scholarly journals Stress Management In Women Working During The Covid-19 Pandemic In Sidokumpul Village, Bungah, Gresik

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-192
Yurike Septianingrum ◽  
Lono Wijayanti ◽  
Erika Martining Wardani

The dual role of being a mother and a worker gives stress to women who live it. The demand to work at home becomes a burden for them because they have to optimize their roles both as mothers and as workers, especially in conditions of imbalance in the work environment due to the current Covid-19 pandemic. The mother's inability to cope with the stressors received has the risk of causing depression in the mother. This community service aims to increase the knowledge of mothers about stress management in working mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The activities are carried out within 1 month. The method used is education and demonstration of positive thinking virtually via YouTube. This community service activity was attended by 17 mothers. Mother's knowledge was measured using a questionnaire via a google form. The results of community service show that there is an increase in knowledge of mothers after being given virtual counselling

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 174
Ashabul Fadhli ◽  
Jendri Mulyadi ◽  
Devi Syukri Azhari

ABSTRAKKegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini ditujukan untuk peningkatan peran ayah dalam keluarga terutama dalam keterlibatannya sebagai ayah. Berangkat dari kegelisahan kaum ayah di Kelurahan Puhun Tembok Kota Bukittinggi, rutinitas dan tanggung jawab sebagai ayah di ruang publik mengurangi kualitas komunikasi bersama anak di rumah. Pada pembicaraan forum ayah, beberapa ayah memiliki kendala dalam kapasitasnya sebagai suami dan ayah untuk membicarakan persoalan seputar ke-Ayah-an. Untuk memaksimalkan tujuan kegiatan ini, Tim PKM sudah menentukan metode kegiatan dimulai dari persiapan, screening, pelaksanaan, evaluasi serta laporan dan luaran kegiatan. Keagiatan akan menjadi lebih terarah dengan hadirnya fasilitator yang akan memfasilitasi diskusi terarah oleh forum ayah dalam mengkaji persoalan tematis. Temuannya adalah beberapa ayah memiliki kesulitan untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka untuk berkomunikasi dan melaksanakan peran-peran ayah karena tidak terdapatnya media yang membicarakan hal itu layaknya kaum ibu. Meskipun begitu, kegiatan ini menjadi awal dari keterbukaan ayah untuk berkomunikasi dan bersikap lebih terbuka di dalam keluarga. Menurut para ayah, kegiatan ini menjadi media bagi mereka untuk saling berbagi dan mendengarkan pendapat sehubungan dalam peningkatan perannya sebagai ayah dan kepala keluarga di rumah. Kata kunci: Forum ayah, peran ayah; keluarga; anak  ABSTRACTThis community service activity (PKM) is aimed at increasing the role of fathers in the family, especially in their involvement as fathers. Departing from the anxiety of fathers in Puhun Tembok Village, Bukittinggi City, the routine and responsibility of being a father in public spaces reduces the quality of communication with children at home. In the discussion of the father's forum, some fathers have difficulties in their capacity as husbands and fathers to discuss issues related to fatherhood. To maximize the purpose of this activity, the PKM Team has determined the method of activities starting from preparation, screening, implementation, evaluation as well as reports and activity outputs. Activities will become more focused with the presence of a facilitator who will facilitate focused discussions by the father's forum in reviewing thematic issues. The finding is that some fathers have difficulty expressing themselves to communicate and carry out fatherly roles because there is no media that talks about it like mothers. Even so, this activity was the beginning of the father's openness to communicate and be more open in the family. According to the fathers, this activity became a medium for them to share and listen to opinions regarding the improvement of their roles as fathers and heads of families at home. Keywords: Father forum, father role; family; children

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Yayan Alpian ◽  
Sri Wulan Anggraeni ◽  
Vickry Rizky Faddillah

Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran apa saja yang orang tua berikan selama mendampingi anak dalam kegiatan belajar di rumah pada anak usia Sekolah Dasar di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pegabdian kepada masyarakat ini melalui kegiatan yang dikemas secara workshop tentang peran orang tua di masa pandemic Covid-19 dalam pembelajaran daring bagi anak usia sekolah dasar, sedangakan yang menjadi khalayak sasarannya adalah para orang tua di Desa Cikalongsari Kecamatan Jatisari Kabupaten Karawang. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman bagi orang tua dalam membantu, membimbing anak belajar secara daring di rumah dan memahami bagaimana pentingnya pengawasan bagi anak dalam proses pendidikan, sekaligus dapat merasakan bagitu berat tugas seorang guru dalam mendidik anak di sekolah. Kata Kunci: peran orang tua, masa pandemi covid-19   This community service activity aims to find out what roles parents give while accompanying children in learning activities at home for elementary school aged children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in community service activities is through activities that are packaged in workshops on the role of parents during the Covid-19 pandemic in online learning for elementary school aged children, while the target audience is parents in Cikalongsari Village, Jatisari District, Karawang Regency. The results of this community service activity provide knowledge and understanding for parents in helping, guiding children to learn online at home and understanding how important supervision is for children in the educational process, as well as being able to feel how heavy a teacher's task is in educating children at school. Keywords: the role of parents, during the Covid-19 pandemic

2021 ◽  
pp. 545
Roswiyani Roswiyani ◽  
Jennifer Amanda

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused various impacts on the community's economy, especially for Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) owner. Various impacts felt by the UMKM owner have affected their psychological health such as the emergence of stress, anxiety, fear, and symptoms of depression. Therefore, this Pengabdian Kepada masyarakat (PKM) activity aims to help UMKM to be able to maintain psychological health in stressful situations during the pandemic. The implementation of this community service activity is carried out online. The implementation of PKM is held in the form of an interactive webinar through the presentation of material related to stress and its management. The activity was attended by a psychologist, accompanying students, and two owners of UMKM. Based on the implementation of community service activities, it can be concluded that providing education around stress-management could help participants gain new knowledge about stress and also able to experience the benefit of stress-management technique such as relaxation exercises that could manage the stress they experience.Pandemi Covid-19 telah menimbulkan berbagai dampak pada perekonomian masyarakat terutama pada pengusaha Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Beragam dampak yang dirasakan oleh pengusaha UMKM telah mempengaruhi kesehatan psikologis seperti timbulnya stres, cemas, rasa takut, dan gejala depresi. Oleh karena itu kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini bertujuan untuk membantu pengusaha UMKM tetap dapat menjaga kesehatan psikologis dalam situasi stres di masa pandemi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan secara daring. Pelaksanaan PKM diselenggarakan dalam bentuk webinar secara interaktif melalui pemaparan materi terkait stres dan cara pengelolaannya. Kegiatan dihadiri oleh seorang psikolog, mahasiswa pendamping, dan dua pengusaha UMKM. Berdasarkan pelaksanaan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemaparan materi terkait stres membantu peserta memperoleh pengetahuan baru mengenai stres. Kemudian latihan relaksasi yang dilakukan pada saat webinar ditemukan bermanfaat untuk mengelola stres yang dialami oleh para peserta.

Mamik Ponco Rahayu ◽  
Nuraini Harmastuti ◽  
Endang Sri Rejeki ◽  
Taufik Turahman

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p align="center"> </p><p>          The Ngampon people in Mojosongo Village, Jebres, Surakarta City face diverse livelihood problems, most of which are factory workers with low income levels and the role of mothers as housewives. Therefore, it is necessary to have training activities to make agar agar fruit products as an alternative home-based home industry to increase family income.</p><p>          This community service activity was designed by conducting training on making fruit jelly candy products.</p><p>          The target of the above activities is that the community will get additional skills in making agar-agar candy fruit that can be done easily and small capital so that it can be an alternative family home industry.</p><p> </p><p>Keywords: Fruit, jelly candy, home industry</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><em></em>

Roni Nursyamsu

The Community Service Activity / Kegiatan pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) was held in Cibinuang Village, Kuningan District, Kuningan Regency with the target of young people who are members of Karang Taruna Tunas Mekar as youth organization in Cibinuang Village. The problems faced by partner institution in this activity are: a) lack of socialization about the existence of youth organizations and their roles in the development of rural communities, b) less awareness and participation of youth in organizations, both administrator/ other members, c) training of administrators / members in making work programs have never been done. The method of implementation in this activity is active participation with stages namely 1). Seminar and discussing about the role of youth organizations, 2). Providing technical training in making organization programs, 3) Mentoring in making proposals. Seminar about the roles of youth organization for community empowerment in youth organizations in Cibinuang Village presented material in accordance with the theme. The materials presented to the participants including: the role of youth in village development, the mechanism for preparing programs and how to make proposals for effective funding requests. The training in making organization programs and activity proposals were divided into three stages, namely lectures and discussion about the role of youth organizations, providing technical training in the preparation of organization programs and making activity proposals, and mentoring in making organization programs and proposals.� Based on the process PkM activities, it can be seen that 1) there were enhancing youth's understanding and awareness of their capacity in developing villages through youth organizations, 2) members and administrators of youth organizations were motivated to play an active / participating role in building themselves and their villages, 3) administrators of youth organizations to arrange a program, 4) the management of the youth organization was able to make a proposal from each organization program that will be submitted to the Cibinuang Village Government.�Keywords: Youth Capacity, Youth Organization, Organization Program�AbstrakKegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cibinuang Kecamatan Kuningan Kabupaten Kuningan dengan target pemuda-pemudi yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna Tunas Mekar yang merupakan organisasi kepemudaan di tingkat Desa Cibinuang.� Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh lembaga mitra dalam kegiatan ini yaitu: a) kurang tersosialisasikanya eksistensi organisasi pemuda dan perannya dalam pembangunan masyarakat desa, b) kesadaran dan partisipasi pemuda dalam organisasi baik pengurus/anggota kurang, c) pelatihan pada pengurus/anggota dalam membuat program kerja belum pernah dilakukan.� Metode pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan ini yaitu partisipasi aktif dengan tahapan yakni 1). Ceramah dan tanya jawab tentang peran organisasi pemuda, 2). Memberikan pelatihan teknis pembuatan program kerja, 3) Pendampingan dalam membuat proposal kegiatan. Seminar tentang peran organisasi pemuda untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat pada organisasi pemuda di Desa Cibinuang Kec. / Kab. Kuningan diisi dengan pemaparan materi yang sesuai dengan tema. Materi-materi yang disampaikan kepada peserta meliputi: peran pemuda dalam pembangunan desa, mekanisme penyusunan program kerja dan cara pembuatan proposal kegiatan untuk permintaan dana yang efektif. Pelatihan pembuatan program kerja dan proposal kegiatan dibagi menjadi tiga kegiatan, yaitu ceramah dan tanya jawab tentang peran organisasi pemuda, memberikan pelatihan teknis penyusunan program kerja dan pembuatan proposal kegiatan, dan pendampingan dalam membuat program kerja dan proposal kegiatan. Berdasarkan proses kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dapat dilihat adanya 1) peningkatkan pemahaman dan kesadaran pemuda terhadap kapasitasnya dalam membangun desa melalui wadah organisasi pemuda, 2) anggota maupun pengurus organisasi kepemudaan termotivasi� untuk berperan aktif/berpartisipasi dalam membangun diri maupun desanya, 3) pengurus organisasi kepemudaan dapat menyusun program kerja, 4) pengurus organisasi kepemudaan mampu membuat proposal kegiatan dari setiap program kerja yang akan diajukan ke Pemerintah Desa Cibinuang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 140
Syaefani Arif Romadhon ◽  
Iin Indrayanti ◽  
Mutiarawati Mutiarawati

The activity of speaking or known as public speaking is a scary thing for students. Although they are often asked to practice presentations in front of the class, the technique of delivering public speaking is often not paid attention to. There are several techniques that should be mastered in public speaking so that the delivery can be conveyed well to the audience. This time, the implementation of PKM aims to provide knowledge about public speaking skills, improve speaking skills, mentally prepare students to speak in front of crowds, and equip students to enter lectures or work.  The method presented in this activity is lecture and practice.with 20 students from SMK Bina Nusa Slawi. Students are also provided with modules to make it easier when delivering and students can also repeat the material at home. Students are also given directions regarding the correct way of presentation in Indonesian and English in accordance with the rules of public speaking. In addition to theory and practice in the classroom. Students are also directed to observe several public speaking figures through Youtube channel. In general, community service activity at SMK Bina Nusa Slawi are going well. Students' enthusiasm is extraordinary, as evidenced by the fact that 80 percent of students believe that having public speaking skills and increasing self-confidence are important. Students feel helped by this activity because they gain knowledge about public speaking and presentation techniques that can be used to support presentations in class or as a provision for later in the world of work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 763-770
Shanty Chloranyta

ABSTRAK Deteksi Dini penyakit Dengue Haemoragic Fever di Dusun 1 Desa Sukabanjar Kecamatan Gedong Tataan Kabupaten Pesawaran Bandar Lampung belum dilakukan dengan baik di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Bernung. Hambatan yang ditemukan yakni pengetahuan kader kesehatan tidak adekuat, belum tersedianya informasi yang adekuat tentang deteksi dini penyakit dengue haemoragic fever (DBD) pada kader kesehatan. Pelibatan kader kesehatan dalam edukasi mengenai deteksi dini penyakit DBD menentukan keberhasilan dalam penanganan awal DBD. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan dalam pendampingan kader kesehatan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan peran kader kesehatan dalam masyarakat dalam deteksi dini DBD. Kegiatan dilakukan di Kantor Kelurahan Dusun 1 Desa Sukabanjar Kota Bandar Lampung pada bulan Desember 2018. Metode yang dilakukan yakni ceramah, diskusi, praktek cara  melakukan rumpled test. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini didapatkan peningkatan pengetahuan kader kesehatan tentang deteksi dini DBD. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah bentuk upaya dalam deteksi dini DBD dengan melibatkan kader kesehatan. Kata Kunci : Deteksi Dini, Kader Kesehatan, Rumpled Test  ABSTRACT Early detection of dengue haemoragic fever in Dusun 1, Sukabanjar Village, Gedong Tataan Subdistrict, Pesawaran Regency, Bandar Lampung, has not been carried out properly in the Work Area of the Bernung Health Center. The obstacles found were inadequate knowledge of health cadres, inadequate information on early detection of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) among health cadres. The involvement of health cadres in education regarding early detection of dengue disease determines the success in the initial handling of dengue. The purpose of community service activities carried out in mentoring health cadres is to increase knowledge and the role of health cadres in the community in early detection of dengue fever. The activity was carried out at the Subdistrict Office of Dusun 1, Sukabanjar Village, Bandar Lampung City in December 2018. The methods used were lectures, discussions, practice on how to do a rumpled test. The results of this community service activity were found to increase the knowledge of health cadres about the early detection of dengue. Community service activities carried out are a form of effort in early detection of dengue by involving health cadres. Keyword : early detection, Health cadres, rumpled test

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-123
Suherman Suherman ◽  
Andrian Haro ◽  
Sholatia Dalimunthe

Nowadays, solid and transparent soap is often used as a display of wedding souvenirs, air freshener, and handicrafts. With the presence of a solid and transparent soap in very unique display and interesting this can make the soap is sold at a relatively more expensive price in the market. Regarding with the development of solid soap products that can produce several good benefits, this activity needs to be trained, developed and empowered to the parties who have the potential to produce these products. One of the parties that has the potential to be trained is the housewives in the PKK group (Family Welfare Empowerment) at Rawamangun, East Jakarta. This community service activity is done by using lecture and simulation/demonstration method through innovative product development of souvenir soap by using palm cooking oil. The results of the training show the enthusiasm and willingness of the participants to be able to perform individually in the manufacture of solid soap souvenir products and they can produce in large quantities. With this training, the housewives can practice themselves at home and be motivated to open business opportunities through these product so it can be feasible for sale in the market

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 874-878
Nita Arisanti Yulanda ◽  
Suhendri Suhendri ◽  
Keti Andriani ◽  
Riszky Safitri

SARS-CoV-2 virus was found to be targeted cells may be located in the lower respiratory tract, COVID-19 infection can cause mild, moderate to severe symptoms. The main symptoms that appear are fever (> 38oC), cough and difficulty breathing. Vitamin C treatment has an antiviral effect. Clinical trials have shown that administering high doses of vitamin C has a beneficial effect against colds. As a nurse, one of the roles as an extension agent can be carried out in handling Covid-19 patients, namely providing communication, information, and education about health to the community. The role of nurses in providing education to the community is very necessary because it can make people who are given education understand the information conveyed. In this Community Service activity, the focus is on teenagers as one of the preventive efforts against the transmission of the Covid-19 virus through the provision of Health Education on the importance of consuming vitamin C according to the needs of the adolescent body.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Yohan Fitriadi ◽  
Wellia Novita ◽  
Devi Endriani

AbstrakTerjadinya pandemi virus covid-19 menyebabkan peran keluarga semakin penting dalam rangka mencegah penularan pandemi Covid-19. Keluarga menjadi harapan untuk pencegahan  pandemi covid dengan tetap berada di rumah, membimbing anak untuk tetap belajar di rumah. Oleh sebab itu team PKM UPI YPTK pun mencoba menawarkan solusi kepada keluarga Pra sejahtera untuk mencari solusi lain dalam  rangka mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan walau tetap berada di rumah. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan mulai dari identifikasi mitra, kesepakatan penentuan objek pelatihan, pelatihan dan pendampingan, dan evaluasi bersama. Hasil yang didapatkan dari kegiatan tersebut adanya pemahaman, dan motivasi untuk memanfaatkan Ekonomi Kreatif bagi keluarga Pra Sejahtera sebagai kegiatan tambahan dalam mendapatkan pemasukan tambahan bagi keluarga. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan pengabdian tersebut diantaranya (1)Semua peserta bersemangat untuk mencari tahu kegiatan ekonomi lain, walau tetap berada di rumah (2) Dukungan dari Pemerintah terkait peningkatan ekonomi kreatif bagi keluarga Pra sejahtera perlu digalakan agar masyarakat pra sejahtera bisa meningkatkan ekonomi walau dalam keadaaan krisisKata Kunci: Permbedayaan, Keluarga, Produktivitas, Ekonomi Kreatif, UMKM,AbstractThe occurrence of the covid-19 virus pandemic has made the role of the family increasingly important in order to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19  pandemic.. Families become hope for the prevention of the Covid pandemic by staying at home, guiding children to keep studying at home. Therefore, the UPI YPTK PKM team also tried to offer a solution to the Pra-prosperous family to find other solutions in order to get additional income even though they were still at home. The method of implementing this service activity is carried out starting from partner identification, agreement on determining training objects, training and mentoring, and joint evaluation. The results obtained from these activities were understanding, knowledge and motivation to take advantage of the Creative Economy for poor families as an additional activity in getting additional income for the family. The conclusions of these service activities include (1) All participants are eager to find out other economic activities, even though they are still at home (2) Support from the Government related to increasing the creative economy for the Pra-prosperous family, it needs to be encouraged so that the pre-prosperous community can improve the economy even in a state of crisisKey Word: Empowerment, Family, Productivity, Creative Economy, UMKM.

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