scholarly journals Migration for Cooperation

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 159-173
Dora Tot

Recent studies on labor migration from socialist Yugoslavia have almost exclusively focused on East–West movements and their economic aspects. This paper aims to fill some of this gap in the literature by examining the migration of highly skilled Yugoslav labor to a country in the Global South, namely Algeria. As opposed to previous work that has focused on Yugoslav workers accompanying engineering investment projects in the Global South, this paper examines those who were directly employed by the receiving country. The case of Algeria as a host country deserves attention because Algeria was one of Yugoslavia’s primary partners with whom it cultivated a close political relationship. Drawing on records from the Croatian State Archives, the article will examine Yugoslav technical cooperation experts who were employed by the Algerian government between the early 1960s and the end of the 1980s. The paper will argue that, in pursuit of its political and economic interests in the Global South, the Yugoslav state encouraged and promoted the mobility of highly skilled experts in Algeria to foster cooperation.

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-137
Кымбат Жекшен кызы

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена миграция населения, в том числе ее национальный и половозрастной состав, основные причины миграции, проблемы трудовой миграции и ее последствия, основные характеристики данного процесса, интенсивность современных миграционных процессов в Кыргызстане, особенности местного рынка труда, гендерный аспект миграционных процессов. Миграция рассмотрена как сложный процесс, затрагивающий многие стороны социально-экономической жизни, прямо влияющий на демографическую ситуацию в стране. Приведены статистические данные существующей ситуации в сфере миграции. Проведен анализ действующего законодательства Кыргызской Республики, регулирующего миграционные процессы. Приведены социально-экономические аспекты проблем миграции, их влияние на экономическое развитие Кыргызской Республики. Ключевые слова: миграция; население; внешняя миграция; трудовая миграция; причины миграции; демография; отток населения; безработные; разводы; дефицитные профессии. Аннотация. Макалада калктык миграция, анын улуттук, жыныстык жана жашка ылайык составы, миграциянцын негизги себептери, эмгек миграциянын маселелери жана анын таасирлери, аталган процесстин негизги өзгөчөлүктөрү, Кыргызстандагы азыркы миграциялык процесстеринин чымыркануу, жергиликтүү эмгек рыногунун өзгөчөлүктөрү, миграциялык процесстеринин гендердик аспекти каралган. Демографиялык абалына түздөн-түз таасирин тийген жана социалдык-экономикалык турмушуна таасир тийген миграция татаал процесс болуп көрсөтүлгөн. Миграциянын учурдагы кырдаалынын статистикалык маалыматтар каралган. Миграция процесстерин жөнгө салган Кыргыз Республикасынын мыйзамдарынын талдоосу кылынган. Миграциянын маселелеринин социалдык-экономикалык аспекттери жана алардын Кыргыз Республикасынын экономикалык өнүгүүсүнө таасирлери көрсөтүлгөн. Түйүндүү сөздөр: миграция; калк; тышкы миграция; эмгек миграция; миграциянын себептери; демография; калктын агымы; жумушсуздар; ажырашуулар; дефициттүү кесиптер. Annotation. The article deals with the migration of the population, including its national and demographic composition, the main reasons of labour migration and its consequences, the main characteristics of this process, the intensity of contemporary migration processes in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the local labour market, the gender aspect of migration processes. Migration is considered as a complex process affecting many aspects of socio-economic life, directly influencing the demographic situation in the country. The statistical data of the existing situation in the sphere of migration. The analysis of the current legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, regulating migration processes. Given the socio-economic aspects of migration, their impact on the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic. Keywords: migration; population; external migration;labor migration; reasons for migration; demography; population outflow; jobless; divorces; deficient professions

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 116-121
O. E. Astafieva ◽  
A. V. Kozlovsky ◽  
N. A. Moiseenko

The problems arising in organizations during the process of investment activities have been considered. The results of financing and implementation of projects and programs have been analysed and interpreted consistently. The issues of expediency of using the profitability indicators of the capital or assets of the company, which requires for the project implementation, have been touched upon. Approaches to the possibility of using the project financing mechanism, have been substantiated. Attention has been paid to the positive and negative aspects of the application of project financing for the company investment activities. It has been noted that project financing is usually used in the implementation of large investment projects, which combine the economic interests of the state and private investors. Particular attention has been paid to the issues of project and program management within the digital environment in order to provide a unified information base. The analysis of possible risks when using the project financing mechanism has been provided and the approaches to influencing the emerging risks have been defined. The result of the study was the formation of factors affecting the effectiveness of the project financing mechanism in the implementation of investment projects and programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 70-81
Dmitrii L. Kondratovich ◽  

The article discusses aspects that determine the economic interests of the Arctic countries and affect the provision of economic growth and economic security of the Russian Federation. The author examines the current trends of economic activity in the Arctic, analyzes state strategies and other documents that determine the policy of states in the Arctic region. The purpose of this work was to study international economic aspects affecting the economic security of the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were formulated: to study the Arctic strategies of the Arctic states; to structure the most important economic aspects affecting the economic security of the Russian Federation; to determine the basis for the development of cooperation and interaction between the Arctic states. The article concludes that despite the emerging problems and distrust between the Arctic states, there is an interest in building relationships based on respect for mutual interests and equal dialogue.

Anne-Marie Schleiner

‘Tilting the Axis of Global Play’ presents an historical review of East vs. West tensions between the United States and Japan, drawing past game studies literature. I posit that an East/West framework, although rightly recognizing national and regional cultural differences in the emergence of the game industry, has limits that a South/North perspective better addresses transnationally. Like other industries, the game industry leverages globalization to exploit Southern labor in the fabrication of game consoles and other game hardware. And predominant Northern cultural paradigms are disseminated globally in the fictional scenarios of highly produced Triple A games. Despite this disequilibrium, I make the case that in the global South, players and other gaming culture participants contribute meaningfully to transnational gaming culture.

2008 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 482-497 ◽  
Richard Elliott ◽  
Joseph Maguire

The global migrations of athletic workers have increased dramatically in magnitude, composition, and direction in recent years. Studies examining these migrations have, however, remained limited to specific areas and have restricted their vision to those workers employed in the athletic sector. Few studies have drawn on concepts derived from research tracing the migrations of workers in other areas: the highly skilled for example. This paper shows how an understanding of athletic labor migration could be extended by drawing on research from the area of highly skilled labor migration. The paper also proposes a potential framework for future research in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Anton Chemakin

This article is devoted to the Ukrainian People’s Gromada (UPG), the organization of Little Russian landlords which played a prominent part in the political life of Ukraine and South Russia during the Civil War. Ukrainian historiography treats the UPG as an organisation of Ukrainian conservatives and assigns it the key role in the Hetman coup d’état of April 1918. There is also a widespread opinion that the Gromada was dissolved immediately after Hetman P. P. Skoropadsky took power. This work aims to reconsider traditional views on UPG and, with reference to new archival sources, prove the following: the role of the Gromada in the coup d’état was exaggerated considerably; the UPG continued to exist after Skoropadsky took power; and one can doubt the “Ukrainian” nature of the organisation, despite its name. Based on Skoropadsky’s memoirs and the accounts of other witnesses, as well as some German sources, the author proves that the Gromada was not the leading force in the coup d’état, but only the organisation which prepared lists of candidates to be included in the new government. The sources kept in the Central State Archives of the Supreme Bodies of Power and Government of Ukraine and the Hoover Institution Archives that are devoted to the activities of the UPG from the summer of 1918 to the spring of 1919 have not been made public previously. After the directorate seized power, the leaders of the Gromada fled from Kiev to Odessa. There they took part in local political intrigues and tried to distance themselves from Hetman Skoropadsky and the project of the Ukrainian state. The UPG leaders, who had previously viewed themselves as Ukrainian “samostiyniks”, now proclaimed that they were not Ukrainians, but Little Russians and “Russian statists”. An attempt is made to analyse the reasons why UPG members moved from the Russian political camp to the Ukrainian one and back several times in a comparatively short period. Based on research in the field of “nationalism studies”, the author concludes that the Gromada members had traditional, pre-modern views on the nation (in this case as a corporation of Little Russian nobility), which, together with their desire to adapt to the ever-changing political situation and fight for their privileges and economic interests, made it possible for them to keep joining Russian and Ukrainian nationalists interchangeably without perceiving their actions as national treason. The study of this topic makes it possible to address the Little Russian nobility’s behaviour in the Civil War and their attempts to integrate into Ukrainian or Russian national projects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 125-139
Alina Penkala ◽  
Ilse Derluyn ◽  
Ine Lietaert

Abstract: Ukraine is usually portrayed as a cleft country with a determining internal East–West divide. However, critical researchers in Ukrainian scholarship emphasize that the East–West paradigm fails to adequately reflect the complex reality of the Ukrainian society and its historical, linguistic, economic, and political mixture. This article deconstructs the origins and evolution of the eastern and western Ukrainian identities and argues that the current clash between the two regions should not be explained by linguistic and ethnic differences, geopolitical strategies, economic interests, or political gains but rather by symbolic geographies, historical myths, and political imaginations. As a consequence, Ukraine is unable to make clear choices about its geopolitical future and remains a liminal space of east and west, where the broader EU-centered and Russia-centered regions overlap.Resumen: Ucrania suele ser retratada como un país caracterizado por una división interna determinante entre el este y el oeste. Sin embargo, algunos investigadores critican este paradigma Este-Oeste, que no refleja la compleja realidad de la sociedad ucraniana y su mezcla histórica, lingüística, económica y política. En este artículo se deconstruyen los orígenes y la evolución de las identidades ucranianas orientales y occidentales y se argumenta que el actual choque entre las dos regiones debería explicarse por el nuevo enfoque de geografías simbólicas, mitos históricos e imaginaciones políticas. En caso contrario, Ucrania no puede tomar decisiones claras sobre su futuro geopolítico y sigue siendo un espacio liminal de este y oeste, donde se superponen las regiones más amplias centradas en la UE y en Rusia, respectivamente.Résumé: L’Ukraine est généralement présentée comme un pays avec une division interne Est-Ouest déterminante. Cependant, des chercheurs ukrainiens critiquent ce paradigme Est-Ouest, qui ne reflèterait pas la réalité complexe de la société ukrainienne ni son mélange historique, linguistique, économique et politique. Cet article déconstruit les origines et l’évolution des identités ukrainiennes orientales et occidentales et soutient que le conflit qui les oppose actuellement devrait être expliqué par la nouvelle approche des géographies symboliques, des mythes historiques et des imaginations politiques. A défaut, l’Ukraine est incapable de faire des choix clairs quant à son avenir géopolitique et reste un espace liminaire entre l’Est et l’Ouest, où les régions plus larges centrées sur l’UE et la Russie se chevauchent.

Garth Myers

Chapter one examines historical processes of urbanization, with the focus on Hartford, seen from indigenous, postcolonial, Caribbean and African/African-American re-mappings of its metropolitan geographies. The chapter thus applies global South ideas to an examination of planetary urbanization in an urban area conventionally located in the global North. It argues that southern concepts are highly relevant to understanding and remapping Hartford as a global urbanism. Developing an historical geography from indigenous, postcolonial, and southern angles gives opportunities for detailing the specificities of planetarizing processes. Scholars need to look at longer-term processes producing planetary urbanization from elsewhere, to erase blind spots that universalizing theorizations produce. Here, this means rethinking the historical geography of indigenous peoples in the region, slavery, and labor migration.

Shailaja Fennell

Characteristics of labor markets are often assumed to be universal, when in fact they are peculiar to patterns of employment in Europe and North America. This essay makes these universalist assumptions about labor markets for youth explicit, challenging their foundational claims in relation to trends in parts of the Global South. Urbanization, the Standard Employment Relationship (SER), and the notions of precarity are all analyzed for their Northern biases. The work of early labor market theorist W. Arthur Lewis is then explored, critiquing how his theory was reduced to one aspect—rural labor migration to urban factory work to increase productivity—when it had complex social, political, educational, and policy-related implications. Southern scholars should not be interpreted in terms of their relevance to Northern processes. They should be grappled with on their own terms, in relation to the Southern contexts from which they speak. Finally, an agenda for Southern labor market theory building is offered.

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