semantic translation
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Xinxin Wang

With the frequent occurrence of international trade communication, in order to improve the quality of communication, this paper proposes a study on the translation of international trade English phrases and grammar. First, with the help of a rectangular window function, the composition principle of international trade English phrases is determined. Then, the horizontal feature aggregation point method is introduced to build a mathematical model of the characteristic identification of the English phrases. Finally, the sparse matrix representation of the source phrase is constructed to complete the extraction and preprocessing of the English phrase features. The input English sentence is converted into the output sentence, the form and POS factors of the English semantic translation are extracted, and a lemma is introduced to obtain the surface form of international trade English language factors. According to the international trade grammar analysis method, this paper decomposes the translation model, decomposes English sentences into small phrases for translation, and completes the research on international trade English phrase and grammar translation. The experimental results show that this method has high accuracy in the feature extraction of international trade English phrases, and the error rate is low, which is feasible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Singgih Widodo Limantoro ◽  
Yerly Arnold Datu

Translation for the vocational students of the Business English study program could be considered as the fifth language skill that they need to learn in multilingual digital era. Therefore, they have to be able to translate and interpret from English text to the Indonesian text and vice versa in some business applications, such as tourism/ hospitality industry, export import, and customer service. In this paper, the writers used qualitative descriptive research on the case study taken from the Translation classroom. To achieve the purposes of the study, the writer would like to compare the results of the respondents' target translation between translating the source text without and with translation strategies in facilitating their academic learning process. In this survey, the writer found out that most of the participations used Google Translate and translation strategies, such as structural and semantic translation strategies to help them facilitate their translating to produce qualified translation results. Based on the results, the translation strategies were useful for novice translators. The other findings were what factors that influenced their errors in English- Indonesian translation and what translation strategies. The writers also shared some important educational implications of this research

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 594

This study aimed to determine the many types of translation methods, how they were employed in the translation of the folklores "Deli Malay" and "Serdang Malay" from Indonesian to English, and why the translators used the prevailing types in these folklores. The descriptive qualitative method was used to perform this research. The data was gathered from a folklore book and an interview with the folklores' translator. Descriptive qualitative research is the method used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed that literal translation accounted for 39 sentences (16%), faithful translation accounted for 23 sentences (9%), semantic translation accounted for four sentences (2%), adaptation translation accounted for seven sentences (3%), free translation accounted for 158 sentences (64%) and communicative translation accounted for 16 sentences (6%). A total of 247 sentences were extracted from the data. Because he did not follow any theories or methods of translation when translating the texts, the translator utilized free translation as the dominating method. Instead, he evaluated the translations' target audience, youngsters, and made them acceptable and simple to understand.

Wahyu S. Hadjim ◽  
Novriyanto Napu

This research was conducted to find out the translation methods applied by the translator in translating figurative language in O. Henry’s short stories. This descriptive analysis research took the data from nine short stories as the research documents. There were 19 data taken from those nine short stories. The data were collected by analysis of document. Based on the research findings, from nine short stories, seven simile, three metaphor, three hyperbole were literal translation, two simile were semantic translation, two hyperbole were communicative translation, one hyperbole was idiomatic translation, and one simile was translated free translation. In conclusion, the findings of the study indicated that the result of literal translation was significantly higher than others translation methods. The result is expected to be helpful to improve students’ and readers references of translation method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Melliana ◽  
Nurul Fitriani ◽  
Yoga Pratama

There are many ways that could be done to introduce culture of a country to the international world, one of them is through translation works. This research is conducted by using qualitative approach and content analysis method. The data used in this research are words and phrases found in “Laut Bercerita (The Sea Speaks His Name)” novel by Leila S. Chudori. In this novel, there are many cultural terms, local language from Javanese people, and dictions so that when they are translated to English, they would be interesting because some of the terms, local language and dictions still do not have equivalences in Target Language. In this research, the researcher analyzed 45 data and divided to 2 categories; 19 data in word category, and 26 data in phrase one. The research findings consist of dynamic equivalence, formal equivalence, and equivalence at word levels for translation strategy they are adaptation, communicative translation, semantic translation, descriptive equivalence, idiomatic translation, literal translation, through translation, and transference. The most often strategies used are adaptation, communicative translation, and semantic translation. Through this research, I have knowledge of translation equivalence and how translation strategy being applied to words and phrases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. p9
Yang Jing ◽  
Chen Xuebin

Aerial ChinaⅠ- Jiangxi has been widely accepted by foreign audiences. In this documentary, there are many culture-loaded words with Jiangxi cultural characteristics. We all know that the translation of Chinese culturally-loaded words has long been a tricky problem. Take the translation of culture loaded words in Aerial ChinaⅠ- Jiangxi as an example, this paper discusses how Newmark's communicative translation and semantic translation theory are applied to the translation of Chinese culture loaded words. It is considered that semantic translation and communicative translation are not completely opposite but complement each other. Good translation works are usually the perfect combination of the two. In order to help translators better translate culture loaded words and achieve the real purpose of cross-cultural communication.

Akhmedova E.D.

The purpose of the article is to establish correlations between the presence or absence of cultural specificity of a source-text simile and its replacement with a target-text simile based on a different cognitive model. The paper rests on D.Tartt’s and M. Atwood’s novels and their translations.Methods. The research employs structural-semantic translation analysis, which allows identifying translation transformations, and cognitive translation analysis, which allows constructing cognitive propositional models of the source-text and target-text fiction similes and reveal if they are culturally specific. A simile is defined as an explicit conceptual metaphor, after G. Lakoff and M.Johnson. Cognitive propositional model of the simile is “A is like B”, where “A” and “B” are the target and source domains/concepts respectively. The research addresses the concepts of translation procedure, translation transformation and translation strategy. A translation procedure is conceived as a process of solving a translation problem, a translation transformation – as converting a text unit from one language to another and a translation strategy – as a translator’s general plan of action. Translation transformations are studied as specific linguistic instantiations of translation procedures.Results. The study differentiates between idiomatic, non-idiomatic and allusive conventional similes. It has been revealed that replacement of English fiction simile mappings applies to idiomatic, non-idiomatic and allusive similes and is embodied in the Ukrainian language by culturally specific idiomatic similes.Conclusions. Replacement of fiction simile mappings is carried out by means of lexical-grammatical transformation of holistic substitution, which serves the strategy of domestication. The domestication strategy is compulsory if the translator is limited in making decisions by linguistic and cultural specificity of the English simile, as in the case of idiomatic similes, and it is optional in the case of non-idiomatic or allusive similes that are devoid of linguacultural specificity.Key words: allusive simile, cognitive translation analysis, idiomatic simile, non-idiomatic simile, translation procedure, translation strategy. Мета статті полягає у встановленні кореляцій між наявністю/відсутністю культурної специфіки порівняння тексту оригі-налу і використанням перекладачем процедури його заміни на порівняння, що базується на іншій когнітивній моделі. Робота виконана на матеріалі романів Д.Тартт та М. Етвуд та їхніх українських перекладів.Методи. У дослідженні використано структурно-семантичний перекладацький аналіз, що дозволяє виявити способи і трансформації перекладу і когнітивний перекладацький аналіз, що лежить в основі побудови когнітивних пропозиціональ-них моделей художніх порівнянь в оригіналі і перекладі, і дозволяє встановити, чи є вони культурно специфічними. Порівняння розглядається як експліцитна концептуальна метафора за Дж.Лакоффом та М.Джонсоном, когнітивна пропозиціональна модель якого має такий вигляд: «А є як Б», де «А» є доменом цілі, а «Б» – доменом джерела. У дослідженні визначаються поняття перекладацької процедури, способів/трансформацій перекладу та стратегій перекладу. Перекладацька процедура роз-глядається як процес вирішення перекладацької проблеми, способи/трансформації перекладу – як перетворення текстової одиниці з однієї мови на іншу, а стратегія перекладу – як загальний план дій перекладача. Способи/трансформації перекладу вивчаються як специфічне мовне втілення перекладацькоїпроцедури.Результати. У ході дослідження були розмежовані ідіоматичні, неідіоматичні та алюзивні конвенціональні порівняння. Визначено, що перекладацька заміна когнітивних моделей англомовних художніх порівнянь поширюється на ідіоматичні, неідіоматичні та алюзивні порівняння і втілюється в українській мові культурно специфічними ідіоматичними порівняннями.Висновки. Заміна когнітивних моделей порівнянь здійснюється за допомогою лексико-граматичної трансформації цілісної заміни, яка реалізує стратегію одомашнення. Стратегія одомашнення є примусовою, якщо перекладач є обмеженим у прийнятті рішень лінгвокультурною специфікою англомовного порівняння, як у випадку з ідіоматичними порівняннями, або факультативною, як у випадку з неідіоматичними або алюзивними порівняннями, які не є лінгвокультурно маркованими. Ключові слова: алюзивне порівняння, ідіоматичне порівняння, когнітивний перекладацький аналіз, неідіоматичне порівняння, перекладацька процедура, стратегія перекладу.

PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11863
Ricardo T. Quinaud ◽  
Carlos E. Gonçalves ◽  
Kauana Possamai ◽  
Cristiano Zarbato Morais ◽  
Laura Capranica ◽  

Background Reliable assessment and understanding of student-athletes’ motivation for dual careers are crucial to support their career development and transitions. The purpose of this research was to examine the validity and usefulness of the student-athletes’ motivation toward sport and academics questionnaire (SAMSAQ-PT) in the Brazilian higher education context. Four studies were performed. Methods In study one, conceptually and semantic translation of the questionnaire and Bayesian exploratory factor analysis were conducted. In study two, a Bayesian confirmatory factor analysis with an independent sample was performed. In study three, Bayesian multilevel modeling was applied to examine the construct validity of the questionnaire in a cross-sectional sample. In study four, the SAMSAQ-PT sensitiveness was examined in a longitudinal sample, and the results were interpreted based on multilevel regression and poststratification. Results Altogether the results provided evidence validity and usefulness of the SAMSAQ-PT in Brazilian student-athletes. The Brazilian student-athletes’ motivation scores were sensitive to the influence of sex, sport level, and type of university on career and sport motivation. SAMSAQ-PT estimate scores across an academic year showed a trend of stability in the scores, adjusting for sex, sport level, type of university, and student-athlete status. Conclusion The SAMSAQ-PT proved to be a robust and valuable questionnaire, which could be used in Portuguese-speaking countries. The findings of the cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys urge to consider individual and contextual characteristics when investigating motivation of dual-career of athletes, also concerning the sex-related opportunities in university sports. Furthermore, there is a need for a call for action to promote and nurture the student-athletes motivation to remain engaged in both sports and educational commitments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 04 (01) ◽  
Lubna Farah

Quranic verses are full of metaphoric phrases and compound metaphors which can be said to be the biggest challenge for its translators to the other languages. There is no doubt that a number of renown Western scholars and orientalists have translated Quran in different languages including English but keeping in view the cultural and religious difference, usually even renown translators and scholars like Pickthall and Arberry seem unable to totally apprehend and transfer the intended meaning of the Arabic metaphors of Quran. In this article, it has been tried to discuss and highlight the impact of this deficiency of Western scholars and untranslatability of Arabic metaphor into English without proper command and in-depth knowledge of the Arabic language. The methodology is based on the basic theories of Translation Studies in this regard, especially presented by Peter New Mark and Eugene Nida i.e. literal translation, semantic translation, equivalence, domestication and foreignization

برات شاشوار هاشاني ◽  
سعد الدين منصور محمد

تهتم المقالة ببيان أنواع تراجم معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات الأجنبية وإيضاح المنهج الذي يجوز اتباعه في الترجمة، والمنهج الذي لا يجوز. كما تركز المقالة على ذكر أقوال العلماء حول حكم ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات الأجنبية، والأدلة التي استدلوا بها. وتهدف المقالة إلى بيان مناهج ترجمة معاني القرآن الكريم إلى اللغات الأجنبية. كما تهدف إلى بيان منهج الترجمة الذي يجوز اتباعه شرعا والمنهج الذي لا يجوز شرعا ولا يمكن تحقيقه حسب الشروط والضوابط المطلوبة شرعا. ويستخدم الباحث المنهج التاريخي والمنهج المقارن. توصل البحث إلى أنّ هناك نوعين من الترجمة: الترجمة الحرفية التي لا تجوز شرعا، والترجمة المعنوية التي تجوز شرعا. الكلمات المفتاحية: الترجمة، القرآن، الألفاظ، المعاني. Abstract The article is concerned with the types of translation of the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into foreign languages. It helps the researcher to understand the approach that may be followed, and the approach that may not, in such translations. The article also focuses on mentioning the opinions of scholars about the ruling on translating the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into foreign languages, and the evidence they used. The article aims to explain the methods of translating the meanings of the Noble Qur’an into foreign languages. It also aims to show the translation approach that may be legally followed. And the approach that is not legally permissible and cannot be achieved according to the conditions and controls required by sharia law. The researcher uses the historical method and the comparative method. The research found that there are two types of translation; literal translation, which is not permissible by sharia law, and the semantic translation that is permissible by sharia law. Keywords: Translation, Qur’an, Words, Meanings.

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