Kendala Usaha Mikro Dalam Mengakses Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR)

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Siti Maryama

There are two objectives in this study: (1) to determine how micro businesses in Ciputat in accessing loan credit program (KUR) for their business development; (2) analyze the factors that can be an obstacle in accessing it. The research data obtained through questionnaires and interviews with micro entrepreneurs (traders) who are in the market Ciputat, South Tangerang Municipality. Research analysis techniques using descriptive analysis techniques and quantitative analysis. The variables in the study include independent variables/internal factors and external the dependent variables/constraints. Relationships between variables were examined by using test correlation coefficient. The study concluded that essentially the factors or constraints that may affect businesses in accessing credit consists of internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of background education, their understanding about credit, collateral owned, and the courage to apply for credit. While external factors consist of socialization of KUR, lending, collateral requirements, licensing, and credit application process. This is shown by the average of respondents agree that these factors affect or be an obstacle in accessing credit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-83
Wahyudi Gusti Antony ◽  
Harlen Harlen ◽  
Yusni Maulida

This study studied to analyze the factors that influence the ROA at the UUS Bank BTN seen from internal factors as well as from external banks. Related to internal bank factors, namely Non Performing Financing (NPF), and Intellectual Capital, and bank external factors which contain Inflation, and Bank Indonesia Interest Rates. The research period from 2006 to 2017. The data used was obtained from the Annual Publication Financial Report with data collection techniques by means of coordination, so that the research data sample was 12. Data analysis techniques used were multiple linear regression. The results of the study show that all variables, namely NPF, Intellectual Capital, Inflation, and Interest Rate of Bank Indonesia affect ROA simultaneously. Partial inflation, and Bank Indonesia interest rates do not affect the temporary ROA of NPF, and intellectual capital influences ROA significantly. From independent independent variables that oppose the submission of opinions on the ROA owned by NPF which has the greatest influence with a coefficient of -0,353338%. Next Intellectual Capital with a coefficient of 0,107804%.

Siti Marti'ah

Berlatar belakang keilmuan informatika para mahasiswa belum menunjukan minat menjadi seorang teknopreneur. Kegiatan-kegiatan selama proses pembelajaran, Lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat dan pendidikan merupakan faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi seseorang memiliki minat menjadi wirausaha. Faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi minat teknopreneur adalah faktor internal diantaranya sikap dan mental, intensi berwirausha, efikasi diri, kebutuhan akan prestasi, kesiapan instrument, gender, prestasi akademik dan pengalaman kerja. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh efikasi diri dan N-ach terhadap minat teknopreneuer. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitaif serta teknik analisis menggunakan regresi berganda dengan variabel terikat yaitu minat teknopreneur sedangkan variabel bebas adalah efikasi diri dan N-Ach. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner diberikan kepada 240 mahasiswa yang telah menerima mata kuliah kewirausahaan dan dipilih secara acak sederhana. Hasil penelitian yaitu efikasi diri dan N-ach turut mempengaruhi secara signifikan minat teknoprenuer. Minat mahasiswa informatika untuk menjadi teknopreneuer sebesar 40% dipengaruhi oleh efikasi diri dan N-ach dan sebesar 60% dipengaruhi faktor lain diluar model. Kata Kunci:  Teknopreneur, Minat, Efikasi diri, N-Ach AbstractStudents with informatics backgrounds have not shown an interest in becoming a technopreneur. Activities during the learning process, family environment, and the community are external factors that affect a person having an interest in being an entrepreneur. Other factors that can influence technopreneur interest are internal factors including attitude and mentality, entrepreneurship intentions, self-efficacy, need for achievement, instrument readiness, gender, academic achievement and work experience. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of self-efficacy and N-ach on teknopreneuer's interest. The research uses a quantitative approach and analysis techniques using multiple regression with the dependent variable is technopreneur interest while the independent variables are self-efficacy and N-Ach. Data collection using a questionnaire was given to 240 students who had received entrepreneurship courses and were chosen at simple random sampling. The results of the research explain self-efficacy and N-ach also significantly influence the interest of technoprenuer. The interest of informatics students to become a technopreneuer by 40% is influenced by self-efficacy and N-ach and by 60% is influenced by other factors outside the model.Keywords: Technopreneur, Interest, Self-efficacy, N-Ach  

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-72
Ery Suryanti ◽  
Hendra Lesmana ◽  
Husni Mubarok

Marketing is an activity in which a business actor offers his product to consumers in order to receive the product with all ideas and ideas so that the product can be sought after by consumers. Marketing is an important element that must be considered so that it is in line with expectations, which is to get the expected consumers. Various types of MSMEs that stand and various types of products offered from all that exist are almost the same because MSME products are easy to make with materials that are not so expensive. Of the many types of products that exist MSMEs need more creative innovation so consumers can be interested because there are types of products that are almost every day the same so here it is necessary to have the courage to create products that cannot be competed. Using a SWOT analysis can find out how the marketing strategy is right on target. Includes internal factors, namely strengths and weaknesses and external factors, namely opportunities and threats that are owned by MSMEs. As well as knowing the objectives of the marketing strategy used so that it can increase revenue with many consumers interested in the product being sold. Data collection techniques through documentation, interviews and observations. Data analysis techniques used research documentation and descriptive analysis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Aris Setyoko ◽  
Zamrud Whidas Pratama

Abstract: Working on or how to work musically in a musical presentation or composition is an essential element. With the process of working on a musical dish, a good and quality dish will be achieved. The working process is essential to achieve the competency standard of a Javanese musical dish. In learning the practice of Javanese Karawitan, the Ethnomusicology Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Mulawarman University, encountered problems in the implementation of this working process. It has an impact on the lack of achievement of learning competency standards. The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors that influence the non-achievement of competency standards in learning Javanese musical practice in terms of working on Javanese karawitan. The method used is descriptive analysis. The data collection technique was done by interview, literature study, and qualitative analysis of the work. The results showed that there were internal and external factors. Internal factors include (1) differences in the cultural background of each student, (2) students have not been able to determine the direction of working on karawitan, and (3) students have not been able to determine the considerations for working on karawitan. The external factor is the learning media used, namely the incomplete Javanese gamelan instrument. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as material for evaluating learning in Javanese Karawitan practice courses.   Abstrak: Garap atau cara kerja musikal dalam sajian gending atau komposisi karawitan merupakan unsur penting. Dengan adanya proses garap pada sebuah sajian gending karawitan, akan tercapai sebuah sajian yang baik dan berkualitas. Proses garap menjadi hal yang penting untuk mencapai standar kompetensi dari sebuah sajian karawitan Jawa. Pada pembelajaran praktik Karawitan Jawa Program studi Etnomusikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Mulawarman mengalami kendala dalam pelaksanaan proses garap ini. Hal ini berdampak pada belum tercapainya standar kompetensi pembelajarannya. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tidak tercapainya standar kompetensi dalam pembelajaran praktik karawitan Jawa dalam hal garap pada karawitan Jawa. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi pustaka, dan analisis garap karya secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi (1) perbedaan latar belakang budaya setiap mahasiwa, (2) mahasiswa belum bisa dalam menentukan arah garap karawitan, dan (3) mahasiswa belum bisa menentukan pertimbangan garap karawitan. Faktor eksternalnya adalah media pembelajaran yang digunakan, yaitu instrumen gamelan Jawa belum lengkap. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Praktik Karawitan Jawa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Dina Yuniar ◽  
Heti Mulyati ◽  
Eko Ruddy Cahyadi

Rata-rata penyelesaian masa studi program magister Sekolah Pascasarjana di Institut Pertanian Bogor kurang dari dua tahun (17,5%). Oleh karena itu, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi baik dari aspek internal maupun eksternal perlu dikaji. Faktor internal berasal dari dalam diri mahasiswa yang meliputi kemampuan akademik dan motivasi. Faktor eksternal mencakup faktor lingkungan dan pembimbing saat menyelesaikan tugas akhir. Pengambilan data dan informasi menggunakan instumen kuesioner yang terstruktur terhadap lulusan program magister. Analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, analisis faktor, dan regresi linier berganda. Penyelesaian masa studi meliputi faktor-faktor kualitas pembimbingan, pelayanan dan lingkungan, kemampuan mahasiswa, motivasi, responsif serta gelar dan prestis. Analisis lebih lanjut menunjukkan penyelesaian masa studi sangat terkait dengan faktor-faktor eksternal yang berasal dari luar seperti layanan pendidikan dan faktor lingkungan, di antaranya lingkungan kampus yang bersih dan hijau, lingkungan belajar yang tenang dan nyaman. Responsif terhadap feedback dari pembimbing untuk segera memperbaiki tesis secara intens dan tepat waktu merupakan faktor internal.Kata kunci: masa studi, perguruan tinggi, eksternal, internal, analisis faktor Factors on completing study of master students in graduate schoolAbstractCompletion of the final assignment of the Postgraduate school master's program at the Institut Pertanian Bogor on average less than two years (17,5%). This is the purpose of the research, namely to see the factors that influence the completion of the final task. The factors that influence the study period consist of internal and external factors. Internal factors originating from within the student themselves include academic ability and motivation. External factors come from outside such as environmental factors and mentors when completing the final task. Retrieval of data and information in this study using a structured questionnaire instrument for graduates of the Institute Pertanian Bogor University's Graduate School Masters program. The analysis uses descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and multiple linear regression. Completion of the study period includes factors of coaching quality, service, and environment, student ability, motivation, responsiveness and degree, and prestige. Further analysis shows that the completion of studies is closely related to external factors originating from outside such as education services and environmental factors, including a clean and green campus environment, a quiet and comfortable learning environment. Responsiveness to feedback from the counselor to immediately correct the thesis in an intense and timely manner is internal.Keywords: complete a study, postgraduate, external, internal, factor analysis

The study described external and internal factors that affect export performance in Ethiopian manufacturing firms. In this study, self-administered survey was administered to manufacturing exporters in Ethiopia. Descriptive analysis was made in order to show the effect of internal and external factors on export performance in Ethiopia using SPSS version 21. The study disclosed that external uncontrollable forces and internal controllable factors are the causes of export performance in Ethiopian exporting firms. It was therefore, recommended that exporting manufacturing firms in Ethiopia should engage in maximizing their opportunities and work on their strengths to enhance export performance.

Muhammad Mohsin Khan

Microfinance is considered to be an effective tool for poverty alleviation, employment generation, income generation and income equality. It is a financial service provided to poor people who do not have any other source of funds or have access to financial services. The purpose of this research paper is to determine the credit constraints that are facing by microfinance sector in Pakistan. The data is collected through structured questionnaires from 250 respondents who are employees of MFBs/ MFIs keeping in view three broad categories of theoretical framework including internal factors having sub variables like operational cost, HR capacity, innovation and external factors having sub variables like competition, language, awareness as independent variables and a dependent variable having sub variable that is credit constraints for microfinance sector. Regression analysis has been used to determine the impact of independent variables i.e. internal and external factors on dependent variable that is credit constraints. The study found that there is a significant impact of internal and external factors on the credit constraints facing the microfinance sector. Based on the results it is recommended that concerned authorities should give due importance to all sub variables of internal and external factors in order to minimize the issue of credit constraints facing the microfinance sector.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Aminia Novriani ◽  
Anna Fatchiya

Sustainable development of coastal and marine resources in Indonesia reveals that women take an important role in coastal and marine sectors. This study focused on women's perception of their role. It aimed to assess the women’s perception about their role and to analyze the relationship between internal and external factors with women's perception about their role in cockle cultivator households. This study applied survey method with quantitative approach which is supported by qualitative information. The result of this study found that most respondents are in middle adulthood (31-50 years), have low education levels, low income levels, has a job as “ pengitri k”  and Bugis tribes.  The results of descriptive analysis showed that women's perception of their role in the household tend to be less good, it means respondents did not have a conscious view of gender in almost aspects of household roles. The results of statistical analysis showed that internal factors which is income level and employment has significantly related to women’s perceptions about their role in the household. Another factors such as age, education, and income has not  significantly related to the women’ s  perception. External factors in this study such as husband’s age, husband's education level and husband’s  income level is not significantly related to the women's perception of their role in the household. Keywords: women’s p erception, cockle cultivator households, gender

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Siti Marti'ah ◽  
Berta Dian Theodora

<em>Entrepreneur day participants for 3 years in general have always increased in number, but unfortunately the number of participants in the technopreneurship business field is less than expected, in 2019 there were 3 participants out of 160 participants. This amount is relatively small so that a research is needed concerning on what factors can influence student’s motivation and interest in becoming a technopreneur in informatics students. This study used a quantitative approach to the path analysis method with independent variables, namely internal and external factors, entrepreneurship motivation as an intervention variable and technopreneur interest as the dependent variable. The research sample wad students who had taken entrepreneurship courses in the informatics study program as many as 300 students. The results showed that internal factors and external factors influenced entrepreneurial motivation by 36.4%. Entrepreneurial interest was directly influenced by internal factors and entrepreneurial motivation, while external factors did not directly affect the interests of technopreneur and needed to be through entrepreneurial motivation.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-84
Laelatul Azkiyah ◽  
Dedi Junaedi

The purpose of this service is to observe and identify the strengths/weaknesses of internal and external factors of Abon Cabe Evia's business in Parung Panjang, Bogor. The method used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results are: Internal factors that become the main strength of Abon Cabe Evia is that the production does not use flavoring ingredients or monosodium glutamate so that the product has natural ingredients, while the weakness is that marketing through online and offline media is not optimal. External factors that become opportunities are market trends and consumption that continues to increase so that the potential to get more customers is potential, while the threat is the emergence of competitors which causes intense business competition.

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