2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Abdul Malik

This research is explanative causality research which aims to analyze the influence of education and training variables (Diklat) as well as promotion of position on the performance of employees that have implications for the service to the community. The study was conducted at the Investment and Integrated Service Department of Satu Pintu Malang Regency, the sampling was conducted by census, where the entire population was sampled, that is 70 respondents. Data analysis calculated by quantitative approach using inferential statistic with multiple linear regression to answer the research objective by knowing the influence between independent variable to dependent variable. The results of this study indicate that there is posistif influence and significant variables Diklat and promotion positions on employee performance, there is a positive and significant influence Training and promotion of positions to public services, and there is a significant influence also between employee performance variables to community services . This means that, the service of State Civil Servant (ASN) to the community can be improved by improving the performance of the apparatus. This performance improvement can be implemented by providing education and training as well as promotion of positions to employees who deserve to be promoted.Keywords: HR Performance, Training, Promotion, Public service

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Yusnidar Yusuf

Participants education and training at Human Resource Development Centre of Transport Apparatus became the object of research to take the extent of the condition of leadership and performance effect on there work unit participants education and training and by SPSS through linear regression analysis showed that: Partially t-test results showed that the leadership (X1) had a strong and significant influence on employee performance (Y), for t > ttable was 4.829 > 1.96. Similarly, the X2 form of motivation showed tcount > ttable was 6.639> 1.96. The independent variable X1 (Leadership) and X2 (performance) simultaneously tested by F test strong and significant influence on the dependent variable Y (Performance Officer), since Fcount > Ftable (614.059 > 3.07). The resulted of regression equation Y = 2.254 + 0.411 X1 + 0.541 X2. The diversity of variable Y was influenced by the diversity of variables X1 and X2 for the remaining 91.7% 8.3% influenced by other factors. This was due to factors leadership and performance indispensable and always needed to obtain an increase motivation of participants education and training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Agrasadya Agrasadya

This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline and training on employee performance at PT. Federal International Finance Depok Branch. The method used is descriptive method with an associative approach, while to get the data done by distributing questionnaires to 90 respondents. The results of work discipline research have a positive and significant effect on employee performance by 33.10%. Hypothesis testing obtained tcount> ttable (6.205> 1.991), this is also strengthened by a probability of significance of 0,000 <0.05. Thus H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted meaning that there is an influence of work discipline on employee performance. Training has a positive and significant effect on employee performance by 44.7%. Hypothesis testing obtained tcount> ttable (7.939> 1.991), this is also strengthened with a significance probability of 0,000 <0.05. Thus H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted meaning that there is an influence of training on employee performance. Work discipline and training have a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a regression equation Y = 10.884 + 0.247X1 + 0.495X2. These results indicate the coefficient of work discipline variables of 0.247 and training of 0.495, all variables are positive meaning that the better discipline and training, the better the performance of employees. The contribution of the influence of work discipline and training was 50.3% while the remaining 49.7% was influenced by other factors. Hypothesis testing obtained Fcount> Ftable (46,364> 3,100) this is reinforced by the F-Probability significance of 0,000 <0.05, thus H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted meaning that there is a positive and significant influence between work discipline and training simultaneously on the performance of employees of PT. Federal International Finance Depok Branch.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 070
Mutining Mutining

ThisstudyaimstofindpracticalandanalyzeperformanceofemployeesofRadioVolare Pontianak, in order to match an employees’ performance improvement strategy. While theoretically the results of this study are expected to provide an overview performance of employees of Radio Volare Pontianak . The results with observations of phenomena such as the above shows that the performance of employees of Radio Volare Pontianak has not been optimal.It is with the persistence of the level of discipline, motivation and responsibility are still lacking on the field. But with the education and training, coaching, development of potential employees, giving reward and punishment as well as good relations between leaders and employees will contribute both to improve employee performance on an goingbasis.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 315-323
Muhammad Ali Aqsa

This study aims to determine the impact of motivation and education and training on the performance of private employees, in which this research was conducted at PT. Hasrat Tata Jaya Pekanbaru. The number of samples in this study was determined based on Slovin formula, so that a sample of 72 people was obtained, while the approach used in sampling was through simple random sampling. While the data analysis in this study uses quantitative methods with multiple linear regression. Based on the results of research on the motivation variable, the results obtained that the value of t count is greater than t table (2.652> 1.994) with a significance level of 0.010 smaller than 0.05. Then H1 is accepted. Based on the results of the t test above it can be concluded that motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at PT. Hasrat Tata Jaya Pekanbaru. While the results of testing on education and training variables, the results obtained that the value of t count is greater than t table (2,084> 1,994) with a significance level of 0.041 smaller than 0.05. Then H2 is accepted, Based on the results of the t test above it can be concluded that education and training has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at PT. Hasrat Tata Jaya  Pekanbaru. In a simultaneous test (F test), obtained f count greater than f table that is equal to 86,600> 3.13 with a significance level of 0,000 smaller than 0.05, this means that H3 is accepted. Which means that simultaneously the motivation and education variables and training have a positive and significant effect on employee performance variables. So it can be concluded that motivation and education and training together (simultaneous) have a positive and significant effect on the performance of private employees at PT. Hasrat Tata Jaya  Pekanbaru. The large impact caused by the two variables is 71.50%, this explains that motivation and education and training have an effect of 71.50% on the performance of employees at PT. The Desire of Tata Jaya Pekanbaru, while the rest was not assessed in this study.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-108
Haslinda Haslinda ◽  
Idris Azis ◽  
Bakri Hasanuddin

This  study  aims  to  determine  the  influencet  of  education  and  training  as  well  as  emotional intelligence on the performance of employees at the State Attorney Office of Palu, Central Sulawesi. Sample consists of 31 people, who were selected with census method. Model of analysis multiple linear regressions  with  SPSS  computer  program  for Windows  Release  22.0.  The  research  concludes  that education and training (X1) and emotional intelligence (X2) simultaneously have significant influence on employee performance (Y) in Attorney Office of Palu. This is evidenced by the F test that shows the significance value below 0.05 of 0.000. Education and training (X1) partially has significant influence on employee performance (Y); this is evidenced by the t-test that shows significance value below 0.05, of 0.001. Emotional intelligence (X2) partially has significant influence on employee performance (Y), which is evidenced by the t-test that shows significance value below 0.05 of 0.000. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  pengaruh  pendidikan  dan  pelatihan  serta  kecerdasan emosional  terhadap  kinerja  pegawai  di Kejaksaan  Negeri  Palu,  Sulawesi  Tengah.  Sampel  dalam penomoran adalah  31  orang,  metode  pengambilan  sampel  menggunakan sampel  jenuh  atau  sensus. Model analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model analisis regresi berganda (multiple regression analysis) dengan bantuan program komputer SPSS for Windows Release 22.0.Analisis data menggunakan  regresi  linier  berganda,  uji  F  dan  uji t.  Hasil  penelitian  menyimpulkan  bahwa pendidikan dan pelatihan (X1) dan emotional intelligence (X2) secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap  kinerja  karyawan  (Y)  pada  Kejaksaan  Negeri  Palu.  Hal  ini dibuktikan  dengan  uji  F  yang menunjukkan  nilai  signifikansi  kurang dari  0,05  adalah  0,000.  Pendidikan  dan  pelatihan  (X1)berpengaruh  secara  parsial  terhadap  kinerja  karyawan  (Y),  hal  ini  dibuktikan dengan  uji  t  yang menunjukkan nilai signifikansi kurang dari 0,05 yaitu 0,001. Kecerdasan Emosional (X2) berpengaruh secara  parsial berpengaruh  terhadap  kinerja  karyawan  (Y),  hal  ini  dibuktikan dengan  uji  t menunjukkan nilai signifikansi kurang dari 0,05 adalah 0,000.

Zulfadly Zulfadly ◽  
Andi Tarlis

The formulation of the problem in this research is the effectiveness of education and training effect on Selling Skill of employees of Bank Aceh After Conversion amounting to 1220 that is on score "Very High". Does the effectiveness of education and training affect Selling Skill, Knowledge and work culture of Bank Aceh after Conversion employees? Selling Skill enters the "Very High" score ranking of 1,212, Knowledge enters the "Very High" score ranking of 1.220 and the Working Culture enters the score ranking "Very Height "of 1.213. This means that the three variables are very effective effect on employees of Bank Aceh Caban Idi East Aceh. Does the effectiveness of education and training affect the employee's work culture that has a very high impact of 1.213, this indicates that in addition to the knowledge that must be owned by employees must also have a good work culture in order to improve the performance of employees of Bank Aceh Branch Idi Aceh Timur. . Although Knowledge becomes the main point of the appraisal result, it remains that other variables should not be ruled out as they are interdependent in order to effectively improve the employee performance of Bank Aceh Branch Idi post-conversion. When viewed from the comparison between Education and Training on Selling Skill, Knowledge and Working Culture, it is known that Training is more effective than education that has a score of 1.222.This indicates that the Aceh Bank should more often provide training to employees in order to improve employee effectiveness Bank Aceh After Conversion. Keyword : Education, Training, Selling Skill, Knowledge, Work Culture   Abstrak Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Efektiftifitas pendidikan dan pelatihan berpengaruh pada Selling Skill karyawan Bank Aceh Pasca Konversi sebesar 1.220 yakni berada pada skor “Sangat Tinggi”. Apakah efektivitas pendidikan dan pelatihan berpengaruh pada Selling Skill, Knowledge dan budaya kerja karyawan Bank Aceh Pasca Konversi yakni Selling Skill masuk ranking skor “Sangat Tinggi” sebesar 1.212, Knowledge masuk ranking skor “Sangat Tinggi” sebesar 1.220 dan Budaya Kerja masuk ranking skor “Sangat Tinggi” sebesar 1.213. Artinya bahwa ketiga variabel tersebut sangat berpengaruh efektif terhadap karyawan Bank Aceh Cabang Idi Aceh Timur. Apakah efektifitas pendidikan dan pelatihan berpengaruh pada budaya kerja karyawan yakni terdapat pengaruh yang Sangat Tinggi sebesar 1.213, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa selain knowledge yang harus dimiliki oleh karyawan juga harus memiliki budaya kerja yang baik dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja karyawan Bank Aceh Cabang Idi Aceh Timur. . Walaupun Knowledge (Pengetahuan) menjadi poin utama dari hasil penilaian, akan tetap variabel-variabel yang lain tetap tidak boleh dikesampingkan karena semuanya saling keterkaitan dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja karyawan Bank Aceh Cabang Idi secara efektif pasca konversi.Jika dilihat dari perbandingan antara Pendidikan dan Pelatihan terhadap Selling Skill, Knowledge dan Budaya Kerja, maka diketahui bahwa Pelatihan lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan pendidikan yakni memiliki skor sebesar 1.222.Hal ini menandakan bahwa Bank Aceh harus lebih sering memberikan pelatihan kepada karyawan dalam rangka meningkatkan efektifitas karyawan Bank Aceh Pasca Konversi. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan, Pelatihan, Selling Skill, Pengetahuan, Budaya Kerja

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-19
Widiastuti Widiastuti ◽  
Mohammad Mulyadi

This study aims to determine and analyze the magnitude of the influence of the development of leadership quality, coordination and training and education on improving safety culture. Based on the results of research using partial and multiple linear regression analysis with the help of SPSS version 24 shows that: partially shows that the role of leadership has a positive and significant influence of 26.4% on safety culture. The second independent variable is coordination which has a positive and significant effect of 74.4% on safety culture. Partially the third independent variable of education and training also has a positive and significant effect of 20.5% on the quality of safety culture. Furthermore, the independent variables of the Role of Leadership, coordination, training and education are tested simultaneously or together using the F Test and prove to have an influence with three positive independent variables and all three are significant to the Improvement of Safety Culture with the magnitude of influence can be seen from the coefficient of determination (R2) is 74.9%

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-29
James Ronald Tambunan

Balai Diklat Industri Regional – I Medan us one of technical executive unitaries in education and training sector is responsible for center for Industrial Education and Training of the Ministry of Industry. Since Regulation number 22 year 1999 for local autonomy is legalized and then has been changed to regulation number 32 year 2003, there are many changes in the structure of organization including reposition and substitution of functionaries and officials in industrial service institution. Due to the reposition, there are many officials still do not have enough technical substantive knowledge about industry sector as their aquip to do their dutter. In order to repair this condition, technical training needs to be done. It aims to synchronize perception between the older and the newer ones. The purpose of this research is to look for and analyze the effect of Technical Training and motivation of alumnae’s work in Balai Diklat Industri Regional I Medan. Hypothesis of the research is Technical Training and motivation affect alumnae’s work in Balai Diklat Industri Regional I Medan. Method use in taking the samples is by using Slovin Formulation in which from 179 populations about 124 samples are taken. Hypothesis is tested by using compound linear regressive analysis. It is held by doing simultaneous test (f test) and partial Test (t test). Both of tests have purpose to know the effect of independent variable to dependent variable on relieance level 95% or ? = 0,005. The result of analysis shows that Technical Training and motivation have simultaneous and significant effect to work motivation of alumnae in Balai Diklat Industri Regional I Medan. The significant level is 0.000. Determinant Coefficient (R2) of independent variable to dependent variable is about 59,3 % and the rest (40,7 %) is affected by another variable that is not used in this research. The result of t test (partial test) shows every independent variable used has significant effect to its dependent variable. Technical Training variable has real effect to the work with significant effect to the work 0.01 with significant level 0,000 smaller than 0,005 (5%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-252

Abstract : This study aims to determine the magnitude of the influence of Training, Infrastructure and Budget on the Performance of the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) at the Regional Inspectorate of Kapuas Regency . Data was collected using questionnaires and documentation Questionnaires are used to measure the variables of Education and Training, Infrastructure and Budget and employee performance. Data analysis technique used is U ji validity , test reliability , test correlation coefficients , t-test (Partial) , Test Multicollinearity , Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (Test Normality) , ANOVA (F test Simultaneous) and Test Multiple Linear Regression . The results showed that the budget has a positive and significant effect on employee performance . The results of the t test between X 3 (Budget) and Y (APIP Performance) show t count = 3.114. While the t table (α = 0.05 ; db residual = 17) is 1.740. Because t arithmetic > t table is 3.114 > 1.740 or sig t value (0.008) < = 0.05, the effect of X 3 (Budget) on Y (APIP Performance) is significant. This means that Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, so it can be concluded that APIP's performance can be significantly affected by the Budget .Based on the coefficient because it has the greatest beta coefficient value of 0.707 when compared to the regression coefficient of the education and training variable and infrastructure. this means that H 0 is rejected and h 3 is received, so that it can be concluded that the budget is the dominant variable affecting the performance of internal government regulatory authorities in Kapuas district inspectorate valued at 70.7% and the remaining 29 , 3 % is influenced by other variables not examined in this research. Keywords: Training, Infrastructure and Budget , Employee Performance.   Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Diklat, Sarana Prasarana Dan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Aparat Pengawas Internal Pemerintah (APIP) pada Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Kapuas. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan koesioner dan dokumentasi. koesioner digunakan untuk mengukur variabel Diklat, Sarana prasarana dan Anggran serta kinerja pegawai. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Uji Validitas, Uji Reliabilitas, uji Koefisien Korelasi, Uji t (Parsial), Uji Multikolinearitas, Uji Kolmogorov Smirnov (Uji Normalitas), ANOVA (uji F Simultan) dan Uji Regresi Linear Berganda. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Anggran mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Hasil t test antara X3 (Anggaran) dengan Y (Kinerja APIP) menunjukkan t hitung = 3,114. Sedangkan t tabel (α = 0.05 ; db residual = 17) adalah sebesar 1,740. Karena t hitung > t tabel yaitu 3,114 > 1,740 atau nilai sig t (0,008) < α = 0.05 maka pengaruh X3(Anggaran) terhadap Y (Kinerja APIP) adalah signifikan. Hal ini berarti Ho ditolak dan H1 diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja APIP dapat dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh Anggaran. Berdasarkan koefisien dikarenakan mempunyai nilai koefisiensi beta paling besar 0,707 jika Dibandingkan dengan koefisien regresi variabel Diklat dan sarana prasarana. hal ini berarti h0 ditolak dan h3 diterima, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa anggaran merupakan variabel yang dominan mempengaruhi kinerja aparat pengawas internal pemerintah pada inspektorat daerah kabupaten Kapuas senilai 70,7% dan sisanya 29,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci: Diklat, Sarana prasarana dan Anggaran, Kinerja Pegawai.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Kun Sri Hartanto

Abstract : The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of leadership, education and training, compensation, and work environment on employee performance at Regional Office of Directorate General of Treasury of South Kalimantan Province. The population of this study were 79 people and 40 people samples by using purposive sampling technique. Data analysis technique using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that leadership, education and training, compensation, and work environment simultaneously and partially have a significant effect on employee performance, with education and training became the dominant factor influencing work performance. Keywords: Leadership, Education and Training, Compensation, Work Environment, and Employee Performance. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan, pendidikan dan pelatihan, kompensasi, dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Kantor Wilayah Direktorat Jenderal (Kanwil Ditjen) Perbendaharaan Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 79 orang dengan sampel sebanyak 40 orang, menggunakan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling.  Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan, pendidikan dan pelatihan, kompensasi, dan lingkungan kerja secara simultan maupun parsial berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja pegawai, dengan faktor Pendidikan dan pelatihan yang menjadi faktor yg berpengaruh dominan terhadap kinerja pegawai. Kata kunci : Kepemimpinan, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja, Kinerja Pegawai.

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