2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Amalia Amalia

Abstract: The purpose of education and teaching activities in higher education is to produce quality and effective graduates. Among the graduates there are of the best graduates for each study program each year. This study aims to find the best graduates who are able to compete in the world of work in accordance with stakeholder needs. The data processed in this study were sourced from the 2018 Royal Computer Information Management College graduates. The method used in this study is the Weighted Product method. The results of this study can determine the best graduates quickly and accurately. research can help in terms of decision makers for determining the best graduates in each college.             Keywords: Best Graduate; Student; Weighted Product  Abstrak: Tujuan kegiatan pendidikan dan pengajaran di perguruan tinggi adalah untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas dan efektif. Di antara lulusan ada beberapa lulusan terbaik untuk setiap program studi tiap tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari lulusan terbaik yang mampu bersaing di dunia kerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan stakeholder. Data yang diolah dalam penelitian ini bersumber dari data lulusan Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika Komputer Royal tahun 2018 sebanyak 100 lulusan. Metode yang dipakai dipenelitian ini, metode Weighted Product. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menentukan lulusan terbaik secara cepat dan tepat. Penelitian dapat membantu dalam hal pengambil keputusan untuk penentuan lulusan terbaik disetiap perguruan tinggi.  Kata kunci: Lulusan Terbaik; mahasiswa;Weighted Product 

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Radhiya Bustan

There is a gap between the outcomes of higher education and the demands of competence in the workplace (Observation Teichler, 1997, 1999; Yorke and Knight, 2006). It is necessary to anticipate and evaluation conducted by the universities to the needs of the working world of the competence of its graduates. For this reason, preaches study program of Healing and Counseling at University of Al Azhar Indonesia needs to put through research, whether Healing and Counseling Program will be able to achieve the vision of its mission into educational institutions that can print a preacher who can do the required counseling Islam in society and the world of work today . This study aims for Healing and Counseling Studies Program to conduct an evaluation of the competencies needed by the real world of work in society and to adapt appropriate teaching curriculum. The results showed that the competence of graduates of Healing and Counseling Program UAI was needed in the world of work and competence in the appropriate field for Healing and Counseling is generally associated with human resources (HR) or Human Resources Department, namely as a counselor, therapist, spiritual counselor / preachers, volunteers for various family problems, physical, educational, religious, Islamic law, and violence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Dini Dini ◽  
Athiefah Fauziyyah ◽  
Eko Yuliastuti

Studi ini adalah hasil tracer study pada Program Studi (PS) Teknologi Pangan Universitas Terbuka tahun 2017-2020. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif (qualitative research) melalui survei dan wawancara dengan variabel (1) Keterserapan alumni di dunia kerja; (2) Kontribusi perguruan tinggi terhadap tingkat komptensi yang dikuasai; (3) Penilaian alumni terhadap metode pembelajaran di PS Teknologi Pangan. Hasil tracer study menyatakan bahwa dari segi keterserapan alumni di dunia kerja, alumni PS Teknologi Pangan UT sebanyak 68% sudah bekerja dan sebanyak 70% sudah memperoleh pekerjaan sebelum masuk UT. Bidang pekerjaan alumni paling banyak di bidang swasta di sektor usaha makanan dan minuman. Kontribusi perguruan tinggi terhadap tingkat kompetensi yang dikuasai alumni yaitu lebih dari 50% alumni menyatakan perguruan tinggi berkontribusi sangat tinggi dan tinggi dalam pengetahuan di bidang ilmu teknologi pangan, kemampuan riset dan analisis, komunikasi, ketrampilan digital, manajemen waktu dan kemampuan dalam memegang tanggung jawab, serta soft skill. Penilaian alumni terhadap metode pembelajaran di PS Teknologi Pangan yaitu lebih dari 50% menyatakan sudah sangat baik dan baik dari tutorial online, praktikum, dan bahan ajar cetak. Masukan alumni untuk perbaikan layanan yaitu untuk tutorial online antara lain perlunya peningkatan server, tampilan yang lebih menarik, penambahan video dan studi kasus, serta tutor perlu lebih aktif memberikan umpan balik. Masukan mahasiswa untuk praktikum yaitu perlunya laboratorium sendiri yang dimiliki oleh UT, mata kuliah praktikum perlu diperbanyak, serta  integrasi antara mata kuliah praktikum dengan mata kuliah lainnya. Masukan untuk bahan ajar cetak adalah perlu dilakukan pembaharuan materi yang mengikuti dengan perkembangan teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Tracer study in the Food Technology Study Program of the Open University conducted in 2017-2020. This study uses qualitative methods (qualitative research) through surveys and interviews with variables (1) Absorption of alumni in the world of work; (2) Contribution of higher education to the competency level mastered; (3) Evaluation of alumni of learning methods in the Food Technology Study Program. The results of the tracer study stated that in terms of alumni absorption in the world of work, 68% of UT Food Technology PS alumni were already working and as many as 70% had reached a job before entering UT. Most alumni work in the private sector in the food and beverage business sector. The contribution of higher education to the level of competence controlled by alumni is more than 50% of alumni who state that universities contribute very high and high in knowledge in the field of food technology, research and analysis skills, communication, digital skills, time management and the ability to hold responsibility , also soft skills. The alumni assessment of the learning methods at the Food Technology Study Program, namely more than 50% stated that it was very good and good from online tutorials, practicum, and printed teaching materials. Alumni input for service improvements, namely for online tutorials, including the need for server upgrades, a more attractive display, adding videos and case studies, and tutors need to be more active in providing feedback. Student input for practicum is the need for UT's own laboratory, practicum courses that need to be reproduced, and integration between practicum courses with other courses. The input for printed teaching materials is that it is necessary to update the material that follows the development of technology and science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 2193-2199
Artika Arista ◽  
Muhammad Eka Purbaya ◽  
Khairun Nisa Meiah Ngafidin

In facing the industrial era 4.0, college graduates in information and computer science are required to adapt to the developments and needs of current industrial technology. The link and match between the world of education and industry is the key to optimizing the absorption of skilled labor. To answer these challenges, the Information systems undergraduate study program at Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto, SUHU, and T-Lab held a Webinar Series "Link & Match of Information Technology between Academics and Industrial Needs" with the topic of Digital Business Roadmap: Exploring creative digital business ideas. This webinar activity is carried out using a mentoring method as well as sharing new knowledge with participants about Digital Business Transformation and how to explore creative digital business ideas. The result is that participants can understand digital business transformation and then explore creative digital business ideas to be developed in a business proposal.

Шеломовська О. М. ◽  
Сорокіна Л. М. ◽  
Познанська К. В. ◽  
Мачуліна І. І. ◽  
Богомаз К. Ю.

The article proposes a process of introducing a cyclic model in the teaching of sociology courses, which allows students to combine the acquisition of theoretical and practical competences, and the teachers to use the latest sociological data in their own teaching activities are absent in modern scientific discourse. According to the authors, the development of a cyclical model of interaction between the teacher and the student gives an opportunity to open new perspectives in the matter of improving the quality of higher education and integration into the world scientific and educational space.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 175-182
Muksin Hi Abdullah ◽  
Seh Turuy

ABSTRAKDosen merupakan tenaga akademik yang bertugas merencanakan dan melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, menilai hasil pembelajaran, melakukan pembimbingan dan pelatihan, serta melakukan penelitian dan pengabdian pada masyarakat (Tri Dharma) Perguruan Tinggi. Dalam melaksanankan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi doesen perlu diberikan apresiasi atau promosi sesuai dengan kinerja akademiknya. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mendesain analisis pengambilan keputusan pemilihan dosen terbaik pada Program Studi Teknik Komputer Akadedemi Ilmu Komputer Ternate. Tujuannya adalah memilih dosen terbaik dengan cara perangkingan. Untuk menentukan dosen terbaik peneliti menggunakan teknik pengambilan data dengan cara penyebaran kuisioner terhadap 16 (enam belas) mahsaiswa Teknik Komputer sebagai penilai terhadap 5 (lima) alternative (dosen) Teknik Komputer dengan menerapkan metode analisis perhitungan metode Weighted Product. Kriteria pemilihan yang digunakan adalah Kemampuan Logika Berpikir, Terampil Melakukan Evaluasi Assessment, Terampil Menyajikan Materi Kuliah dan Kedisiplinan. Data hasil analisis perhitungan mendapatkan Alternatif (dosen) yang memperoleh nilai tertinggi adalah alternative (dosen) ABUR (A4) 0.2328.Kata kunci: SPK, WP, pemilihan, dosen, terbaik ABSTRACTLecturers are academic staff in charge of planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, conducting guidance and training, and conducting research and community service (Three Dharma) for Higher Education. In implementing the Three Dharma of Higher Education, it is necessary to give appreciation or promotion according to its academic performance. Therefore, the researchers designed a decision-making analysis for choosing the best lecturers in the Computer Engineering Study Program, Akademi Ilmu Komputer, Ternate. The goal was to select the best lecturers by ranking. To determine the best lecturer, the researchers used data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires to 16 (sixteen) Computer Engineering students as assessors of 5 (five) alternative (lecturers) Computer Engineering by applying the calculation analysis method of the Weighted Product method. The selection criteria used are Logic Thinking, Synthesis Analysis Ability, Material Delivery Methods and Dress Procedures (Appearance). The data from the calculation analysis indicated that the alternative (lecturer) who got the highest score was the alternative (lecturer) ABUR (A4) 0.2328.Keywords: DSS, WP, election, lecturer, best

Arsitektura ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 261
Johannes Adiyanto

<p class="Abstract"><em>Industry 4.0 is a necessity in the current global era. Indonesia since 2018 has prepared itself with the "Making Indonesia 4.0" roadmap, which covers the food and beverage, textile, automotive, electronic</em><em>s</em><em> and chemical industries. This program is also supported by a link and match program between the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Research, Technology and </em><em>Higher Education</em><em>. On the other hand, the development of the use of BIM and 3D printers in building construction has begun to develop rapidly. The construction approach 4.0 will soon be entering Indonesia so</em><em>,</em><em> that the link and match with the world of education need to be a concern. </em><em>Is it the education of architecture in Indonesia already prepare for that technology? That is the main question in this paper. </em><em>This </em><em>research </em><em>approach is a normative ethical philosophy approach. The method used is a normative qualitative method and makes a comparison between the phenomena of industrial development 4.0, especially those related to construction 4.0 with the latest developments in the world of education, especially architectural education in Indonesia. This comparison is then compared with legislation related to undergraduate higher education in the department / architecture study program. These appeals become the basis for the stages of discussion that see developments into the future of the IT world related to architecture. This </em><em>research</em><em> shows that there is something fundamental in the present development, namely the aspect of cooperation. The aspect of cooperation is the key to the use of BIM, and this is also the main variable in legislation which is termed the humanities value. Thus the difficulty of using BIM software in various universities due to various technical and non-technical reasons is not an obstacle to pursuing standards that are consistent with the development of the phenomenon of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This can be said because the development of BIM in the future is not only talking about technical matters, but also on social problems, especially human capabilities collaboratively. The ability of collaboration between designers and the ability of collaboration across sciences is an important capability in the future.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 64 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-58
Diana Ivana

Abstract Internships are increasingly important for the business higher education as they help students to make the connection between their academic studies and the world of business. This study analyzes the internships of students within an international study program (German line of study) in order to determine what factors account for the most valuable internship experience. Based on the elements of the experiential education approach, the results reveal some characteristics that contribute to a higher level of perceived internship effectiveness in accordance with the employment status and gender. These results provide a basis for designing successful internship programs in business universities.

Jin Jiang

China’s higher education system witnessed quite a few dramatic institutional changes in recent years. The state has been making a series of attempts to increase the quantity of higher education opportunities through massive expanding of higher education’s capacity (also referred to as the massification of higher education). Meanwhile, the system experienced marketization and privatization, in which the funding for higher education institutions (HEIs) increasingly depends on the non-state sector and student payments for tuition fees. The private (minban) HEIs and Sino-foreign HEIs began to develop in China. With a strong conviction to enhance the global competitiveness of top universities, master plans for developing world-class universities and disciplines were initiated, and talent programs were adopted to attract global high-skilled talent to HEIs in China to enhance the teaching and research capability of HEIs. In recent years, HEIs have been granted larger institutional autonomy with greater accountability. Higher education in China has experienced dramatic institutional changes in recent years and has made great achievements and gained international acclaim. Given such capacity, HEIs became one of the largest systems in the world. More and more higher education opportunities have been provided for students, and an increasing number of leading scholars in the world have been attracted to HEIs in China. However, the development of higher education has encountered several challenges—in particular, unequal opportunities for higher education attainment, difficulties for college graduates in finding employment, and the unequal development of higher education among disciplines, between universities, and across regions. Critical reflections on the development of higher education in China and the notion of broadly defined educational equality are required.

Mariana Nicolae ◽  
Elena E. Nicolae

Abstract Today’s world is clearly fractured whether we are looking at it through economic, political, cultural or educational lenses. This is in no way something new. The world has always been in this state, but the speed with which it reacted to real or perceived threats and tried to change accordingly was barely perceivable and, therefore, easier to adopt and adapt to. Today those changes happen with incredible speed and our reactions to them may not be informed or educated and are usually taken by leaders who are, at best, controversial and at worst obviously partial to their own, petty interests against the greater public good they vowed to serve. What can higher education do in such a world? Artificial intelligence (AI) is making huge progress and, although education at all levels is lagging behind in meaningfully adopting AI and working with it, the educational system is expected to react to a world divided by the fear of AI using big data, claiming jobs, and ushering in the era of loss of human supremacy or by the glorification of AI which is only a tool, fast developing indeed, but permanently controlled by human intelligence. Even if that human intelligence is concentrated into fewer and fewer human decision makers thus contributing to the already huge gap of inequality existing in today’s world. The present paper will explore issues related to the way in which the leadership of higher education chooses to handle today’s challenges and will use the home university of the authors to illustrate what happens in Romanian universities. The discussion will be informed by the authors’ own experience in the higher education system as well as by an analysis of various discourses and narratives belonging to different stakeholders, discussing those issues in various inter/national media. The paper will offer some recommendations.

Abdimisi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113
Syarifudin Syarifudin ◽  
Aditya Riky Nugroho ◽  
Antania Shinta Yuwono ◽  
Suripto Suripto ◽  
Syamsul Asmedi

Community service is an activity that aims to help certain communities in some activities without expecting anything in return. In general, this program is designed by various universities or institutes in Indonesia, one of which is Pamulang University. to make a real contribution to the Indonesian people, especially in developing the welfare and progress of the Indonesian people. Community Service Activities is one part of the Higher Education Tri Dharma. The form of activities in the implementation of community service in Jampang village is to transfer technology with the theme of raising the turnover strategy online. The instructors and resource persons involved were Accounting Study Program Lecturers from Pamulang University. The results of the PKM Implementation conducted on 20.21 and 22 September 2019 were adding to their knowledge in economics, owing to marketing, the participants of the ornamental fish group in Jampang were very enthusiastic about the material they got from accounting lecturers at Pamulang University, the participants can immediately practice selling via online, the response of the participants is very good and happy because it is very helpful in learning about how to sell via online.Very useful in carrying out marketing or sales strategies via the internet. according to a survey conducted by SWA Indonesia is the second largest in the world as a user of Facebook and Twitter and is very promising for online marketing, moreover supported by the ease of obtaining mobile phones. The internet has an appeal for consumers because it has advantages such as convenience, having access 24 hours a day, alternative efficiency space, unlimited area coverage. Online Marketing or Online Marketing has actually been carried out by Fish Farmers in Jampang Village, Kemang District, Bogor Regency, but has not been optimal in its management. So that it does not work well. To optimize marketing through online, on Sunday September 22 2019, community service activities in Jampang Village are carried out in the form of socialization related to "Strategy to Increase Online Turnover".Keywords: Increase Turnover Strategy via online

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