scholarly journals Optimalisasi Suhu Terhadap DayaTetas (Hatching Rate) Telur Ikan Komet (Carassius auratus)

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Edi Candra

Comet fish is one type of ornamental fish that has been widely cultivated because it has an attractive body shape and color. The main obstacle in the development of comet fish farming is the limited number of seeds, both in quality and quantity. Egg quality is a major factor in the success of fish hatcheries. According to Andriyanto et al, (2013) quality eggs have a high level of fertilization and hatching (high fertility and hatching rate). Putri et al. (2013) stated that water quality factors, especially temperature, were very important factors in the life of the organism. The study was conducted for 1 month which was implemented April to May 2018. The place of research was carried out at the UPR (Rakyak hatchery unit). big. environmental design Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 (four) treatments and 3 (three) replications, each treatment is: Treatment A: Temperature 26 oC + Eggs 100 grains, Treatment B: Temperature 28oC + Eggs 100 grains, Treatment C: Temperature 30 oC + Egg 100 grains, Treatment D: Temperature 32oC + Eggs 100 grains. The parameters observed were: Egg hatchability and water quality. The results obtained for the best temperature treatment were treatment B with a temperature treatment of 28oC with hatchability of 73.33%.Ikan komet merupakan salah satu jenis ikan hias yang telah banyak dibudidayakan karena memiliki bentuk tubuh serta warna yang menarik.Kendala utama dalam pengembangan budidaya ikan komet adalah terbatasnya benih, baik dalam kualitas maupun kuantitasnya.Kualitas telur merupakan faktor utama keberhasilan dalam pembenihan ikan. Menurut Andriyanto et al, (2013) telur yang berkualitas memiliki tingkat pembuahan dan penetasan yang tinggi (fertilitas dan hatching rate tinggi). Putri et al, (2013) menyatakan bahwa faktor kualitas air terutama suhu merupakan faktor yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan organisme, Penelitian ini dilaksanakan selama 1 bulan yang telah dilaksanakan april  sampai dengan bulan mei 2018. Tempat penelitian dilaksanakan di UPR (unit pembenihan rakyak) kenali besar.rancangan lingkungan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 (empat) perlakuan dan 3 (tiga) ulangan, masing-masing perlakuan tersebut adalah :Perlakuan A : Suhu 26 oC + Telur 100 butir, Perlakuan B : Suhu 28oC + Telur 100 butir, Perlakuan C : Suhu 30 oC + Telur 100 butir, Perlakuan D : Suhu 32oC + Telur 100 butir. Parameter yang diamati adalah : Daya tetas telur dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh untuk perlakuan suhu yang terbaik adalah perlakuan B dengan perlakuan suhu 28oC dengan daya tetas sebesar 73,33%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 235-242
Mustaqim Mustaqim ◽  
Kartini Eriani ◽  
Erlangga Erlangga ◽  
Rachmawati Rusyidi

Abstract. Temperurate is one of the important parameter in the embryo development of fish; However, to date no information this effect on the Betta splendens. Hence, this study aims to determine the effect of temperature on egg hatchability and survival of betta fish larvae. Samples of betta fish used in this study are similar in size and from the same type of broodstock. A completely randomized design used with four treatments and three replications. The parameters observed were the process of egg development, fertilization rate, hatching rate, hatching duration, survival rate, and water quality (pH, DO, temperature). The results showed that the relation between temperature and fertilization rate was not significantly different, whereas the calculated F value (0.23) ˂ F table 0.05 (4.07). The relation between temperature and hatching rate has a very significant effect, F value (18.91) ˃ F table 0.05 (4.07). The relation of temperature to hatching time showed the same difference, and the relation of temperature to survival of betta fish (Betta spelendes) larvae is significant with F ¬ values (39.98) F table 0.05 (4.07). Water quality parameters during the study were pH 7 - 7.5, DO 5.0 - 7.7 ppm and temperature at 27 - 29 oC.Keywords: Betta fish eggs, temperature, embryogenesis Abstrak.  Suhu adalah salah satu faktor menentukak proses perkembangan embrio pada ikan, namun pengaruh ini belum pernah diamati pada ikan cupang Betta splendens. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu terhadap perkembangan embrio, daya tetas telur dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan cupang. Induk ikan cupang yang digunakan memiliki ukuran yang sama dan dari induk jenis yang sama. Adapun rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak non factorialdengan 4 perlakuan 3 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah proses perkembangan telur, tingkat pembuahan telur, tingkat penetasan telur, lama penetasan telur, tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas air pH, DO, suhu ruangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan suhu terhadap tingkat pembuahan telur tidak berbedanyata, dimana nilai F hitung (0,23) ˂ F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Hubungan suhu terhadap tingkat penetasan telur berpengaruh sangat berbedanyata, dimana nilai F hitung (18,91) ˃ F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Hubungan suhu terhadap lama penetasan menunjukkan berbeda sama, dan hubungan suhu terhadap kelangsungan hidup berpengaruh nyata terhadap kelangsungan hidup larva ikan cupang (Betta spelendes) dengan nilai F hitung (39,98) F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian rata-rata pH 7 – 7,5, DO 5,0 – 7,7 ppm dan suhu ruangan 27 – 29 oC.Kata kunci: Telur ikan cupang, suhu, embriogenesis

Eka Indah Raharjo ◽  
Rachimi . ◽  
Holidan .

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan di Balai Budidaya Ikan Sentral (BBIS) Anjongan, Kabupaten Mempawah Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Waktu pelaksanaannya 14 Hari, meliputi 3 hari persiapan alat dan bahan dan 11 hari pengamatan penelitian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dosis hormon Ovaprim yang dapat menghasilkan lama waktu pemijahan, daya tetas telur dan sintasan hidup pada larva ikan biawan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL)  dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Variabel pengamatan meliputi waktu ovulasi, daya tetas telur (hatcing rate), kelangsungan hidup larva. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian dosis ovaprim yang berbeda berpengaruh nyata terhadap waktu ovulasi dan daya tetas telur ikan dan kelangsungan hidup ikan biawan. Nilai waktu ovulasi tercepat terdapat pada perlakuan B (dosis ovaprim 0,6 ml/kg bobot tubuh) dengan waktu ovulasi (8,79) jam.  Nilai daya tetas (hatching rate) tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B (dosis ovaprim 0,6 ml/kg bobot tubuh) sebesar 86,53 %, Nilai kelangsungan hidup larva biawan tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan B (dosis ovaprim 0,6 ml/kg bobot tubuh) sebesar 86.51 %. Kualitas air selama pemijahan dan penetasan telur selama penelitian diperoleh suhu 27-29°C  pH berkisar antara 6,5-7. Oksigen terlarut adalah 5-6 ppm. Kata Kunci: dosis Ovaprim, lama waktu pemijahan, hatching rate, kelangsungan hidup, Helostoma temmincki.  ABSTRACTThis study was conducted at the Fish Farming Center of Balai Budidaya Ikan Sentral Anjongan, Kabupaten Mempawah, West Kalimantan Province. It took 14 days for preparation (3 days) and observation (11 days). This study aimed at determining  the dose of Ovaprime hormones that produced spawning period, and egg hatchability and survival rate of Biawan larvae The method used is an experimental method. Using exprimental methodand completely randomized design (CRD), this study used  4 treatments and 3 repetitions. The variabels employed in observation phase were ovulation time, egg hatchability rate, and larval survival. The study revealed that different ovaprim  dosing significantly affectedthe ovulation time and the egg hatchability and  survival of Biawan. The fastest value of ovulation time was found in treatment B (ovaprim dose of 0.6 ml / kg body weight) at ovulation time (8.79) hours.  The highest hatching rate was found in treatment B (ovaprim dose of 0.6 ml / kg body weight) amounted to 86.53%. Also, the highest value of Biawan larval survival was found in treatment B (ovaprim dose of 0.6 ml / kg body weight) amounted to 86.51%. In addition,  the quality of water for spawning and hatching eggs was at  a temperature of 27-29 ° C pH range between 6.5-7, and  the dissolved oxygen was 5-6 ppm. Keywords: Ovaprim dose,  spawning period, hatching rate, survival rate, Helostoma temmincki.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Yulainty Adipu ◽  
Ahmad Rovik

This study aims to determine the management techniques of snakehead fish in the spawning process conducted in a controlled container and to know the performance of egg quality of snakehead fish. The experimental method was done experimentally by using a complete randomized design (RAL) with three feeding treatments and three replications, the treatment consisted of treatment A using 38% artificial protein, B treatment using rucah (fresh fish), and C treatment using mascot . The test animal used is the snake head totaling 49 tail, with the size of weight 350 grams up to 800 grams. The variables observed in this research consist of fecundity, hatchability, survival rate and water quality. The feed treatment A (golden snail) resulted in the highest number of eggs (fecundity) 5928 grains, followed by treatment B (feed trash) that is 4360 grains, and treatment A (pellet feed) ie 4134 grains. The result of hatching rate analysis at the highest treatment A reached 92,10%, in treatment B hatching degree was obtained 71,42%, while at treatment C obtained 56,60%. The observation variable for seed survival rate in treatment A resulted in 4367 head, whereas at treatment B obtained larvae 2245 tail, and at treatment C obtained 1450 tail. Based on the results of the research I can conclude that with different did not give a real effect on the number of eggs, hatchability and survival rate in snake head. While for water quality measurement obtained temperature value around 27-320C, brightness 30 - 40 cm, oxygen and pH at normal value 7.  Keywords : Quality eggs, snakehead fish, Feed

Dio Patria Yustysi ◽  
Fajar Basuki ◽  
Titik Susilowati ◽  
Tristiana Yuniarti

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari hibridisasi ikan nila Pandu F6 dengan nila Nilasa terhadap karakter reproduksinya dan performa benih yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan dalam penelitian ini: perlakuan A (Pandu F6 ♀><Pandu F6 ♂), B (Nilasa ♀><Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), dan D (Nilasa ♀><Pandu F6 ♂). Data yang diamati meliputi fekunditas, daya tetas telur, diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva TL, panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, konversi pakan dan kualitas air. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai terbaik pada fekunditas sebesar 1191,67 ± 239,45 butir/200 g, daya tetas telur sebesar 80,93 ± 3,90%, kelulushidupan sebesar 81,55 ± 7,54%, laju pertumbuhan spesifik sebesar 7,26 ± 0,25, konversi pakan 0,54 ± 0,02 didapatkan pada perlakuan C, akan tetapi untuk diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva Kuning Telur, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur tidak berbeda nyata. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa hibridisasi (perlakuan C) memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P < 0,05) terhadap fekunditas, daya tetas telur, kelulushidupan, laju pertumbuhan spesifik, dan konversi pakan tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap diameter dan bobot telur, panjang dan bobot larva, dan panjang dan bobot larva lepas kuning telur. Kata kunci: Hibridisasi, Ikan Nila, Karakter Reproduksi, Performa Benih  ABSTRACT This research aims to know the influence of hybridization tilapia fish Pandu F6 with nila Nilasa against the character of the reproduction and seed performance. This research was conducted with the experimental method using Random Design complete (RAL) with 4 treatments and three replicates. The treatments in this study: the treatment A (Pandu F6 F6 ♀ >< Pandu ♂), B (Nilasa ♀>< Nilasa ♂), C (Pandu F6 ♀>< Nilasa ♂), and D (Nilasa ♀ >< Pandu F6 ♂). The observed data covering fecundity, hatching rate, egg size, yolk sack larva length and weight, length and weight of the egg yolk off larvae, survival rate, specific growth rate, feed conversion rate, and water quality. The results showed the best value on the fecundity of 1191.67±239.45 eggs/200 g, Hatching rate 80.93 ± 3.90%, Survival rate of 81.55 ± 7.54%, specific growth rate of 7.26 ± 0.25, conversion fodder 0.54 ± 0.02 obtained at the treatment C, but for the diameter and weight of egg, larval length and weight TL, and the length and weight of the yolk egg off larvae for each treatment do not differ markedly. The results showed that hybridization (treatment C) gives a real influence (P < 0.05) of fecundity,hatching rate, survival rate but not with the egg size, larva weight and length, and the length and weight of larvae off yolk. Water quality on the spawning, hatching eggs and larvae found on the maintenance of a decent range for tilapia fish farming Keywords: hybridization, tilapia fish, character of the reproduction, seed performance 

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50
Muarofah Ghofur ◽  
Muhammad Sugihartono ◽  
Husna Daya Aulia

Temperature is one of the most dominant water quality parameters on the survival of fish, and almost every living organism has the optimum temperature for its life. One of the obstacles in the cultivation activity is the high level of death in the most critical phase of the larvae so that the handling and carrying capacity of optimal environmental conditions can minimize the death of the larvae as well as the extreme temperature changes will also cause higher death rates of larvae. In the maintenance effort, the quality and quantity of the resulting larva becomes an important factor, as the success of production support to reach the next phase. Therefore, to find out the larval synthesis is done research about the optimum temperature with treatment temperature 240C, 260C, 280C and 300C to the survival of maintenance of botia larvae (Chromobotia macrachantus). The water quality parameters of CO2, NH3, DO, and pH are carried out at the beginning and end of the study for 28 days. The results showed that the highest survival rate at temperature treatment 240C and 260C with a value of 100%.Keywords : Botia Larvae, Temperature, Survival Rate AbstrakSuhu merupakan salah satu parameter kualitas air yang sangat dominan terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan, dan hampir setiap organisme yang hidup didalamnya memiliki suhu optimum untuk kehidupannya. Salah satu kendala dalam kegiatan budidaya adalah tingginya tingkat kematian pada fase paling kritis yaitu larva sehingga penanganan dan daya dukung kondisi lingkungan yang optimal dapat meminimalisir kematian larva demikian pula dengan perubahan suhu yang ekstrim juga akan menyebabkan tingkat kematian larva semakin tinggi. Dalam upaya pemeliharaan, kualitas dan kuantitas larva yang dihasilkan menjadi faktor penting, sebagai penunjang keberhasilan produksi  hingga mencapai fase selanjutnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk mengetahui sintasan larva dilakukan penelitian mengenai suhu optimal dengan suhu perlakuan 240C, 260C, 280C dan 300C terhadap kelangsungan hidup pemeliharaan larva ikan botia (Chromobotia macrachantus). Parameter kualitas air yitu CO2, NH3, DO, dan pH dilakukan pada awal dan akhir penelitian yang dilakukan selama 28 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kelangsungan hidup tertinggi pada perlakuan suhu 240C dan 260C dengan nilai sebesar 100%.Kata Kunci : Larva Botia, Suhu,Tingkat Kelangsungan Hidup

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Dimas Nugraha

Ikan black ghost merupakan salah satu ikan hias komoditi ekspor yang memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup menjanjikan. Ikan ini menyukai perairan dengan suhu 26 – 28 0C. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh suhu terhadap perkembangan embrio, daya tetas telur dan penyerapan kuning telur ikan black ghost (A. albifrons). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen dalam skala laboratories dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 (empat) perlakuan suhu yaitu 24, 26, 28 dan 30 0C dan 3 (tiga) ulangan yang dilaksanakan pada 19 Maret – 04 Mei 2012 di Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Budidaya Ikan Hias Air Tawar Depok, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian didapatkan waktu perkembangan embrio yang paling cepat adalah perlakuan suhu 30 0C (55 jam 56 menit). Daya tetas telur (HR) presentase yang tertinggi adalah perlakuan suhu 26 0C adalah 36%. Waktu kecepatan penyerapan kuning telur yang paling cepat adalah perlakuan suhu 30 0C (4 hari 21 jam).Hasil Daya Tetas Telur (HR) menunjukan bahwa data didapatkan menyebar normal dengan nilai signifikan 0,932 dan homogenitas 0,848 yang bersifat homogen. Dari uji anova data tersebut terlihat bahwa F hitung adalah 3,167 dengan F tabel 4,07. Karena F hitung < F tabel, maka H0 diterima. Dengan demikian data yang didapatkan Suhu air yang berbeda tidak berpengaruh langsung terhadap daya tetas telur larva ikan black ghost .Kata Kunci : Ikan black ghost, suhu, perkembangan embrio, daya tetas telur dan kecepatan penyerapan kuning telurAbstractBlack ghost is one of the prospective ornamental fish export commodities which have fish economic value. These fish prefer waters with range temperature of 26-28 0C. The method used was experimental laboratories with design used Randomized Design Complete with 4 (four) treatment temperature of 24, 26, 28 and 30 0C and 3 (three) replicated whose have been conducted on 19 March to 4 May 2012 at Research and Development Center Aquaculture Freshwater Ornamental Fish Depok, West Java. The results obtained which the longest embryonic development was the fastest time of the treatment temperature is 30 0C (55 hours 56 minutes). Hatching Rate (HR) is the highest percentage is 26 0C temperature treatment was 36%. The speed of absorption of the yolk of the fastest time was 30 0C temperature treatment (4 days 21 hours). The results of Hatching Rate showed that the spread of data obtained normal with a significant value 0,932 and homogeneous 0,848. ANOVA of the data can be seen that F calculated was 3,167 and F table was 4,07. Since F calculated <F table, then H0 is accepted. It means that water temperatures does not directly influence hatching rate black ghost fish larvae.Keywords: black ghost fish, temperature, embryo, yolk absorption, hatching rate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 334
Anny Rimalia ◽  
Yulius Kisworo

This study aims to determine the effect of different temperatures and stocking densities and the hatching rate of Gouramy eggs with Experimental Design of Factorial Complete Randomized Design The main treatments of temperature, including A1: Temperature 28ºC and A2: Temperature 30ºC. The main treatment of stocking density includes B1: Stocking density of 10 pcs/liters and B2: Stocking density of 20 pcs/liters. The results were obtained as follows: Different temperatures did not have a significant effect on the hatching rate of Gouramy eggs. Different stocking densities have a significant effect on the hatching rate of Gouramy eggs. The interaction of temperature and stocking density did not have a significant effect on the hatching rate of Gouramy eggs. From the results of measurements of water quality parameters obtained water temperature data 28 and 30 ° C, pH 7.3 - 8.5 and DO (dissolved oxygen) ranged from 4.68 to 5.00 ppm

Hikmah Nurazizah ◽  
I Wayan Arthana ◽  
Gde Raka Anggara Kartika

Stocking density is an important factor in cultivation, it can save land use, and increase the efficiency of fish farming. The purpose of this research was to determine the different density information on tilapia seeds measuring 2-3 cm as an alternative to using tilapia (O. niloticus) seeds 7-9 cm in size so that they can be developed in Batur Lake. The research was conducted in January - March 2020 in the floating net cages in Trunyan Kintamani village, Bangli, Bali. The research used a completely randomized design method with three treatments and three repetitions. The Tilapia seeds used are 2-3 cm with different stocking densities, 100 ind/m3, 150 ind/m3, and 200 ind/m3. The parameters observed were SGR (Specific Growth Rate), absolute growth, SR (Survival Rate), FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), and water quality including temperature, DO, pH, TDS. The results of this study indicated that stocking density did not have a significant effect on the growth and survival rate of tilapia seeds, because the temperature was too cold so that the tilapia seeds failed to adapt properly at the beginning of stocking and the physiological conditions of the fish were disturbed so that the fish experienced stress and went to died. Water quality parameters measured include temperature with a range value of 25.86-25.880C, pH with a range value of 9.08-9.13, DO (Dissolved oxygen) with a range value of 7.9-8 mg/L, and TDS (Dissolved solids) with a range value of 1040.25-1041.58 mg/L.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Syahrizal Syahrizal ◽  
Zaenal Arifin ◽  
Paimung Paimung

Abstract. The high level feed of consumption of catfish (Pangasianodon hypopthalmus) is due to its relatively fast growth. Efforts to overcome the need for large and high quality feeds are needed to improve feed engineering through the administration of Effective Microorganisms 4 (EM4) bacteria in the hope that the protein in the pellet can increase and the texture is improved so that fish digestibility increases. The study design used was a complete randomized design (CRD) 4 (four) treatments 3 (three) replications with ANOVA analysis. Catfish weighing 5 ± 0.3 grams / head with a length of 8 ± 0.5 cm are fed commercially fermented pellet 0.5 ml EM4 / 50 ml water. 1.0 ml and 1.5 ml per kilogram of feed with protein values P0 35.1282%, P1 32.8506%, P2 27.5527%, and P3 32.3208%. The experimental results showed that absolute growth were respectively P0 2.1 grams, P1 2.3 grams, P2 1.9 grams and P3 2.1 grams and absolute length P0 1.8 cm, P1 1.8 cm, P2 1.5 cm and P3 1.7 cm. Graduation of live fish until observation day 20 amounted to 100% then entered day 30 P0 93.33% cm, P1 93.33%, P2 83.33% and P3 90.00%. Conversion of feed P0 1.3, P1 1.0 P2 1.2 and P3 1.1%. Normal fish water quality Temperature 27.0 - 27.2o C, pH 6.0-6.7, DO2 5.0-5.3 mg / l, CO2 2.1-2.5 mg / l and Ammonia 0.010-0.014 mg / l,Keywords: catfish, feed and microorganisms. Abstrak. Tingkat kosumsi pakan ikan patin (Pangasianodon hypopthalmus) yang tinggi disebabkan oleh pertumbuhannya yang relatif cepat. Upaya untuk mengatasi kebutuhan pakan yang besar dan bermutu diperlukan rekayasa perbaikan pakan melalui pemberian bakteri Effective Microorganisms 4 (EM4) dengan harapan protein pada pellet dapat menigkat dan teksturnya lebih membaik sehingga kecernaan ikan meningkat. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) 4 (empat) perlakuan 3 (tiga) ulangan dengan anlisis Anova.  Ikan patin ukuran bobot 5±0.3 gram/ekor dengan ukuran  panjang  8±0.5 cm diberi pakan komersial pellet difermentasi 0.5 ml EM4 /50 ml air. 1.0 ml  dan 1.5 ml per kilogram pakan dengan nilai protein P0 35.1282%, P1 32.8506 %, P2 27.5527%, dan P3 32.3208%. Hasil percobaan menunjukan bahwa pertumbuhan  mutlak berturut-turut P0 2.1 gram, P1 2.3 gram, P2 1.9 gram dan P3 2.1 gram dan panjang mutlak P0 1.8 cm, P1 1.8 cm, P2 1.5 cm dan P3 1.7 cm. Kelulusan hidup ikan sampai pengamatan hari ke 20 berjumlah 100% kemudian memasuki hari 30 P0 93.33% cm, P1 93.33%, P2 83.33% dan P3 90.00%.  Konversi pakan P0 1.3 , P1 1.0  P2 1.2 dan P3 1.1%. Kualitas air ikan peliharaan normal Suhu 27,0 – 27,2o C, pH 6.0-6.7,  DO2  5,0-5,3 mg/l, CO2  2,1-2,5 mg/l dan Amoniak 0,010-0,014 mg/l,Kata Kunci :  Ikan Patin, Pakan dan Microorganisme.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 77
Sri Subekti ◽  
Muhammad Arief ◽  
Galih Candra Prakosa Yudha

AbstrakIkan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) merupakan suatu komoditas perikanan air tawar yang bernilai ekonomis. Permasalahan yang saat ini dihadapi dalam budidaya ikan nila adalah harga bahan pakan terutama tepung ikan semakin mahal. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah menggantikan tepung ikan dengan limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh substitusi limbah padat surimi ikan swanggi (Priaacanthus macracanthus) secara kimiawi pada tepung ikan terhadap laju pertumbuhan dan efisiensi pakan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Analisa statistik menggunakan Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) supaya dapat mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa substitusi limbah padat dari surimi ikan swanggi (Priacanthus macracanthus) secara kimia pada tepung ikan tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05) terhadap retensi protein dengan nilai P0(7,97), P1(9,26), P2(7,07), P3(11,02) dan retensi lemak ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) P0(4,09), P1(5,67), P2 (4,53), P3 (6,73) tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan (P>0,05). Kualitas air media pemeliharaan ikan nila adalah suhu 26-28 °C, Oksigen terlarut 5-8 mg/l, pH 7-8, Amonia 0-1,5 mg/l. Abstract Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a freshwater fishery commodities that have economic value. The problems currently faced in tilapia fish farming is the price of feed ingredients, especially the more expensive fish meal. Efforts to do is replace fish meal with fish surimi swanggi solid waste (Priaacanthus macracanthus) chemically. This study aimed to determine the effect of substitution of solid waste swanggi fish surimi (Priaacanthus macracanthus) chemically in fish meal on the rate of growth and feed efficiency of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). This study uses an experimental method with completely randomized design (CRD). Statistical analysis using the Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) to determine the effect of treatment. Based on the results of the study showed that the substitution of solid waste swanggi fish surimi (Priacanthus macracanthus) chemical in fish meal did not significantly difference (p> 0.05) on the protein fish meal in the value of P0(7,97), P1(9,26), P3(7,07), P3(11,02)and retention fat tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) P0(4,09), P1(5,67), P2 (4,53), P3 (6,73) did not showed significantly difference (P>0.05). Maintenance of water quality media tilapia is 26-28 ° C temperature, dissolved oxygen 5-8 mg / l, pH 7-8, Ammonia 0-1.5 mg / l.

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