2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Maya Lestari ◽  
Erna Rusliana Muhammad Saleh ◽  
Hamidin Rasulu

The purpose of this study for knowing the influnces by ege of nutmeg’s leaf and the type of drying are used to chemical and organoleptic properties of herbal tea by nutmeg’s leaf that produced. This study uses a randomized’s cluster design (RAK) factorial. Principal variable in this research is the analysis of chemical properties (antioxidant, moisture content, ash content, and crude fiber) and organoleptic (taste, color and smell).the old nutmeg’s leaf and the young with two drying type have chemical properties, namely: antioxidants 59.71% -76.83%, from 6.64 to 7.52% moisture content, ash content of 4.77% -6.66% and crude fiber 17.66% -24.02%. organoleptic properties: a sense of 3,06% -3,41%, 3,08% -3,48% aroma and color of 3,06% -3,25%. Herbal tea leaf is the best treatment young old nutmeg with a sun drying  (MM).Keywords: Herbal tea of nutmeg’s leaf, nutmeg’s leaf, the age of nutmeg’s and the drying type, chemical organoleptic properties

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Griennasty Clawdya Siahaya ◽  
Samuel Titaley ◽  
Zasendy Rehena

This study is the first step in developing coconut (Cocos nucifera) tombong which has not been utilized by society. The purpose of this study is to obtain a proper drying time in producing a nutrient-grade coconut tombong flour. This study used an experimental design with a complete randomized design where the coconut tombong was dried at 50°C for 6,7 and 8 hours. Furthermore in the analysis of content carbohydrate, protein, fat, ash content, crude fiber and water content. The results of the analysis showed that coconut tombong flour with 8 hours drying produced the best of coconut tombong flour compared with 6 and 7 hours drying, with lower moisture content 11, 7353%, fat 8,1666%, protein 11,7158%, ash content 7,4917% and crude fiber 11,8421%. The results of statistical test show that the drying treatment of 6, 7 and 8 hours gives a very significant difference to the average chemical properties (carbohydrate, moisture content, protein, fat, ash content, crude fiber) coconut tombong flour with Fvalue > Ftable 5% or significance value of all treatments is smaller than alpha value 0.05. Based on these results, it can be concluded that coconut tombong  flour which through the drying process at 50°C for 8 hours (L3) is the best treatment among two other treatments (L1 and L2) which has the potential to be further developed as various substitution materials food products.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Febby J Polnaya ◽  
Rachel Breemer

The purpose of this research was to characterize chemical and sensory properties (color, texture, taste and liking) of starch-based sago, cassava, sweet potato and cocoyam cookies. Analysis of cookies include moisture content, ash, fat, protein, crude fiber and sensory analysis including color, texture, taste and likeness). The proximate composition indicated that the water content of cookies varied between 1.48 to 2.05%, ash content of 0.65 to 0.72%, 19.23 to 21.76% of fat, crude fiber from 0.41 to 0.71% and 1.33 to 2.42% of total protein. Based on organoleptic tests, the color of cookies was yellow to brownish-yellow, with crispy texture, the taste was sweet and were mostly preferred.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-243
Raudhatul Aiyuni ◽  
Heru Prono Widayat ◽  
Syarifah Rohaya

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu pengeringan kulit buah naga dan konsentrasi penambahan jahe terhadap teh herbal serta mengetahui tingkat penerimaan konsumen terhadap teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Faktorial dengan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama adalah suhu pengeringan (T) yaitu T1 = 50⁰C, T2 = 60⁰C, T3 = 70⁰C. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi jahe (J) yaitu J1= 0%, J2= 10%, J3= 14%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suhu pengeringan berpengaruh sangat nyata (P≤0,01) terhadap kadar air, kadar abu, dan nilai organoleptik warna teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe yang dihasilkan, dan berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa. Konsentrasi jahe (J) berpengaruh sangat nyata (P≤0,01) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe, dan berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap kadar air, dan nilai organoleptik warna. Interaksi suhu pengeringan dengan konsentrasi jahe (T×J) berpengaruh nyata (P≤0,05) terhadap nilai organoleptik rasa teh herbal kulit buah naga dan jahe. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh perlakuan terbaik yaitu perlakuan dengan suhu pengeringan 50OC (T1) dan penambahan konsentrasi jahe 14% (J3) memiliki kadar air 10,89%, kadar abu 5,85%, aktivitas antioksidan 59,05% dan total fenol 6,07 mg GAE/g bahan. Utilization Of Waste Dragon Fruit Peel (Hylocereus Costaricensis) In The Production Of Herbal Tea With Additional Ginger Abstract. The purpose of this study was to know the impact of dried temperature and concentration additional of ginger and also to know the level of accept consumen for herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger. This study uses a randomized block design (RAK) Faktorial two factors. The first factor is dried temperature (T) that is T1 = 50⁰C, T2 = 60⁰C, T3 = 70⁰C. Factor II is consentration to add ginger (J) that is J1= 0%, J2= 10%, J3= 14%. The result of it showed that dried temperature obviously affected (P ≤ 0.01) on the moisture content, ash content, and sensory evaluation of color herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger, and obviously affected (P≤0,05) to the sensory evaluation of taste. While, the ginger consentration obviously affected (P ≤ 0.01) on the sensory evaluation of taste herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger, and obviously affected (P≤0,05) on the moisture content, and sensory evaluation of color. The interaction type of dried temperature with the ginger consentration obviously affected (P≤0,05) on the on the sensory evaluation of taste herbal tea dragon fruit peel and ginger. The best treatment is obtained from dried temperature 50°C (T1) and the addition of ginger concentration of 14% (J3) that product moisture content of  10,89%, ash content 5,85%,  antioxidant activity 59,05% and total phenol 6.07 mg GAE / g of material.

2020 ◽  
Shisho Haile

Abstract Sweet potato is primarily used for nutrition and medicinal purposes. This study was done to determine proximate analysis and anti-nutritional factors of sweet potato tubers. The sample was randomly purchased fromTepi local market. Then it was analyzed for moisture content, ash content, crude fiber content, oxalate content and acid content. The result of the study showed that 87.6% moisture content, 7.5% ash content, 7.46 mg/100 gm oxalate content, 4.3% crude fiber content and 0.09 M acid content.

2015 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
A. V. Dadge ◽  
B. M. Thombre ◽  
S. G. Narwade ◽  
B. N. Thorat ◽  
H. B. Awaz

<italic>Kheer</italic> is sweetened dish of rice cooked in milk first finds mention as ‘<italic>Payas</italic>’. Sweet potato <italic>kheer</italic> was prepared from different levels of sweet potato paste <italic>viz</italic>. 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 per cent on the basis of buffalo milk. Control <italic>kheer</italic> was prepared using 2.5 per cent rice in buffalo milk. The parameters considered for the present study were pH, viscosity, moisture, fat, protein, total solids and ash. The result showed that control <italic>kheer</italic> was significantly superior over <italic>kheer</italic> prepared from 2.5% sweet potato. PH was decreasing as the level of sweet potato paste increases. On the contrary as the level of sweet potato increased the viscosity also increased significantly. The moisture content of sweet potato <italic>kheer</italic> decreased as the level of sweet potato increased. As fat was concerned as the level of sweet potato increaseed the fat decreased with non significant effect. Similarly slight protein was also increased. However carbohydrate, total solids and ash content of <italic>kheer</italic> increased as the level of sweet potato increased with non-significant effect. The total solid, carbohydrate and ash content of sweet potato <italic>kheer</italic> increases whereas moisture and fat decreased as the level sweet potato increased. This might be due to higher carbohydrate and lower moisture content in sweet potato as compared to milk.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 4
Muhammad Husa, Elfi Anis Saati Desiana Nuriza Putri

Abstract. Chutney is a native Indian processed product, made from cuts of fruits or vegetables and nuts cooked in a sweet, sour and spice mixture. The quality requirements of chutney are influenced by the use of raw materials herbs and spices. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of three varieties of mango and its interaction with concentration of apple vinegar towards physicochemical characteristics of mango chutney. The experimental design of this study used a nested design with two factors. The first factor was three varieties of mango consisting of podang mango, gadung, and kweni and the second factor was the concentration of apple vinegar (5%: 10%: 15%).Parameters analyzed were moisture content, ash content, vitamin C, total soluble solids, total titrated acids, pH, crude fiber, antioxidant activity, color intensity, topicality and hedonic test (flavor, aroma, and appearance). The study showed that differences in mango varieties and apple vinegar concentration did not interact with moisture content, ash content, total soluble solids, total titrated acids, vitamin C, crude fiber, antioxidant activity, pH, color intensity, topicality and hedonic test. The differences in mango varieties significantly affected on water content, color intensity (L and a+), topicality, and hedonic test, whereas the difference of apple vinegar concentration had no significant effect on ash content, pH, total soluble solids, total titrated acids, vitamin C, crude fiber, and antioxidant activity. The optimum composition based on De Garmo test chutney made from gadung mango and 5% apple vinegar (G2C1) with moisture content 23,50 %, ash content 3,15 % vitamin C 0,10 %, total titrated acid 0,75 %, crude fiber 7,05 %, total soluble solids 4,60 ºbrix, ph 4,31 %, antioxidant activity 93,67 %, colour intensity: lightness (L) 36,13, redness (a+ ) 4,67 and yellowness ( b+) 10,00, Topicality 10,67 cm, and hedonic test : appearance 2,13 %, aroma 3,30 % and flavor 2,97 %.

Pro Food ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 859-869
Nurul Asriani ◽  
Nurhayati . ◽  
Yeni Sulastri

ABSTRACT Nugget is a form/kind of processed meat product made from ground meat with mold foursquare pieces and coated with seasoned flour. This study aims to determine seaweed porridge's effect on the chemical and organoleptic properties of tofu nuggets. The method used in this study was an experimental method by conducting experiments in the Laboratory. The design that used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor treatment, namely the addition of seaweed pulp with 6 treatments in making tofu nuggets, namely P0 = 0% seaweed pulp (as a control), P1 = 10%, P2 = 20 %, P3 = 30%, P4 = 40%, P5 = 50%. The result of the Data from observational analysis using diversity analysis at a 5% significance level. If there is a significantly different treatment, further tests (BNJ) are carried out at the same real level. The study results show that the concentration of the addition of seaweed porridge significantly influences the chemical properties (water content and ash content) and organoleptic properties (color and taste) while for protein content, texture and aroma did not significantly affect. The best treatment was obtained at P5 treatment with water content (54.33%), ash content (6.53%), protein content (5.94%) with savoty taste, brown color, soft texture, and preferred aroma. ABSTRAK Nugget adalah suatu bentuk produk olahan daging yang terbuat dari daging giling yang dicetak dalam bentuk potongan empat persegi dan dilapisi dengan tepung berbumbu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untu mengetahui pengaruh penambahan bubur rumput laut terhadap sifat kimia dan organoleptik nugget tahu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental dengan melakukan percobaan di Laboratorium. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan perlakuan satu faktor yaitu penambahan bubur rumput laut dengan 6 perlakuan dalam pembuatan nugget tahu yaitu P0 = 0 % bubur rumput laut (sebagai control) , P1 = 10 %, P2 = 20 %, P3 = 30 %, P4 = 40 %, P5 = 50 %. Data hasil pengamatan analisa menggunakan analisa keragaman pada taraf nyata 5%. Bila ada perlakuan yang berbeda nyata maka dilakukan uji lanjut (BNJ) pada taraf nyata yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa konsentrasi penambahan bubur rumput laut berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap sfat kimia (kadar air dan kadar abu) serta sifat organoleptik (warna dan rasa) sedangkan untuk kadar protein, tekstur dan aroma tidak berpengaruh secara nyata. Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan P5 dengan kadar air (54,33%), kadar abu (6,53%), kadar protein (5,94%) dengan rasa gurih, warna coklat, tekstur lembut dan aroma yang disukai.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ikabela Tifandi ◽  
Bhakti Etza Setiani ◽  
Siti Susanti

leaf suweg as a product of tea form believed be efficacious antidiarrheal so potentially as a funcional beverage. This research aims to know the physical and chemical character of tea-leaf products suweg packed in the form of sac. The product is divided into 5 types of formula such as F0 (100% tea powder), F1, F2, F3 (25%, 50%, and 75% suweg leaf substitution) and F4 (100% suweg) with 4 replications respectively. The results showed that the chemical properties of moisture content, ash content, and crude fiber content were not significantly different between the various formulas, while the highest tannin content was shown by F1 (p< 0.05). Physical test result that the state of steeping has met the SNI standard of tea powder where all formulas dissolveperfectly in water at 100C. The physical color test of steeping shows the sequence of dark brown (F0), faded brown (F1), brownis green (F2), green (F3) and clear green (F4). It can be conclude that the suweg tea product produced in this study have the same chemical characteristict with tea products in general except tannin conten, with he quality.keywords : tea, greentea leaves, suweg, functional drinks 

M. O. Sunmonu ◽  
E. O. Ajala ◽  
M. M. Odewole ◽  
S. Morrison ◽  
A. M. Alabi

This study investigates physical and chemical properties two seeds namely Ugba (Telfairia pedata) and Ugwu (Telfairia occidentalis) using soaking soxhlet methods of extraction. The physical properties examined are moisture content, ash content, crude protein, fat and oil, crude fibre and carbohydrates. The chemical properties examined are Acid value (mgKOH/g), saponification value, iodine value, free fatty acid, peroxide and refractive index. Higher mean values of moisture content, ash content, crude fibre and carbohydrates were noticed in Ugwu than in Ugba under soaking method. However, the trend was reversed for crude protein and free fatty acid, in whose case they appear to be higher in Ugba than in Ugwu. For soxhlet method, moisture content, ash content, crude fibre and carbohydrates seems to have higher mean values in Ugwu seed compared to when Ugba seed was used. However, crude protein and fat and oil content were higher using Ugba seed than Ugwu seed oil. For soaking method, Ugba seed seem to produce higher mean values of sap value, iodine value, and refractive index when compared with Ugwu seed. On the other Ugwu, seems to produce acid value, free fatty acid and peroxide value when compared with ugba for soaking method. Using soxhlet apparatus however, Ugba seed produces higher mean values for acid value, sap value, iodine value, and free fatty acid compared to Ugwu. The reverse was the case with peroxide and refractive index, still with soxhlet apparatus.Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and TechnologyVol. 13, No. 2, 2017, page: 48-60

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Mursalin Mursalin ◽  
Addion Nizori ◽  
Irma Rahmayani

Abstract— The making of instant brewed coffee using co-crystallization method is strongly influenced by the heating schedule (HS) applied. Five levels of HS (HS1, HS2, HS3, HS4 and HS5) were studied on the physico-chemical properties of instant coffee of Liberika Tungkal Jambi. The treatment was applied in a completely randomized design with 4 replications. The coffee was extracted using a special coffee extractor in a ratio of hot water/coffee powder of 15/1. Parameters observed were moisture content, ash content, pH, solubility, and total dissolved solids. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA and DNMRT at 5% significance. The results showed that the physico-chemical properties of instant coffee had significant effect on moisture content, pH, solubility, and total dissolved solids but not on ash content. The optimal HS to produce Liberika Tungkal Jambi instant coffee with good quality was heating at 110oC in the beginning, followed by 90oC at the initiation of crystallization, and 75oC when crystal growth (HS3).  HS3 produces instant coffee with water content 1.57-1.61%; ash content 6.12-6.16; pH 5.50-5.56; solubility 98.22-98.25; and total dissolved solids 8.47-8.53% Brix.   Keywords— crystal growth,instant coffee, libtukom, recrystallization,  

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