scholarly journals Analisis Surat Al-Anfāl Ayat 17: Upaya Mengungkap Sisi Transendental Hermeneutika Double Movement

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-30
Miatul Qudsia ◽  
Muhammad Faishal Haq

The study of the Koran from a contextual point of view continues to grow. One of the offers that has been continuously studied and applied is the double movement theory initiated by Fazlur Rahman and developed by Abdullah Saeed. The double movement theory emphasizes the socio-historical context of the Koran and the present. To bridge the two periods, a researcher must sensitively take the meaning of the verse being studied or what is called the moral ideal. Thus, the meaning of the purpose of the revelation of the Qur'anic verse will continue to be conveyed at any time. The object of the application of the double movement is indeed law verses, so as to produce a moral ideal that is real or concrete. However, in this study, the researcher found that double movement not only produces concrete moral ideals, but also transcendental ones. The verse studied is the verse of war, surah al-Anfāl verse 17. So that, the result is that the moral ideal which is concrete from this verse is that it is permissible and even required to take the path of war if it is in an emergency and is depressed. For example, there is pressure, discrimination and so on that cause torture. And, the transcendental moral ideal is that there must be an attitude of tawakal and endeavor from every Muslim. That Allah can make real what is considered impossible by humans.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>Al-QUR’AN VERSES AND PROPHET HADITH OF DELIVERING LESSON PRINCIPLE IN ACCORDANCE WITH STUDENTS’ ABILITY.<strong> </strong>Student-Centered Learning (SCL) approach </em><em>a</em><em>ppears to make the learning implementation with conducive fun atmosphere, and students centered. In the SCL approach, the teacher gives many attentions in involvement, initiative, and student social interaction in classroom.</em><em> </em><em>One of the principle in SCL approach is teacher delivers the lessons in accordance with students’ ability.</em><em> </em><em>By using Fazlur Rahman double movement theory to analyze the Qur’an verses and historical criticism, eidetic criticism, and pratical criticism of Hassan Hanafi to analyze the prophet hadith,</em><em> </em><em>this study aims to reveal the moral ideal of Qur’an and prophet hadith about delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability as well as determining the contextual meaning for life recently.</em><em> </em><em>There are 21 Qur’an verses which contains the basic idea of delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability</em><em> </em><em>and there are 11 Hadiths which contains</em><em> </em><em>delivering lesson principle in accordance with students’ ability.</em><em> </em><em>The verse and hadith show the necessity principles to put human in accordance with his position and necessity to talk with them in accordance with his ability, and completed with practical examples from the Prophet. The implementation of educational values in some Qur’an verses and Prophet hadith is able to make the learning more empower the students’ potential and influence on student personality development</em>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: <em>Student-Centered Learning, Learning, Students’ Ability</em>.</p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pendekatan <em>Student-Centered Learning</em> (SCL) muncul untuk mewujudkan terlaksananya pembelajaran dengan suasana yang kondusif, menyenangkan, dan berpusat pada siswa. Dalam pendekatan SCL, guru banyak memberikan perhatian pada keterlibatan, inisiatif, dan interaksi sosial siswa di kelas. Salah satu prinsip yang ada dalam pendekatan SCL adalah guru menyampaikan pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa. Dengan menggunakan teori <em>double movement</em> Fazlur Rahman untuk menganalisis ayat Al-Qur’an serta kritik historis, kritik eidetis, dan kritik praksis Hassan Hanafi untuk menganalisis hadis Nabi, tulisan ini bermaksud mengungkap ideal moral ayat Al-Qur’an dan hadis Nabi tentang prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa serta menentukan makna kontekstualnya bagi kehidupan saat ini. Ada 21 ayat Al-Qur’an yang mengandung ide dasar prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa dan ada 11 hadis yang mengandung prinsip penyampaian pelajaran sesuai kemampuan siswa. Ayat dan hadis tersebut menampilkan prinsip keharusan menempatkan manusia sesuai kedudukannya serta kemestian berbicara dengan mereka sesuai dengan kemampuannya, juga disertai contoh praksis dari Rasulullah saw. Implementasi nilai-nilai edukatif dalam beberapa ayat Al-Qur’an dan hadis Nabi ini mampu mewujudkan pembelajaran yang lebih memberdayakan potensi anak didik serta berpengaruh pada pengembangan kepribadian siswa.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong><em>Student-Centered Learning, Pembelajaran, Kemampuan Siswa</em>.</p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 79
Ahmad Saefudin ◽  
Ahmad Rafiq ◽  
Marhumah Marhumah

Many contemporary thinkers have introduced various theories in Quranic studies. For example, Fazlur Rahman with double movement theory, Gadamer through a fusion of the horizon, and Abdullah Saeed with contextual interpretation. Meanwhile, Ingrid Mattson’s thoughts on the interpretation of the Koran have not been widely studied by scholars. Mattson has placed the historical context, the personal context of the reader, and the context of the reader's understanding as an integral part of the theory of interpretation. This article wishes to dissect the anatomy of Mattson's interpretation of the Koran. With the historical textual criticism approach popularized by Muhammad Mustafá Azami, this study concludes that apart from historical aspects, the interpretation of the Koran is also strongly influenced by the authority of the rulers at that time, individual charisma (ulama), and the consensus of religious experts. The reduction of God’s message is also very vulnerable to the rampant action of translating the Koran from Arabic into ajam (non-Arabic) language. These three aspects are the constructs of Mattson's thought in his hermeneutical study. Therefore, it is hoped that this academic discourse will add to the style of thinking of scholars in the field of Qur'an studies, which previously have colored contemporary exegesis studies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-130
Sri Hariyati Lestari ◽  
Muhammad Alwi HS

This article aims to contextualize the hadith of Al-Bukhari's transmission number 5.559 about 'speaking the good or remain silent' through the Double Movement theory from Fazlu Rahman, which will then become the basis for a ban on the phenomenon of hate speech on social media. This departs from the reality of hate speech that is increasingly rampant, even though the act has been banned in the Circular Chief of Police number SE / 06 / X / 2005. After analyzing and analyzing the history of Al-Bukhari number 5559, this article concludes that the hadith is a response to the bad behavior experienced by Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Salam from his neighbor, one of which is mentioned in the hadith is not saying good, as an antonym of the word saying good. Behavior of not saying good here is also in line with the phenomenon of hate speech, especially entering the media era. The moral ideal of this tradition is as a command to say good, if it is unable or unwilling, it is better to be quiet, rather than doing hate speech. As for the threat of hate speech,, as the moral ideal of the hadith here, is not included as those who believe because they are not good or silent, but instead do hate speech.

Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Nahdhiyah Nahdhiyah ◽  
Anwar Sadat

The essential consideration is whether hermeneutics as an alternative approach can provide a dialogue between the texts and reality. This is library research, in which the data sources obtained through various written works, both in the form of books and journals. The study is descriptive qualitative that provides a clear picture and systematic about the methodology of Islamic legal thought Fazlur Rahman understandings.  To synchronize his background with interpretations, then used a normative theological approach, namely an approach that emphasizes form religious symbols originating from the Quran and sunnah text. The double movement hermeneutic theory is his effort in dialoguing between text and context. He appreciates history and adapts developments in every space and time. He tried to do a two-way movement. First, moving from the context of reality to the historical context of texts. Second, moving from the context of historical facts to the context of contemporary reality. Errors in interpreting text often occur due to the separation between the text from its context. In these circumstances, the double movement theory finds its relevance in making the Quran capable of dialogue with every dynamic that occurs. In this way, the text is always alive and as if it was revealed at this time. It contributes to the development of a paradigm of religious moderation. The double movement has strong historical roots in the science of the Quran, including asbab al-nuzul, makkiyah-madaniyah, and nasikh-mansukh.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-42
Azkiya Khikmatiar

Double Movement theory initiated by Fazlurrahman is a theory that is basically used to understand the Qur'an. Through this theory Rahman invites interpreters to understand the Qur'an by not releasing the historical context in which the Qur'an is revealed, to then unearthed the general idea so that it can be confronted with the contemporary context. In this paper the author tries to apply the theory to understand the hadith about tasyabbuh. The result of the application of the theory is: the hadith about tsyabbuh arises where the number of Muslim community is still limited, so to maintain its existence required identity politics; if confronted with the present reality of the number of Muslims who have spread throughout the world, then the hadith is no longer relevant to be applied literally

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-124
Rahmatullah Rahmatullah

Abstract: This article departs from the problem of prank actions that often occur unethically in the public sphere. Hadith as arguments containing ethical norms is a relevant reference in addressing this matter. Therefore, this article aims to discuss the prank action from the perspective of the hadith and how the moral ideal of the hadith is implemented in carrying out prank actions. Referring to the hadith about joking and analyzed using Fazlur Rahman's double movement theory, this article sees that the legal status of prank action is situational. Prank actions can be done as long as they prioritize the principle of truth and do not have a negative impact on the surroundings, and vice versa. This is based on the editorial of the hadith which shows the Prophet's prohibition against taking something even though it meant jokes and jokes from the Prophet, which have never been separated from the truth. This hadith was motivated by the context of the Arab society at that time which was dominated by the situation of war and the process of internalizing Islamic teachings so that what the Prophet taught could not be separated from the interests of protection and education. Therefore, the moral ideal lies in an educational, preventive, and protective attitude. These moral ideals are principles that should be implemented in carrying out prank actions so that their actions become legitimate, do not cause negative impacts, and can generate positive responses in the public domain.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Masthuriyah Sa�dan

The practice of girls circumcision in Indonesian still exists these days. Though it is not as severe as the practice of circumcision in Africa and Middle East, the practice of circumcision in Indonesia is still classified as very unsophisticated: utilizing a small knife and turmeric cut at the tip of the newborn baby clitoris. This practice has been performed hereditary. Merely, in various ways, the construction of gender often cause detriment on female, since there are assumptions and beliefs on female sanctity myth. Yet this practice is very detrimental for female if it is reviewed from the medical, humanity, and social aspects. Ironically, such practice often utilized teological legitimation theorem to strengthen the root of violence against female. Employing Fazlur Rahmans hermeneutic analysis on double movement theory, this article studied the practice of female circumcision along with tradition and religious interpretation. The result of this study is that the moral ideal aspect of the female circumcision tradition has caused detriment on female whether in medical side or womans rights. Subsequently, by legal aspect, the practice of circumcision is only for boys and not for girls.Praktik khitan bagi anak perempuan di daerah Nusantara masih eksis hingga sekarang, meski tidak separah seperti praktik khitan di daerah Afrika dan Timur tengah, praktik khitan di Indonesia masih tergolong sangat sederhana. Dengan menggunakan pisau kecil dan kunyit yang disayat di bibir klitoris bayi yang baru dilahirkan. Praktik tersebut telah berjalan secara turun temurun. Secara sederhana, dalam beberapa bentuk, seringkali konstruksi gender merugikan banyak kaum perempuan, karena adanya asumsi dan kepercayaan tentang mitos kesucian perempuan. Padahal praktik tersebut sangat merugikan perempuan jika ditinjau dari aspek medis, kemanusiaan dan sosial humaniora. Ironisnya, praktik yang demikian seringkali menggunakan dalil legitimasi teologis untuk menguatkan akar kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Dengan menggunakan pisau analisa hermeneutika Fazlur Rahman tentang teori gerak ganda, tulisan ini mengkaji praktik khitan perempuan dengan tradisi dan tafsir keagamaan. Adapun hasil kajian dari tulisan ini adalah bahwa aspek ideal moral dari tradisi khitan perempuan telah merugikan pihak perempuan baik dari segi medis maupun hak asasi perempuan. Kemudian secara aspek legal, praktik khitan adalah untuk anak laki-laki dan bukan kepada anak perempuan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-103
Lina Aniqoh

This paper seeks to elaborate on the textual interpretation of Q.S Muhammad verse 4 and Q.S at Taubah verse 5. These two verses are often employed by the extremist Muslim groups to legitimize their destructive acts carried out on groups considered as being infidels and as such lawfully killed. The interpretation was conducted using the double movement hermeneutics methodology offered by Fazlur Rahman. After reinterpretation, the two verses contain moral values, namely the war ordered by God must be reactive, fulfill the ethics of "violence" and be the last solution. Broadly speaking, the warfare commanded in the Qur'an aims to establish a benefit for humanity on the face of the earth by eliminating every crime that exists. These two verses in the contemporary socio-historical context in Indonesia can be implemented as a basis for combating the issue of hoaxes and destructive acts of extremist Muslim groups. Because both are crimes and have negative implications for the people good and even able to threaten the unity of mankind.

Maria G. Semyonova ◽  

This article aims to initiate a study of an extremely interesting body of texts by Viktor Ya. Iretsky that were published in the major metropolitan newspaper Rech' [Speech] and caused a resonance in 1917-1918. The study of the originality of the half-forgotten prose writer's revolutionary journalism in the context of the ideological searches of the author's famous contemporaries - M. Gorky, V.G. Korolenko, L.N. Andreev, A.A. Blok, I.A. Bunin - seems relevant. Based on newspaper, magazine, and book collections of the National Library of Russia, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the House of Russia Abroad, the article analyzes the essays published in Rech' from March 1917 to August 1918 using historical-literary and intertextual research methods. In the course of the research, the author selected the most revealing essays that are comparable to well-known journalistic works about the revolution, analyzed their artistic originality, evolution, and similarity to the journalism of 1917-1918. Iretsky's texts are thematically and ideologically similar to Andreev's articles and diary entries, Korolenko's writings, and - particularly - Gorky's cycle published in Novaya Zhizn' [New Life]; however, theses texts describe the facts, moods, and the revolutionary atmosphere from the point of view of an observer who opposes the revolution and, since May 1917, sees it only as destructive force. The author concludes that Iretsky's essays, reflecting the metamorphoses of the intelligentsia's perception of the revolution, problems close to Gorky's and Korolenko's notes, are more similar to emigrants' diaries, especially Bunin's Cursed Days, in their confessional nature, antiBolshevik pathos and artistry. The specificity of Iretsky's texts is explained by the attention to specific everyday material immersed in the cultural and historical context. The value of the essays is determined by its orientation to everyday life, inclusion of the living tissue of life in the texts; by its confessional nature, which back in 1917 and 1918 revealed a critical emigrant attitude - then expressed in diaries only - to the course of the revolutionary transformation of Russia; and by the inclusion of expressive historical and cultural figurative elements. Abstracting, analyzing the situation from the point of view of European history and culture (including the ideals of the French revolution), using images of works of Russian literature (Dead Souls by Gogol, The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky, etc.) and reminiscences on them, Iretsky does not approach authors of political pamphlets, but rather such important figures of Russian journalism as Maxim Gorky and Vladimir Korolenko, and the diary prose of the brightest Russian writers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 04035
Oleg Mazavin ◽  
Mikhail Kaz ◽  
Irina Roshchina

The article presents the results of the analysis of the practice of implementation the concept of universal basic income. It is shown that in estimating the results of a series of experiments in this field, conducted in a number of countries, it is recommended to abandon the approach based on the positivist point of view. For a long time, it dominated science in general and economic research in particular, but it continues to influence many researchers today. This conclusion should be taken into account in the formation of the structure and composition of regions’ welfare indices. The research materials are placed in a broad historical context. On the one hand, this made it possible to more vividly present the prerequisites, characteristics and consequences of repeated attempts to introduce universal basic income into the practice of social insurance, undertaken in different countries of the world (Finland, Canada, Kenya, Iran, India, USA). On the other hand, to reveal the possibilities and problems of using universal basic income as a tool to help overcome the dysfunctional development of certain territories, including mining regions.

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