Akhmedova E.D.

The purpose of the article is to establish correlations between the presence or absence of cultural specificity of a source-text simile and its replacement with a target-text simile based on a different cognitive model. The paper rests on D.Tartt’s and M. Atwood’s novels and their translations.Methods. The research employs structural-semantic translation analysis, which allows identifying translation transformations, and cognitive translation analysis, which allows constructing cognitive propositional models of the source-text and target-text fiction similes and reveal if they are culturally specific. A simile is defined as an explicit conceptual metaphor, after G. Lakoff and M.Johnson. Cognitive propositional model of the simile is “A is like B”, where “A” and “B” are the target and source domains/concepts respectively. The research addresses the concepts of translation procedure, translation transformation and translation strategy. A translation procedure is conceived as a process of solving a translation problem, a translation transformation – as converting a text unit from one language to another and a translation strategy – as a translator’s general plan of action. Translation transformations are studied as specific linguistic instantiations of translation procedures.Results. The study differentiates between idiomatic, non-idiomatic and allusive conventional similes. It has been revealed that replacement of English fiction simile mappings applies to idiomatic, non-idiomatic and allusive similes and is embodied in the Ukrainian language by culturally specific idiomatic similes.Conclusions. Replacement of fiction simile mappings is carried out by means of lexical-grammatical transformation of holistic substitution, which serves the strategy of domestication. The domestication strategy is compulsory if the translator is limited in making decisions by linguistic and cultural specificity of the English simile, as in the case of idiomatic similes, and it is optional in the case of non-idiomatic or allusive similes that are devoid of linguacultural specificity.Key words: allusive simile, cognitive translation analysis, idiomatic simile, non-idiomatic simile, translation procedure, translation strategy. Мета статті полягає у встановленні кореляцій між наявністю/відсутністю культурної специфіки порівняння тексту оригі-налу і використанням перекладачем процедури його заміни на порівняння, що базується на іншій когнітивній моделі. Робота виконана на матеріалі романів Д.Тартт та М. Етвуд та їхніх українських перекладів.Методи. У дослідженні використано структурно-семантичний перекладацький аналіз, що дозволяє виявити способи і трансформації перекладу і когнітивний перекладацький аналіз, що лежить в основі побудови когнітивних пропозиціональ-них моделей художніх порівнянь в оригіналі і перекладі, і дозволяє встановити, чи є вони культурно специфічними. Порівняння розглядається як експліцитна концептуальна метафора за Дж.Лакоффом та М.Джонсоном, когнітивна пропозиціональна модель якого має такий вигляд: «А є як Б», де «А» є доменом цілі, а «Б» – доменом джерела. У дослідженні визначаються поняття перекладацької процедури, способів/трансформацій перекладу та стратегій перекладу. Перекладацька процедура роз-глядається як процес вирішення перекладацької проблеми, способи/трансформації перекладу – як перетворення текстової одиниці з однієї мови на іншу, а стратегія перекладу – як загальний план дій перекладача. Способи/трансформації перекладу вивчаються як специфічне мовне втілення перекладацькоїпроцедури.Результати. У ході дослідження були розмежовані ідіоматичні, неідіоматичні та алюзивні конвенціональні порівняння. Визначено, що перекладацька заміна когнітивних моделей англомовних художніх порівнянь поширюється на ідіоматичні, неідіоматичні та алюзивні порівняння і втілюється в українській мові культурно специфічними ідіоматичними порівняннями.Висновки. Заміна когнітивних моделей порівнянь здійснюється за допомогою лексико-граматичної трансформації цілісної заміни, яка реалізує стратегію одомашнення. Стратегія одомашнення є примусовою, якщо перекладач є обмеженим у прийнятті рішень лінгвокультурною специфікою англомовного порівняння, як у випадку з ідіоматичними порівняннями, або факультативною, як у випадку з неідіоматичними або алюзивними порівняннями, які не є лінгвокультурно маркованими. Ключові слова: алюзивне порівняння, ідіоматичне порівняння, когнітивний перекладацький аналіз, неідіоматичне порівняння, перекладацька процедура, стратегія перекладу.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1 (21)) ◽  
pp. 117-129
Gayane Gasparyan

Pre-translation text analysis is an integral part of an efficient translation procedure. In fact, it focuses on collecting intra-textual and extra-textual information on the text under translation. Collecting the intra-textual information is mainly based on a thorough analysis of the source text linguistic peculiarities, whereas the extra-textual information focuses basically on the communicative functional properties of both source and target texts. There exist different approaches towards this procedure and the stages of its accomplishment. Nonetheless, it should be noted that they all lead to a broader spectrum of discourse analysis with its intra-textual and extra-textual parameters and give birth to the translation-oriented pragmatic analysis before initiating translation process itself. The article focuses on the interrelation and interaction of all the mentioned types of analysis (pragmatic analysis, discourse analysis, pre-translation analysis) as an essential requirement for a relevant translation.

2020 ◽  

This article analyses strategies and methods of English-Ukrainian translation of the names of fiction simile etalons. The topicality of the research results from the fact that English-Ukrainian translations of fiction simile etalons have not been investigated with the account of the simile cognitive models that determine the form and content of their verbal instantiation. The aim of the article is to find correlation between methods / strategies and techniques / transformations in rendering English instantiations of fiction simile etalons into Ukrainian, applying cognitive and structural-semantic translation analyses. The research has discovered three methods used to translate English names of the simile etalons into Ukrainian: faithful, adaptive and communicative. The faithful method correlates with the foreignization translation strategy and presupposes reconstructing the original cognitive models, even if they are not rooted in the culture of translation. The faithful method is applied in its formal (use of structural transformations of transliteration or transcription, which demands introduction of translation commentaries, or explication) and semantic (use of vocabulary equivalents) varieties. The adaptive method correlates with the domestication translation strategy and involves replacing or reconstructing the original simile cognitive model, eliminating the simile or introducing a new simile into the text of translation. The adaptive method manifests itself as formal adaptation (use of structural-functional elements that have no analogues in the original), semantic adaptation (use of semantic transformations of contextual substitution or holistic transformation) and stylistic adaptation (substitution of linguistic units of neutral register with stylistically marked ones). The communicative method does not presuppose making choice between domestication and foreignization, since it is used to translate similes resting on cognitive models that are common for the cultures of the original and translation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 82 ◽  
Noezafri Amar

This research was aimed at describing the accuracy level of Google Translate especially in translating English text into Indonesian based on language error analysis and the use of equivalence strategy. The data were collected by taking one paragraph from Johann Gottfried Herder’s Selected Writings on Aesthetics book as the source text. Then they were translated by Google Translate (GT). The data of GT translation were analyzed by comparing them with the measurement instrument of translation equivalence level and elaborating the equivalence strategy of GT. By doing so the language errors were seen thus the accuracy level of GT translation could be described. The result of this research showed that (1) out of 13 source data only 4 or 31% are accurate translation, 7 or 54% are less accurate translation, and 2 or 15% are inaccurate translation. Therefore it is implied that its reliability for accurate level is only 31%. Half of them is less understandable and a few are not understandable. (2) If the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is sufficiently transposition and literal, GT can produce an accurate translation. (3) If the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is combined strategy between transposition and modulation or descriptive, more difficult strategies, GT just produce less accurate translation because it kept using literal and transposition strategies. (4) But if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is only modulation, GT just produce inaccurate translation which is not understandable because it can only use transposition strategy. Even if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is just a transposition strategy, in one case, GT failed to translate and it produced inaccurate translation because its strategy is only literal. In conclusion, especially in this case study, Google Translate can only translate English source text into Indonesian correctly if the appropriate equivalence translation strategy is just literal or transposition.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat keakuratan Google Translate khususnya dalam menerjemahkan teks berbahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia berdasarkan analisis kesalahan bahasa dan penggunaan strategi pemadanan. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengambil satu paragraf dari buku Johann Gottfried Herder yang berjudul ‘Selected Writings on Aesthetics’ sebagai teks sumber. Kemudian data tersebut diterjemahkan oleh Google Translate (GT). Data terjemahan GT itu dianalisis dengan cara membandingkannya dengan instrumen pengukur tingkat kesepadanan terjemahan dan menjelaskan strategi pemadanan yang digunakan. Dengan melakukan hal tersebut kesalahan bahasanya dapat terlihat sehingga tingkat keakuratan terjemahan GT dapat dideskripsikan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa (1) Dari 13 data sumber hanya 4 data atau 31% yang merupakan terjemahan akurat, 7 data atau 54% merupakan terjemahan yang kurang akurat, dan 2 data atau 15% merupakan terjemahan tidak akurat. Dengan demikian tingkat kehandalannya sampai pada tingkat akurat hanya sebesar 31% saja. Sementara sekitar setengahnya lagi kurang dapat dipahami. Sedangkan sisanya tidak bisa dipahami. (2) Apabila strategi pemadanan yang seharusnya dipakai cukup transposisi dan terjemahan literal saja ternyata GT mampu menghasilkan terjemahan yang akurat. (3) Apabila strategi yang harus dipakai adalah strategi kombinasi antara transposisi dan modulasi atau deskriptif, strategi yang lebih sulit, GT hanya mampu menghasilkan terjemahan yang kurang akurat karena tetap menggunakan strategi penerjemahan literal dan transposisi saja. (4) Tetapi apabila strategi yang seharusnya dipakai hanya strategi modulasi saja GT hanya menghasilkan terjemahan tidak akurat, yang tidak bisa dipahami karena hanya mampu memakai strategi transposisi saja. Bahkan jika seharusnya strategi yang dipakai adalah sekedar transposisi, pada satu kasus, GT ternyata gagal menerjemahkan dan menghasilkan terjemahan tidak akurat karena strategi yang dipakainya adalah penerjemahan literal. Sebagai simpulan, khususnya dalam studi kasus ini, Google Translate hanya mampu menerjemahkan teks sumber berbahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia secara akurat jika strategi pemadanannya yang sesuai hanya sekedar literal atau transposisi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-17
Anita Dwianasari

The purpose of the paper is to analyze the promising and offering utterances in commissive of speech act, translation techniques and its equivalences in Forrest Gump movie subtitles. The method used is qualitative method. The results showed several techniques employed, such as adaptation, borrowing, established equivalent, linguistic compression, literal translation, modulation, particularization, reduction, transposition, and variation. The translation technique mostly used is established equivalence. For the shift rendering in source text and target text in Forrest Gump movie subtitles, it is concluded that mostly the data do not occur any shift in promising or offering utterances. Also, in terms of translation equivalence, the dominant kind of translation equivalence in this research is dynamic equivalence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-145
Ely Hayati Nasution ◽  
Roswita Silalahi ◽  
Vivi Adryani Nasution

The translation is a representation of the effect of developing technology on language. Translated website or website localization with the easiness of accessibility is considered as the most efficient space for transferring the information nowadays. It certainly involves the appropriate translation strategies in order to provide reliable information required. This research aims to identify the translation strategy involved under foreignization and domestication reference in the official website localization of Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia, to find out the most dominant translation strategy used, and to analyze the reasons to what extent foreignization and domestication applied, by referring the classifications proposed by Venuti (2008). The source of data was taken from five (5) popular news along 2018 which were broken down into 191 data analyzed, consisting of 5 headlines in the form of phrases and sentences, contents totally written in 161 sentences, and 25 sub-contents in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences. The research found that the translator used all eight (8) translation strategies under domestication and foreignization reference including literal translation, transliteration, borrowing, transference, transposition, omission, addition, and adaptation, simultaneously or separately. Literal translation becomes the most dominant translation strategy used and it can indicate that the website localization is translated into source text-oriented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 172-177
Dellia Erdita

This research aims to find out the similes found in the novel “Game of Thrones” and its Indonesian translation “Perebutan Tahta”, and to investigate what translation strategies are used in translating the similes from the source text to the target text. The method applied in this research is descriptive qualitative which is used to describe the phenomena occuring in the translation of similes from English into Indonesian. The data were collected from the first three chapters of the novel Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin and its Indonesian version entitled Perebutan Tahta. The similes are identified by using the theories of similes proposed by Israel (2014), Harding (2017), Knowles and Moon (2006), and Kridalaksana (2013). In analyzing the data, the translation strategies proposed by Chesterman (2016) are used. The result shows that there are 32 data found, 28 of them are similes translated into similes, while 4 of them are similes translated into non-similes. The translation strategy used to translate similes into similes is trope change type A, while the translation strategy used to translate similes into non-similes are trope change type C. The findings show that the translation of similes into similes are dominant in the first three chapter of the novel with the percentage 87,5% from out of 32 data found, while the translation from similes to non-similes is only 12,5%. The findings also show that there is secondary strategy found while analyzing the data, namely compression. Nevertheless, regardless of the fact that the similes in the source text are translated into similes and non-similes in the target text, the main translation strategy used is still trope change, although the types are different. For the reason that the trope change strategy is specifically stated by Chesterman to translate figurative expressions, which includes simile. Furthermore, the secondary strategy, compression, occurred because due to the structure of Indonesian language, the translation in the target text tends to be shorter than the original source text in English.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-313
Izabela Winiarska-Górska

The paper discusses the strategy of translation of Marcin Czechowic’s New Testament translation (1577). The authoress applies the theoretical categories of so called global translation strategy such as scopos, the potential reader, religious attitude as Czechowic’s New Testament was devoted to the unitarian communities. It was arranged as a multifunctional book for religious formation which contained institutionalized transmission of God’s Word. Denominational assumptions are manifested in the selection of translation strategy, style, and method of organizing the text in the book. Both the choice of the specific method of translation and the linguistic form of translations such as Iōannēs Baptistēs – Jan Ponurzyciel were marked by denominational optics of interpretation. The development of humanism broadened the general cognitive horizon. Czechowic’s translation was based on humanistic Greek editions of the time. It is not without reason that we find translators’ assurances as to the method of translation on title pages and in introductions, which were expressed by the concept of “diligence” (Lat. diligentia, Pol. pilność), as well as assurances with regard to the translator’s relationship with the source text – faithfulness to the Greek and Hebrew (veritas graeca, hebraica), or following of an “approved” text (Lat. textus probatus, Old Pol. doświadszony) or “contribution” by confronting different records. Marcin Czechowic, like most Protestant translators, declared faithfulness to the Greek source, however his translation of the Holy Scripture ware also in line with the postulate of veritas confessionis, which was interpreted in various ways depending on doctrinal foundations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-48
Monicha Destaria ◽  
Yulan Puspita Rini

Transferring meaning embedded by English idiom is not an easy way to do. The meaning contained by English Idiom cannot be comprehended by merely knowing the meaning from each word arranging the idiom. Dealing with English idiom in translation is quite hard because the translator has to transfer the meaning of English idiom into Bahasa Indonesia rightly. On the other hand, it is quite difficult to find the equivalence term in Bahasa Indonesia reflecting the same meaning as it is reflected in the source text. To manage this problem, the translation strategies need to be applied. This research focuses on analyzing the translation strategies used by the translator in transferring the meaning of English idioms into Bahasa Indonesia in the subtitle of  Pitch Perfect 3 Movie. The research method is descriptive qualitative method.. Baker’s translation strategies is used as guideline in classifying the translation strategies used. After finding the type of translation strategies employed, further identifying whether the meaning of English idiom is transferred rightly in Bahasa Indonesia. According to the finding, translation by using idiom in similar meaning and disimilar form was not used by the translator to translate the idioms. The frequency of  translation by using idiom in similar meaning but disimilar form strategy is 4 idioms. 46 idioms were translated by using paraphrased strategy. It is only 1 idiom was translated by using omission strategy. that the meaning of 36 idioms are transferred accurately. The meaning of four idioms were transferred Less-accurately. The meaning of 11 idioms were classified as inaccurate translation

Ulrike Oster

The understanding of ‘term’ in traditional terminology theory reduces the lexical problems of technical translation to a mere substitution of the source-text term by a target-text term. In translation studies however , a number of issues have been highlighted which are not covered by traditional terminology theory, e.g. cultural specificity or the importance of textual and pragmatic considerations. This paper first analyses how the new communication and cognition-oriented approaches to terminology account for these aspects of technical translation. Then it briefly presents results of a language-pair and domain-specific study which allows us to exemplify some of the issues that have been discussed and to reach some specific conclusions for the translator of this linguistic combination.

Yulia Voloshchuk ◽  
Natalya Zhmayeva

The relevance of the research is based on the need for an in-depth study of effective ways, techniques and methods of translating English-language news texts into Ukrainian, in particular news texts of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which is due not only to Ukraine’s membership in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, but also to globalization and the intensive development of international relations, which in turn affect the increasing interest of modern Ukrainian readers in foreign news texts. In addition, the relevance of the topic is due to the increased attention of linguists to modern media discourse, which also includes news discourse, and the peculiarities of its translation. The aim of the work is to analyze the specifics of translating English-language news texts into Ukrainian based on the material of OSCE news texts. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: comparative and comparable methods for determining the features and problems of translating English-language news texts into Ukrainian; the method of systematization and the method of complex translation analysis for analyzing and systematizing the tools used in translating English-language news texts into Ukrainian, and also using the continuous sampling method to search for basic research materials. As a result of a comparative analysis of the original English-language news texts with their translations into Ukrainian, the regularities of applying specific translation strategy, as well as the corresponding translation transformations that are necessary to achieve an adequate translation of the English-language news text were determined. The study also analyzed the problem of finding an equivalent when translating news texts.

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