking training activities to the member of cooking class Permai High School Students has a positive influence because the cooking club member became more skilful and understand in processing gurame into various Nusantara Recipes.

Kartika Yuni Purwanti ◽  
Ela Suryani ◽  
M. Imron Rosyidi

This community service aims to make students able to do health literacy using media likes. The results of this training are that media likes can increase students 'understanding of health literacy by an average of 92.17%, namely students' understanding of health literacy increased by 35.87% (originally 64.13% to 100%), student empowerment in sorting information health increased by 36.74% (originally 46.75% to 83.49%), students' understanding of media likes increased by 56.24% (from 37.52 to 93.76%) and the use of media likes increased by 55.53% (from 35.91 to 91.44%). Media likes contain tips and tricks for doing health literacy, so they can sort out the right information. The results of the health literacy training activities can be said to be successful in the excellent category. Increased knowledge for training participants about health awareness, as well as sorting out health information circulating in the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 887
Windasari Rachmawati ◽  
Abdul Karim ◽  
Vinsensia Retno Widi Wisayang

ABSTRAKPersaingan global memicu adanya ekonomi kreatif yang identik dengan industri kreatif. Untuk peningkatan taraf hidup masyarakat, UMKNjamu jawa asli yang di miliki oleh ibu suminah yang berada di desa pedurungan kidul kecamatan pedurungan kota Semarang, sudah berkecimpung di dalam usaha kecil menengah, tetapi UMKNini belum bisa mengatur keuangan dengan baik. Tim pengabdian masyarakat Universitas Semarang ingin membantu UMKNini di desa pedurungan kidul dengan cara penentuan biaya harga pokok penjualan dan inovasi produk. Dengan melihat peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat akan kesehatan, terutama pada masa pandemik ini, sehingga peningkatan usaha pada UMKNjamu sebagai minuman warisan tradisional nenek moyang semakin dicari masyarakat. Sehingga pendapatan UMKNjamu meningkat, tetapi masih minimnya pengetahuan tentang penentuan harga pokok penjualan membuat UMKNjamu ini masih mencampur aduk dengan kebutuhan pribadi, maka tim pengabdian masyarakat ingin memberikan pelatihan penentuan harga pokok penjualan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan PKM ini meliputi kegiatan pelatihan dan workshop.  Kegiatan  pelatihan  yang  dilakukan  meliputi  1) Penentuan harga pokok penjualan  dan akuntansi dasar 2) penentuan strategi yang tepat. Kegiatan PKM ini meliputi 1) Pra Survei Lapangan 2) Persiapan Alat dan Bahan Pelatihan 3) Persiapan Tempat Pelatihan dan Workshop 4)  Penentuan harga pokok penjualan dan Akuntansi Dasar 5) Penentuan strategi yang tepat dengan pemakaian harga yang sudah ditentukan bagi umk  6) Pembuatan Laporan dan Publikasi. Peran kedua mitra adalah sebagai obyek dan subyek. Sebagai obyek, mitra merupakan sasaran untuk ditangani permasalahannya dalam mengembangkan usaha. Hasilnya UMKNjamu jawa asli semakin bertambah wawasannya tentang penentuan harga pokok penjualan dan diterapkan di pembukuannya. Kata kunci: industri kreatif; penenntuan harga pokok penjualan; jamu jawa   ABSTRACTGlobal competition triggers a creative economy that is identical to the creative industry. To improve people's living standards, MSMEs for indigenous Javanese herbal medicine owned by Mrs. Suminah who are in Pedurungan Kidul village, Pedurungan sub-district, Semarang city, are already involved in small and medium enterprises, but these MSMEs have not been able to manage finances properly. The Semarang University community service team wants to help these SMEs in the village of Pedurungan Kidul by determining the cost of goods sold and product innovation. By looking at the increase in public awareness of health, especially during this pandemic period, so that the increasing number of businesses on herbal medicine as a traditional heritage drink from their ancestors is increasingly sought after by the community. So that the income of herbal medicine MSMEs increases, but the lack of knowledge about determining the cost of goods sold makes these herbal MSMEs still mix up with their personal needs, so the community service team wants to provide training on determining the cost of goods sold. The methods used in this PKM activity include training activities and workshops. The training activities carried out include 1) Determining the cost of goods sold and basic accounting 2) determining the right strategy. This PKM activity includes 1) Pre-Field Survey 2) Preparation of Training Tools and Materials 3) Preparation of Training Places and Workshops 4) Determination of the cost of goods sold and Basic Accounting 5) Determining the right strategy by using prices that have been determined for MSEs 6) Reporting and Publications. The roles of the two partners are as objects and subjects. As objects, partners are targets to deal with problems in developing a business. As a result, indigenous Javanese herbal medicine companies have increased their insight into determining the cost of goods sold and applied it to their books. Keywords: creative industry; determination of cost of goods sold; Javanese herbal medicine

2018 ◽  
pp. 1-34
Andrew Jackson

One scenario put forward by researchers, political commentators and journalists for the collapse of North Korea has been a People’s Power (or popular) rebellion. This paper analyses why no popular rebellion has occurred in the DPRK under Kim Jong Un. It challenges the assumption that popular rebellion would happen because of widespread anger caused by a greater awareness of superior economic conditions outside the DPRK. Using Jack Goldstone’s theoretical expla-nations for the outbreak of popular rebellion, and comparisons with the 1989 Romanian and 2010–11 Tunisian transitions, this paper argues that marketi-zation has led to a loosening of state ideological control and to an influx of infor-mation about conditions in the outside world. However, unlike the Tunisian transitions—in which a new information context shaped by social media, the Al-Jazeera network and an experience of protest helped create a sense of pan-Arab solidarity amongst Tunisians resisting their government—there has been no similar ideology unifying North Koreans against their regime. There is evidence of discontent in market unrest in the DPRK, although protests between 2011 and the present have mostly been in defense of the right of people to support themselves through private trade. North Koreans believe this right has been guaranteed, or at least tacitly condoned, by the Kim Jong Un government. There has not been any large-scale explosion of popular anger because the state has not attempted to crush market activities outright under Kim Jong Un. There are other reasons why no popular rebellion has occurred in the North. Unlike Tunisia, the DPRK lacks a dissident political elite capable of leading an opposition movement, and unlike Romania, the DPRK authorities have shown some flexibility in their anti-dissent strategies, taking a more tolerant approach to protests against economic issues. Reduced levels of violence during periods of unrest and an effective system of information control may have helped restrict the expansion of unrest beyond rural areas.

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