Aulatun Nahdiyatid Diniyah

The main objective of educational institutions is the output of their students. Therefore it requires good student management as well as the role of the principal in running and managing it. This research uses a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The purpose of this research is to describe in real terms the implementation of student management and to know the role of the principal in the management of students at MI Nurul Yaqin Bululawang Malang. Data collection techniques include: observation, interviews and documentation. The research subjects were school principals, student staff, teachers, PPDB committee heads, students and alumni of MI Nurul Yaqin Bululawang Malang. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of student management at MI Nurul Yaqin Bululawang Malang was quite good. This is evidenced by implementing the stages of student management properly even though there are some that have not been implemented. 2) the role of the head of the madrasah in the implementation of student management has been carried out properly in accordance with its role as educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator and motivator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Amelia Haryanti ◽  

The purpose of this research is to find out the role of parents / guardians of learners in helping the character of learners during online learning in the covid-19 pandemic and the obstacles faced by parents during online learning. This research method uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The research subjects used were parents / guardians of learners in Pondok Benda Village, Pamulang District of South Tangerang City. Data collection techniques use observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of the research obtained are as follows: Parents are more trying to foster the character values of learners during online learning, parents provide real examples between subject matter and real examples in everyday life that can be witnessed and felt directly by learners in the environment where they live, while the obstacles faced by parents are the way of delivery in providing understanding of learning materials to learners,  Not as good as teachers in school. To overcome these problems parents create a group with Civic Education teachers to jointly conduct supervision and consultation related to learning materials so that learners are maximal in understanding learning during online learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 109
Desy Ika Ratna Furi ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto

Literacy culture needs to be instilled early on, because it can foster students' interest in reading. Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School is one of the schools implementing a literacy culture program. This study aims to explain the planning, implementation, evaluation of literacy culture programs at SD Muhammadiyah Serut, as well as describing the independence of students in literacy culture at SD Muhammadiyah Serut. This type of research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were school principals, class III teachers and class IV teachers, librarians, class III and IV students taken randomly. The objects in this study are all matters relating to the independence of students in literacy culture in SD Muhammadiyah Serut. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models, while to test the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. The results showed: that literacy program planning is related to the vision, mission and goals of the library, while the literacy culture has been running smoothly. Literacy cultural activities include reading iqra, reading Juz 'Amma, reading activities 15 minutes before the lesson begins, short story activities and bulletin classes. The next stage is the evaluation at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School conducted once a semester, to find out the extent of the literacy culture program. In the independence of students in the culture of literacy at Serut Muhammadiyah Elementary School as students do not read when the teacher does not ask. Then students are not confident when reading the results of their work.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Andi Yusuf Katili ◽  
Nolfi S. Tueno

Bentor is a modification between a rickshaw and a motorcycle which has become a characteristic of public transportation vehicles or modes of transportation for the people of Gorontalo. Bentor can operate from one place to another, it can even take passengers to household stairs, this cannot be done by other public transportation. This advantage makes most Gorontalo people choose it as the main transportation because it operates 24 hours. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis of the implementation of policies on the operation of bentor vehicles as a mode of transportation based on Gorontalo Provincial Regulation No. 6 of 2006. The research method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that (1) Compliance of Bentor riders with traffic regulations is still low, so it is necessary to take action by the relevant authorities; (2) Coordination between officers of the Transportation Service and the Police in carrying out their duties has not been well established, so that violations continue to occur; (3) The supervision of related offices of apparatus in the field in implementing regional regulations is still low, due to the lack of officers who will be assigned as field supervisors.Bentor merupakan modifikasi antara becak dan sepeda motor yang telah menjadi ciri khas kendaraan angkutan umum atau moda transportasi masyarakat Gorontalo. Bentor dapat beroperasi dari suatu tempat ke tempat lain, bahkan dapat mengantar penumpangnya hingga ke tangga rumah, hal ini tidak dapat dilakukan oleh kendaraan umum lainnya. Kelebihan ini yang membuat sebagian besar masyarakat Gorontalo memilihnya menjadi transportasi utama karena beroperasi selama 24 jam. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis mengenai Implementasi Kebijakan Pengaturan Pengoperasian Kendaraan Bentor Sebagai Moda Transportasi Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Gorontalo Nomor 6 Tahun 2006. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Kepatuhan pengendara Bentor terhadap peraturan berlalu lintas masih rendah sehingga perlu dilakukan penindakan oleh aparat terkait; (2) Koordinasi antara petugas Dinas Perhubungan dengan Kepolisian dalam melaksakan tugas belum terjalin dengan baik, sehingga pelanggaran pun terus terjadi; (3) Pengawasan dinas terkait terhadap aparat di lapangan dalam menjalankan peraturan daerah masih rendah, karena minimnya petugas yang akan ditugaskan sebagai pengawas lapangan.

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Jalaluddin Jalaluddin

Diniyah education has been implemented by all educational institutions in Indonesia, starting from the lowest level, namely SD/MI to SMA/MA. Initially this diniyah education was implemented in Islamic boarding schools during the month of Ramadan. The aim is to foster morals, character, and strengthen worship for students during the month of Ramadan. The purpose of this study was to identify the role of diniyah education carried out in the world of education during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research method is a literature study method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the role of diniyah education can be measured through 4 things, namely increasing student religiosity, developing sustainable education and in accordance with the development of the times, being patient with calamities, and increasing husnuzon attitudes in students.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Eartha Beatricia Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This study aims to describe the representation of sex education in the film Dua Garis Biru by director Gina S. Noer. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two-way significance and the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The subjects of this study are Dara and Bima, the object of this study is a sign of sex education represented in scenes, dialogues, and characters in films. Methods of data collection by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of how Dara and Bima, two teenagers, must be responsible for the consequences that they did not think of before due to free sex. This film also illustrates the important role of parents in communicating information about sex to children. The results of this study indicate that there is a picture of sex education in the film Two Blue Lines. It was concluded that the side or form of sex education is displayed in scenes, dialogues, or characters that insert the importance of knowing sex education and knowing the consequences of every action related to sex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan representasi pendidikan seks  dalam Film Dua Garis Biru karya sutradara Gina S. Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dengan signifikan dua arah dan pemaknaan denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dara dan Bima, objek penelitian ini adalah tanda pendidikan seks yang direpresentasikan dalam adegan, dialog, dan karakter dalam film. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Film Dua Garis Biru bercerita tentang bagaimana Dara dan Bima, dua remaja harus bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi yang tidak mereka pikirkan sebelumnya karena melakukan seks pranikah. Film ini juga menggambarkan pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang seks kepada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gambaran tentang pendidikan seks dalam film. Sisi atau bentuk pendidikan seks ditampilkan dalam cuplikan adegan, dialog, atau karakter tokoh yang menyisipkan pentingnya mengenal pendidikan seks dan mengetahui konsekuensi dari setiap perbuatan yang berhubungan dengan seks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Dinda Puspita Dewi ◽  
Rifqi Zaeni Achmad Syam ◽  
Rosiana Nurwa Indah

This study is to determine the implementation of preservation activities in the Ajip Rosidi Library in terms of how to save the value of information, how to save the physical form of Sundanese literature collections that are owned, and the obstacles faced in implementing the preservation of Sundanese literature collections. The method used in this research is descriptive research method. with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews and documentation study. There are two informants in this study. The results show that in order to save the value of the collection information, the library has converted the 200-year-old Sundanese Literature collection into microfilm or microfish which later, due to technological developments, was converted into CDs and hard drives. In saving the physical form of the collection, librarians carry out activities of mending, binding, giving silica gell, cleaning manually, and making policies in the form of library regulations. As for the obstacles experienced during the implementation of preservation of Sundanese Literature collection, namely related to human resource factors, funding factors, and environmental factors.Keywords: preservation; sundanese literature collection; ajip rosidi libraryABSTRAKPenelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kegiatan pelestarian di Perpustakaan Ajip Rosidi dilihat dari cara menyelamatkan nilai informasi, cara menyelamatkan bentuk fisik koleksi sastra sunda yang dimiliki, dan hambatan yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan pelestarian koleksi sastra sunda.. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara observasi, wawancara serta studi dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah dua orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam menyelamatkan nilai informasi koleksi, maka perpustakaan mengalih bentukkan koleksi Sastra Sunda yang memiliki umur 200 tahun kedalam bentuk microfilm atau microfish yang kemudian karena perkembangan teknologi diubah dalam bentuk CD dan hardisk. Dalam menyelamatkan bentu fisik koleksi, maka pustakawan melakukan kegiatan mending, penjilidan, pemberian silica gell, membersihkan secara manual, dan membuat kebijakkan berupa peraturan perpustakaan. Adapun hambatan yang dialami pada saat pelaksanaan pelestarian koleksi Sastra Sunda, yaitu berkaitan dengan faktor sumber daya manusia, faktor pendanaan, dan faktor lingkungan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-77
Indra Slamet Gumelar

The title of this research is "The Role of the Health Office in Tackling Child Malnutrition in Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency". The problem in this research is not yet optimal implementation of the Health Office in Overcoming Malnutrition in Children in Ngamprah District, West Bandung Regency. The research method that researchers use is descriptive research methods with a qualitative approach. The technique of determining the informants used was purposive sampling technique. The results showed that in carrying out its duties and functions, the health office, the Health Office had implemented a sufficiently optimal role seen from the six indicators of success in overcoming malnutrition, namely: All Posyandu carry out weighing operations at least once a month All toddlers are weighed, All cases of malnutrition are referred to the Puskemas Nursing or Home Sick, all cases of malnutrition are treated at the health center. Nursing or hospitalization is handled according to the management of malnutrition. All post-treatment malnourished toddlers receive assistance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-179
Ahmad Saefudin ◽  
Al Fatihah Al Fatihah

This study aims to elaborate the strengthening of Islamic moderateism through Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education. The researcher describes the behavior of Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah character education practiced by Islamic educational institutions as a basis for strengthening religious moderatism. The role of Islamic education institutions in applying moderate Islamic understanding in this disruption era is necessary. Because, students are faced with conditions of changing the order of values ​​and traditions that are very fast and unexpected. Through a descriptive-qualitative approach, data collection is done by interview, observation, and documentation. Through the frame of character education theory, the data analyzed using the stages of reduction, presentation, and drawing conclusions. Apparently, Aswaja An-Nahdliyyah's character education at MTs. Miftahul Huda Bulungan Pakis Aji Jepara was developed through teaching the value of tawassuth, tawazun, tasamuh and i'tidal. The implementation as culture of madrasa, such as the obligation to pray before starting the lesson, orderly running pickets, praying dzuhur in congregation, wearing school uniforms, preserving ancestral culture, familiarizing greetings, sympathetic care routinely for yatama and dhuafa, maintaining the cleanliness of the madrasa environment, and a ban on littering the classroom walls. The limitation of this study has specific scope. That is the focus on strengthening religious moderateism in Islamic educational institutions which are under the shelter of the LP. Maarif NU Jepara Regency. There are still gaps for other researchers to conduct development research outside of that scope.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 256-269
Yuliana Yuliana ◽  
Margono Margono ◽  
Edi Suhartono

This study aims to describe the values of the Tandhang dance, explain the role of the Tarara Studio, obstacles, and solutions to obstacles in the preservation of the Tandhang dance in Bangkalan Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of descriptive research. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis used interactive analysis by Miles and Huberman. Tandhang dance has good values which are used as life guidelines for the Madurese, the role of the Tarara Studio is very good in preserving the Tandhang dance with training and staging, the obstacles faced are, delays, differences in ability, laziness, outside culture, differences in public opinion. The solutions taken were reminding, dividing groups, motivating oneself, attracting interest, and accepting differences of opinion. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai tari Tandhang, menjelaskan peranan Sanggar Tarara, hambatan, dan solusi dari hambatan dalam pelestarian tari Tandhang di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Kajian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan analisis interaktif milik Miles dan Huberman. Tari Tandhang memiliki nilai-nilai baik yang dijadikan sebagai pedoman hidup orang Madura, peranan Sanggar Tarara sangat baik dalam pelestarian tari Tandhang dengan pelatihan dan pementasan, hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu, keterlambatan, perbedaan kemanpuan, malas, budaya luar, perbedaan pendapat masyarakat. Solusi yang diambil yaitu, mengingatkan, membagi kelompok, memotivasi diri, menarik minat, dan menerima perbedaan pendapat.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Mohammad Rasikhul Islam

The competency of the teacher can contribute or increase learning achievement can be an active example of inofative criminative and have high integration in school. The purpose of this research is to know the role of the PAI master competence in enhancing student learning achievement.  This research uses the method of decriptif with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observations, interviews and documentation studies. Research subjects are the principals and teachers of PAI. The results of the study showed: (1). Pedagogic competence, (2). Personality Competencies (3). Social competence and (4). Professional competence.

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