Islam in Eggonland: A Survey of Its Development and Prospects

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Muhammad Maga Sule ◽  
Atiku Garba Yahaya

Little has so far been discussed or written about Islam and Muslims in Eggonland. This is in marked contrast to other ethnic groups in the state which share similar characteristics being a Muslim community that attracted attention from scholars of either Muslim or non-Muslim. The aim is paper is to ascertain the Islam in Eggonland Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. It has been found that unlike the Erro Eggon clan which have almost 97% of its population being Muslims, Muslim population are not many as that of the Eggon Erro especially among the Anzo, Eholo clan, and it is only in communities that belong to Eggon Erro that large proportion of Muslims communities are found. This paper attempts to provide the much-lacking information on the spread and development of Islam in Eggonland. The paper discussed the coming of Islam, the means through which Islamization process took place and the establishment of Muslim communities in Eggonland, it also shows to the world true picture of Islam among the Eggon people. Detail attention has been given to the factors which contributed to the spread of Islamic teachings in Eggonland including the role of Muslim scholars, both within and outside Eggonland, Muslim organisations, etc. Equally important in this paper is the contributions of Muslim organizations in the development of Islamic education in Eggonland where schools that combine both Islamic and Western education were established. The paper sum up that, the prospects of Islam lies in the devotion of young generation to the learning of Islamic knowledge in Eggonland with the establishment of formal Islamic schools that produces Da’is who can speak the Eggon language fluently. The paper adopted qualitative methodology and desk review where In-depth Interview were conducted with few personalities to obtain data for the research.

Asep Muhammad Iqbal

The Netherlands is one of European countries whose population with Islamic background has been increasing significantly. Statistical data show that there are around one million Muslims in this country or around six per cent of total population of the Netherlands. Some Muslim communities in this country came from Southeast Asia including Indonesia. The number of Muslim population from Indonesia was estimated to be around 200,000 out of 400,000 Dutch population with Indonesian background. This certainly necessitates the involvement and role of religious leaders who are able to serve the need and interests of Muslim community with Indonesian backrgound in this country. One of the important issues needs attention is the educational background of these religious leaders. Therefore, this paper describes the following: what is the educational background of the imams and how this contributes to their recognition as religious leaders by Muslim community with Indonesian background in the Netherlands. It argues that the different patterns of educational background of imams among Indonesian Muslims in the Netherlands have significantly contributed to their recognition as respected religious leaders by their community. Dalam perkembangan kontemporer, Belanda merupakan salah satu negara Eropa di mana jumlah penduduknya yang berlatar belakang Islam mengalami peningkatan yang tinggi. Data statistik menunjukkan bahwa penduduk dengan latar belakang Islam berjumlah sekitar satu juta orang atau sekitar enam persen dari total populasi Belanda yang berjumlah sekitar tujuh belas juta orang. Penduduk Muslim ini sebagian berasal dari Asia Teggara termasuk Indonesia. Penduduk Muslim asal Indonesia diperkirakan berjumlah sekitar 200.000 orang dari sekitar 400.000 orang yang berlatar belakang Indonesia. Kenyataan ini menuntut keterlibatan dan peran pemimpin agama dalam melayani kebutuhan dan kepentingan umat Muslim asal Indonesia di negeri kincir angin ini. Salah satu hal yang menarik untuk dikaji dari para pemimpin agama ini adalah latar belakang pendidikan dan keilmuan mereka sehubungan dengan tugas-tugas keagamaan mereka. Karena itu, tulisan ini berupaya untuk mendeskripsikan pola latar-belakang pendidikan pemimpin keagamaan masyarakat Muslim asal Indonesia yang mana kemudian bisa dilihat kredibilitas dan kompetensi mereka dalam melayani umat. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa latar belakang pendidikan para imam asal Indonesia secara signifikan mempengaruhi pengakuan mereka sebagai pemimpin agama yang dihormati oleh komunitas Muslim asal Indonesia di Belanda.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Ni'mah Izati Atiko Putri ◽  
Karseno Karseno ◽  
Dinda Khabibatul Fuadah ◽  
Haznah Munna Firdausi ◽  
Syifa Ulhusna ◽  

The purpose of this article is to find out about how the halal food business is, what halal food restaurants are already in Asia and Europe, what is the potential of the Muslim community in Asia and Europe, and what is the potential of the halal food business in Asia and Europe with the majority non-Muslim society. In Islam, food is not only seen in terms of appearance and taste, but there are more important factors, namely whether the food is halal or not. The halalness of a food is very important as a consideration in the consumption of a food. The study results show that the halal food industry in Asia is increasing. The study results show that the halal food industry in Asia and Europe is increasing. The reason is, the existence of the Muslim population has increased growth, based on the trend of demand for halal products and also halal tourism. This is a great opportunity for business people to meet the demand for halal food. The challenge is how to improve quality and meet halal standards to meet consumer demand.

Religions ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Amin Al-Astewani

A whirlwind of developments have unfolded in the UK since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has subsequently instigated an intensely animated debate among British Muslim religious leaders about the contentious and sensitive topic of mosque closure, producing a rich and sophisticated spectrum of responses. These responses emerged within the dramatic global background of an imminent closure of Islam’s most cherished mosque to international pilgrims, namely the sacred precinct in Mekkah. The stakes were, therefore, high for British Muslim religious leaders considering mosque closure, facing the stark dilemma of compromising the sacrosanct status of the mosque and congregational worship in Islam or putting the lives of British Muslims in their hundreds of thousands at risk. This paper seeks to analyze the role of religious authority within the British Muslim community through the lens of the responses of the community’s religious leaders to the COVID-19 closure of mosques. It builds upon a Special Issue published by this journal on leadership, authority and representation in British Muslim communities. The issue of COVID-19 mosque closure in the UK presented an excellent case study for this paper’s analysis, manifesting as it does the dynamic way in which religious authority in the British Muslim community continues to evolve. This paper thus seeks to use this case-study to further enrich the literature on this topic.

Afkaruna ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Hasbi Aswar

The number of Muslims in the United States is increasing from year to year as a result of the increasing number of immigrants from Muslim countries who come to work and continue their education as well as the increasing number of Muslims. One of the problems faced by the Muslim community in America today is Islamophobia such as bad narratives, discrimination, and violence against Muslims and their property. This study will examine the role of the Muslim community in America in dealing with the phenomenon of Islamophobia by explaining its strategy through the concept of Non-Governmental Organizations. The data used in this study is literature collected online from websites of Islamic groups in the United States. The results of this study showed that Islamic groups have taken many ways to deal with Islamophobia in this country, namely through political and legal advocacy, media relations, education, and campaigns to garner support and introduce Islam in American society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Sumadi Sumadi

Abstract : This study aims to determine the extent of the role of education and teaching of Islamic economics to the younger generation towards the younger generation in the era of increasingly massive Islamic economic development. The role of education and teaching of Islamic economics as well as business practices based on sharia principles today is no longer a necessity, but has become a reality and is increasingly widespread. Economic institutions and Islamic business products are emerging and growing in various parts of the world, even among non-Muslim communities. Likewise training and education that prepares personnel for it. In the academic arena, scientific studies on the concept of Islamic economics also continue to roll and deepen. This is a result of the weakness of the existing economic system that is not able to prosper the community, on the other hand the occurrence of a dichotomy in the education system that seems to belong only to the economics faculty in terms of economics is the fulfillment of human needs in its life, so that Islamic economic education should be introduced to all young people, especially the Muslim generation. Based on the explanation above, it is obvious that the development of Islamic economic practices in various aspects is so rapid that it is very necessary to prepare a young generation of Islamic economics that can maintain and continue the existence of Islamic economics. Government support is getting better and accommodating towards the development of Islamic economic practices. Keywords: education, the development of Islamic economics, the younger generation

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Tawat Noipom ◽  
Aris Hassama

Waqf in various forms has been found in Muslim communities throughout Thailand. However, a small number of systematic inquiries has been conducted to document basic information such as forms, management, and impacts of waqf in the country. As a result of that, it is difficult to further investigate whether waqf serves its objectives of socio-economic development of Muslim communities or otherwise. This study, therefore, aims at preliminary examining the forms, management, and issues on waqf in the Muslim majority area of Satun province in the south of Thailand. In order to arrive at the conclusion, a qualitative approach was employed. In-depth interview was used to gather information from Imans. Purposive sampling technique was used to choose the interviewees who have adequate knowledge on the topic. Narrative analysis was the method of analyzing the collected data. The findings in this study show that waqf in Thailand can be found in various forms and mainly property waqf which includes mosque buildings, Islamic schools, agricultural land and rental houses. Cash can also be found as a part of the process to purchase of waqf properties. These waqf properties are managed by mosque committee but are not required to report to the Provincial Islamic Committee. As a result, the information on the value of waqf cannot be found anywhere. The willingness of waqf contributors and no provisions of the law are the two main issues confronting waqf management in Thailand. This paper provides basic waqf information in Thailand and leads the way for further studies and subsequently effective model of waqf in a non-Muslim country. =========================================== Wakaf dalam berbagai bentuk telah ditemukan dalam komunitas Muslim di seluruh Thailand. Namun, sejumlah kecil pertanyaan sistematis telah dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan informasi dasar seperti bentuk, manajemen dan dampak dari wakaf di negara tersebut. Sebagai hasil dari itu, sulit untuk menyelidiki lebih lanjut apakah wakaf dilaksanakan sesuai tujuannya untuk pembangunan sosial-ekonomi masyarakat Muslim atau sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan awal terhadap bentuk, manajemen, dan isu-isu tentang wakaf di wilayah mayoritas Muslim di provinsi Satun di Thailand selatan. Dalam rangka penarikan kesimpulan, dilakukan pendekatan kualitatif. Wawancara mendalam digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi dari para Imam. Teknik purposive sampling digunakan untuk memilih responden yang memiliki pengetahuan yang memadai mengenai topik ini. Analisis naratif adalah metode analisis terhadap data yang telah dikumpulkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa wakaf di Thailand dapat ditemukan dalam berbagai bentuk dan terutama wakaf properti yang meliputi bangunan masjid, sekolah-sekolah Islam, lahan pertanian dan rumah sewa. Kas juga dapat ditemukan sebagai bagian dari proses untuk membeli properti wakaf. Wakaf properti ini dikelola oleh komite masjid, tetapi tidak diharuskan untuk melapor ke Komite Islam Provinsi. Akibatnya, informasi tentang nilai wakaf tidak dapat ditemukan dimanapun. Kesediaan kontributor wakaf dan tidak ada ketentuan hukum adalah dua isu utama yang dihadapi manajemen wakaf di Thailand. Penelitian ini memberikan informasi wakaf dasar di Thailand dan membuka jalan untuk studi lebih lanjut dan model wakaf yang efektif setelah ini di negara non-Muslim.

2021 ◽  
Vol 331 ◽  
pp. 01011
Alin Fithor ◽  
Dewi Muliana ◽  
Teuku Afrizal ◽  
Jumadil Saputra

The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors that influence the intention to give zakat, infaq, and sadaqah of Indonesian Muslim communities using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) model. The sample data used in this study were 128 respondents and processed with SPSS to test the significance of the regression model. The independent variables used are religious beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, while the intention is the dependent variable. The results showed that the idea of a sustainable environment had a positive and significant effect on attitudes. In addition, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control also have a positive and significant impact on intentions to the surrounding community. Amil institutions can predict the behavior of muzak through this paper. As for academics, this paper is used for further research by integrating perceived behavioral control as a predictor of Indonesian Muslim intentions. This study is an initial study that investigates the determinants of muzak behavior through the TPB model. Therefore, this paper will be helpful to a contribution from academics regarding the behavior Muslim community in the conditions COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia and the world.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
I Nyoman Mardika

Muslim communities which is located in Pegayaman Village, in Buleleng Regency, have a unique and ambivalent position. Nationally, they are part of the majority Muslim communities in Indonesia. However, since they located at Buleleng regency which is a Hindu majority, the communities certainly becomes a minority group. The Muslim community of Pegayaman can live in harmony and be able to integrate with other community as a minority. In the national integration of the Muslim Pegayaman community is able to blend with other communities without losing their cultural identity. This is inseparable from the system of values, beliefs amd cultural (religious) identity and leadership in the village. The concept was able to bring the Pegayaman Muslim community to maintain national intehration and keep them away from disintegration process.

Zainal Abidin Eko Putro

Indonesian Chinese with no exception Chinese Muslim in Indonesia has stepped into a considerable freedom during the current Reformation era. As like as many other Chinese Indonesians who take a part in creating integration model without abandoning their ethnic identity, Chinese Muslim have also shown similar endeavor. However, within the context of post-Reformation democracy, it seems that Chinese Muslim solely fights against any other Indonesian Chinese group and other Muslim community in Indonesia at the same time. Study about Chinese Muslim in Indonesia after Reformation is briefly undertaken ranging from its political contexts, cultural, and economy alike. Some scholars who interest in its cultural realm have been dealt with the important role of Chinese in spreading Islam into Nusantara in 14th Century. Here, Admiral Cheng Ho was an influential figure to introduce Islam to local people in northern coastal area of Java Island. It sounds that it is unlike with many other scholars who convince that Islam came to Java in the hand of Gujarat traders. This paper tries to explore the existence of Chinese Muslim in Jakarta during the current Post Reformation era. To complete this paper, I try to combine data that taken from in-depth interview with literature review and personal observation on some people and signs of Chinese Muslim in Jakarta.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 197
Subkhani Kusuma Dewi

Anthropologically speaking, interrelation between text and several practices of muslim community in Indonesia (that prove their obedience to the Islamic norms and official doctrine), is in fact heterodox. This premise verifies various elements of the local culture that always interweave and work together in dialogue through rituals and symbols. In shaping this new perspective of Anthropology of Islam, some Islamisists made claim the major tasks of ethnographers to depicts Islam with diverse expressions of meaning, emotion, as well feeling, as practiced by Muslims, whom are the object of authority and the text. This point of view shows the importance of the study of the texts in a broader ethnographic process. The role of the latter study is to strengthen the cultural anthropology of the Muslim community and at the same time discover the power and authority of the text as an interpretive resources and practices for muslim communities.

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