Миграция населения Кыргызстана: специфика и последствия

2019 ◽  
pp. 134-137
Кымбат Жекшен кызы

Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена миграция населения, в том числе ее национальный и половозрастной состав, основные причины миграции, проблемы трудовой миграции и ее последствия, основные характеристики данного процесса, интенсивность современных миграционных процессов в Кыргызстане, особенности местного рынка труда, гендерный аспект миграционных процессов. Миграция рассмотрена как сложный процесс, затрагивающий многие стороны социально-экономической жизни, прямо влияющий на демографическую ситуацию в стране. Приведены статистические данные существующей ситуации в сфере миграции. Проведен анализ действующего законодательства Кыргызской Республики, регулирующего миграционные процессы. Приведены социально-экономические аспекты проблем миграции, их влияние на экономическое развитие Кыргызской Республики. Ключевые слова: миграция; население; внешняя миграция; трудовая миграция; причины миграции; демография; отток населения; безработные; разводы; дефицитные профессии. Аннотация. Макалада калктык миграция, анын улуттук, жыныстык жана жашка ылайык составы, миграциянцын негизги себептери, эмгек миграциянын маселелери жана анын таасирлери, аталган процесстин негизги өзгөчөлүктөрү, Кыргызстандагы азыркы миграциялык процесстеринин чымыркануу, жергиликтүү эмгек рыногунун өзгөчөлүктөрү, миграциялык процесстеринин гендердик аспекти каралган. Демографиялык абалына түздөн-түз таасирин тийген жана социалдык-экономикалык турмушуна таасир тийген миграция татаал процесс болуп көрсөтүлгөн. Миграциянын учурдагы кырдаалынын статистикалык маалыматтар каралган. Миграция процесстерин жөнгө салган Кыргыз Республикасынын мыйзамдарынын талдоосу кылынган. Миграциянын маселелеринин социалдык-экономикалык аспекттери жана алардын Кыргыз Республикасынын экономикалык өнүгүүсүнө таасирлери көрсөтүлгөн. Түйүндүү сөздөр: миграция; калк; тышкы миграция; эмгек миграция; миграциянын себептери; демография; калктын агымы; жумушсуздар; ажырашуулар; дефициттүү кесиптер. Annotation. The article deals with the migration of the population, including its national and demographic composition, the main reasons of labour migration and its consequences, the main characteristics of this process, the intensity of contemporary migration processes in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the local labour market, the gender aspect of migration processes. Migration is considered as a complex process affecting many aspects of socio-economic life, directly influencing the demographic situation in the country. The statistical data of the existing situation in the sphere of migration. The analysis of the current legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, regulating migration processes. Given the socio-economic aspects of migration, their impact on the economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic. Keywords: migration; population; external migration;labor migration; reasons for migration; demography; population outflow; jobless; divorces; deficient professions

A. Ermagambetova ◽  
E. Myrzagaliev ◽  

The article analyzes the migration and demographic situation of the population of Western Kazakhstan in the second half of the nineteenth century. Factors affecting population growth, mechanisms for regulating internal and external migration are considered. In the period under review, the population of the Western region of Kazakhstan in terms of number (1142384 people) was densely populated after Southern Kazakhstan (1499201 people). Residents of Western Kazakhstan made up 27.54% of the total population of the region. By the end of the nineteenth century, the population of the city in Western Kazakhstan was relatively small, especially with a small share of the Kazakh population in the city. The majority of the urban population are Slavic ethnic groups, and the number of Tatars in the cities of the region is also growing

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-31
Mykola Inshyn ◽  
Olena Moskalenko

Abstract The article is devoted to substantiating the necessity of using existing tools and means of labor law science in certain aspects of labor migration, particularly, concerning the provision of labor freedom for Ukrainian workers - labor emigrants. The integrated approach to the development of methodological foundations for such provision and the development of relevant legal provisions at various stages of realization of a person’s right to labor, as well as in part of ensuring the prohibition of compulsory labor, can qualitatively raise the level of legal regulation of labor migration through the inclusion of labor law science. In support of its argument the article provides a wide range of statistical data on Ukrainian labor emigration. It is determined that the existing problems of Ukrainian labor emigration in the context of ensuring freedom of work can be systematized at the stages of their occurrence in the following way: 1) before the emergence of labor relations with a foreign employer, that is, as long as a Ukrainian citizen is still in Ukraine and acts for the purpose of employment abroad; 2) the emergence of labor relations with a foreign employer, that is, the legal registration of such relationships; 3) the actual beginning of labor relations outside Ukraine, the course of labor relations and the presence of a Ukrainian labor emigrant in them; 4) termination of labor relations of the Ukrainian labor emigrant and return to the territory of Ukraine. The emergence of labor disputes is the optional stage.

Eda Kılıç

Women have been seen as cheap labor and have participated in the economic life less than their male counterparts since the Industrial Revolution, where they joined the waged labor pool. Though the reasons for the women's low participation in the workforce are various; Turkey's current social structure in particular and the social gender perception which acts as the base of this structure emerge as key determinants. For this reason, establishing the general status of female labor in Turkey and comparing the international and national statistical data from a global perspective around the social gender inequality and the distribution of labor based on social gender is the purpose of this study.

2014 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-39 ◽  
Ben Lampert ◽  
Giles Mohan

China's renewed engagement with Africa is often framed as a form of imperialism, with the growing number of Chinese migrants on the continent seen as an exploitative presence. Such claims have generally been based on little evidence, and where more detailed empirical studies have emerged, they tend to emphasise the tensions and conflicts that have arisen. Our research on Chinese migrants in Ghana and Nigeria suggests that while there are concerns about Chinese competition in the informal retail sector and the treatment of local labour in Chinese enterprises, narratives of apparent tension and conflict are often much more nuanced than is generally recognised. Furthermore, more convivial and cooperative relations have also emerged and these have facilitated important opportunities for Africans to benefit from the Chinese presence. However, while the presence of Chinese migrants in African socio-economic life can be more integrated and mutually beneficial than is often assumed, the ability of African actors to benefit from this presence is highly uneven, placing the politics of class at the centre of any understanding of Sino-African encounters.

1994 ◽  
Vol 15 (2/3) ◽  
pp. 130-149 ◽  
P.J. Sloane ◽  
I. Theodossiou

Examines the extent of low pay in Britain, first by estimating a Lorenz curve and, second, by using a logistic regression approach. Low pay is defined in terms of the first three deciles of the income distribution for all workers. The data are taken from the 1986 Social and Economic Life Survey of 6,110 individuals in six local labour markets using a matched employer‐employee sample. Gender is the most important variable but women, as men, can improve their relative positions by acquiring human capital. Variables inducing upward mobility are much the same – regardless of position in the wage structure.

Turar Koychuev ◽  
Merim Koichueva

The given paper analyzes and assesses the socio-economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic in period of 22 years. The objects of attention were the problems of market economy, social problems such as poverty, unemployment, internal and external labor migration, issues of active economic policy and its unconditional implementation. The results, obtained from the critical analysis, allow giving recommendations to include in the policy renovation and development components and achieve stable and sustainable growth in economy to ensure an increase in its scale and efficiency.

Bermet Djurupova ◽  
Jusup Pirimbaev ◽  
Gulmira Samatova

The article is devoted to the assessment of food consumption in the region. The aim of the study is to develop the main directions of improving the food security of Kyrgyzstan in the future. It is revealed that the absolute number of the world population suffering from malnutrition, according to modern estimates, increased from about 804 million in 2016 to almost 821 million in 2017. This trend serves as a clear warning that, if not intensified efforts, the task of the SDGs to eliminate hunger by 2030 will not be achieved The research toolkit includes mathematical methods for processing statistical data, an assessment of the energy and nutritional value of food consumed by the population. The scientific novelty of the study is to identify the factors that limit food consumption and the assessment of the nutritional value of the products used. The research results can be applied to further scientific developments in the direction of providing the market with various types of products.

2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (29) ◽  
pp. 75-91
Iwona Markuszewska

Abstract The aim of this paper was to evaluate the intensity of rural area marginalisation. As a study region, Western periphery of Poland has been chosen. The spatial scope of the research covers three border voivodeships: Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie and Zachodniopomorskie, however, the study was conducted at the local level, including 310 rural and rural-urban gminas (administrative region of the 3rd order in Poland). The statistical data were derived from the Central Statistical Office from the period of last two decades. Results revealed the differences in the level of rural area marginalization and were analysed in terms of agricultural and socio-economic aspects.

О.А. Бадов ◽  
А.Д. Бадов

Исследуются особенности семейного состояния, брачности и разводимости населения Север- ной Осетии. Выявлены тенденции изменений показателей за последние 60 лет, а также географические различия внутри Северной Осетии. Даются рекомендации по оптимизации ситуации. Существенное снижение рождаемости и повышение смертности в 90-х годах ХХ в. весьма негативно сказались на уровне брачности и разводимости. В Северной Осетии и в предыдущие годы низкий уровень брачности сочетался с высокими показателями разводимости. После 1990-х гг. ситуация еще более усугубилась. Многие из тех, кто пропустил свой «брачный возраст», одиноки до сих пор. Брачно-семейные отношения весьма чувствительны к социально-экономическим условиям. Повышение уровня жизни населения привело к стабилизации показателей брачности и разводимости, но новый экономический кризис привел и к новому витку снижения брачности и повышения разводимости. Каждый второй брак в настоящее время распадается. На снижение брачности оказывают влияние два обстоятельства: 1) продолжающийся экономический кризис; 2) в брачный возраст вступает малочисленное поколение, родившееся в 1990-х гг. Снижение брачности и увеличение разводимости ведет к новому витку падения рождаемости. В связи с этим необходимо срочно предпринимать конкретные действия, направленные на улучшение демографической ситуации. The peculiarities of marital status, marriage and divorce rates of the population in North Ossetia are investigated. The trends of changes in indicators over the past 60 years, as well as geographical differences within North Ossetia have been revealed. Recommendations to optimize the situation are given. Demographic downfall in the 1990s had the most negative impact on the level of marriages and divorces. A low level of nuptiality in North Ossetia was combined with a high level of divorce. A signifi cant number of people who «missed» their marriage age are still single. The improvement of the social and economic life conditions has had a positive impact on the marital status of the population. In the Republic, the marriage rate has increased and the divorce rate has decreased, so the divorce index and the number of divorces per 1000 marriages have been reduced. In recent times, however, there has been a trend to decrease the number of marriages and to increase the number of divorces. Currently every second marriage breaks up in the region. There is a signifi cant territorial differentiation in terms of marriage and divorce rates. In urban settlements both mariage and divorce rates were signifi cantly higher than in rural areas. The most favorable situation is observed in the Ardon and Kirov districts. The worst situation is in the Mozdok district. There has been a transition from complex families to simple ones in the Republic. In the mid-2010s a small number of people born in the early 1990’s began to reach marriageable age, and this can lead to an even more catastrophic demographic situation, or more precisely to a further collapse of the birth rate. In this regard, it is urgent to take concrete actions to improve the demographic situation.

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