JURNAL PARADIGMA : Journal of Sociology Research and Education
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Published By Universitas Negeri Manado


Suti Sutrisno Lateba ◽  
Ferdinan Kerebungu ◽  
Rasyid Umaternate

The problem in this study is poverty in the people of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. The purpose of this study was to assess poverty in the community of Sofan Village, South East Taliabu District, Taliabu Island Regency. This study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques used are observation, documentation and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this study was the Milles and Huberman technique. Determination of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. The results show that in general the Sofan Village community is a poor community, and the factor that causes poverty in the Sofan Village community is the low education factor, this lack of employment can be seen in general from the work of the community is farmers and fishermen. Another thing that causes poverty is the lack of income and the habit of some people who were still sitting before working. Another factor that causes poverty in the people of Sofan Village is the attitude of being dependent on other parties, especially the Government. This attitude of being too dependent on others is what causes them to live in poverty.

Audrey Runtukahu ◽  
Ferdinand Kerebungu ◽  
Yoseph Santie

The problem in this study is about the perception of pinokalan village community regarding the assistance of Kota Tanpa Kumuh Program (KOTAKU) where they are concerned about the inability of the opportunity to receive this assistance and the purpose of this research is to know and describe the perception of pinokalan village community in the implementation of KOTAKU program. In this study using qualitative research method with observation and interview data collection techniques. And the results of this study show that the perception of the people of Pinokalan Village that we do not receive assistance kotaku program from the government when our environment is organized and not worth our stay because of the densely populated conditions and only a few residents of our village who get assistance in the form of home improvement, roads and drainage but it is an assistance from PNPM not from KOTAKU and the government only chooses milih residents for i kut in socialization therefore we as other pinokalan community do not know and only know from others that socialization has been implemented about KOTAKU in Pinokalan Village. In the PROGRAM KOTAKU Pinokalan village is used as a companion village when compared to other villages that get assistance from KOTAKU Pinokalan Village can be said to be more eligible to get assistance from this KOTAKU program

Crismi Sintia Mega Rambi ◽  
Abdul Rasyid Umaternate ◽  
Yoseph D.A Santie

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the discussion learning method and the learning motivation of students in class X Social Studies in sociology at SMA Negeri 1 Motoling. This research is quantitative descriptive. In this study, the population used was 30 students of class X IPS at SMA Negeri 1 Motoling who were representatives of Class X IPS 1, X IPS 2, and X IPS 3. The instruments and data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation with analytical techniques. The data used are Product Moment validity and Cronbach Alpha reliability tests. The results of this study indicate that there is a ralationship between the discussion learning method and students learning motivation, this is evidenced by the coefficient of determination (R Square) of 0.589 which implies that the influence of the independet variable (X) on the dependent variable (Y) is 58.9% and the remaining 41.1% is imfluenced or determined by other factors.

Ridwan Umar ◽  
Hamdi Gugule ◽  
Nismawati Nismawati

Traditional traders are traders who carry out the trading process in traditional markets and the buildings usually consist of stalls and open grounds opened by sellers or a market manager and with an uncertain price system. The method approach used in this research is a qualitative method which aims to provide a systematic, factual and accurate description. Based on research on how the impact of the presence of minimarts on the socio-economic conditions of traditional traders in the city of Tidore, North Maluku Province, it turns out that the presence of minimarkets has an impact on traditional traders. Moreover, the negative impacts such as decreasing income of traditional traders, loss of livelihood, children dropping out of school and increasing poverty levels, while the positive impacts make it easier for traditional traders to get merchandise. To anticipate the negative impact of the presence of the minimarket, some traders also make efforts by doing side jobs. This also deserves the attention of the local government to overcome problems related to the impact of minimarkets that are felt by traditional traders so that it does not have an impact on the socio-economic life of the community.

Enjelita Mardelin Mangape ◽  
Ferdinan Kerebungu ◽  
Veronika Salem

The purpose of this study is to identify, describe and analyze the customary system of death of the Toraja Metanda Mali 'and Metua' tribes which strengthens brotherhood. This study uses qualitative research, using qualitative descriptive analysis techniques with interactive models Miles and Huberman, Sugiyono 2015. Results of the study shows that in the process of the social tradition of Metanda Mali' and Metua' at the funeral ceremony of Rambu Solo' in the Toraja community, especially in Lembang Lemo Menduruk, it is always considered a burden to the community because the care given is interpreted by the community as a form of debt that must be paid. Metanda Mali' is a form of care given by people who have no family relationship with the grieving person, Metua is a form of concern given by people who have family relations with the grieving person, in the Toraja language it is called “Rara Buku”. only focused on Metanda Mali' and Metua' as a burden without the community realizing that the tradition of Metanda Mali'and Metua' can strengthen brotherly relations.

Kesia Angreani Karame ◽  
Maryam Lamadirisi ◽  
Zoni Henki Singal

The purpose of this study is to find out the Young Domestic Violence in Manumpitaeng Village, Sangihe Regency. This research uses qualitative research, with techniques in the form of interviews and observations, data validation in this study using internal validation of external validation, reliability and objectivity, Sugiyono 2010. The results showed that the violence that occured in the young household in Manumpitaeng village was due to easy marriage, was pregnant first and had stopped school. Economic factors, insufficient salaries to meet the needs of households every month often cause quarrels. And it can be described that the parents of the husband or wife always interfere in their child’s household such as finansial problems, child education, work, moreover this can be triggered because of differences in attitudes towards each parent.

Edwin Reimon Tamengge ◽  
Maryam Lamadirisi ◽  
Y.D.A. Santie

The purpose of this study was to determine the economy and education of children of marine rumuput farmer families in Nain village, wori sub-district, North Minahasa district. This research uses qualitative research, with techniques such as observation and in-depth interviews, the data collection in this study uses internal validation and external validation. Sugiyono, 2010. From the results of this study, the economic life of seaweed farmers is different from other garden farmers, because working as a seaweed farmer has different difficulties for seaweed farmers, starting from the obstacles they face, namely the weather, to unexpected price drops that affect income. they. As a seaweed farming hunt, there are also obstacles faced, namely the results obtained and even not enough income to meet the economic demands of the family. Children's education is very important to pay attention to, but because of the limited costs of parents who work as seaweed farmers.

Citra Lidiawati

The problem in this study is is there any effect of the six thinking hats method on student learning activeness in Civics Class XI subjects at Kayuagung State High School 4 Ogan Komering Ilir Sumatera Selatan. District. The purpose is to find out whether there is an influence of the six thinking hats method on the activity of students in PPKn subjects. The method used was a quasi-experiment. As a test data collection technique used is the observation sheet. The data analysis technique used is the calculation of the t-test using SPSS 22. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the results of the activity test between the experimental class and the control class. The average value of the initial test of the activity of the experimental class students 51.25 and the final test 84.00. The average value of the initial control class 51.41 and the final test 70.84. The results of data analysis showed that the average learning outcomes of the experimental class were greater than the control class, namely 70.53> 57.61. Based on the results of the first analysis shows that tcount (7,566) is higher than ttable (1,669) with a degree of validity 62 (df 62) at the level of significance of probability below 0.05 or 0,000 <0.05. This means that H0 is rejected, and Ha is accepted. In other words, the six thinking hats method has a positive influence on student learning activeness in PPKn subjects.

Astrid Mamiloto ◽  
Veronika Salem ◽  
Zoni Singal

The  problem in the research i did was about the allocation of water to various sector in order  to get optimal social benefits ,the long queues of commonity members when queuing to take water became  a phenomenon that is seen every day in bantane village,the  village goverment has not made any efforts to date .deal with this in this study using qualitative research methods with data collectoin techniques participant  observation  and interviews.and based on the result of the study it was found that the management of clean water in bantane village has been an obstacle so far because of the nature  of the people who do not take care and always put their own interests and trouble other residents,namely destroying public facilities for private use and the government has allowed this for years and is not repaired for reasons of non-existent funding so that  every community has problems with clean water,the village government often does no care or find a solution regarding this for some members of the community.thare is no difference in clean water when it is processed by the community and when it is processed by the government.

Samuel Rondor ◽  
Maryam Lamadirisi ◽  
Yoseph Santie

This study aims to see whether is an influence of peer groups on student learning outcomes. The research method used is quantitative methods. The collection uses questionnaire and documentation. Based on the study, was found results of a simple regression analysis from the peer group on the learning outcomes of class XII Social Studies students at the Tompaso Adventist High School for the 2020/2021 academic year in the sociology subject obtained a constant (a) 76.026, coefficient value (b) 0.136 which if in the simple regression equation Y = 76.026 + 0.136X, with tcount 2.055 > ttable 2.035 with significance of 0.048 (4.8%) less than 5% that found result there there influence of peer group on the learning outcomes. It was found from the results of questionnaires, learning outcomes, and analysis, turns out that peer group has a role as well but not always make the same result, those are said in poor relationships turn out have high learning outcomes and for them friendship is friendship, be their encouragement to be better or in academics even though they like that but they encourage each other in a good direction, those who are in good relationships as well, as evidenced by the high learning outcomes.

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