Jurnal PGSD ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Erwin Putera Permana ◽  
Desy Nourmavita

This research is motivated by the observation in grade IV of elementary school of Natural Science subject (IPA) animal life cycle, because most students experience saturation in learning because the teacher still use conventional teaching method that is lecture. In addition, the source of student learning comes only from teachers and textbooks alone without any use of instructional media. Teachers do not pay attention to the explanations of teachers and students do not understand the material being taught. This research is a research development or research and development (R & D) adapted from the ADDIE development model. The stages are 5 stages: 1) Analysis (Analysis), Development (Design), Implementation (Implementation), and Evaluation (Evaluation). Validation is done by material experts, media experts, and learning practitioners. The results of this study are (1) Development of Interactive Multimedia Life Cycle Animals using professional adobe flash CS6 application with the method of ADDIE model development. (2) The teacher's response to this media is the optimism of teachers to achieve the learning objectives, as well as the students' response to this media is very positive, they are very fond of this media. (3) Interactive multimedia from the big aspect based on the percentage of the feasibility assessment in the category is very appropriate to be used as learning media of Natural Science for fourth grade students of elementary school. Based on the conclusions of the results of this study, namely: (1) For teachers, can use interactive multimedia to help students become more active and can create a fun classroom atmosphere. (2) For further research, make a broad try again, in order to produce learning media that can be used widely.

Insih Wilujeng ◽  
Tri Suci Yolanda Putri

This research developed Science, Environment, Technology, Society (SETS) e-module integrated with predict, observe, explain (POE) model on the subject matter of Earth Layer and Its Dynamics for grade VII students. This study aimed to reveal i) the feasibility of the developed e-module for grade VII students, and ii) the practicality of the developed e-module and its dynamics. This is a developmental research adopting the ADDIE model consisting of five stages, i.e.: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The subject of the limited test consisted of 15 students of grade VIII.G of Public Junior High School 8 Yogyakarta. The data were collected using a product feasibility assessment sheet for material and media experts, a product practicality assessment sheet for teachers, and a product readability assessment sheet for students. The results show that the developed e-module was feasible to be used according to the material and media experts and the developed e-module is practical according to teachers and students.

2010 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Alexon & Nana Syaodih Sukmadinata

Abstract: Developing a Culture-Based Integrated Learning Model to ImproveStudents’ Appreciation of Local Culture. This study aims to develop a social studylearning model for elementary school students that can help them master subjectmatters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture, using an R & Dapproach consisting of three steps: preliminary study, model development andmodel validation. The subjects were teachers and students of elementary schools inBengkulu Province, Sumatra. The results show that the Culture-Based IntegratedLearning Model (CBILM) is an appropriate learning model to help students mastersubject matters as an effort to improve their appreciation of local culture. CBILM ismore capable of significantly improving students’ appreciation of local culture andtheir mastery of subject matters than the currently existing learning model.Keywords: learning model, social studies for elementary schools, cultureappreciation

Fathoni Fathoni ◽  
Siti Maghfirotun Amin ◽  
Siti Khabibah

Mathematical learning needs to be given to all students starting from elementary school, so that students practice how to think in drawing conclusions and be able to express their opinions with the beliefs and honesty that comes from someone. But when learning mathematics the problem that often arises is a lack of motivation. Baroody (1993) says that reasoning is an important tool in learning mathematics to produce ideas so students can understand mathematical concepts correctly. Efforts made by teachers to improve thinking skills and motivation in learning mathematics are through the Adobe Flash CS 5.0 game which is expected to provide new and enjoyable experiences for teachers and students. In addition to more varied learning, students can be motivated to learn and enjoy what they learn.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Ika Maryani ◽  
Luluk Amalia

This study aims to: (1) understand the steps of science comic development for grade V elementary school students, (2) understand the feasibility of comic science from learning aspect, materials aspect, and instructional media aspect, (3) understand the effectiveness of science comics to increase students understanding in elementary school. This is a research and development by using ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Product validation tests are carried out by material experts, learning experts, media experts, teacher response, and students respond. Product implementation is conducted on the grade V students of Muhammadiyah Ngijon 1 elementary school. Data collection is used questionnaire and test. The results showed that the assessment from media experts is 81.25 (high feasibility); from the science, material expert is 85.00 (high feasibility); from learning experts is 93.18 (high feasibility). Teachers and students in the small group obtained a value of 97.50 (high feasibility) and in large group trials obtained a value of 94.58 (high feasibility). The effectiveness of science comic is tested by  Wilcoxon signed test and the result of Z value at -3.903 on the asimp significance of 0.000 on two-tailed test. The tets result show that the significance value is smaller than alpha (0.05); then it can be concluded that "Ho is rejected and Ha accepted". It means that there are differences in students' understanding of pre-test and post-test in science learning, so it can be concluded that science comis is effective to improve the understanding

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-304
Kuncahyono ◽  
Dian Fitri Nur Aini

This study aims to (1) produce a valid e-module guidelines for active student learning in elementary schools that are valid; (2) produce eligibility guidelines for student active learning oriented e-modules in Elementary Schools, and (3) produce practical student learning oriented e-module guidelines. This research uses ADDIE model development research design which consists of 5 levels, namely analysis, design, development, application, and evaluation. The results showed that the results of the validation trial of teaching materials experts and material experts, the average score obtained was 83.95 with valid criteria. The results of user trials (teachers and students) then the average score obtained is 3.5 very well / very practical

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-208
Fadhilla Imanda Azzahra ◽  
Yanti Fitria ◽  

This type of research is R&D Research (Research and Development). This study uses a 4-D development model, which consists of the stages of definition (define), design (design), development (develop), dissemination (disseminate). The instrument used is expert validation, teacher and student responses. The results of the developed media research show: (1) Interactive multimedia based on macromedia flash on theme 8 sub-theme 2 in elementary school is declared very valid with an average score of 90.6% media experts, experts material 92% and linguists 88%, (2) The responses of teachers and students to the interactive multimedia trial based on macromedia flash 8 on theme 8 sub-theme 2 in elementary school obtained a very practical category with an average value of 92.5% and 88% (3 ) The response of teachers and students to the distribution of interactive multimedia based on macromedia flash 8 on theme 8 sub-theme 2 in elementary school obtained a very practical category with average values of 95% and 82.6% Keywords: Development, Macromedia Flash, 4-D Model

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Iwan Pranata

Language is one of communication tools between people to other people. In education activity, it's known that Arabic language is taught in some institutions and Islamic colleges only for understanding books written in Arabic scripts. In its development history until now, Arabic language has been a curriculum at several schools and colleges as a subject that helps to understand texts with Arabic language. It also works as a medium, knowledge, and insight developed in this recent era. This research aims to explain the borders of Arabic language teaching in an Islamic elementary school, and one of these schools is Islamic elementary school Al-Azhar Cairo Palembang which uses that language so their students can be noble man, and have high technology understanding. This school also use Al-Azhar’s noble curriculum and apply it to make class’s atmosphere more interesting and positive for learning Arabic language and increase students’ tendency to Arabic language learning as well as their motivation and confidence. The data collected in this research was taken from direct face to face interview with the teachers and students. Some of factors which cause Arabic language learning difficult are not coming from Arabic language itself (Arabic language system as internal factors), but also from its physiological factors (like; tendency, motivations, and the absent of confidence), as well as cultural and sociological factors. Thus, there’s necessity to use such a proper curriculum and method for learning Arabic language based on students’ psychological factors. Also, it’s because of the system of Arabic language teaching is not sure. The conclusion of this paper based on those different problems shows that it’s a necessity to prepare an educational curriculum, good teachers’ effectiveness, suitable teaching method and interesting language based environment to face and answer some Arabic language teaching’s challenges especially for non-native Arabic speaker.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-94
Indri Ayuningtyas ◽  
Muhammad Arief Fadhilah ◽  
Rita Wahyuni Arifin

Abstract   The purpose of this instructional media design is to help teachers and students especially primary school children aged six and seven years in understanding the introduction of animal world in English. Animal introduction learning materials in English are used to be done without props, making it difficult for students to name the animals in English with good and correct spelling. Based on these problems then designed an interactive learning media as a companion of learning to be able to assist the process of acceptance of materials at school. Multimedia learning material development model used is Model Luther (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) is a model model developed through six stages are as follows: (1) concept, (2) design, (3) Material Collecting, (4) Assembly, (5) Testing, and (6) Distribution. But in this design is only new until the Assembly stage has not completed the stages of Testing and Distribution. Companion learning media is created using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash CS 6.   Keywords: Media Learning, Interactive Multimedia, Luther Model.   Abstrak   Tujuan dari perancangan media pembelajaran ini adalah membantu para guru dan murid khususnya anak sekolah dasar usia enam dan tujuh tahun dalam memahami pengenalan dunia satwa dalam bahasa inggris. Materi pembelajaran pengenalan hewan dalam bahasa inggris terbiasa dilakukan tanpa alat peraga sehingga menyulitkan bagi siswa dalam menyebutkan nama hewan dalam bahasa inggris dengan ejaan yang baik dan benar. Berdasarkan permasalahan diatas maka penulis mencoba membuatkan sebuah media pembelajaran interaktif dalam membantu proses pembelajaran pengenalan Hewan dalam bahasa Inggris. Model pengembangan materi pembelajaran multimedia yang digunakan adalah Model Luther (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) yaitu Model yang dikembangkan melalui enam tahap antara lain sebagai berikut: (1) concept, (2) design, (3) Material Collecting, (4) Assembly, (5) Testing, dan (6) Distribution. Namun dalam perancangan ini hanya baru sampai tahap Assembly dan belum menyelesaikan tahapan Testing dan Distribution. Media pembelajaran pendamping ini dibuat menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator dan Adobe Flash CS6   Kata kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Multimedia Interaktif, Model Luther

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Asni Tafrikhatin

 This study aims to developing mobile learning material electrical measurement. The research is a research and development that uses Waterfal research modell. Waterfall model development which consists of four stages: communication, planning, modelling, and construction. The subjects of this study were teachers and students of X class of Electrical Installation Study Program from SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 1 Pundong, SMK Taman Siswa Yogyakarta, and SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta. The data were analyzed using descriptive. The result of mobile learning feasibility assessment according to validator was 80.30 and students equal to 85.59 from scale 100 so categorized as "Very Eligible". The result of mobile activity functionality evaluation according to validator was 83.25 and students equal to 86.66 from scale 100 so categorized "Very Eligible".

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-210
Riski Aditya Lubis ◽  
Herlawati Herlawati

Abstract   In the city, elementary-school children are less familiar with flora and fauna. An animation application was proposed to assist them in learning flora and fauna as well as to help teachers and parents in teaching elementary-school children to understand the flora and fauna. Data were collected from various sources and the software to build such applications was prepared, i.e. Adobe Flash. To develop the application, a life cycle method was used, including: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. Testing results showed that the proposed application can be used as an additional learning material and help students to understand a subject more easily. In addition, teaching flora and fauna for children in Indonesia needs a strategy through additional facility in the class. To attract attention, it is necessary to create a class situation that makes children motivated to learn as well as the use of aids or media when the teacher is teaching. Also, the rapid advances in technology, especially information technology, encourage people to develop learning media that can be used anytime and anywhere outside the classroom. The proposed application was called Interactive Animation of Introduction to Flora and Fauna in Indonesia, and was implemented in SD 03 Cakung, East Jakarta, Indonesia.   Keywords: Interactive animation, Flora, Fauna, Instructional Media.   Abstrak   Sekarang ini, anak SD kurang begitu mengenal flora dan fauna. Animasi ini diharapakan mampu membantu mereka dalam mencari informasi flora dan fauna. Animasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat terutama orang tua dan guru SD bisa mengajarkan kepada anak-anak mereka untuk lebih mengenal flora dan fauna. Pengumpulan data dari informasi flora dan fauna dari berbagai sumber perlu dilakukan, serta menyiapkan software yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun aplikasi. Langkah berikutnya yaitu membangun aplikasi dengan adobe flash sebagai media pembuatannya. Dalam pembuatan animasi ini digunakan metode multimedia development life cycle, terdapat tahapan-tahapan meliputi concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution dalam pembentukan kerangka pemikiran dalam multimedia development life cycle. Berdasarkan hasil uji aplikasi pada siswa Selain itu multimedia pembelajaran ini juga dapat membantu guru menyampaikan materi pengenalan hewan dengan lebih mudah. Mempelajari flora dan fauna di Indonesia perlu adanya cara atau strategi yang dapat memudahkan anak-anak dalam belajar. Untuk menarik perhatian, perlu diciptakan situasi kelas yang membuat anak-anak termotivasi untuk belajar. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan penggunaan alat bantu mengajar atau media ketika guru mengajar. Maka hasil dari penelitiran ini adalah sebuah program “Animasi Interaktif Pengenalan Flora Dan Fauna Di Indonesia Pada SD 03 Cakung Jakarta TImur Dengan Metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle”.   Kata kunci: Animasi Interaktif, Flora, Fauna, Media Pembelajaran.

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