Experience of using 1С cloud services and technologies to organize the learning process in the IT directions of training

T. V. Omelchenko ◽  
P. N. Omelchenko

The article discusses the organizational and methodological aspects of the use of 1С cloud services and technologies in the educational process or students of IT directions of training. The use of 1C cloud services allows you to gain knowledge, skills and abilities associated with the use of typical configurations (1C:Accounting, 1C:Trade Management, 1С:Payroll & HR Management, etc.). At the same time, the use of 1C services provides many advantages related to the convenience of work, the availability of up-to-date versions of programs and teaching materials, as well as the wide capabilities of organizing the educational process.The use of cloud services and technologies in industrial, research, engineering, educational and other activities leads to an increase in the efficiency of using computing resources, reducing the cost of purchasing licensed software and maintaining virtual infrastructure. The article substantiates that the study of the capabilities of 1C cloud services and technologies is of particular importance for students, since in the context of the digitalization of the Russian economy, the labor market requires specialists who have the skills to work with the 1C:Enterprise system in user mode, as well as have knowledge of development of own applied solutions.The experience of organizing training for students of the Orenburg State University in the framework of the formation of professional competencies of students in the directions of training bachelors “Applied informatics” (profile “Applied informatics in economics”) and “Business informatics” (profile “Information systems in economics”) using the service 1C:Enterprise via the Internet for educational institutions is described in the article. The use of 1C cloud services allows to increase the cognitive interest in disciplines, improve the academic performance of students and ensure the convenience of working in both full-time and distance learning formats.

V. P. Kochyn ◽  
A. V. Zherelo

The article discusses current issues of virtualization of the network infrastructure of educational institutions. A new approach to creating a cloud virtualization environment for the network infrastructure of educational institution has been proposed. It is based on the joint use of virtualization technologies and software-defined networks. Virtual network infrastructure is a combination of technologies and architectural solutions. It provides users with mobility during an ongoing educational process, secures access to cloud information resources of the wireless virtual network of an educational institution and centralized Internet access control. A prototype of the virtual network infrastructure of the Belarusian State University has been built. The prototype implements a model that includes virtual network segments (subnets), with which services are provided to end users, and virtual segments that provide presentation of service functions. Virtualization technologies and software-defined networks allow to unify the process of creating network infrastructure, to scale the resources provided on demand with minimal organizational and technical costs, and to adapt the virtual infrastructure to the requirements of a particular educational institution. The proposed model using virtual network segments has been implemented in the data processing center of the Belarusian State University. To create a cloud environment, the solution based on OpenStack was chosen. The basis of the virtualization environment is cloud services, which provide the implementation of the functionality of a virtual network infrastructure.

Shailendra Singh ◽  
Sunita Gond

As this is the age of technology and every day we are receiving the news about growing popularity of internet and its applications. Cloud computing is an emerging paradigm of today that is rapidly accepted by the industry/organizations/educational institutions etc. for various applications and purpose. As computing is related to distributed and parallel computing which are from a very long time in the market, but today is the world of cloud computing that reduces the cost of computing by focusing on personal computing to data center computing. Cloud computing architecture and standard provide a unique way for delivering computation services to cloud users. It is having a simple API (Application Platform Interface) to users for accessing storage, platform and hardware by paying-as-per-use basis. Services provided by cloud computing is as same as other utility oriented services like electricity bill, water, telephone etc. over shared network. There are many cloud services providers in the market for providing services like Google, Microsoft, Manjrasoft Aneka, etc.

10.12737/786 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-41 ◽  
Малаховская ◽  
V. Malakhovskaya

The analysis of the main trends related to descriptive geometry teaching methods in Belarusian engineering education system has been performed in this paper. The traditional structure has been characterized, from whence the need for adjustment the «Descriptive Geometry» section content of «Engineering Graphics» course in accordance with evolving the computer assisted design systems’ trends has been revealed. The organizational and methodological aspects related to descriptive geometry teaching on mechanical engineering faculties with regard to geometric computer simulation as modern design direction have been considered. The curricula change questions are proved, and also the actions for «Descriptive geometry» section teaching technique improvement are offered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6 (344)) ◽  
pp. 119-133
Marianna Shvardak ◽  

It was found that systematic monitoring of the quality of education is necessary for effective management, informed decision-making, comparison and adequate assessment of the state of professional training. This task is successfully implemented through SWOT-analysis, which identifies strengths and weaknesses, potential opportunities and potential threats, establishing relationships between them, which can be further used to form quality management strategies for the training of future heads of educational institutions. A SWOT-analysis of the system of training future leaders (managers in the education system) was conducted and a matrix was developed on the example of Mukachevo State University. This made it possible to systematize information about internal and external factors that affect the quality of the educational process. Its results allowed to determine the competitive advantages of professional training, to form strategic priorities (ways) and to get a clear algorithm of further actions. In particular: periodically review educational programs, permanently monitor the market of educational services and resources of Mukachevo State University, systematically take measures to ensure the quality of educational services under the master's educational program «Educational Pedagogical Sciences: Management of Educational Institutions». At the same time, the analysis of the research results showed that the management of the quality of training of the future head of an educational institution depends on setting standards, updating educational programs, highly qualified staff, quality organization of the educational process and effective management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 62-66
Sergey S. Zhdanov

The paper deals with flexibility of the content of the educational subject “Business Communication” that is determined by existence/absence of related communicative subjects in educational programmes at higher educational institutions. The author stresses importance of the subject by teaching specialists able to communication within their professional activities. In addition, specific proposal is made to modernize the content of the subject “Russian Language for Business Communication” in the frame of the educational process at the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies.

2020 ◽  
pp. 42-47
Polishchuk I.Ye.

Першорядною задачею освіти є формування мислення як самоцілі, що створює для особистості мож-ливості задля здійснення керованого впливу на соціальні явища та процеси, використовуючи сучасні знання та новітні технології. Здатність людини успішно соціалізуватися не можлива без інтелектуаліза-ції, яка має досягатися в освітньому процесі.Автором статті була розроблена анкета та проведене опитування магістрантів І року денної фор-ми навчання Херсонського державного університету (опитано 187 осіб, 44% від загальної чисельності в 2019–2020 навчальному році). Більшість здобувачів продовжує навчання за напрямом підготовки бака-лавріату. Однак опитування засвідчило, що основні теми дисципліни «Основи наукових досліджень» були засвоєні не досить глибоко з причини малої кількості аудиторних занять. Для багатьох магістрантів незрозумілим виявилося співвідношення філософських підходів, загальнонаукових та конкретно-нау-кових методів, а також зміст новітніх методологічних принципів та підходів. Більшість здобувачів не змогла відповісти на питання щодо наукових результатів, які вони отримували завдяки використанню зазначених ними методів. Це свідчить про недостатній зв’язок методології як теорії та наукової прак-тики. Було також виявлено, що більшість магістрантів не пов’язує майбутню професійну діяльність із науковими дослідженнями. Ця обставина зобов’язує викладачів посилити відповідальність за форму-вання гідного відношення здобувачів вищої освіти до науки як соціального і професійного інституту та теоретичного мислення як основи будь-якої високопрофесійної діяльності.Слід знайти оптимальне колегіальне рішення (у кожному університеті ексклюзивне) стосовно під-вищення в навчальних програмах різних напрямів освіти «питомої ваги» методологічного складника, а також сучасних форм підвищення методологічної підготовки викладачів теоретичних дисциплін. The primary task of education is the formation of thinking as an end in itself which creates opportunities for individuals to exert significant influence on social phenomena and processes using modern knowledge and the latest technologies. The ability of a person to successfully socialize is unthinkable without intellectualization which must be achieved in the educational process.The author of the article developed a questionnaire and conducted a survey of the first-year full-time postgraduates (master’s degrees) at Kherson State University (187 people were interviewed, which is 44% of the total amount in the 2019–2020 academic year). Most degree-seeking students continue their studies in the bachelor’s degree program. However, the survey showed that the main topics of the course “Fundamentals of Scientific Knowledge”, which was studied for bachelor’s degree programmes, are not sufficiently captured due to the small amount of class hours. For many postgraduates (master’s degrees) the relationship between the philosophical approaches themselves, general scientific and special scientific methods, as well as the content of the latest methodological principles, turned out to be incomprehensible. It is a matter of concern that many degree-seeking students were not able to answer the question about the results they obtained in scientific work through the use of the methods they specified. This indicates a lack of connection between methodological theory and scientific practice in the educational process. It was also found that the majority of postgraduates (master’s degrees) do not associate their future professional activities with scientific research. This circumstance obliges teachers to strengthen their responsibility for forming a decent attitude of degree-seeking students to science as a social and professional institution, as well as to theoretical thought as the basis of any highly professional activity.It is necessary to find an optimal collegial solution (exclusive at each university) to increase the “specific weight” of the methodological component in the curriculum documents of different branches of education, as well as regarding modern forms of improving the level of methodological competences of teachers of various theoretical disciplines.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Tatyana Vedernikova ◽  
Aleksei Rodionov ◽  
Vasily Bludov ◽  
Darya Pichkur

The subsystem of recording current academic performance, which allows to quickly obtain detailed information about the current academic performance of students and make management decisions on adjusting the educational process in terms of Baikal State University. It describes in detail the requirements for functionality and quality, the choice of means of implementing the subsystem, presents an algorithm for calculating students' current academic performance indicators, substantiates the choice of a two-level architecture (client-server). A database has been developed that has a connection with other subsystems of the universitys information system. The user interface is implemented considering academic performance requirements. The subsystem is tested on the data received from lecturers teachers who read disciplines in the field of study «Applied Computer Science» (educational program specialization «Information systems and technologies in management»). The subsystem can be adapted for recording current academic performance in any educational institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1 SI) ◽  
pp. 43-45
Sergiy Kandziuba

Traditional methods, tools and forms of training of civil servants require a significant number of additional highly qualified teaching staff, an increase in the number of educational institutions for training, retraining and advanced training, frequent and long absences from work. All this is time and money, which our country is very short of.The way out of this situation is a large-scale transition to a qualitatively new level of full-time and part-time education - distance education.The experience of the NAPA DRID shows that the use of the G Suite for Education package allows to quickly and efficiently create a single information and educational space for training and retraining of public servants in the region.

Shangareev Mustafa Mansurovich ◽  
Anna Anatolyevna Karimova ◽  
Oksana Vladimirovna Khasanova ◽  
Svetlana Viktorovna Shustova

The article is devoted to the problems of forming and developing lexical skills by modern multimedia means of visualization in the ESL classroom. Modern technologies have been led to new possibilities to integrate multimedia tools and means of visualization in the ESL classroom. The aim of this paper is to analyze the current ESL coursebooks and coursebook supplements and give recommendations to teachers how to use the sufficient range of means of visualization effectively. As a part of research different types of questionnaires were handed to teachers and first-year students of Bachelor’s Program "Pedagogical Education (double major) and Second Foreign language " (5 years, full time) of Kazan State University. After this, a set of classes was organized for two groups of first-year students. The outcomes have been measured with qualitative and quantitative methods. The results show that the teachers do not use means of visualization and are not ready to make them the integral part of everyday lessons due to time management issues, lack of methodical ways of organization of educational process. Due to these results it can be resumed that using multimedia means of visualization as tools in the ESL classroom is highly beneficial for students and enhanced the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
Olesya Baklashkina ◽  
Natalia Maksimova ◽  
Svetlana Luts

The article is devoted to the opportunities of blended learning, which is used in teaching foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties at Baikal State University. Since recently, the education system has been undergoing significant changes in terms of educational process organization. This is primarily due to global digitalization processes, as well as the forced move to blended or mixed forms of work during the pandemic. The authors of the article suggest using the term blended learning, since such terms as full-time learning, part-time learning do not reflect the whole essence of work in teaching a foreign language. The relevance of using a blended learning is determined by the taught discipline itself - a foreign language, since it is impossible to form the necessary skills and competencies only within the framework of classroom hours. A foreign language instructor has always used a mixed type of work, which has grown into a modified form today. The article analyzes some theoretical issues and provides an overview of blended learning practice. It is also describes the advantages of using this form in the educational process in general and in teaching foreign languages, in particular. In conclusion, the authors point out the necessity of using this form of work in teaching foreign languages.

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