scholarly journals Analisis Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Sains Teknologi Masyarakat Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Gita Lilis Suarni ◽  
M A Rizka ◽  
Zinnurain Zinnurain

This study aimed to analyze the influence of the model of learning science society technology to the learning outcomes of students at SMP Negeri 3 Batukliang. This research uses experimental methods. The sample in this study were 24 students of class VIIIC. This research data collection using tests, observation, and documentation. While the data analysis technique of this study used the t-test. These results indicate that the value t count bigger than t-table at significance level of 5% with db = 24-1 = 23 (7.768> 2,069), so this research can be concluded that there is influence of science learning model community technology on learning outcomes students in biology class VIII at SMP Negeri 3 Batukliang.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-237

  This research is an effort to increase motivation and science learning outcomes by utilizing the Saepadu model in class VIII E students of SMP Negeri 2 Bojongsari, Purbalingga Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the learning process by utilizing the Saepadu model in class VIII E to increase motivation and science learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action research (CAR). The steps in this action research include planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Collecting research data using test and non-test instruments and questionnaires. The questionnaire is used for rational data which will later be validated with rational data analysis. The implementation of this research is based on the learning syntax of the Saepadu model. Based on the research data, the results show that using the Saepadu model can increase students' learning motivation, which is 0.22 points or about 6.49% from pre-cycle to cycle I and in cycle I to Cycle II there is also an increase of 0.41 points or 11.36%. By using learning with the SAEPADU model, it can also improve pre-cycle science learning outcomes compared to the first cycle, namely 28.5 or 76.62% with the number of students who passed the KKM increased by 43.34%. Meanwhile, the average written score for science in the first cycle compared to the second cycle was 9.5 by 14.18%. In conclusion, there was an increase in students' motivation and learning outcomes by utilizing the Saepadu model. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini merupakan upaya dalam meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPA dengan memanfaatkan model Saepadu pada peserta didik kelas VIII E SMP Negeri 2 Bojongsari Kabupaten Purbalingga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui sejauh mana proses pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan model Saepadu di kelas VIII E untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar IPA. Adapun penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian tindakan ini meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Pengumpulan data penelitian menggunakan instrumen tes dan non tes serta kuesioner. Kuesiner tersebut digunakan untuk data rasional yang nantinya divalidasi datanya dengan analisis data rasional. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini berdasarkan sintaks pembelajaran model saepadu. Berdasarkan dari data penelitian menunjukkan hasil bahwa dengan pemanfaatan model saepadu dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik, yaitu sebesar 0,22 poin atau sekitar 6,49% dari pra siklus hingga siklus I dan pada siklus I ke di Siklus II juga terjadi peningkatan 0,41 poin atau 11,36%. Dengan menggunakan pembelajaran dengan model SAEPADU ini juga dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar IPA pra siklus dibandingkan pada siklus I yaitu 28,5 atau sebesar 76,62% dengan jumlah peserta didik yang lulus KKM mengalami peningkatan sebesar 43,34%. Sedangkan untuk hasil rata-rata nilai ter tertulis IPA siklus I dibandingkan pada siklus II yaitu 9,5 sebesar 14,18%.. Kesimpulannya terjadi peningkatan motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik dengan memanfaatkan model Saepadu.

2013 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Timbul Purba ◽  
Harun Sitompul

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori, (2) hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa yang memiliki motif berprestasi tinggi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan siswa yang memiliki motif berprestasi rendah dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan motif berprestasi dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian faktorial 2x2, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan ANAVA dua jalur pada taraf signifikansi a = 0.05. Hasil penelitian diperoleh: (1) hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran ekspositori, (2) hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa yang memiliki motif berprestasi tinggi lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang memiliki motif berprestasi rendah dan (3) terdapat interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan motif berprestasi dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar menggambar teknik siswa.   Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran elaborasi dan ekspositori, motif berprestasi, hasil belajar menggambar teknik   Abstract: This research was aimed to: (1) the learning outcomes of students who are taught drawing techniques with learning strategy elaboration higher than students taught by expository learning strategy, (2) drawing techniques learning outcomes of students who have high achievement motive higher than students who have low achievement motive, and (3) the interaction between learning strategy and achievement motives in affecting student learning outcomes drawing techniques. The research method used was quasi experiment with 2 x 2 factorial design. The analysis technique used is the two-track analysis of variance ANOVA (2 x 2) with a significance level α = 0.05. The findings of the study indicate: (1) the learning outcomes of students who are taught drawing techniques with learning strategy elaboration higher learning outcomes than students taught by expository learning strategy; (2) drawing techniques learning outcomes of students who have high achievement motive higher than the learning outcomes of students who have low achievement motive; and (3) there is interaction between learning strategy and achievement motives in affecting student learning outcomes drawing techniques. Keywords: elaboration learning strategies and expository, achievement motive, the result of learning drawing techniques

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Fauzia Mawaddah ◽  
Rahmawati Darussyamsu ◽  
Helendra Helendra

Factors influencing the success of a learning can come from both internal and external. Learners tend to have concerns in implementing learning to achieve good learning outcomes, so learners want to increase learning outside the school. Today, there are a lot of learning counseling institutions that are developing in various regions in Indonesia. This leads to a lot of interest of learners to follow the guidance of learning outside school. The purpose of this study is to see the contribution of tutoring outside school to the learning outcomes of learners who follow the guidance of learning outside the school on the subjects of biology class XI Science SMAN 7 Padang. The population of this research is all students of class XI IPA SMAN 7 Padang. Research samples are learners who follow and learners who do not follow the guidance of biological learning outside the school. The sampling technique used saturation sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is the median test, because one of the data is not normally distributed and the two groups are homogeneous. The average learning outcomes of learners that is 86.91, not too significant difference with those who do not follow the guidance of learning outside the school with an average of 84.88. The result of data analysis shows that there is no contribution of learning guidance to learners' learning outcomes which follow the guidance of study outside school with comparison of X2 count 0,270 and X2 table 3,84, so X2 count <X2 table. Thus, it can be concluded that the guidance of learning outside the school does not contribute to the learning outcomes of learners on the subjects of biology class XI IPA SMAN 7 Padang.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Hasbunallah AS ◽  
Ahmad Rum Bismar

The aim of this experimental study was todetermine the effect of all teaching methods, part, mixed and motivation result learning toward of flat service skill courts tennis. Learning motivation is divided into two parts, namely high andlow.This research was conducted at Faculty of Sport ScienceState University of Macassar,the academic year 2014/2015. Experimental using factorial design method 2x3. The sample consisted of 60 students were divided into 6 groups, each consisting of 10 students. Data analysis technique is a two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test at a significance level of α= 0.05. The results of this study indicate that ( (1) overall teaching methods higher effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skills (2) overall teaching methods lower effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skills, (3) overall teaching methods lower effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skills,(4) there is interaction between the overall teaching methods, part teaching methods and combined teaching methods and learning motivation outcomes flat tennis service skills,(5) overall teaching methods higher effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a high learning motivation, (6) overall teaching methods lower effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a high learning motivation, (7) part teaching methods lower effect of the combined teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a high learning motivation, (8) overall teaching methods higher effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a low learning motivation, (9) overall teaching methods lower effect of the part teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a low learning motivation, (10) part teaching methods lower effect of the combined teacing methods on learning outcomes flat tennis service skillsusing a low learning motivation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Anton Adhy Pujianto ◽  
I Nyoman Sudana Degeng ◽  
Sugito Sugito

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1.) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap hasil belajar; 2.) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar; dan 3.) Untuk mengetahui interaksi antara peng-gunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VII. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian eksperimen. Penelitian dilak-sanakan pada tanggal 20 Januari 2020 sampai dengan 14 Maret 2020. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 32 kelas dengan jumlah sebanyak 1.088 siswa kelas VII ditiga sekolah yaitu SMP Negeri 2 Gedangan, SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo, dan SMP Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan simple random sampling, pengambilan sampel secara acak sederhana melalui nomor undian. Dalam pengambilan sampel didapat 3 kelas eksperimen penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan 3 kelas kontrol tanpa aplikasi PlantNet menggunakan diskusi kelas. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan nilai signifikansi sebesar α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1.) Ada-nya  pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas 7; 2.) Adanya pengaruh gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas 7; dan 3.) Adanya interaksi antara penggunaan aplikasi PlantNet dan gaya belajar terhadap hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas VII. AbstractThe objectives of this study are: 1.) To determine the effect of using the PlantNet application on learning outcomes; 2.) To determine the effect of learning styles on learning outcomes; and 3.) To determine the interaction between the use of the PlantNet application and learning styles on the learning outcomes of 7th grade science students. This research method uses experimental research. The study was conducted on January 20 until March 14, 2020. The population in this study was 32 classes with a total of 1,088 7th grade students in three schools, namely SMP Negeri 2 Gedangan, SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo, and SMP Negeri 4 Sidoarjo. The research sampling technique uses simple random sampling, simple random sampling through lottery numbers. In sampling obtained 3 experimental classes using the PlantNet application and 3 control classes without the PlantNet application using class discussion. Data analysis technique used two-way Anava with a significance value of α = 0.05. The results of this study indicate that: 1.) The influence of the use of the PlantNet application on the learning outcomes of the 7th grade science students; 2.) The influence of learning styles on the results of science learning for 7th grade students; and 3.) There is an interaction between the use of the PlantNet application and learning styles on the learning outcomes of 7th grade science students. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Waginah Dwi Nuryaningsih

This study aims to analyze the increase in motivation and student learning outcomes in learning Indonesian using schoology media assisted by the WhatsApp application. This research method used quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample consisted of class VIII A as the experimental class implementing Distance Learning with schoology media assisted by the WhatsApp application and class VIII B as the control class without using schoology media. Data collection techniques with knowledge competency tests, questionnaires, and interviews. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in this research was quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the competence of news text knowledge in the experimental class using schoology media is better than without using schoology media. The average learning outcomes obtained were 81, the average N-gain obtained was 0.72 in good category. So it can be concluded that there is an increase in student motivation and learning outcomes in learning Indonesian.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-114

This study is a quantitative study with a population of 129 students ingrade V SDN 102028 Kampung Gelam district of Serdang Bedagai with the number of respondents as many as 27 people. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, documentation, and interviews. Student learning outcomes are influenced by various factors that occur in the learning process both internally and externally. One of the external factors that play a role in determining the success of student learning is the learning environment of family, school and community. Of the three learning environments concerned about how parents support children's learning, the facilities at school for learning activities and how students interact with others. Without the support of these three things, will make the learning process becomes hampered. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique while hypothesis test using product moment correlation test assisted by program of SPSS version 21. Based on the results of research, learning environment and student learning outcomes in general are in enough categories. Hypothesis test with a significance level of 5% obtained results indicating that the school environment is positively and significantly correlated with student learning outcomes. Shown by the result of analysis of rhitung is bigger than rtabel (0,504> 0,381) and coefficient of determination 25%.It can be concluded that between the learning environment and the learning outcomes have a positive and significant relationship. The results of this study are expected to be useful for students, parents, students, and principals. Proposed suggestion is that the learning environment should be created safely and comfortably so that the students' learning result will be optimal.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 336
Syarifah Nur Fajrin ◽  
Syarifah Aeni Rahman

The main problem in this study is to determine the relationship between the educational contributions of parents and the learning outcomes of grade III students of SD Inpres Jongaya, Makassar City. This study aims to determine the extent of the relationship between the educational contributions of parents and the learning outcomes of class III SD Inpres Jongaya Makassar City. The type of research used is correlational, this study seeks to reveal the relationship between the educational contribution of parents and social studies learning outcomes of students at SD Inpres Jongaya, Makassar City. The subjects in this study were 31 class III students. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires, tests and documentation. The data analysis technique used to analyze the research data was inferential descriptive statistical analysis using product moment correlation analysis for hypothesis testing. The results in this study indicate that there is an educational contribution from parents to grade III SD Inpres Jongaya students in the medium category with average learning outcomes. -average 82.3. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between Parents' Educational Contribution and Learning Outcomes of Class III students of SD Inpres Jongaya Makassar City. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Asnewastri . ◽  
R Mursid

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi lebih tinggi dengan ekspositori, (2) hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir logis tinggi lebih tinggi dengan berpikir logis rendah dan (3) interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dengan kemampuan berpikir logis dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar Sejarah siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan  adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain faktorial 2 x 2. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah  analisis varians dua jalur (Two Way Anava 2 x 2) dengan taraf signifikansi a = 0,05 dengan menggunakan Uji-F, pengujian uji lanjut  menggunakan uji Scheffe. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan: (1) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang diajar dengan strategi pembelajaran elaborasi dengan strategi  ekspositori, (2) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar Sejarah siswa yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir logis tinggi dengan berpikir logis rendah, dan (3) Interaksi antara strategi pembelajaran dan kemampuan berpikir logis akan memberikan efek yang tinggi dalam penguasaan materi pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajar Sejarah yang diperoleh tinggi. Kata Kunci: strategi pembelajaran, kemampuan berpikir logis terhadap hasil belajar sejarah Abstract: This study aims to determine: (1) the results of studying history students who are taught by learning strategy elaboration higher with expository, (2) the results of learning history students who have the ability to think logically high is higher by thinking logically low and (3) interaction between learning strategy and logical thinking skills in influencing student learning outcomes History. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with 2 x 2 factorial analysis technique used is the analysis of variance of two lanes (Two Way Anova 2 x 2) with significance level a = 0.05 using the Test-F, a further test testing use test Scheffe. The findings show: (1) there is a significant difference between the results of studying history students who are taught by learning strategies elaboration of the strategy expository, (2) there is a significant difference between the results of studying history students who have the ability to think logically high to think logically low, and (3) the interaction between the learning strategies and ability to think logically will give high effect in the mastery of learning material that learners' achievements obtained History high. Keywords: learning strategies, the ability to think logically to the learning outcomes of history

Ahmad Barnabas ◽  
Tutik Cholisotin ◽  
Nadia Fitriani

The purpose of this study was to find out Students’ listening ability in Arabic learning that has differences personalities. This study used a quantitative approach with experimental methods. It used a treatment pattern 2 x 2 design. The process of collecting data used questionnaires, tests, observations, and documentation. The data analysis technique is a 2-way variant analysis. The results showed that there are differences in each treatment group, there are differences in Arabic listening ability between students who have extrovert and introvert personality. On the results of analysis of variance at a significance level of 0.05 obtained F-count = 24 and F-table (0.05; 1:40) = 4.085. The results of the calculation of two-way ANOVA are obtained by the results of F count> F table, the test results are significant or H0 is rejected. This means that there are differences in the Arabic listening ability between students who have an extroverted personality and introverted personality.

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