scholarly journals Islamic Center Design with Islamic Architecture Design Approach

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-192
Sri Gunana Sembiring ◽  
Hastari Furqani

 At the time of the Prophet, the mosque was a center for worship activities and economic activities, learning, socio-politics, etc. From this mosque environment, great figures in Islam were born who were not only strong in religion but also intellectually and mentally. However, the mosque has decreased in function now so that it is only a place of prayer. This phenomenon also occurs in the city of Medan, which is one of the largest cities in Indonesia, with the majority of the population being Muslim. Therefore, Medan often becomes the center of various activities, including Islamic religious activities in the area. Unfortunately, Medan does not yet have adequate facilities that can accommodate various Islamic religious activities, so it needs an activity center known as an Islamic center. The design of the Islamic center in the city of Medan solves design problems with an approach methodology ranging from literature studies, site surveys, and design concept analysis. This Islamic center applies a design concept by taking Islamic values ​​that are not indifferent to the surrounding environment so that elements of the local culture are still considered. It is hoped that this Islamic center will not only be able to become a center of activity, especially Islamic religious activities in Medan, but also an area of ​​learning about Islamic and local values ​​in its design

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-316
Cecep Supriatna ◽  
Sri Handayani

Abstract: Islamic architecture appears not only as mere ornament, but is a media that plays an important role that has its own charm for every visitor/user, because a good design must respond to geography, location, climate, size, culture and others. The dome-shaped mosque building has thrived in the Islamic world and has become a symbol of expression of the structure and identity of a mosque. However, in the last two decades, many mosques without domes have appeared in Indonesia. Mosques with modern geometric elements are increasingly standing majestically in several areas in Indonesia. Some architects began to eliminate the dome element in the mosque, but still displayed Islamic values. One of the mosques without a dome is the Great Mosque of West Sumatra. The design is a square building that instead of a dome but instead forms a gonjong. The design of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra was criticized by several figures in West Sumatra, who said that the design of the mosque was unusual because it did not have a dome due to some literature stating that one part of the mosque was a 'dome'. news about the existence of a mosque ornament which is claimed to be a form of motif commonly used by Jews (Pentagram). The purpose of the study was to identify the design idea of the Roof of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra which describes the shape of the stretch of cloth used to carry the Hajar Aswad stone, the concept of three symbols: the springs (the elements of nature), the crescent moon and the Gadang House. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study indicate that the value and meaning of the architectural design philosophy of the roof of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra, which is represented by the architect in its design concept, has a lot of compatibility with the mosque building that has been designed. The concept is very clearly visible so that even ordinary people are very easy to understand.Keywords: Mosque Roof, Bagonjong Roof, Representation Abstrak: Arsitektur Islam muncul bukan hanya sebatas ornamen semata tetapi merupakan media yang berperan penting yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi setiap pengunjungnya/pemakainya, karena sebuah desain yg baik harus merespon geografi, lokasi, iklim, ukuran, budaya dan lain-lain. Bangunan Masjid berbentuk kubah telah tumbuh subur dalam dunia Islam dan menjadi sebuah simbol ekspresi struktur dan identitas dari sebuah masjid. Namun dua dekade terakhir ini di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan bangunan masjid tanpa kubah. Masjid dengan unsur-unsur geomotrik modern semakin banyak berdiri dengan megah di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Beberapa arsitek mulai menghilangkan unsur kubah pada masjid, namun tetap menampilkan nilai-nilai Islami. Salah satu masjid tanpa kubah tersebut adalah Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat. Rancangannya berupa bangunan persegi yang alih-alih berkubah tapi justru membentuk gonjong. Hasil rancangan Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat pernah dikritik oleh beberapa tokoh di Sumatera Barat, yang menyebutkan rancangan masjid tidak lazim lantaran tidak memiliki kubah karena adanya beberapa literatur yang menyatakan bahwa salah satu bagian dari masjid itu adalah ‘kubah’, bahkan ada beberapa keraguan tersebut yang berhembus kabar tentang adanya bentuk ornament masjid yang diklaim sebagai bentuk motif yang biasa dipakai orang Yahudi (Pentagram). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan desain Atap Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat yang menggambarkan bentuk bentangan kain yang digunakan untuk mengusung batu Hajar Aswad, konsep dari tiga simbol: sumber mata air (the springs: unsur alam), bulan sabit dan Rumah Gadang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai dan makna filosofi desain arsitektur atap masjid Raya Sumatera Barat yang direpresentasikan oleh arsitek dalam konsep desainnya, terdapat banyak kesesuaian dengan bangunan masjid yang sudah dirancangnya. Konsep tersebut sangat nampak jelas terlihat sehingga orang awam pun sangat mudah untuk memahaminya.Kata Kunci: Atap Masjid, Atap Bagonjong, Representasi

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-241
Muhammad Nasir ◽  
Muhammad Khairul Rijal

The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia continues to voice religious moderation to mainstream a peaceful Islamic discourse. This article aimed at looking at religious moderation values from several Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia. The focus of article aims to find a pattern of the implementation of moderation in Islam in Islamic universities. This article discusses to what extent Islamic higher education institutions internalize religious moderation values to students. By conducting qualitative research, this article explores 3 Islamic higher education institutions in Indonesia: Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Universitas Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo, and Ma’had Aly As'adiyah. The result shows that higher education institutions play a critical role in inculcating religious moderation values through pesantren institutions. The Pesantren universities have a role in transmitting moderate Islamic values through their curriculum and various religious activities. This research reveals that religious moderation is implicated in these 3 Islamic universities. The curriculum is eclectic and reflects moderation values, such as national commitment, tolerance, non-violence, and local culture accommodation. This study concludes that the three pesantrenuniversities in Indonesia have a distinctive pattern of emphasizing moderation in the three areas: theoretical, practical, and ideological aspect. 

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-20
Loc Duc Nguyen

The Vietnamese Catholic community is not only a religious community but also a traditional village with relationships based on kinship and/or sharing the same residential area, similar economic activities, and religious activities. In this essay, we are interested in examining migrating Catholic communities which were shaped and reshaped within the historical context of Viet Nam war in 1954. They were established after the migration of millions of Catholics from Northern to Southern Viet Nam immediately after Geneva Agreement in 1954. Therefore, by examining the particular structural traits of the emigration Catholic Communities we attempt to reconstruct the reproducing process of village structure based on the communities’ triple structure: kinship structure, governmental structure and religious organization.

2017 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-214 ◽  
Meryl Jagarnath ◽  
Tirusha Thambiran

Because current emissions accounting approaches focus on an entire city, cities are often considered to be large emitters of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with no attention to the variation within them. This makes it more difficult to identify climate change mitigation strategies that can simultaneously reduce emissions and address place-specific development challenges. In response to this gap, a bottom-up emissions inventory study was undertaken to identify high emission zones and development goals for the Durban metropolitan area (eThekwini Municipality). The study is the first attempt at creating a spatially disaggregated emissions inventory for key sectors in Durban. The results indicate that particular groups and economic activities are responsible for more emissions, and socio-spatial development and emission inequalities are found both within the city and within the high emission zone. This is valuable information for the municipality in tailoring mitigation efforts to reduce emissions and address development gaps for low-carbon spatial planning whilst contributing to objectives for social justice.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-137 ◽  
Malihe Siyavooshi ◽  
Abdullah Foroozanfar ◽  
Yaser Sharifi

Purpose This study aims to conduct an experimental investigation into the effectiveness of using Islamic values and environmental knowledge in advertising for plant disposable containers on the level of willingness to purchase such products for religious ceremonies and rituals among Muslim consumers in Iran. Design/methodology/approach A sample of 270 individuals participating in one of the religious assemblies in the city of Shiraz in Iran was classified into three groups (a control and two experimental groups). A pretest was administered for each group; then both experimental groups received brochures whose contents were associated with environmental and religious messages about environmental protection. After four days, a post-test was similarly conducted for each group. The data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using one-way analysis of variance. Findings The results revealed that the use of religious and environmental messages in advertising for plant disposable containers could boost the willingness to purchase such containers for religious ceremonies and rituals; however, the effectiveness of using religious messages was stronger compared to that of the environmental ones. Research limitations implications Given that the present study was conducted based on an experimental research design in a real context, there was the possibility of the presence of other variables outside the control of the study design and affecting its results. Practical implications Increased awareness regarding the harmful environmental impacts of plastic containers and emphasis on religious duties to protect the environment can affect targeting a sector of the Muslim community endowed with strong religious beliefs. Originality/value This study confirmed that consumer values and beliefs could have effects on their purchase and consumption behaviors.

Cristina Dozio

Cairo is a constantly expanding and changing megalopolis, whose residents negotiate the binary oppositions of centre/periphery, development/poverty, and local/global. This paper investigates the literary representation of the Egyptian capital in four novels by Shalabī and Abū Julayyil published between 1981 and 2008. Firstly, it overviews recent scholarship about the literary geography of Cairo. Then, it examines the narrative techniques employed by Shalabī and Abū Julayyil to portray semi-official spaces, such as historical palaces now in decline, hash dens, shantytowns, and buildings on the verge of collapse. I argue that these spaces interact with the rest of the city, while developing a highly local culture, embodied by eccentric humorous characters.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-116
Dewi Anggraeni ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Izzatul Mardhiah ◽  
Zulkifli Lubis

Indonesia is a multicultural country with a variety of the diversity has the potential to build a nation’s civilization based on knowledge of nationalism and local cultural values. In other side, the diversity that owned by Indonesian nation has the potential to split the unity specially when that implementation to broke tradition called by Islamic puritanism. Palang Pintu tradition in Betawi cultures is still preserving until now especially in wedding ceremony and has development at welcoming guests. The method of research is qualitative with ethnographic approach. The theory used of religion and culture. The results of this research show that the tradition of Palang Pintu in Betawi Cultures has contain of Islamic values. The values of religiosity in that tradition are such as glorifying the Prophet Muhammad, Silaturrahmi, Protecting with Silat, Manners. Local culture can build a civilization where the human as the actors of the builder civilization are be able to formulate a system of values contained in the tradition. So Far local culture can build national civilization when the local culture is formulating as the ontological level of culture. Keywords: Local Culture, Palang Pintu, Religiosity Abstrak Indonesia merupakan Negara majemuk dengan berbagai keanekaragaman memiliki potensi dalam membangun peradaban bangsa yang didasari pada pengetahuan wawasan kebangsaan serta nilai-nilai budaya local. Disisi lain, keanekaragaman yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia memiliki potensi yang dapat memcah belah persatuan dan kesataun khususnya ketika anti tradisi melalui puritanisme Islam. Palang Pintu merupakan salah satu budaya Betawi yang hingga saat ini masih dilestarikan pada acara mantenan dan pada perkembangannya digunakan pada penyambutan tamu secara adat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan nilai-nilai religiusitas yang terdapat pada tradisi Palang Pintu yang dapat dikembangkan dalam membangun peradaban. Dengan pendekatan teori Agama dan Budaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan kualitatif dengan jenis etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Tradisi Palang Pintu pada Budaya Betawi kayak akan nilai-nilai religious yang bersumber dari ajaran Islam. Nilai-nilai religiusitas tersebut seperti memuliakan nabi Muhammad Saw, Silaturrahmi, Melindungi diri atau menjaga diri, Sopan santun. Selanjutnya budaya local dapat membangun peradaban sejuah mana manusia sendiri sebagai pelaku budaya dan pembangun peradaban tersebut mampu memformulasiakan system nilai yang terdapat dalam tardisi.budaya local dapat dapat membangun peradaban bangsa ketika budaya local tersebut diformulasikan pada tataran ontologis budaya. Kata kunci: Budaya Lokal, Palang Pintu, Religiusitas

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 196-210

The government through the Ministry of National Education has planned a Vocational Development Program, one of which is to increase the number of existing SMKs so that in 2014 it is expected that the ratio of the number of SMKs: SMAs is 67%: 33% as stated in the 2010-2014 Ministry of National Education Strategic Plan policy. The author tries to research the development of Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Pontianak City by taking real data in the field seen from the aspect of the spectrum of expertise, the fulfillment of eight national education standards and the fulfillment of Human Resources which is more devoted to the availability of teachers. From these aspects, we can later see whether the real data that the author has obtained is in accordance with the economic activities of the city of Pontianak or not. This is done as an initial writing for the benefit of further vocational development, for example to consider the type of vocational expertise to be developed. This study uses a descriptive qualitative writing approach. The instrument used in writing is in the form of an observation sheet that has been made by Dikti. This observation sheet serves to record the data that the authors found on the subject of writing including the competence of skills in the visited vocational schools, school accreditation, and teacher profiles. The data needed in this paper were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of the study found that vocational schools with business and management expertise dominated the vocational schools in Pontianak city. This is not in line with economic activity which is dominated by the trade, restaurant and hotel sectors which should be fully supported by vocational schools with expertise in Arts, Crafts, and Tourism. In addition, there are also 314 productive teachers who support vocational education in Pontianak City ABSTRAKPemerintah melalui Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional telah merencanakan Program Pengembangan SMK yang salah satu diantaranya adalah dengan menambah jumlah SMK yang ada sehingga pada tahun 2014 diharapkan rasio jumlah SMK : SMA sebesar 67% : 33% sebagaimana tertuang dalam kebijakan Rencana Strategis Depdiknas 2010-2014. Penulis mencoba untuk meneliti tentang pengembangan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Kota Pontianak dengan mengambil data-data riil yang ada di lapangan dilihat dari aspek spektrum keahlian, pemenuhan delapan standar nasional pendidikan dan pemenuhan Sumber Daya Manusia yang lebih dikhususkan pada ketersediaan guru. Dari aspek-aspek tersebut nantinya dapat kita lihat apakah data-data riil yang sudah penulis dapatkan sesuai dengan kegiatan perekonomian kota Pontianak atau tidak. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai penulisan awal untuk kepentingan pengembangan SMK selanjutnya, misalnya untuk mempertimbangan jenis keahlian SMK yang akan dikembangkan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penulisan kualitatif deskriptif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penulisan yaitu berupa lembar observasi yang sudah dibuat oleh Dikti. Lembar observasi ini berfungsi untuk mencatat data-data yang penulis temukan pada subjek penulisan meliputi kompetensi keahlian yang ada di SMK yang dikunjugi, akreditasi sekolah, dan profil guru. Data yang diperlukan pada penulisan ini diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil Penelitian didapati bahwa SMK dengan bidang keahlian bisnis dan manajemen mendominasi SMK yang ada di kota pontianak. Hal ini belum sejalan dengan kegiatan perekonomian dimana didominasi oleh sektor perdagangan, restoran dan hotel yang mestinya didukung penuh oleh SMK dengan bidang keahlian Seni, Kerajinan, dan Pariwisata. Selain itu terdata juga jumlah guru produktif sebanyak 314 guru yang mendukung pendidikan vokasi di Kota Pontianak

2018 ◽  
Atmazaki Atmazaki

This study aims at explaining the process of embedding authentic, valid, practical and effective assessment models in Indonesian language learning based on local culture contexts.The development process began with preliminary research, prototyping and assessment phases.The third stage involved three schools in the city of Padang, namely class X SMA 3, 7 and 10 Padang.The expected product is a number of assessment instruments as a model or sample that can measure the ability of the students to participat e in the school.The results of this study indicate that all the protocols, prototyping, to the assessment phases have been valid, practical and effective.This means that developed instruments can help students improve their language skills.

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