scholarly journals Efectivitiy of Guidelines for Basic Motion Techniques for Volleyball Games with Biomechanics Analysis KINOVEA Application Based on Video Volleyball Games

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 290-302
Labib Labib ◽  
Muhammad Muhyi ◽  
Harwanto Harwanto

This study aims to determine the validity and effectiveness of the basic movement technique guidelines for volleyball games with biomechanical analysis using the kinovea application. The results of this study are expected to improve students' ability to understand and master basic volleyball techniques effective and efficient. Development research is used to answer the problems found. The research was conducted on SMK/SMA level students from January to April 2021. The research instruments include the kinovea application, interview guide, documentation, and the effectiveness test questionnaire sheet from the manual that will be filled out by the respondent. The results showed that the development of a basic technique manual for playing volleyball was effective. As evidence of the feasibility of the book, 80.1% of the small group test is feasible, the medium group test is 88.1% very feasible category, and the large group test shows that 89.1% is in the very feasible category. Based on the test results of small, medium, and large groups, the development of a basic technical manual for playing volleyball for SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya is quite practical. As a further suggestion, it is necessary to develop types of games that support the introduction of basic techniques in volleyball.

Yunita Rochmawati Jonan

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan sebuah rubrik penskoran pada asesmen otentikuntuk materi volume dan luas balok yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dan siswa. Rubrik ini dibuat sesuai dengan standar penilaian dalam kurikulum 2013. Penelitian pengembangan (R&D) ini menggunakan model Borg and Gall yang terdiri dari lima tahap yaitu penelitian dan pengumpulan data awal, perencanaan, pengembangan format produk, uji coba skala kecil, revisi akhir dan penyempurnaan produk. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini berupa rubrik penyekoran holistik dan analitik dengan nilai sangat valid sebesar 94%. Analisis dari penelitian ini adalah angket kebutuhan bagi guru dan siswa sedangkan uji coba dilakukan melalui perorangan, kelompok kecil dan kelompok besar. Sedangkan kelayakan rubrik penskoran dari penilaian oleh ahli dengan menggunakan angket uji validitas materi, hasil belajar siswa, respon siswa serta tanggapan guru pengajar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rubrik penskoran ini efektif dalam membantu memperbaiki hasil ulangan dan cukup praktis serta dapat dipergunakan untuk memberikan penilaian hasil belajar yang sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci: rubrik, penskoran, asesmen otentik.   ABSTRACT The purpose of this development research is to produce a scoring rubric on an authenticity assessment for the volume and area materials that can be used by teachers and students. The rubric is made in based on the assessment standards in the 2013 curriculum. This development research (R&D) uses the Borg and Gall model consisting of five stages of preliminary data research and collection, planning, product format development, small-scale trials, final revisions and product enhancements. The results of this development research include holistic and analytic scoring rubric with a very valid score of 94%. The rubric is analyzed fromquestionnaire for teachers and students, while trials are conducted through individuals, small groups and large groups. The feasibility of the scoring rubric from assessment by members by using the material validity test questionnaire, student learning results, student response and teacher responses. The results of this study show that the scoring rubric is effective in helping to improve the test results and is practical and can be used to provide assessment of learning outcomes in accordance with the 2013 curriculum. Keywords: rubric, scoring, authentic assessment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Yuli Fitrianingsih

This study aims to develop a culture-based mathematics comic learning media using research and development or R & D methods with the ASSURE model. This development research was conducted in three Junior High Schools (JHS) in one sub-district, Pasar Minggu sub-district, South Jakarta. This research has been tested to various experts, namely: two material experts with very good categories and a percentage of 86%, 72% from one linguist with a good category, 96% from one development expert with a very good category, and get a percentage 3,4 with a good category from one graphic design expert. While the results of one to one test evaluations get an average of 84% which falls into the good category, small group test with a percentage of 85% with a very good category, and a large group test using the t-test results obtained tcount > ttable. Based on the evaluation results from several experts, using learning media in the form of mathematical comics is considered feasible and can increase students' interest and learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (02) ◽  
pp. 188-203
Mahyudi Yudi

This study aims to produce a wrestling model of arm-throwing skills. Research on the development of an arm-throwing skill model for novice athletes using the Research & Development method from Borg and Gall. The subjects in this development research involved 30 athletes in PPLP wrestling, Pengprov PGSI and Platinum Wrestling Club. This study resulted in 12 arm-throwing model skills and firstly the model skills were validated by a validation team consisting of coaches and wrestling sports experts. Based on the results of a small group test involving 8 athletes from 1 club, it shows that of the 20 variations developed, 12 of them are eligible to be tested on a wider sample. The results of the large group test conducted by researchers involved 30 people from the PPLP and the Plaitnum Wrestling Club. Based on the results of the study, 12 models of arm skills skills can be used after evaluation by the validator team, the results of the small group test and the large group test results are declared feasible and valid to be used as a model in wrestling arm throwing exercise so that it can improve multilateral motion in athletes. young people serve and also exercise more effectively and efficiently so as to increase the interest and motivation of regional athletes in participating in wrestling exercises, especially arm throwing techniques.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Hariris Nur Cahyo

Learning PAI (Islamic Education) seeks to increase the interest of students to develop the knowledge, skills and ability to think about nature and its contents are full of secrets endless. Based Permendiknas No. 23 of 2006, Standard Competency Education Unit (SKL-SP) SMP / MTS include: students can find and apply information from the environment and other sources logically, critically and creatively, and students can demonstrate the ability analyze and solve problems in everyday life. The purpose of development research are: 1) to describe the model of PAI that has been applied in SMP Negeri 1 Puri Mojokerto 2) Describe the product feasibility PAI learning for junior secondary students and secondary review of aspects of the model Student Facilitator and Explaining 3) Produce Learning PAI student Facilitator and explaining the model that corresponds to the culture and character of students in SMP Negeri 1 Puri Mojokerto Products PAI learning facilitator and explaining the model student has been accomplished based analysis of trial data. Based on the measures that have been implemented can be concluded as follows. 1). Products are revised based on theoretically and empirically test results are: Revised by students by questionnaire: Change to increase the attractiveness of the model 2) Products that are developed interesting for classical learning in the classroom and independently. 3) The product of these products can ease the burden of teachers in teaching. 4) The results of expert validation and testing, PAI Learning Facilitator and explaining the model student is fit for use for subjects of Natural Sciences (PAI). 5) Products that are developed can increase students' motivation, and motivation is one of the conditions of implementation of productive models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Nila Fitria ◽  
Rohita Rohita

<p><em>Abstrak</em><strong> - Pertumbuhan perkembangan dan belajar melalui aktivitas jasmani akan mempengaruhi tiga ranah dalam pendidikan yang meliputi ranah kognitif (menyadari gerak), ranah psikomotor (pertumbuhan biologis, kesehatan, kebugaran jasmani), dan ranah afektif (rasa senang, aktualisasi diri, konsep diri) [1]. Permasalahan yang tampak di era digital ini, terbatasnya kemampuan motorik anak dikarenakan anak-anak usia dini sudah terpapar oleh <em>gadget </em>sejak dini. Sehingga kemampuan motorik anak era digital terbatas karena pengaruh <em>gadget. </em>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan guru keterampilan gerak dasar anak TK. </strong><strong>Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian survei. Penelitian survei merupakan penelitian yang menggunakan kuesioner sebagai instrumen penelitian. </strong><strong>Penelitian yang dilakukan di Taman Kanak-Kanak yang berada pada Gugus Cut Nyak Dien. 32 guru TK yang berada di Gugus Cut Nyak Dien dengan latar belakang pendidikan dari sarjana pendidikan, 65% masa kerjanya 2 tahun. Terdapat 15 guru TK yang memiiki pengetahuan yang tinggi dalam pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar. Terdapat 6 guru TK yang memiliki pengetahuan dalam kategori sedang terhadap pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar pada motorik kasar. Serta terdapat 12 guru TK yang memiliki pengetahuan yang rendah terhadap pengetahuan keterampilan gerak dasar dalam motorik kasar anak TK. Sejumlah 18% dari jumlah guru memiliki pengetahuan mengenai gerak lokomotor dan 15% dari jumlah guru belum memiliki pengetahuan mengenai gerakan non-lokomotor. Guru dapat mengimplementasikan ketiga keterampilan gerak dasar dalam berbagai kegiatan motorik melalui menari, senam, dan bentuk permainan yang diciptakan oleh guru. Penilaian keterampilan gerak dasar dilakukan guru TK dan guru melalui pengamatan. Sejumlah 75% guru TK mengetahui tujuan stimulasi keterampilan gerak dasar anak yaitu untuk meningkatkan perkembangan motorik anak.</strong></p><p> </p><p><em>Abstract <strong>- </strong></em><strong>Developmental growth and learning through physical activity will affect the three domains in education which include cognitive domains (aware of motion), psychomotor domains (biological growth, health, physical fitness), and affective domain (pleasure, self-actualization, self-concept) </strong>[1]<strong>. Problems that appear in this digital era, limited motoric abilities of children because early childhood have been exposed to gadgets early. So that the digital motor skills of children are limited due to the influence of gadgets. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of teacher knowledge of basic movement skills of kindergarten children. This research was conducted with quantitative methods with the type of survey research. Survey research is a study that uses a questionnaire as a research instrument.</strong><strong><em> </em></strong><strong>Research carried out in kindergartens in Cut Nyak Dien's Cluster. 32 kindergarten teachers who are in Cut Nyak Dien Group with educational background from undergraduate education, 65% working period is 2 years. There are 15 kindergarten teachers who have high knowledge in basic motion skills knowledge. There are 6 kindergarten teachers who have knowledge in the moderate category of basic motion skills knowledge in gross motor skills. And there are 12 kindergarten teachers who have low knowledge of basic motion skills knowledge in rough motoric kindergarten children.A total of 18% of teachers have knowledge of locomotor motion and 15% of teachers have no knowledge of non-locomotor movements. TK teachers can implement all three basic motion skills in various motor activities through dancing, gymnastics, and forms of games created by the teacher. Assessment of basic motion skills is done by kindergarten teachers and teachers through observation. 75% of kindergarten teachers know the purpose of stimulating children's basic motion skills, namely to improve children's motor development.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong><strong><em>Keywords - </em></strong><em>Knowledge, Teacher, Skills, Basic movement</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Nur Atika ◽  
Yenita Roza ◽  
Atma Murni

This research was motivated by the lack of learning tools that can improve students' Mathematical Communication Skills (KKM). Activities that can encourage students to improve KKM have not been designed by the teacher in the learning device properly. This study aims to produce learning tools by applying Problem Based Learning models to improve KKM. This development research used the ADDIE development model with the stages of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The results of Syllabus, RPP, LKPD and KKM validation results showed highly valid criteria with percentages of 91.67%, 91.30%, 89.09%, and 87.15%, respectively. Practicality results indicate a very practical criterion with the percentage of small group trials at 95.57%, large group trials at 96.07%, and teacher responses at 96.25%. The effectiveness test results state that KKM of students who use learning tools with PBL models is better than KKM of students who use conventional learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Yoni Sakti Amroin ◽  
Nanik Indahwati

The purpose of this study was to improve the learning outcomes of basic kick motion skills in pencak silat through variations of the basic 'T' and front kick motion using assistive media in fifth grade students of SDN Pinggir Papas I in the 2020/2021 academic year.This research was a Classroom Action Research (PTK). The research was carried out using one cycle, if the desired results have not been achieved then the following cycle is continued, with each cycle consisting of planning, implementing actions, observing and reflecting. The subjects of this study were twenty-four students of grade five SDN Pinggir Papas I for the 2020/2021 academic year. The data sources came from teachers and students. Data collection by front kick pencak silat and activity observation during the teaching and learning activities of kicks in pencak silat using learning aids. The data in this study were in the form of quantitative and qualitative data. In this research, it produces data on the improvement of students in learning the basic movements of the T kick and front of the pencak silat with variations and learning aids. The achievement of completeness of the learning outcomes of the pencak silat T kick from pre-cycle one is about sixty-seven percent. From cycle one to cycle two amounted to twenty five percent. Meanwhile, learning outcomes for front kicks from pre-cycle to cycle 1 experienced an increase of fifty-four percent.The improvement of learning outcomes for T and forwards kicks with variations in T and forwards kick exercises has increased until it reaches the learning target, namely reaching the good and very good categories. Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is: Variations in the basic motion of the 'T' kick and forwards in learning can improve learning outcomes of the basic movement skills of pencak silat kicks in fifth grade students of SDN Piggir Papas I in the 2020/2021 school year.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Rachmawati Rachmawati ◽  
Rina Wijayanti ◽  
Era Dewi Kartika

The purpose of this study is to produce character building learning media based on m-learning mathematics with a contextual approach that is expected to provide convenience for students and teachers in supporting the revitalization of vocational education. This research is a development research. This research method refers to the 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Development of Math-Cha applications with the help of Android Studio IDE software, and Fire Base. The result of the development in the form of a learning media product is the Math-Cha application which is installed on an Android device. The Math-Cha application consists of material and evaluation. The m-learning media on mathematics is given reinforcement by integrating character education and contextual presentation so that it supports the revitalization of vocational education. Content in the application begins by introducing character values into mathematical problems at the apperception, material and evaluation stages. Evaluation of validity aspects is based on the validation of media experts and material experts who are valid criteria with an average of 3.61. The evaluation of practicality aspects based on student response questionnaire was in the good criteria of 3.72 and the teacher's questionnaire in the criteria of good was 3.40. The assessment of effectiveness aspects based on student test results is in good criteria with an average of 86.6. Math-Cha supports learning, use easily, and it can be used anywhere and anytime. AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan produk media pembelajaran matematika m-learning berbasis pendidikan karakter dengan pendekatan kontekstual yang diharapkan memberikan kemudahan siswa dan guru dalam menunjang revitalisasi pendidikan SMK. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Metode penelitian ini mengacu pada model pengembangan 4D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Pengembangan aplikasi Math-Cha dengan bantuan software Android Studio IDE, dan Fire Base. Hasil dari pengembangan berupa produk media pembelajaran yaitu aplikasi Math-Cha yang terinstall di perangkat Android. Aplikasi Math-Cha terdiri dari materi dan evaluasi. Media pembelajaran m-learning pada matematika diberikan penguatan dengan mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter dan disajikan secara kontekstual sehingga mendukung revitalisasi pendidikan vokasi.  Konten dalam aplikasi dimulai dengan mengenalkan nilai-nilai karakter kedalam permasalahan matematika pada tahap apersepsi, materi  dan evaluasi. Penilaian aspek kevalidan berdasarkan penilaian validator ahli media dan ahli materi yang berada pada kriteria valid dengan rata-rata 3,61. Penilaian aspek kepraktisan berdasarkan angket respon siswa berada pada kriteria baik sebesar 3,72 dan angket respon guru yang berada dalam kriteria baik sebesar 3,40. Penilaian aspek keefektifan berdasarkan hasil tes siswa berada pada kriteria baik dengan rata-rata 86,6. Math-Cha mendukung dalam pembelajaran, tingkat penggunaannya relatif mudah, pembelajaran dapat digunakan dimana saja dan kapanpun.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Kusen Kusen ◽  
Rahmad Hidayat

This study aims to develop contextual learning tools for Islamic Education through contextual learning that is valid, practical and effective. The subject of this study was students grade seven Junior High School on odd semester of Rejang Lebong. This research is a development research whose procedure consists of ten steps, namely: (1) problem identification, (2) information collection, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design improvement, (6) product testing , (7) product revisions, (8) usage trials, (9) final product revisions, 10) mass production, so that the syllabus, teaching implementation plan, modules and worksheets are valid, practical and effective. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, questionnaire, and test results. The data collected was analyzed by percentage. The results of this study are: syllabus, teaching implementation plan, modules and Student Worksheets that have been validated by the validator are valid. Then based on the response of students to the module and student worksheet grade seven Islamic Education in Rejang Lebong is practical. then the teaching implementation plan, modules and Student Worksheets provided in the learning process are effective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-71
Zul Hidayatullah ◽  
Jumadi Jumadi ◽  
Nuraini Nadhiroh ◽  
Endah Kartika ◽  
Azizah Ainun Nuha ◽  

IDENTIFICATION OF MISCONCEPTION AND COGNITIVE CONFLICT OF PHYSICS: A CASE RELATED TO CONCEPTUAL CHANGEAbstractMisconceptions still often occur when learning physics. This study aims to identify students' misconceptions and their relationship with cognitive conflict in terms of conceptual change. This research used mixed methods explanatory design methods. The subjects in this study were three students from SahabatQu High School, Yogyakarta. The students studied were categorized into three, namely low, medium, and high ability students. Information related to student abilities is obtained from physics teachers and student learning test results. A conceptual change interview guide, conceptual change observation sheet, cognitive conflict questionnaire, and parabolic motion material misconceptions tests were used as supporting instruments to obtain the desired results in research. The learning process uses a PhET simulation. The results showed that high, medium and low ability students still had misconceptions when learning parabolic motion material. Cognitive conflict in high, medium and low ability students is included in the low and moderate categories with a percentage of 8.33% - 41.67%. All students have not been able to experience the four thought processes so that there are still misconceptions on some topics such as the highest point and the farthest distance based on the projectile motion's elevation angle. AbstrakMiskonsepsi masih sering terjadi pada saat pembelajaran fisika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi miskonsepsi siswa dan hubungannya dengan konflik kognitif ditinjau dari perubahan konseptual. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mixed methods explanatory design. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah 3 siswa yang berasal dari SMA Sahabatqu, Yogyakarta. Siswa yang diteliti dikategorikan menjadi 3 yaitu siswa berkemampuan rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Informasi terkait kemampuan siswa diperoleh dari guru fisika dan hasil tes belajar siswa. Pedoman wawancara perubahan konseptual, lembar observasi perubahan konseptual, angket konflik kognitif, dan tes miskonsepsi materi gerak parabola dijadikan instrumen pendukung untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan dalam penelitian. Proses pembelajaran menggunakan simulasi PhET. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah masih memiliki miskonsepsi pada saat pembelajaran materi gerak parabola. Konflik kognitif pada siswa berkemampuan sedang dan rendah termasuk dalam kategori rendah dan siswa berkemampuan tinggi termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Seluruh siswa belum mampu mengalami empat proses berpikir sehingga masih menyisakan miskonsepsi pada beberapa submateri seperti titik tertinggi dan jarak terjauh berdasarkan sudut elevasi gerak parabola.

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