Prykhodko A.N. ◽  
Semonova N.V.

Purpose. LT is a complex and multifaceted object of philological analysis, which allows for a plurality of approaches to its interpretation. New impulses in the philological study of literary text (LT) are associated with the development of narrative and cognitive trends in modern humanities. These trends allow studying the individual demiurge’s worldview reflected in LT through the prism of artistic and aesthetic concepts. At the current stage of linguistics development, the issues of interaction between language and thinking, language and culture, language and ethnicity are especially relevant. As thinking plays a leading role in the process of forming a linguistic worldview, an important role in linguistic research in recent decades is played by the cognitive direction, through which the functioning of language is seen as a kind of cognitive activity, and the concept is the basic unit integrating language and culture.Key concepts of culture have an important presence in the collective language consciousness, so their study becomes an extremely important issue. Characterization of the Robert Burns’s basic individual-authorial concepts from the linguo-axiological standpoint became the purpose of the study.To achieve the purpose, one must solve problems such as framing the term “concept” with further defining the term “conceptual system”, description of the R. Burns’s idiodiscourse conceptual system and its integral structural elements, as well as the analysis of the values that form the basis of the individual-authorial worldview.Methods used during the study include contextual and conceptual analysis, the continuous sampling and descriptive methods.Results. The mental organization of the R. Burns’s works, which concentrates the totality of all concepts, consists of the following concepts: LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, POVERTY, JOY, HYPOCRISY, LABOR, NOBLES, which are endowed different axiological characteristics. The values that R. Burns uses in his works are condemnation of the nobles cruelty, contempt for material wealth and accumulation of savings, but compassion for the poor, respect for friendship, fidelity to brotherhood and sincere love, as well as the assertion of equality and freedom, honor and sense of human dignity.Conclusions. The conceptual system of R. Burns’s idiodiscourse consists of concepts that are endowed with positive and negative axiological characteristics: the concepts of LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, JOY have a positive value; concepts NOBLES, HYPOCRISY have negative-value; concepts POVERTY, LABOR are ambivalent-value.Key words: conceptualization, concept, linguoaxiology, axiological characteristic, worldview, literary text. Мета. Художній текст є складним і багатоаспектним об’єктом філологічного аналізу, який уможливлює множинність підходів до його тлумачення. Нові імпульси у філологічному вивченні художнього тексту пов’язані з розвитком наративного та когнітивного напрямів у сучасному гуманітарному знанні, котрі дають змогу досліджувати відображену в художньому тексті індивідуальну картину світу автора-творця крізь призму художньо-естетичних концептів.На сучасному етапі розвитку лінгвістики особливо актуальними стають питання взаємодії мови та мислення, мови та культури, мови й етносу. Оскільки мислення посідає чільне місце у процесі формування мовної картини світу, важливу роль у лінгвістичних дослідженнях останніх десятиліть відіграє когнітивний напрям, за допомогою якого функціонування мови розглядається як різновид пізнавальної діяльності, а концепт є основною одиницею, що інтегрує в собі мову та культуру в їх взаємопроникненні.Ключові концепти культури займають важливе місце в колективній мовній свідомості, тому їхнє дослідження стає надзвичайно актуальною проблемою. Характеристика базисних індивідуально-авторських концептів Роберта Бернса з лінгвоаксіологічних позицій і стала метою цього дослідження.Досягнення встановленої мети включає розв’язання таких завдань, як визначення поняття «концепт» із подальшим з’ясуванням специфіки терміна «концептуальна система», опис концептосистеми ідіодискурсу Р. Бернса та її невід’ємних структурних елементів, а також аналіз ціннісних орієнтирів, що становлять основу індивідуально-авторської картини світу.Методи, застосовані під час виконання дослідження, включають контекстуальний та концептуальний аналізи, метод суцільної вибірки, описовий метод.Результати. Проведене дослідження дає змогу отримати результати, які свідчать про те, що ментальну організацію творів Р. Бернса, де зосереджена сукупність усіх концептів, становлять такі концепти: LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, POVERTY, JOY, HYPOCRISY, LABOR, NOBLES, які наділені різними аксіологічними характеристиками. Ціннісні орієнтири, якими Р. Бернс оперує у своїх творах, – це осуд жорстокості класу знаті, презирливе ставлення до матеріального блага та накопичення, але співчуття до бідняків, шанобливе ставлення до дружби, вірність братньому духу і щирій любові, а також затвердження рівності та свободи людей, честі та почуття людської гідності.Висновки. Концептуальну систему ідіодискурсу Р. Бернса становлять концепти, які наділені позитивними і негативними аксіологічними характеристиками: концепти LOVE, FRIENDSHIP, FREEDOM, HONOR, JOY – позитивно-ціннісні; концепти NOBLES, HYPOCRISY – негативно-ціннісні; концепти POVERTY, LABOR – амбівалентно-ціннісні.Ключові слова: концептуалізація, концепт, лінгвоаксіологія, аксіологічна характеристика, картина світу, художній текст

A. L. Semenov ◽  
V. I. Ershov ◽  
D. A. Gusarov

This paper deals with the concept of the translation approach to the problem of interaction of language and culture in terms of determination of the translation solutions by linguoethnic factors. The authors pay main attention to the analysis of the notion of culture. The concept proceeds from the views and opinions regarding the culture and its role in shaping the identity of the person introduced by the honorary doctor (doctor honoris cause) of the MGIMO-University Federico Major in his book «New page». Sharing the point of view of F. Major , the authors come to the conclusion that culture is a knowledge, based on which an individual perceives and evaluates his performance and behavior. Projecting such a position on the verbal behavior, the authors highlight the leading role of culture in the process of producing a speech act played when choosing the individual models of behavior on the basis of the knowledge of the communicative situation. Based on F. Mayor`s opinion that culture unites rather than divides people, the authors note the presence of universal and unique linguoethnic elements in the cultural knowledge of the representatives of various ethnic groups which determine the degree of similarities and differences in the ways of expressing knowledge in different languages. In this paper the authors reasonably use the term «linguoethnic» to describe the cultural-cognitive peculiarities inherent to individuals as representatives of different ethnic groups, as well as give comparison of the terms «linguoethnic» and «linguocultural».

Anna I. Trubkina

The relevance of the study is determined by the anthropocentrism of the modern scientific paradigm of linguistics and the need to establish correlations of the constituents of linguistic consciousness and objects of the external world in the structuring and functioning of the conceptual metaphor in the literary text. Conceptual metaphor is a mental topological projection of interacting areas of linguistic consciousness and the surrounding world. The purpose of the article is to study the functional and pragmatic potential of metaphorical models built on the basis of the conceptual metaphor «Human Being – Nature» in a literary text. The material for the study was the literary texts of the novels of I.S. Turgenev’s “Rudin”, “Fathers and Sons”, “Smoke”, “Virgin Soil”, containing representative metaphorical micro and macro contexts. The complex of research methods includes the method of continuous sampling, deductive-inductive method, conceptual analysis, and the method of linguistic interpretation. The functions of metaphorical contexts, which are based on the conceptual metaphor Human - Nature, consist in the possibility of representing the inner world of characters, their general cultural potential, social status and origin; the use of metaphors in the speech of characters (external and internal) allows us to talk about the figurative perception of the world by these heroes, about the level of their emotionality and linguistic creativity, since metaphors are a kind of human thinking patterns. Analysis of the implementation of the conceptual metaphor «Human Being- Nature» in a literary text allows one to discover and describe the priority cognitive structures of the author’s linguistic consciousness and values inherent in the individual author’s picture of the world. Research prospects are in the possibility of identifying priority conceptual metaphors in the individual author’s picture of the world on the basis of literary texts in order to identify and describe the dominants of linguistic consciousness and the value picture of the world of a particular author

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 198-206
Alina Albertovna Diveeva

This article is dedicated to the semantic arrangement of rap lyrics. Based on the quantitative and statistical processing of the material, the author determines the lexical units that acquire a new functional purpose and conceptualization in the literary text. The goal of this research is to describe the functionality of the universal concepts of “human”, “time” and “life”, as well as the methods of their representation in the Russian rap lyrics. The relevance and novelty of this work are defined by the fact that despite the attempts existing in the linguistic science to determine the semantic and conceptual fields common to the lyrics of rap culture, this topic remains poorly studied within framework of interpretation of the Russian rap lyrics as a literary text. The concepts of “human”, “time”, “life” in rap lyrics manifest as the key indicator of the system arrangement of a literary text; and despite their universal nature, reflect the specific content, which is substantiated by communicative and stylistic peculiarities of rap. The conducted analysis of rap lyrics demonstrates that the concept of “life” can perform a leading role one in arrangement of the lexical-semantic space of the text, as it suggests a complex representation of social reality (time and space), life activities of the subject and their assessment, reflection on the new life and new people. The article employs descriptive method, contextual analysis, quantitative-statistical analysis, as well as the method of continuous sampling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Zhang Chengdong ◽  

In traditional Russian literature, the motif of losing oneself regularly serves as the motivation for spiritual transformation and search for salvation of the character, promoting the plot of a literary text and creating new types of characters. However, it is not difficult to notice the transformation in the utilization and implementation of this motif in the plot composition of postmodern texts based on the principle of uncertainty and randomness, which is opposed to the teleology of the classical narrative. The relevance of the topic is due to the insufficiency of research on such changes, especially in the postmodern works by Viktor Pelevin. Though there have been several observations on Pelevin’s textual structure, the role of motifs in organizing and constructing the plot remains outside the scope of researchers’ attention. This article aims to reveal the role and specifics of the motif “the loss of oneself” as a plot-forming component in the novel Generation “P” by V. O. Pelevin. Based on the contemporary motif theory, it particularly pays attention to the context of allomotifs and events associated with the motifeme of losing oneself, following A. Dundes, who understands the motifeme as the basic unit in the paradigmatics of the narrative, and allomotifs as its syntagmatic variants. Through analyzing various variations of allomotifs “the loss of oneself” (losing the feeling of eternity, symbolic death, metamorphosis, manipulation, etc.), the paper attempts to reveal constructive components of the narrative structure in this novel, which determined its artistic semantics. Arguing the tragic essence of the individual value orientation on consumerism in the context of the eschatological media mythology, it also finds out that Pelevin constructs the plot as Tatarsky’s rising up the career ladder, accompanied by the loss of personality, the replacement of Homo sapiens by Homo Zappiens. To achieve this purpose, he widely uses different schemes that implement the emic motifeme through various variations of allomotifs. That’s why, the success of the protagonist in the ending does not mean the spiritual salvation, but the totality of submission to the God of money and immersion in the void, where the way out of the new social and mental impasse is impossible not only for the protagonist but also for the novelist himself. Keywords: Victor Pelevin, Generation “P”, motifeme of losing oneself, set of allomotifs, mythopoetics

Kemining W. Yeh ◽  
Richard S. Muller ◽  
Wei-Kuo Wu ◽  
Jack Washburn

Considerable and continuing interest has been shown in the thin film transducer fabrication for surface acoustic waves (SAW) in the past few years. Due to the high degree of miniaturization, compatibility with silicon integrated circuit technology, simplicity and ease of design, this new technology has played an important role in the design of new devices for communications and signal processing. Among the commonly used piezoelectric thin films, ZnO generally yields superior electromechanical properties and is expected to play a leading role in the development of SAW devices.

2019 ◽  
pp. 22-29
Н. В. Фрадкіна

The purpose and tasks of the work are to analyze the contemporary Ukrainian mass culture in terms of its value and humanistic components, as well as the importance of cultural studies and Ukrainian studies in educational disciplines for the formation of a holistic worldview of modern youth.Analysis of research and publications. Scientists repeatedly turned to the problems of the role of spirituality in the formation of society and its culture. This problem is highlighted in the publications by O. Losev, V. Lytvyn, D. Likhachev, S. Avierintsev, M. Zakovych, I. Stepanenko and E. Kostyshyn.Experts see the main negative impact of mass culture on the quality approach, which determines mass culture through the market, because mass culture, from our point of view, is everything that is sold and used in mass demand.One of the most interesting studies on this issue was the work by the representatives of Frankfurt School M. Horkheimer and T. Adorno «Dialectics of Enlightenment» (1947), devoted to a detailed analysis of mass culture. Propaganda at all socio-cultural levels in the form is similar in both totalitarian and democratic countries. It is connected, according to the authors, with the direction of European enlightenment. The tendency to unify people is a manifestation of the influence of mass culture, from cinema to pop. Mass culture is a phenomenon whose existence is associated with commerce (accumulation in any form – this is the main feature of education), in general, the fact that it exists in this form is related to the direction of the history of civilization.Modern mass culture, with its externally attractive and easily assimilated ideas and symbols, appealing to the trends of modern fashion, becomes a standard of prestigious consumption, does not require intense reflection, allows you to relax, distract, not teach, but entertains, preaches hedonism as the main spiritual value. And as a consequence, there are socio-cultural risks: an active rejection of other people, which leads to the formation of indifference; cruelty as a character trait; increase of violent and mercenary crime; increase in the number of alcohol and drug addicts; anti-patriotism; indifference to the values of the family and as a result of social orphanhood and prostitution.Conclusions, perspectives of research. Thus, we can conclude that modern Ukrainian education is predominantly formed by the values of mass culture. Namely, according to the «Dialectic» by Horkheimer and Adorno, «semi-enlightenment becomes an objective spirit» of our modern society.It is concluded that only high-quality education can create the opposite of the onset of mass culture and the destruction of spirituality in our society. It is proved that only by realizing the importance of cultivating disciplines in the educational process and the spiritual upbringing of the nation, through educational reforms, humanitarian knowledge will gradually return to student audiences.Formation of youth occurs under the influence of social environment, culture, education and self-education. The optimal combination of these factors determines both the process of socialization itself and how successful it will be. In this context, one can see the leading role of education and upbringing. It turns out that the main task of modern education is to spread its influence on the development of spiritual culture of the individual, which eventually becomes a solid foundation for the formation of the individual. Such a subject requires both philosophical and humanitarian approaches in further integrated interdisciplinary research, since the availability of such research will provide the theoretical foundation for truly modern educational and personal development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL1) ◽  
pp. 748-752
Swapnali Khabade ◽  
Bharat Rathi ◽  
Renu Rathi

A novel, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causes severe acute respiratory syndrome and spread globally from Wuhan, China. In March 2020 the World Health Organization declared the SARS-Cov-2 virus as a COVID- 19, a global pandemic. This pandemic happened to be followed by some restrictions, and specially lockdown playing the leading role for the people to get disassociated with their personal and social schedules. And now the food is the most necessary thing to take care of. It seems the new challenge for the individual is self-isolation to maintain themselves on the health basis and fight against the pandemic situation by boosting their immunity. Food organised by proper diet may maintain the physical and mental health of the individual. Ayurveda aims to promote and preserve the health, strength and the longevity of the healthy person and to cure the disease by properly channelling with and without Ahara. In Ayurveda, diet (Ahara) is considered as one of the critical pillars of life, and Langhana plays an important role too. This article will review the relevance of dietetic approach described in Ayurveda with and without food (Asthavidhi visheshaytana & Lanhgan) during COVID-19 like a pandemic.

Ayta Sakun ◽  
Tatiana Kadlubovich ◽  
Darina Chernyak

The problem of success became relevant at the beginning of the XXI century. Everyone strives to succeed, to be confident in themselves and in the future. Success is recognized as one of the needs of the individual. Reforming modern education is designed to make it human-centered, effective, close to the practical needs of the learner. The humanization of education is impossible without creating situations of success in learning. Such situations activate a person's cognitive motivation, reveal his creative potential, make a person strong and confident. To create situations of success, teachers use a variety of methods and tools that enhance the cognitive activity of students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (7) ◽  
pp. 2417-2425
Peter Peikov ◽  
Borana Hadjieva

The present paper reveals the significance of the National Archival Fund for preservation of the historical and cultural memory of the Bulgarian nation and the formation of historical consciousness. The National Archives Fund is defined as the largest collection of documents with historical, scientific, social, economic, cultural significance as an essential part of the cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria.It treasures documents about the history of thousands of institutions and prominent figures of the state, economy, culture and art, of ordinary citizens whose activity is historically important in one respect or another.The emphasis of the study is on the main factors determining the daily enrichment of the National Archival Fund with new documents. Among these key factors are development of documentaristics and archivistics, trends in social development, ideological and political climate, financial stability and attitude of the society as a whole, of the istitutional leaders and administrative heads, creating documents, in particular, of the non-governmental organizations and even of the individual citizen to the problems in the field of archivistics.In the focus of the paper as well is the leading role of the state archives for the formation of the National Archival Fund of Bulgaria and the opportunities for cooperation with museums, libraries, community centers and other institutions of memory working with the same purpose and vision.

1981 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 875-883
Shiv K Soni ◽  
Daniel Van Gelder

Abstract Due to the existence of 2 asymmetric carbon atoms in: the propoxyphene molecule, there are 4 diastereomers: alpha dextro, alpha levo, beta dextro, and beta levo. Only α-d-propoxyphene is included under the federal Controlled Substances Act. Baseline separations of propoxyphene from various incipients (aspirin, caffeine, phenacetin, and acetaminophen) present in pharmaceutical and illicit preparations, and between the alpha and beta diastereomers, were achieved by high pressure liquid chromatography. The column eluant was collected and propoxyphene was extracted. The optical isomers were differentiated and characterized by melting points and by chemical microcrystalline tests. Using hot stage thermomicroscopy, the eutectic melting points of binary isomeric mixtures of propoxyphene bases and salts were found to be depressed about 10° and 15-30°C, respectively, below the individual isomer melting points. The characteristic microcrystals formed with the alpha racemic mixtures by using a glycerin-aqueous gold chloride reagent were not produced by the beta racemic mixtures.

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