2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 315-319
Sujita Darmo ◽  
Achmad Zainuri ◽  
Rudy Sutanto

Abstract  A maximum Management of tourism with tourist objects is interrelated and is very decisive in the progress of the tourist area. The development of tourist sites will have a positive impact on the economy, especially the economy of the middle class societ. The tourism location that is developing in the Central Lombok Regency is natural tourism in Karang Sidemen Village. Karang Sidemen village is one of the 99 tourist villages in West Nusa Tenggara. In general, the people who live in this area have relatively original traditions and culture. In addition, there are several supporting factors such as typical food, agricultural systems, and social systems that contribute to the uniqueness of a tourist village. Karang Sidemen Village is located in North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency. This village is located around the Tahura Nuraksa forest area, so that the community around the forest area makes use of the existing resources in the forest. This village has tourism potential that is quite developed in the community, one of which is Blue Lake. Community service activities are carried out in collaboration with the 2021 UNRAM Thematic KKN group with the theme Assistance for Karang Sidemen Tourism Village. The results of the activities that have been carried out are five work programs in the form of: floating jetty, crossing bridges, directions, making sapta charm boards and arrangement / gardening in the Blue Lake area. The impact is that the number of tourist visits increases and can increase the income of the surrounding community. Community service activities to help improve supporting facilities in order to advance natural resource-based tourism villages are very much needed. .   Keywords—Tourism object, Karang Sidemen tourism village, nature tourism, supporting facilities     Abstrak Pengelolaan wisata dengan objek wisata saling berkaitan dan sangat menentukan dalam kemajuan daerah wisatanya. Berkembangnya lokasi wisata akan membawa dampak positif dalam bidang perekonomian khususnya perekonomian masyarakat  menengah. Lokasi wisata yang sedang  berkembang  di wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Tengah adalah wisata alam yang berada di Desa Karang Sidemen. Desa Karang Sidemen merupakan salah satu desa dari 99 desa wisata yang berada di Nusa Tenggara Barat.. Pada umumnya penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan ini memiliki tradisi dan budaya yang relatif masih asli. Di samping itu terdapat beberapa faktor pendukung seperti makanan khas, sistem pertanian, dan sistem sosial yang turut mewarnai kekhasan sebuah desa wisata. Desa Karang Sidemen terletak di Kecamatan Batukliang Utara, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Desa ini berada disekitar kawasan hutan Tahura  Nuraksa, sehingga masyarakat di sekitar kawasan hutan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di hutan tersebut. Desa ini memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup berkembang di tengah masyarakat salah satunya adalah Danau Biru. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan kerja sama dengan kelompok KKN Tematik UNRAM 2021 mengangkat tema Pendampingan Desa Wisata Karang Sidemen. Adapun hasil kegiatan yang telah  dilakukan yaitu dihasilkan lima program kerja berupa : Dermaga apung, jembatan penyebrangan, petunjuk arah, pembuatan papan sapta pesona dan penataan/gardening di kawasan Danau  Biru. Dampaknya jumlah  kunjungan wisata meningkat dan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat  untuk membantu meningkatkan sarana pendukung dalam rangka memajukan desa wisata berbasis sumber daya alam sangat diperlukan. .   Kata kunci— Obyek wisata, desa wisata Karang Sidemen, wisata alam, sarana pendukung

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Komang Krishna Yogantara ◽  
Dewiwati Sujadi

Cepaka Village as a partner village of Triatma Mulya University has expressed their desire to form a tourist village, but their limited knowledge of tourism villages becomes an obstacle in making it happen. The focus of this activity is carried out based on the above grouping, namely realizing, packaging / packaging tourism villages by involving all existing potential, and involving village communities, management / governance of SMEs and services that will become the core products of tourism villages and the impact of tourism villages, implementing mentoring activities for community financial institutions in cooperatives, LPDs, traditional markets, waste banks and BUMDES. In accordance with the problems faced by partners in this service activity, the implementer can provide several solutions in accordance with existing conditions in the field. The implementation of community service activities in Cepaka Village includes several activities that have been carried out to increase the number of tours. As for the implementation of the program, namely: Programs in the Environmental Sector that have been implemented in Cepaka Village, including Community Service in the Cepaka Harum Plastic Bank area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-183
Purwaningtyas Kusumaningsih ◽  
Diah Widiawati Retnoningtyas ◽  
I Made Gde Sudyadnyana Sandhika

Knowledge in healthy foods selection needs to be taught to childrens and adolesncent as the next generation for Indonesia. It because foods that they consume will give many impact to their health, physical growth, mentally and intelligent. Many factors can influence the children and adolescent in selecting helathy food, such as parenting, environment, economic, pshycology and education. Education as the last factor was choosen as a method to transfer knowledge about selecting a helathy foods in this community service activities. Improving foster knowledges in selecting healthy foods, which located in Klungkung district had purposed to give solution to the foster in knowing healthy foods and giving understanding what were the impact of safe and healthy foods to them. In order they will able to review of negative or positive impact before they consume foods. The success in this community service activities were from analyzed scored of pre and post test by Wilcoxon analysis in SPSS 16.  The obtained result showed if p-value was less then 0.05 (p=0.001), it means that the foster could received the subjects clearly by lecture and playing methods. In discussion between team and the foster, when they choose and consume healthy foods will give advantages and will support them in reacing academic, sport and other achievments. Females foster understand if they consumed healthy foods they will able to maintains their weight and avoid anemia. Males foster also know they will built good stamina to do many activities. In conclusion education about selecting healthy foods need sustainable action from people around the children and adolescent. In case it will built their good habits and behavior in ways to choose healthy foods in whole their life. A demonstration in processing healthy foods can be a skill and provision to introduce the healthy foods directly to them.    

Elferida Sormin ◽  
Marina Silalahi ◽  
Bambang Widodo ◽  
Susilo Suwarno

Abstrak   Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui bentuk kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan tentang pengolahan sampah di Desa Tempursari, Kecamatan Tempursari, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur pada tanggal 12-17 Juli 2017.  Permasalahan sampah menjadi permasalahan yang belakangan sangat banyak dikeluhkan oleh masyarakat secara khusus di desa Tempursari. Kerjasama yang solid antara semua stakeholder diharapkan dalam penanganan dan pemecahan permasalahan sampah ini, seperti yang sudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Tempursari dengan kehadiran Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) yang menjadi fasilitator dalam penanganan sampah di desa Tempursari. Dalam rangka mengembangkan program yang sudah disusun dan akan dijalankan, GKJW bekersama dengan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta dalam beberapa hal terkait pengolahan sampah tersebut, di antaranya mensosialisasikan pemahaman tentang sampah (jenis dan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan), bagaimana mengolah sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya dan membantu mengoperasikan mesin pencacah sampah plastik dan sampah organik lainnya. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dinilai memberikan dampak positif, di mana mesin pencacah yang tadinya sudah lama tidak berfungsi menjadi beroperasi dengan operator yang yang sudah mahir atau fasih, masyarakat mampu memilah sampah dimulai dari tia-tiap rumah tangga sebelum selanjutnya diserahkan ke tim pengolah yang sudah ditunjuk oleh gereja. Akhirnya setelah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bersama dengan GKJW Tempursari, maka program pelayanan masyarakat melalui pengolahan sampah oleh GKJW Tempursari mulai berjalan lancar.   Kata Kunci: sampah organik, mesin pencacah   Abstract The community service activities were carried out through the form of socialization and training activities on waste management in Tempursari Village, Tempursari District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The problem of garbage has become a very recent problem that is very much complained by the community specifically in the village of Tempursari. Solid cooperation between all stakeholders is expected in handling and solving these waste problems, as has been done by the people of Desa Tempursari with the presence of the Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) who became a facilitator in handling waste in the village of Tempursari. In order to develop a program that has been compiled and will be implemented, GKJW cooperates with the Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta in several matters related to waste management, including socializing understanding of waste (types and impacts), how to process waste according to its type and helping operate plastic waste chopping machines and other organic waste. The results of community service activities are considered to have a positive impact, where the enumerating machines that have not been functioning for a long time become operational with operators who are already proficient or fluent, the community is able to sort waste starting from each household before being submitted to the processing team who has been appointed by the church. Finally after the community service activities together with GKJW Tempursari, the community service program through processing waste by GKJW Tempursari began to run smoothly.   Keywords: organic waste, chopping machine

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 43
Nurul Iman ◽  
Khairul Huda

Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pelatihan penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi di Lembaga PAUD Al- Khair Udayana Mataram ini adalah: 1) Untuk mendeskripsikan rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini; 2) Untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pengalaman kepada para pendidik tentang pentingnya menerapkan model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) pada anak usia dini. Hal ini didasarkan atas masih kurangnya efektifitas dan bermaknaan dalam mengembangkan karakter peduli lingkungan bagi anak, hal ini dibuktikan dengan rendahnya rasa cinta dan peduli lingkungan pada diri anak misalnya membuang sampah di sembarang tempat. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan yang bersifat partisipatif. Hasil dari pelatihan ini adalah peserta pelatihan memahami dan menguasai rancangan  model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi (PBK) Adapun dampak dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan kebermanfaatan bagi para pendidik dalam hali ini adalah  guru PAUD supaya bisa memilih model pembelajaran berbasis konservasi sebagai alternatif dalam proses pembelajaran pada anak usia dini dalam usaha menanamkan karakter peduli lingkungan pada anak sehingga terlahir anak-anak yang mau menjaga kelstarian lingkungan sekitar serta sehat jasmani maupun rohani.Training on the Application of Conservation-Based Learning Model (Pbk) in Early Childhood at the Institute of Paud Al-Khair Udayana MataramAbstractThe objectives of community service activities carried out in the form of training in the application of conservation-based learning models at the Al-Khair Udayana Mataram PAUD Institution are: 1) To describe the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood; 2) To provide knowledge and experience to educators about the importance of applying conservation-based learning models (PBK) in early childhood. This is based on the lack of effectiveness and meaning in developing the character of caring for the environment for children, this is evidenced by the lack of love and care for the environment in children, for example, throwing trash in any place. The method used in community service activities is participatory training and assistance. The results of this training are training participants to understand and master the design of conservation-based learning models (PBK). The impact of this community service activity is to provide benefits for educators in this matter, PAUD teachers so they can choose conservation-based learning models as alternatives in the learning process for children. early age in an effort to instill the character of caring for the environment in children so that children are born who want to maintain the environment surrounding environment and healthy physically and spiritually.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Hayatun Nufus ◽  
Zuriat Zuriat

At present, the use of plastic is a general consumption in modern society, most of the consumption of plastic is only used once. As a result, a pile of plastic waste will pollute the environment and eventually the plastic waste will end up at sea. The high percentage of plastic waste contamination in the sea as one of the contaminants that can have a negative impact, not only on the environment, but can have an impact on biota that exist in that environment. The method of carrying out community service activities includes the socialization of the impact of plastic waste pollution on biota as well as techniques to minimize excessive use of plastic waste in daily life. The results achieved in the implementation of community service activities are an increase in knowledge and care for the environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 72-78
Nandhini Hudha Anggarasari ◽  
Rikha Surtika Dewi

MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center) is one of the disaster management institutions under the Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah. One of the MDMCs, who were in Pangandaran lacked volunteers from Muhammadiyah's orthomal cadres. This is due to lack of collaboration with orthom and lack of socialization about disasters. Therefore, the author offers a solution to establish collaborative work with all Muhammadiyah orthoms in Pangandaran Regency, conduct outbound activities to increase cooperation, and provide socialization about disasters. The community service activities included material on disaster socialization in Pangandaran, exploring the potential and disadvantages of each organization, the importance of cooperation and communication both internally and externally on the organization, and vertical rescue training to add new insights and energy about one of the skills needed by disaster volunteers . This community service provides a positive impact on MDMC members. Collaboration built in institutions motivates members to collaborate with other organizations and fosters new enthusiasm and ideas for collaborating in humanitarian activities, especially related to the disaster in Pangandaran.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Neneng Susanti ◽  
Ivan Gumilar Sambas Putra ◽  
Muhammad Bayu Aji Sumantri ◽  
Nugi Muhammad Nugraha ◽  
Supardi Supardi ◽  

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat diselenggaran dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kebijakan pemerintah dalam pemberian insentif pajak; pemahaman atas masa pembayaran, penyetoran dan pelaporan pajak; dan perhitungan atas pph (pajak penghasilan).Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, tutorial, dan diskusi. Materi kegiatan mengenai Tax Planning (insentif pajak) sebagai strategi UMKM dalam menghadapi dampak COVID-19 dengan harapan  memberikan pemahaman bagi UMKM yang nantinya dapat diterapkan dan ditularkan ke masyarakat luas. Target materi pada kegiatan penyuluhan PKM tercapai dengan cukup baik, dapat dilihat dari hasil pemahaman dari materi kegiatan. Untuk menerapkan hasil dari kegiatan masih diperlukan UMKM binaan KADIN di sektor kuliner dan fashion dapat melaksanakan pengadministrasian keuangan yang baik, merencanakan strategi keuangan yang baik dan perencanaan perpajakan tepat guna dan tertib administrasi.Kata Kunci : Tax planning, insentif pajak, Covid 19,  UMKM Community service activities are held with the aim of providing an understanding of government policies in providing tax incentives; understanding of the payment period, deposit and tax reporting; and calculation of pph (income tax). The implementation of community service activities is carried out by means of lectures, tutorials, and discussions. Activity material regarding Tax Planning (tax incentives) as a strategy for MSMEs in dealing with the impact of COVID-19 with the hope of providing understanding for MSMEs which can later be applied and transmitted to the wider community. The target material in PKM extension activities was achieved quite well, it can be seen from the results of the understanding of the activity material. To implement the results of these activities, KADIN-assisted MSMEs in the culinary and fashion sectors are still required to carry out good financial administration, plan a good financial strategy and plan taxation in an efficient and orderly manner.Keywords: Tax planning, tax incentives, Covid 19, UMKM

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-113
Y. Djoko Suseno ◽  
Edi Wibowo

Tengar Village Nguntonadi sub-district is one of brem-producing centers in Wonogiri region with high quality. However, in the management of brem production many experience barriers in addition to technology and marketing problems. The purpose of this community service activity is to transfer technology to improve the quality of brem production, and marketing management training to increase brem sales value. The method used is through training, mentoring to partners and monitoring although community service activities have been completed to maintain the sustainability of the program. The impact of community service activities is that there has been a transfer of technology from traditional to modern so that brem making becomes more hygienic and quality, as well as changes in marketing patterns from direct sales to sales through social media.Key words : Wonogiri’s brem, technology, marketing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nurjanti Takarini ◽  
Anajeng Esri Edhi Mahanani ◽  
Eko Wahyudi

This article discusses the community service activities that have been carried out in the PKK RT / RW 005/005 Manukan Kulon group, Surabaya. This community service activity is held with the consideration that the author as an academic feels the need to participate in parsing the economic problems in society caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, which created many unemployment clusters due to layoffs from closed businesses, as well as macroeconomic impacts that affect the economic conditions of the Indonesian State, require the contribution of solutions from all parties, including academics who have the dharma of community service. Business management literacy andlegality are e-commerce implemented as a means of providing understanding to the community and building PKK groups that are legally aware and smart in managing their business by utilizing information technology media.    Keywords : Community Service, Pandemic Covid 19, Business Management, Legality, E Commerce.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
I.M. Mega ◽  
N.L.R. Purnawan ◽  
N.W. Suartini

Community service activities aims to reproduce the traditional dance "Bumbung Gebyog " into a peformancefor tourists in the village tourism Pinge, District of Marga, Kabupaten Tabanan. The method applied incommunity service are as follows: (1) coordination and participatory communication with indigenousvillages / manager of a tourist village Pinge to formulate a program from the planning, operational andevaluation; (2) gather information about the dance "bumbung gebyog" of the parties involved in the arts inthe past gebyog tube; (3) construction of dance movements and choreography performances gebyog tube; (4)Assistance is meeting regularly and sustainably among companion with target communities to science andtechnology transferred can be carried out independently by the community. The results obtained showed thatthe reconstruction activities bumbung dance gebyog already shooting went well marked by the mastery of thedancers and gamelan players were pretty good. After the 9 (nine) meetings throughout the dancers have beenable to practice dance moves independently. Similarly, the skills gambelan players, all musicians have beenable to play a dance tone drilled in accordance with their respective instruments. Dance tube gebyog result ofreconstruction has been staged at the Tourism Village louncing which was attended by Minister of StateOwned Enterprises (SOEs).

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