scholarly journals Pemilihan Warga Penerima Bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) dan User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 379
Pujianto Pujianto ◽  
Mujito Mujito ◽  
Danang Prabowo ◽  
Basuki Hari Prasetyo

PKH (Hope Family Program) is a government assistance program to help people experiencing poverty problems this program is an aid from the ministry of social affairs in order to reduce social inequality among poor groups. so it is hoped that in the long run it can break the relationship of poverty between generations. so that the next generation can come out of the abyss of poverty due to the increasing quality of human resources produced. The aspects used are health aspects, educational aspects and aspects of social welfare.  The selection of citizens who are not objective recipients of the PKH Program makes it a problem. Many protested against the village's devices in determining which residents were entitled to assistance and sometimes acts of vandalism. so that in this study want to help village devices in selecting citizens who are entitled to receive assistance using the system. The methods used are Simple Additive Weighting (SAW), and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is used to test the feasibility of the application. A sample of 10 residents who were recommended to receive PKH assistance obtained the results that Mr. Anwar who ranked first for assistance with a score of 80.5 And for the testing UAT earned an average value of 87%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 1226
Maslan Maslan

Teachers play a very important role in improving the quality of education. Therefore, professional teachers are required to always improve their competence, one of them is social competence. Learning will not run well and effectively if the teacher is not able to develop social competence. The purpose of this study is to describe and find out the relationship of teacher social competence in inculcating student character education. This research was carried out at SD Negeri 014 Pulau Rengas. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive. Methods of data collection using questionnaires, interviews, field notes. The results showed that the social competence of teachers obtained an average score of 90% in the excellent category and the assessment of students' character education planting had an average value of 85% in the very good category. The results of the study prove the teacher's social competence is very important in instilling character education in elementary school students 014 Pulau Rengas

Agustina Simangunsong ◽  
Rita Hamdani

The success of the government is determined by essential aspects of the village and has increased every day and has changed into a town that has independence in carrying out activities and survival by each of its residents, to support and improve the quality of government villages which motivate for villages to compete to become the best village through a series of costs to improve the quality of the town. The process of determining the best village starts from the sub-district. The winner will be smart at the city district level up to the national level, in the process of determining the best town according to government regulations in sending villages with five aspects and each aspect that has specified specifications and through validation from the government In the process of the government in the form of a committee conducting visits and conducting assessments based on the completeness of the data with the team for each aspect and giving to the committee based on individual orders, the value submitted will do the calculation by determining the final cost of the process of finding an average value -average overall and do the division of the total aspects. To assist the procedure in choosing the best village, the researcher wants to develop an online decision support system application with features that will be equipped in the developed application by uploading documents according to conditions in the field and documentation carried out by the team towards the village, so that the order process is open. It can be witnessed by all concerned, while in the Calculation and analysis Process using the OWA (ORDERED WEIGHTED AVERAGE) combination operator to determine the average value calculation and the SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) Method as part of the ranking of several existing villages

Many young children with ASD have difficulty learning the language spoken. Some kids can use just single words while others can create sounds. Someone else couldn't talk at all. Communication is a vital skill in life that contributes to improved interactions and quality of life. Researchers think it's difficult for all young children who have communication impairments to generate and maintain a mental representation in conjunction with the instant fact, that building capabilities are critical. A child with ASD can be taught to interact in numerous distinct ways. For example, a child can study to use the sign language, exchange objects or images and use a voice output electronic device. All these methods of communication are efficient and useful, but we would also like to teach the child to interact with the language spoken. The questionnaire has been distributed to the target user who is a special education teachers from PEMATA for user acceptance testing. Each respondent runs individual tests after the developer provides a brief explanation of the application. They need to scan and test the augmented reality applications on recipe book.

Techno Com ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 227-236
Ervina Bungas Serelia ◽  
Maksum Ro'is Adin Saf

SMAN Dharma Pendidikan merupakan lembaga yang bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan. Setiap tahun rutin melakukan penentuan peminatann siswa SMA sesuai dengan kriteria yang digunakan. Masalah yang dihadapi oleh SMAN Dharma Pendidkan yaitu proses penentuan peminatan belum memiliki panduan baku dan memiliki subjektifitas yang tinggi. Selain diberatkan dengan adanya penentuan peminatan, siswa juga mengalami kebingungan dalam menentukan lintas minat. Dari permasalahan tersebut diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat membantu proses penentuan peminatan siswa. Proyek akhir ini menyajikan sebuah Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) yang dirancang dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) yaitu perhitungan yang melibatkan nilai bobot dari setiap kriteria. Kriteria yang digunakan pada penentuan peminatan yaitu nilai rata-rata SKHU, nilai tes peminatan, nilai rapor IPA, nilai rapor IPS, rekomendasi orang tua IPA, rekomendasi orang tua IPS. Sedangkan kriteria yang digunakan untuk penentuan lintas minat yaitu kemampuan siswa, minat siswa, rekomendasi orang tua, rekomendasi guru. Sistem ini dibangun menggunakan Pearl Hypertext Processor (PHP) sebagai bahasa pemrogramannya dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengujian ini adalah blackbox, confusion matrix, user acceptance testing(UAT), dan akurasi perhitungan manual dan sistem metode SAW. Ada 3 teknik black box testing yang diterapkan yaitu equivalence class partitioning, boundary value analysis dan decision table based testing. Berdasarkan pengujian confusion matrix terhadap metode SAW, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketepatan klasifikasi sebesar 96.92%, ketepatan prediksi sebesar 96.87%, serta tingkat kesalahan sebesar 7.46%. Berdasarkan pengujian UAT dapat disimpulkan bahwa dapat diterima dengan baik. Selain itu, berdasarkna pengujian akurasi perhitungan sistem dan manual dapat dianalisa hasil dari sistem yang telah dibangun sudah sama dengan perhitungan manual dengan tingkat akurasi 100%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 84
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah ◽  
Habibi Habibi ◽  
Dwi Sakethi ◽  
Anie Rose Irawati

<p><em>The quality of students is one measure of the success of an education system. Qualified students must be supported by many factors, especially support from those closest to them who can increase student morale. Parents / guardians are among the people closest to the students. Parents / guardians should be able to monitor their children's lecture activities, so that the parents / guardians are able to provide appropriate direction and enthusiasm for their children. However, currently there is no special media that provides access to detailed lecture data, so that many students cover their lecture activities which will have an impact on the quality of the students themselves. Therefore, this study develops SIMIPA parent modules as a solution to these problems. SIMIPA Parent Module is an Android-based application as a medium for monitoring student lecture activities by parents. This application provides access to student lecture information that can be seen through the parents' account. This application development uses the Scrum method. Application testing in this study uses user acceptance testing (UAT). The Parent Module SIMIPA application is already in the category of being accepted by prospective users with an average score of 4.12 (satisfactory).</em></p><p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em>: education, scrum, SIMIPA Parent Module, user acceptance testing (UAT)</em> </p><p><em>Kualitas mahasiswa merupakan salah satu tolak ukur suksesnya suatu sistem pendidikan. Mahasiswa yang berkualitas harus didukung oleh banyak faktor, terutama dukungan dari orang-orang terdekat yang dapat meningkatkan semangat mahasiswa. Orang tua/wali merupakan salah satu orang yang paling dekat dengan mahasiswa. Seharusnya orang tua/wali dapat memantau kegiatan perkuliahan anaknya, sehingga orang tua/wali tersebut mampu memberikan arahan yang sesuai dan semangat terhadap anaknya. Namun, saat ini tidak ada media khusus yang menyediakan akses data perkuliahan secara detail, sehingga banyak mahasiswa yang menutupi kegiatan perkuliahannya yang akan berdampak pada kualitas mahasiswa itu sendiri. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini mengembangkan SIMIPA modul orang tua sebagai solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut. SIMIPA Modul Orang Tua merupakan aplikasi berbasis Android sebagai media pemantauan kegiatan perkuliahan mahasiswa oleh orang tua. Aplikasi ini memberikan akses informasi perkuliahan mahasiswa yang dapat dilihat melalui akun orang tua. Pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan metode scrum. Pengujian aplikasi dalam penelitian ini menggunakan user acceptance testing (UAT). Aplikasi SIMIPA Modul Orang Tua sudah masuk kategori diterima oleh calon pengguna dengan score rata-rata 4.12 (memuaskan).</em></p><p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong>: <em>pendidikan, scrum, SIMIPA Modul Orang Tua, user acceptance testing (UAT)</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-156
Siti Nurlela ◽  
Tuti Kurniawati ◽  
Siti Masturoh ◽  
Widiastuti Widiastuti ◽  
Ade Suryadi

Waru Village is one of the villages in the Bogor Regency area. However, the selection of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village is still subjective/qualitative so that the process of receiving the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village is not accurate and has not been on target. This makes the need for a method that can manage data on recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) and produce a ranking from the calculation of weight for the selection of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH). In making decisions about recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH), there is a Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method that can be used in quantitative problem-solving. With the SAW method, each criterion is compared with one another to provide results of recipients of the Hope Family Program (PKH) and provide an assessment of each recipient (alternative) of the Hope Family Program (PKH) in Waru Village. This study aims to determine the recipients of the PKH assistance program so that it can produce a decision on recipients of PKH assistance that the government distributes to the Waru village accurately on target.

1996 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 1139-1144
W E Bloembergen ◽  
F K Port ◽  
E A Mauger ◽  
J P Briggs ◽  
A B Leichtman

Renal transplantation is the most successful treatment strategy for patients with ESRD to improve survival and quality of life. The study presented here examines the relationship of gender and living related (LR) transplantation donor and recipient rates in the United States. National data from the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) were used for this study. All LR transplants occurring between 1991 and 1993 among blacks and whites were included (N = 6193). Transplantation and donation rates for men and women were calculated. Poisson regression was used to calculate female/male transplantation and donation rate ratios. Overall, women were 10% less likely to receive a LR transplant than men (rate ratio [RR] = 0.90, P < 0.001). This gender difference increased over time from 1991 (Female/Male RR = 0.95, P = not significant [NS]) to 1993 (RR = 0.85, P < 0.001). In contrast, women were significantly more likely to donate a kidney than men (RR = 1.28, P < 0.001 and RR = 1.29, P < 0.001 among whites and blacks, respectively). Analyses by age subgroups revealed that only among ESRD patients aged 20 to 44 yr was the likelihood of receiving a LR kidney transplant equal for men and women. Higher donation rates among women compared with men were observed in all donor age and race subgroups except young blacks (aged 0 to 19 yr). Recipient gender appeared to influence donation rates. The female-to-male relative donation rates were higher when donations were to female, compared with male, recipients. This study of national data suggests an imbalance in LR donation and transplantation between men and women. Women are more likely to donate a kidney but are less likely to receive a LR transplant than men. Several potential explanatory factors are explored. These findings suggest a need for the development of gender-appropriate interventions to encourage donation among men and LR transplantation among women, to ultimately facilitate greater use of this ESRD treatment modality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 655 ◽  
Laurentinus Laurentinus ◽  
Sobirin Rinaldi

<p>Dalam menunjang pendidikan yang semakin luas di era globalisasi ini, perguruan tinggi diwajibkan memiliki dosen pengajar yang berkompeten dan memiliki sertifikasi dosen, namun sayangnya belum adanya tolak ukur penilaian kinerja dosen apakah telah memenuhi standar pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang dan mengembangkan sistem pendukung keputusan dalam  menilai kinerja dosen menggunakan metode <em>Analytical Hierarchy Process</em> (AHP) dan <em>Simple Additive Weighting</em>. Untuk menentukan kriteria dibutuhkan penghitungan menggunakan metode AHP (<em>Analytical Hierarchy Process</em>) dalam melakukan pembobotan kriteria dan subkriteria, bobot dari setiap kriteria menjadi tolak ukur untuk melakukan perangkingan alternatif dengan menggunakan metode SAW (<em>Simple Additive Weighting)</em>. Kriteria yang digunakan yaitu : Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (C1), Penelitian (C2), Pengabdian (C3), dan Pedagogik (C4) yang diperoleh dari Ristekdikti. Terdapat 34 Subkriteria dari total 4 kriteria untuk mengoptimalkan penilaian yang diperoleh dari Ristekdikti dan STMIK Atma Luhur sehingga lebih akurat dan objektif. Perancangan sistem bertujuan untuk memberikan penghargaan terhadap kinerja dosen sesuai UU No 14 tahun 2005 yaitu memberikan penghargaan maupun promosi kenaikan jabatan sesuai dengan kinerja akademik dosen. Pengujian <em>User Acceptance</em> terdiri dari 6 variabel dengan rincian 10 pertanyaan mengenai <em>effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, supporting  facilitating, use behavior</em> dan <em>behavioral intention</em> dengan rata-rata indeks persetujuan dari responden sebesar 80.21%.</p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em><em>In support of education, which grew rapidly in this era of globalization, higher education lecturers are required to have a competent and certified teachers,</em></em><em>but do not yet have a benchmark for assessing the performance of lecturers whether they are in accordance with educational standards.</em><em> The purpose of this research is to design and develop a decision support system in assessing the performance of lecturers using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and Simple Additive Weighting.</em><em>To determine the criteria, it is required  using  AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method in  weighting criteria and subcriteria for each measurement can be more accurately, the value of each criteria to calculate the ranking use Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method of several alternatives. The criteria are: Education and Learning (C1), Research (C2), Dedication (C3), and Pedagogik (C4) obtained from Ristekdikti. <em>There are 34 Sub-criteria of a total of 4 criteria to optimize the assessment obtained from Ristekdikti and STMIK Atma Luhur to be more accurate and objective.</em><em>The design of the system aims to give an award to the performance of lecturers in accordance with UU No. 14  2005 in giving awards and promotion in accordance with the academic performance of lecturers.</em><em>User Acceptance testing consists of 6 variables, 10 questions about effort expectancy, performance expectancy, social influence, supporting facilitating, </em><em>use behavior and behavioral intention with an average index of approval from respondents equal to 80.21%.</em></em></p>

M Mesran ◽  
Nelly Khairani Daulay

Lecturers are resources owned by the University. One of the efforts to improve the quality of lecturers is by giving appreciation in the form of rewards or awards to the best lecturers or lecturers who excel. However, to be able to provide these rewards, of course there are several assessments that will be given to lecturers. The problem is how to give the assessment so that the lecturer is declared worthy to receive a reward or award. There is a decision support system or abbreviated as DSS where in the system there are several methods that can be used to provide an assessment of course with the determined assessment criteria. In this research, the method used is the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) with several criteria into consideration. The results showed that alternative A3 and A2 were selected as outstanding young lecturers.

Ketut Adi Ardipa Sutrisna . ◽  
I Ketut Resika Arthana, S.T.,M.Kom. . ◽  
I Made Agus Wirawan, S.Kom., M.Cs. .

Seleksi atlet merupakan tahapan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan atlet terbaik. Untuk itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengembangkan sebuah sistem pendukung keputusan pemilihan atlet kabupaten buleleng dengan metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting). 2) Mengetahui respon pengguna terhadap sistem. Pengembangan sistem ini adalah untuk membantu KONI kabupaten buleleng dalam pemilihan atlet terbaik untuk setiap cabang olah raga. Pengembangan Sistem ini menggunakan model ADDIE. Ada lima tahap dalam model ADDIE yaitu Analisis (Analyze), Desain (Design), Pengembangan (Development), Implementasi (Implementation), dan Evaluasi (Evaluation). Metode penyelesaian yang digunakan adalah metode SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) dengan konsep mencari penjumlahan ter bobot dari tiap alternatif terhadap tiap kriteria yang digunakan. Kriteria yang digunakan pada studykasus sistem adalah 17 kriteria penilaian dan 26 atlet pada cabang olahraga kempo. Pengembangan Sistem sudah dapat dikatakan berhasil berdasarkan hasil uji Whitebox dan uji Blackbox. Pengembangan sistem mendapat respons positif dari responden berdasarkan uji User Acceptance Testing (UAT), system usability scale, dan uji respon pengguna. Hasil uji UAT menyatakan bahwa sistem yang diujikan berhasil. Hasil analisis uji system usability scale dari 10 orang responden masuk dalam kriteria sangat baik(A). Hasil uji respons pengguna dari 10 orang responden yaitu masuk dalam kriteria sangat baik dimana sistem di terima dengan sangat baik oleh pengguna dalam hal ini KONI kabupaten Buleleng.Kata Kunci : ADDIE, SAW, Seleksi Atlet, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan, WEB The selection of athletes is a very important stage in determining the best athletes. Therefore, this research aims to: 1) develop a decision support system for the selection of bulletin athletes with SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) method. 2) Know the user's response to the system. The development of this system is to help KONI district buleleng in the selection of the best athletes for every sport. Development of this system using ADDIE model. There are five stages in the ADDIE model: Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The method of settlement used is the method of SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) with the concept of searching the weighted sum of each alternative to each criterion used. The criteria used in the system study are 17 assessment criteria and 26 athletes in kempo. System development can already be said to be successful based on Whitebox test results and Blackbox test. System development got positive response from respondent based on User Acceptance Testing (UAT) test, usability scale system, and user response test. The UAT test results state that the tested system is successful. The result of system usability scale test analysis from 10 respondents included in criteria is very good (A). The results of user response test of 10 respondents is included in the criteria very well where the system is received very well by the user in this case KONI district Buleleng. keyword : ADDIE, Decision Support System , WEB, SAW, Seleksi Atlet

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