scholarly journals Kemenangan Partai Partai Aceh pada Pemilihan Legeslatif 2009 di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang 2009

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-51 ◽  
Abdi Karya

This study is a study of the victory of local parties with a case study of Aceh Party's victory in legislative elections in Aceh Tamiang District 2009. The focus discusses why the Aceh Party (PA) can win the legislative elections in Aceh Tamiang District 2009. The method used is descriptive-qualitative method, The research are emphasized on giving an objective picture about the actual state of the object under study. However, in order to obtain broader benefits in this study, in addition to the fact also the provision of strong interpretations. With the technique of collecting interview data and documentation and data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis. The findings of this study include four things that are the factors winning the Aceh Party in the 2009 Election. First, the factors of political strategy; Secondly, there is a solid political machine; Third, the political culture of the people of Aceh Tamiang; Fourth, the political atmosphere. Furthermore, there were also four things to be the inhibiting factors experienced by the Aceh Party in the 2009 Election. Firstly, the funding factor; Secondly, the existence of intimidation; Third, party infrastructure; Fourth, 30% quota of female candidates

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Afita Nur Hayati

Direct election’s celebration of the head of the region at each steps in 2020 has been held at pandemic situation of covid-19.  The decision of KPUD Samarinda has final and the candidate number 2 has been sworn with length of service 2021-2024 periods.  The main question that will be asked is how is the candidate number 3 communicates the message they have to be interesting and positively so vote acquisition of the candidat number 3 can align with the candidat number 2 of vote’s acquisition whereas the political machine not so mature than the winner’s political machine. To answer this question, this article uses Analysis of Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and using qualitative descriptive analysis with case study for detail and depth investigation of the candidate number 3 with tag line “Siap Dipilih Berani Ditagih.”  

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 79
Fariha Khalid Khan ◽  
Razia Musarrat

Elections make a fundamental contribution to democratic governance. In democracies political decisions are made directly by the citizens of the country. Elections serve as forum for the discussion of public issues and facilitate the expression of public opinion. Electoral politics is a figurative form of political participation. Success and failure of political institutions depends upon the political awareness of people and the process of electoral politics is the subject of free, fair and transparent elections. Like her counterparts Pakistan has election process defined by constitution. The electoral process in Pakistan was not regular and transparent but last three elections 2002, 2008 and 2013 were held according to the constitution.  In Pakistan elections and political process are dominated by the political personalities. Although there are multiparty system but people mostly preferred two main parties like PPP and PML-N but it is positive that third party PTI was emerged in country as third largest party of Pakistan. The study focuses on the 2013 elections and behavior of people of district Muzaffar Garh of Punjab. The purpose of this study is to observe the electoral politics at micro level in Pakistan.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 178-201
Suresh Dhakal ◽  
Sanjeev Pokharel

The people of Nepal have witnessed a number of political shifts within a comparatively short period of the country's history. The political revolution of 1950, which precedes all important political movements, eliminated the century-long Rana oligarchy and established the multiparty system. In 1960, late King Mahendra abolished the newly established multi-party system and implemented his own model of governance called the Panchayat system. The Panchayat system was designed to allow the King to rule the country according to his will, and the system alienated ordinary people from political processes. This system, too, came to an end after the popular movement of 1990 (widely known as jana andolan) which re-established the multi-party system in the country. DOI: 10.3126/opsa.v11i0.3036 Occasional Papers in Sociology and Anthropology Vol.11 2009 178-201

2020 ◽  
pp. 019251212093120
Paloma Caravantes

This paper analyzes the interplay of left populist and feminist politics through a case study of Podemos (‘we can’), a Spanish left populist party that reproduces a dominant gendered logic of politics despite its feminist interpretation of democratic renewal. I argue that this is the result of fundamental contradictions between the feminist and populist projects of political transformation that coexist in the party. Even if left populism offers a more productive terrain for gender equality than right populism, central tenets of populism disrupt feminist commitments and goals. Chief among these are the oversimplification of the political field based on a limited diagnosis, the exclusionary appeals to the homeland and to a homogenizing collectivity of the people, the dominant masculine and personalistic logics of charismatic leaders, the prioritization of electoral success over other forms of political transformation, and the resulting gendered political culture that marginalizes empowerment, inclusion, and participatory democratic practices.

1994 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 249-267 ◽  
Betty Malen

This article applies Hans Weiler's conception of the “political utilities” of decentralization to case study data on a school district's decision to enact site-based management. The article argues that site-based management may have considerable political utility in crisis contexts. Quite apart from its ability to improve school performance, it may bolster the district's ability to manage conflict and maintain legitimacy. These dual utilities may be more multifaceted than the orienting perspective posits and may be encumbered by dual liabilities that make this prominent reform a precarious as well as a potent political strategy.

Anggi Septiyanti

The title of this research is "Political Marketing in Pilkada (Case Study: Victory of the Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya Pair in the Election of the Governor of South Sumatra 2018 in the City of Palembang)". This study examines the phenomenon of political marketing as a strategy in a campaign. This paper elaborates and discusses how the political marketing process carried out by the successful team of the couple Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya in Palembang City. The findings obtained from this study indicate that the political marketing process carried out by the success team of Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya in Palembang City was very structured and managed to get the voice of the people of Palembang City. The political marketing process carried out by the success team of Herman Deru-Mawardi Yahya in the city of Palembang is first, showing the political products of this couple to the community such as spreading the vision and mission program of this couple to the entire Palembang City community. Secondly, to promote the people of Palembang City both through direct interaction and through print media, electronic media, and social media carried out directly by successful teams. Third, determine prices in the campaign, both in the campaign funding process and to build the price of the image of the couple. Fourth, the location of the campaign which was not only focused on one place but spread throughout the corner of the city of Palembang, because there was no major campaign in the city of Palembang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Nfn Fauzi

This study discusses the political communication of legislative candidates in influencing the political participation of the community in North Aceh District. Political communication is a process of communication or the process of giving symbols or symbols of communication containing political messages that have implications affect the attitudes and behavior of audiences who become political targets. Legislative candidates are elected by the general election through legislative elections normally proposed by political parties. This research uses survey method with mixmethod approach, quantitative and qualitative. Based on the results of the research, political communication of legislative candidates influences the political participation of the people in Aceh Utara Regency by 33.2% and the rest is influenced by other things that are not examined. Coefficient of positive value means the more effective political communication of legislative candidates, then the increasing political participation of the community. Likewise, the results of interviews with political figures show that political messages are arranged in such a way by the legislative candidates submitted at the time of the campaign either face to face or through mass media and the ability to communicate or convey messages may affect the participation of the people to vote for the legislative candidate in legislative elections.Penelitian ini membahas mengenai komunikasi politik calon legislatif dalam memengaruhi partisipasi politik masyarakat di Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Komunikasi politik merupakan suatu proses komunikasi atau proses pemberian lambang-lambang atau simbol-simbol komunikasi yang berisikan pesan-pesan politik yang memiliki implikasi memengaruhi sikap dan tingkah laku khalayak yang menjadi target politik. Calon legislatif dipilih masyarakat melalui pemilihan umum legislatif yang biasanya diajukan oleh partai politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan pendekatan mixmethod, kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, komunikasi politik calon legislatif memengaruhi partisipasi politik masyarakat di Kabupaten Aceh Utara sebesar 33,2% dan sisanya dipengaruhi hal-hal lain yang tidak diteliti. Koefisien bernilai positif artinya semakin efektif komunikasi politik calon legislatif, maka semakin meningkat partisipasi politik masyarakat. Begitu juga dengan hasil wawancara dengan tokoh politik menunjukkan bahwa pesan-pesan politik yang disusun dengan sedemikian rupa oleh calon legislatif yang disampaikan pada saat kampanye baik secara tatap muka maupun melalui media massa dan kemampuan berkomunikasi atau menyampaikan pesan dapat memengaruhi partisipasi masyarakat untuk memilih calon legislatif tersebut dalam pemilu legislatif.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-53
Andiwi Meifilina ◽  
Sulistyo Anjarwati

The problems faced when approaching the election are many, one of which is the problem related to how to lobby politics to the public to use their voting rights so that they do not abstain. This problem that is often encountered can be solved by implementing the right political campaign model strategy. The strategy in political campaigns is a careful plan for activities to achieve specific goals where the activities carried out are carried out by political organizations or competing candidates to compete for positions in parliament in order to get the support of the mass of voters (voters) in voting. In line with Law No. 10 of 2008 concerning elections for members of the DPR, DPD and DPRD loaded with 30 percent quota for women in article 53, coupled with article 8 paragraph 1 mentioned regarding statements of at least 30 percent quota of women's representation in central party political party management as one of the requirements political parties to be able to become participants in the election. The purpose of this study was to find out in depth about the strategy of the political campaign model of female candidates in Blitar Regency as a method used by legislative candidates to attract their voters. This way of lobbying politics to the community has the aim of introducing candidates to the public through political campaigns that bring up the positive image of legislative candidates by involving the community. One way in which legislative candidates take to attract attention and get votes from various communities is starting from giving promises when campaigning. The subject of this research is that all the people and female candidates in Blitar Regency and the object of their research are the political campaign model strategies in Blitar Regency. The type of research used is qualitative research using the phenomenology approach. The phenomenology approach aims to describe the meaning of life experiences experienced by some individuals about certain concepts or phenomena by exploring the structure of human consciousness. So here the researcher wants to know the meaning of the experience experienced by the community and female candidates related to the political campaign model strategy through this phenomenology study. This research method uses a qualitative approach with interviews, observation, and documentation studies. This research produced a strategy model for political campaigns related to the phenomenon of female candidates in Blitar District.  

CosmoGov ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Sri Sutjiatmi ◽  
Dwian Hartomi Akta Padma Eldo ◽  
Arif Zainudin

This paper is intended to look at the condition of Indonesia related to the still rampant occurrence of money politics which is a problem in the community when the 2019 elections simultaneously. This research takes a case study between Tegal City and Tegal Regency. The interesting thing in this study is to see how the community's assessment of the Tegal city and Tegal Regency groups regarding money politics in the 2019 elections simultaneously. The method used is a mixed method (between Mixed Methods) between quantitative and qualitative, by calculating the Solvin formula by deepening the analysis by interviewing the speakers directly. The results of the study showed that the people of Tegal City had a relatively high attitude of not paying attention to the Politics of Money in the General Election relating to the political money of the General Elections in 2019 at the same time. Unlike the people of Tegal Regency who consider money politics as a culture that is difficult to remove. Also interesting is the beginner voter group Tegal Regency has a fairly high knowledge about money politics that can damage the democratic system compared to the Beginner voters in Tegal City.

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