scholarly journals Isu-Isu Akidah di Pusat Pemindahan Mangsa Banjir: Kajian Perintis di Daerah Temerloh dan Maran, Pahang

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-78
Irwan Mohd Subri ◽  
Wan Mohd Fazrul Azdi Wan Razali ◽  
Walid Mohd Said ◽  
Nisar Mohammad Ahmad ◽  
Amir Shaharuddin ◽  

At the end of 2014, Malaysia was  hit by an extraordinary and massive  flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. This pilot study was conducted to gather issues related to aqidah at  relief centers in the Temerloh and Maran district, Pahang. This exploratory study used qualitative methods. The researchers conducted non-structered interviews with thirty eight respondents in four flood relief centers in Temerloh using convenience sampling technique. The results showed that there were 8 themes of aqidah issues raised by the people at the flood relief centers. The most popular themes were i) flood disaster was qada and qadar (fate and destiny) from Allah, ii) effort and tawakkal from victims in facing the disaster, and iii) disaster brought people close to Allah. In the discussion,the reseachers explained the probable factors of the results. They also suggested some improvement actions that could be highlighted in flood management model. Keywords: aqidah, Temerloh, Maran, flood, issues Abstrak Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat penempatan banjir melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Kajian perintis ini dijalankan bagi  mengumpulkan isu-isu berkaitan akidah di pusat pemindahan mangsa banjir di daerah Temerloh dan Maran, Pahang. Kajian yang bermatlamatkan penerokaan ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Para penyelidik telah menjalankan temu bual tidak berstruktur terhadap tiga puluh lapan orang responden di empat buah pusat pemindahan mangsa banjir di daerah Temerloh dan Maran, Pahang. Pemilihan responden dibuat menggunakan kaedah persampelan mengikut kesenangan (convenience sampling). Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat lapan tema isu akidah yang dibangkitkan oleh warga pusat pemindahan banjir. Tiga tema paling polular adalah i) banjir itu qadak dan qadar Allah, ii) berusaha dan bertawakkal dalam menghadapi banjir, dan iii) banjir mendekatkan diri dengan Allah. Di bahagian perbincangan, penyelidik menghuraikan perkara-perkara yang berkemungkinan menjadi faktor kepada dapatan kajian. Penyelidik juga mengemukakan cadangan penambah baikan berkaitan isu akidah dan kaunseling untuk dimuatkan dalam model pengurusan banjir. Kata kunci: akidah, Temerloh, Maran, banjir, isu

Suti Sutrisno Lateba ◽  
Ferdinan Kerebungu ◽  
Rasyid Umaternate

The problem in this study is poverty in the people of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. The purpose of this study was to assess poverty in the community of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Milles and Huberman technique. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. The results show that in general the Sofan Village community is a poor community, and the factor that causes poverty in the Sofan Village community is the low education factor, this lack of employment can be seen in general from the work of the community is farmers and fishermen. Another thing that causes poverty is the lack of income and the habit of some people who were still sitting before working. Another factor that causes poverty in the people of Sofan Village is the attitude of being dependent on other parties, especially the Government. This attitude of being too dependent on others is what causes them to live in poverty.

2008 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-28 ◽  
Werner Havenga

The objective of this exploratory study was to establish, through the application of the Rahim Organisational Inventory (ROC II) instrument, how the gender and age status of owners/managers of small businesses relate to the application of different conflict-handling styles. The sample of 68 participants was taken using a convenience sampling technique to ensure representation from the strata of the 102 small businesses. Analysis of variances was used to determine if differences exist in conflict-handling styles within the gender and age status groups. The results of the statistical analysis done revealed that slight to significant variances were found, which are discussed accordingly.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-107
Irwan Mohd Subri ◽  
Wan Mohd Fazrul Azdi Wan Razali ◽  
Walid Mohd Said ◽  
Nisar Mohammad Ahmad ◽  
Amir Shaharuddin ◽  

At the end of 2014, Malaysia was  hit by an extraordinary and massive  flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. At the relief centres, there were a lot of situations that related closely to Fiqh discipline such as ritual purity, method in performing prayers, mixing and mingling between men and women, islamic funeral  the rulings on lost property and the awareness to refer unresolved issues to experts. In order to determine if the evacuees have good Fiqh understanding upon these issues, an exploratory quantitative study had been conducted among 18 respondents using questionaires. The researchers used convenience sampling method at the district of Maran and Temerloh. As a result, they found the respondent had high level of Fiqh understanding with overall min value 3.87. Keywords: fiqh, Temerloh, Maran, flood, understanding Abstrak Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat penempatan melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Di pusat-pusat penempatan itu, terdapat beberapa keadaan yang berkait rapat dengan fiqh seperti cara bersuci, kaedah mengerjakan solat, batasan pergaulan lelaki-perempuan yang bukan mahram, pengurusan jenazah, hukum mengambil barang yang dijumpai dan kesedaran merujuk pakar dalam hal fiqh yang tidak diketahui. Untuk mengetahui tahap kefahaman warga pusat penempatan terhadap isu-isu ini, satu kajian perintis kuantitatif berbentuk soal selidik telah dijalankan ke atas 18 orang. Pemilihan responden dibuat menggunakan kaedah persampelan mengikut kesenangan (convenience sampling). Dengan menjadikan daerah Temerloh dan Maran sebagai lokasi kajian, penyelidik mendapati responden mempunyai tahap kefahaman Fiqh yang tinggi dengan nilai min keseluruhan 3.87. Kata kunci: fiqh, Temerloh, Maran, banjir, kefahaman

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-67
Izhar Allessandria Mardini ◽  
Bambang Agus Pramuka ◽  
Negina Kencono Putri

Zakat can become a significant source of state revenue. This can be realized if the people of Islam in Indonesia obedient in paying the zakat. Besides, the zakat institution in charge of managing the zakat must be honest, transparent and accountable in managing the zakat so that can increase the confidence of zakat payers (muzakki). But in reality, until this time there are still found a lack of potential for the payment of zakat in Indonesia. There are several factors that lead to loyalty of zakat payers that will increase zakat collection, such as accountability, transparency, and service quality applied by zakat management organization.This study aims to examine the effect of accountability, transparency, and service quality toward loyalty of zakat payers. This research is a quantitative study with primary data from questionnaires distributed to zakat payers of zakat management organization in Purwokerto. Sampling technique uses a convenience sampling method. There are 100 respondents that fulfilled questionnaires. Data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that accountability, transparency, and service quality have a significant and positive effect toward loyalty of zakat payers.

I GA. Oka Mahagangga ◽  
I Putu Anom

This study is inspired by the existence of Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple located in Kutri Pekraman Village in Buruan Village, Blahbatuh Sub-regency, Gianyar Regency. Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple as an archaeological heritage possesses tourism potentials if it is managed holistically. This study aims to develop a strategy for the development of Kutri Pekraman Village with the tourist attractions that it has in store as a tourist village. This study employs the qualitative paradigm paired with a combination of both the qualitative and qualitative methods (mixed methods) and the SWOT analysis as the data analysis technique. The research method used is a combination of both the quantitative and qualitative methods with the qualitative paradigm as the main approach to the study. As for the sampling, qualitatively the technique used is the purposive sampling technique where there are four informants, and quantitatively the technique used is the total sampling technique where there are 100 respondents from the local residents and 15 foreign tourists. The result of the study indicates that the people of Kutri Pekraman Village in Buruan, Blahbatuh Sub-regency, Gianyar Regency are ready to carry out the development of a tourist village using all tourism potentials that are considered to be very attractive for tourists. The result of the analysis points to the strategy of future tourism development as a tourist village with the approach of alternative tourism (heritage tourism) with Bukit Darma Durga Kutri Temple as the core of the tourism, supported by the rice field areas which are popular among tourists for tracking and cycling activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-142
Irwan Mohd Subri ◽  
Wan Mohd Fazrul Azdi Wan Razali ◽  
Walid Mohd Said ◽  
Nisar Mohammad Ahmad ◽  
Amir Shaharuddin ◽  

At the end of 2014, Malaysia was  hit by an extraordinary and massive  flood which affected mainly on its east coast region. The victims, who accounted as more than two hundred thousand people were rescued and placed at flood relief centers. Situation at the relief centers were very challenging and they were closely related to many aqidah’s concept, for instances Qada and Qadar, the understanding of disasters as tests and the concept of tawakkal. In order to determine the level of understanding among evacuees regarding those concepts, an exploratory quantitative study had been conducted on 18 respondents. The study used convenience method of sampling. Conducted in the district of Temerloh and Maran, all three tested themes showed high mean scores which indicated high understanding in aqidah among respondents. Keywords: aqidah, Temerloh, Maran, flood, understanding Abstrak Penghujung tahun 2014, Malaysia khususnya di Pantai Timur telah dilanda banjir besar yang luar biasa. Mangsa-mangsa yang dipindahkan dan ditempatkan di pusat pemindahan melebihi dua ratus ribu orang. Situasi yang penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan itu amat berkait berkait rapat dengan konsep-konsep akidah seperti iman terhadap qadak dan qadar, bencana sebagai ujian dan kefahaman tawakal. Untuk mengetahui tahap kefahaman warga pusat pemindahan terhadap isu-isu ini, satu kajian perintis kuantitatif berbentuk soal selidik telah dijalankan ke atas 18 orang. Pemilihan responden dibuat menggunakan kaedah persampelan mengikut kesenangan (convenience sampling). Dengan menjadikan daerah Temerloh dan Maran sebagai lokasi kajian, ketiga-tiga tema yang diuji menunjukkan nilai min yang tinggi, sekaligus memberi makna bahawa responden mempunyai tahap kefahaman akidah yang tinggi. Kata kunci: akidah, Temerloh, Maran, banjir, kefahaman

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 159-176
M Shabri Abd Majid

This study empirically explores the factors motivating Muzakki (zakat payers) to pay zakat at the Baitul Mal Aceh, Indonesia. The factors motivating Muzakki to pay zakat investigated in the study comprises culture, regulation, motivation, and Muzakki understanding on zakat. 600 questionnaires were disseminated to the respondents, which were selected based on the convenience sampling technique. Then, the data were analysed using a binary logistic regression. The results of this study showed that culture, regulation, motivation, and understanding of the Muzakki on zakat significantly and positively affected the decision of Muzakki to pay their zakat at the Baitul Mal Aceh. This study implies that in order Muzakki to pay their zakat at the Baitul Mal, Islamic cultures should be preserved among Achenese, government should enhance regulation pertaining zakat management and the people of Aceh need to be equipped with the relevant knowledge on the obligation of zakat payment. DOI: 10.15408/sjie.v6i1.4302

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
pp. 661
Herwindo Ghora Nidityo ◽  
Nisful Laila

This research aims to determine the role of productive zakat toward the productive performance of mustahiq at their workplace.This research used qualitative methods through descriptive case study analysis.Characteristic of theinformant research are the mustahiq that already registered as BAZ Jatim member. The number of informant tested of this research by six mustahiq and there are two managers of BAZNAS were asked for further information from the beginning of the research. The sampling technique used by this research is interview instrument and triangulatin process as the validity tool.Based on the results of the research indicate that there are several role of productive zakat that affect the productive performance of mustahiq compared to the period before the zakat was distributed. The four factors as a result are the three main indicators, which is quantitative indicators, are change of number from the raw materials, quantity of productions, and the frequency of productions done. And the additional indicator is the effectivity of resource used, which is the factory overhead used of the production. Furthermore, in the process of research the productive zakat is also have a role to increasethe motivation to produce and the religiosity of mustahiq.Advice for the distributioninstitutions of zakat, are improves the number of productive programs and increases the management and distributions of the zakat, infaq, and  shadaqah as a funding for the empowerment the people so that of the lng term the zakat can be an instrument for the poor and slum reduction. For the second next research, are adding the informations of productive zakat and its management.

Mohammad Fajrin ◽  
Nurlina Ibrahim ◽  
Arsa Wahyu Nugrahani

This study aims to inventory and to record plants and their parts used as medicine by Dondo Tribe in Dondo Subdistrict, Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi. This research is a descriptive study using qualitative methods and snowball sampling technique through open-ended interviews to 4 informants using questionnaire. The results showed that 56 plant species divided into 32 familia were used as medicine. The most widely used plant was from Euphorbiaceae family as much as 11%. Parts of plant which were used included leaf, petiole, stem, bark, flower, fruit, seed, rhizomes, tuber, and herb. Part of plant widely used was the leaf with percentage of utilization as much as 62%. The people of Dondo Tribe in Tolitoli District use the plants for treatment of illness, recovery, and maintenance of health. The methods of processing included decocting, mashing, roasting, burning, squeezing, and brewing the parts of the plant. The ways of using included drinking, eating, chewing, smearing, dropping, affixing/compressing, attaching, and rubbing the plant preparations on the sore spot as well as inhaling the fumes, and mixing it with water for bathing

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-182
Vanessa Jacobus

The goal of this research was to analyze the effect of physical evidence, price and products on loyalty with customer satisfaction as a mediating variable of Hypermarket A and B in East Jakarta region. The population on this research were all the people who lived in East Jakarta and Bekasi which eased the researcher to find consumers from both Hypermarkets. Sampling method was using convenience sampling technique with the calculation of sampling using Slovin formula so it obtained at least 100 samples. The source of this research was a primary and secondary source. A primary source was collected by fill the questionnaires by respondents and literature studies as a second source. The method for analysis was the classic assumption test and partial t-test. The result of the hypothesis shows that; price and product were positively impacted on customer satisfaction and so do the satisfaction on customer loyalty.   

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