Studi Lingkungan Desa Pentingsari Kabupaten Sleman Sebagai Sumber Pembelajaran IPS SD

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Savira Ningrum ◽  
Ikhlas Suryawati ◽  
Setia Setia ◽  
Lia Aliatul Ilmi

Abstrak : Studi Lingkungan ini bertujuan untuk menggali, mengkaji, dan mendeskripsikan pengetahuan sosial yang ada pada suatu daerah yang dapat dijadikan suatu sumber pembelajaran IPS yang menarik kepada peserta didik. Studi lingkungan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Studi lingkungan ini dilakukan di  Desa Wisata yaitu Desa Pentingsari Sleman Yogyakarta, dengan subjek Masyarakat Setempat dan Kondisi sosialnya. Dalam studi lingkungan ini kami mengumpulkan data melalui Wawancara, Observasi, dan Dokumentasi. Hasil studi lingkungan ini menunjukan bahwasannya kebudayaan-kebudayaan dan kebiasaan sosial masyarakat dapat dijadikan sumber pembelajaran IPS yakni dari segi : (1) Sejarah desa pentingsari, (2) Kondisi Geografis desa pentingsari, (3) Kondisi Demografi desa pentingsari.Abstract : This study  environmental study aims to multiply, examine and describe the social knowledge that exists in an area that can be used as an interesting source of IPS learning to students. this environmental study uses a qualitative approach. this environmental study was conducted in pentingsari tourist village sleman yogjakarta with the subject of local people and their social conditions. In this environmental study we collected data through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this environmental study show that the culture and social habits of the community can be used as sources of learning,terms of : (1) village history pentingsar, (2) Geographical conditions of the village pentingsari , (3) village demograpihic conditions pentingsari. Kata Kunci. Studi Lingkungan, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Desa Pentingsari  

Feriel Amelia Sembiring ◽  
Fikarwin Zuska ◽  
Bengkel Ginting ◽  
Rizabuana Ismail ◽  
Henry Sitorus

Aquaculture of Cage Culture is one of the main activities carried out by the community in the village of Haranggaol to fulfill their economic needs. This cultivation business establishes a relationship between traders and cages in terms of marketing their crops. There are 3 egocentric actors in the Haranggaol area. They are collectors (entrepreneurs/farmers who own capital), namely the Rohakinian group, the Siharo group, and the Paimaham group. Through these three egocentric actors, a social network is formed with several alters. Based on the qualitative approach with use Ucinet software, the mapping of their social networks can be seen as follows: alter actors connected to the Rohakinian group are 12 farmers in the group and 2 farmers outside the group with a density of 0.033. There are 27 alter actors connected to the Siharo group, 21 from the group and 6 from outside the group with a density of 0.014. There are 27 alter actors connected to the Paimaham group, namely 36 farmers from their groups and 10 farmers outside the group with a density of 0.005. The social networks that occur between these actors are intertwined due to the existence of kinship relationships, family or close friends who know each other among them. The relationship between family, family or close friends built with mutual trust make this network integrated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-180
Henry Kerger

Abstract The subject of this article points beyond a purely literary or literary-historical approach. The question is, whether and how a human being is able to change the (social) conditions of their life by changing himself through transition into another form of existence. In order to overcome established (social) conditions and one’s self, it is necessary to begin with a vision, a utopian dream. Those who pursue the utopian dream of overcoming their current (social) conditions must acknowledge their own good and evil, that is, their position vis-à-vis equality and justice, law and morality. The person itself, and its personality, is revealed in the relation between the utopia of changing its current way of life and its social reality. The ultimate question is: what is the essence of humanity, the ecce homo? Both the transition into a new form of being and the utopian dream differ decisively in Don Quixote and Zarathustra. It is not my concern to compare them as literary figures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-356
Lilit Biati ◽  
Ridwan ◽  
Arif Hariyanto

the use of plastics can provide convenience and practicality, plastic also has a particularly bad impact on the environment. Plastics contain artificial inorganic materials which are composed of chemicals that are dangerous enough for the environment. This waste of plastic is very difficult to decompose naturally. To decompose plastic waste itself, it takes approximately 80 years to completely degrade. Currently the government is increasingly active in providing awareness to the public to reduce the use of plastics in life, then providing teaching on how to treat plastic waste into goods that are beneficial to life. Participatory action research has three word elements, all of which have a connection between Participation, Action and Research. In the process of carrying out social change for the better, it must involve all levels of society who are the object or target as well as the subject where the social change must be carried out. utilization of organic waste which can be used as various kinds of valuable creativity and has a selling price that can improve the community's economy, and also make the environment clean and healthy. Making society in a harmonious and peaceful environment. There won't be any problems. The village will be safe and secure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Rizki Nurislaminingsih ◽  
Roro Isyawati Permata Ganggi

Rumah Baca Apung located in Tambak Lorok Village is a valuable asset belonging to the community that can be used as meeting hall and village library. In fact Rumah Baca Apung has not been utilized optimally in accordance with the function and purpose of building a library. Based on preliminary observations of the researchers, can be knew that the location is more often used as a place for discussion by the local people.Therefore, this study aims to further study the utilization of Rumah Baca Apung and the reasons behind the utilization. This research uses qualitative approach of case study with using data collection technique through interview, documentation study, and observation. The results of this study show that the use of Rumah Baca Apung has not been based on the function of education, research and preservation function of a library. Rumah Baca Apung also has not been used as a place to increase reading habit. Rumah Baca Apung is now used as a place of recreation, a place to discuss, socialize and counsel for the local people. The utilization of Rumah Baca Apung which has not yet represented the function of the village library is due to the limited quantity and quality of the collection books, the lack of educative games equipment, and the absence of learning companion teacher as a volunteer for the coastal children of Tambak Lorok.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Komang Marta Wira Miharja . ◽  
Dr.Drs.I Ketut Sudita, M.Si . ◽  
Drs. Gede Eka Harsana Koriawan, M.Erg .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang: (1) Bahan dan alat yang digunakan dalam membuat karya seni kayu di Desa Busungbiu Kecamatan Busungbiu, Kabupaten Buleleng. (2)Proses pengolahan akar kayu di Desa Busungbiu, Kecamatan Busungbiu,Kabupaten Buleleng (3)Bentuk karya seni akar kayu di Desa Busungbiu, Kecamatan Busungbiu, Kabupaten Buleleng. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah pemilik dan pengrajin kayu di Desa Busungbiu , Kecamatan Busungbiu, Kabupaten Buleleng. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik, observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dan kepustakaan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) analisis domain dan (2) analisis taksonomi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Bahan yang di gunakan dalam Pembuatan Karya Seni Kayu yaitu bahan baku akar kayu : akar kayu jati, akar kayu intaran, akar kayu mangga, akar kayu jabon. Bahan penunjang: Kapur. Alat yang digunakan dalam pembuatan karya seni akar kayu, antara lain : Gergaji mesin, mesin gerinda, cekrek (mata gerinda berupa pahat), mata gerinda amplas. (2) Proses pembuatan Karya Seni Kayu diawali dengan proses menentukan bahan, proses pembuatan sketsa, proses pembentukan global, proses pembentukan dan mencoak. (3) Bentuk karya seni :bentuk kontemporer mengikuti bentuk akar kayu yang di gunakan dalam bentuk abstrak yang menyerupai angka 69, bentuk hati, bentuk tribal, bentuk termbu karang, bentuk daun, bentuk angka 88. Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: karya seni , akar kayu, seni rupa This research aims to obtain information about: (1) the ingredients and the tools used to create the works of art the wood in the village of Busungbiu Busungbiu, Buleleng Regency. (2)processing the root of the wood in the village of Busungbiu, Busungbiu,Buleleng Regency (3)form of the works of art the root of the wood in the village of Busungbiu, Busungbiu, Buleleng Regency. This research is a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The subject of this research is the owner and craftsmen art wood in the village of Busungbiu , Busungbiu, Buleleng Regency. Data Collection in this research done with the technique, observation, interview, documentation, and literature. The instrument used is (1) the instrument of observation, interview instrument, instruments documentation and bibliographical instruments. Analysis of the data used is (1) domain analysis and (2) taxonomy analysis. The results of this research are: (1) the material in use in the making of the Art Works wood namely raw wood root : root teak wood intaran, roots, root wood, mango wood jabon roots. Support materials: chalk. The tools used in the making of the art works root wood, among others : Saws, machine grinding machine, cekrek (eyes grinding in the form of sculpture), the eyes of the grinding abrasives, . (2) the process of making the Art Works wood begins with the process of determining the ingredients, making process of etching, the process of the formation of a global process of formation and mencoak. (3) the form of the art works wood, contemporary form follow the root form of wood in use in the form of abstract that resembles the number 69, the form of the heart, the form of tribal, form termbu coral reefs, leaf structure, Numbers 88. keyword : Key Words: art work , the root wood, art

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
Agung Sri Sulistyawati ◽  
Ida Ayu Trisna Eka Putri ◽  
Fanny Maharani Suarka ◽  
Putu Ratih Pertiwi

Tista Tourism Village is the developing tourist village, that located at Kerambitan Village, Tabanan Regency. The purpose of this community service is to deliver the understanding and skills, improving for Tista community in playing an active role and participation in preparation of local lodging (homestay) along with supporting facilities to provide security and comfort when tourists stay and can increase tourists length of stay at Tista Tourism Village to enjoy various tourism products and tour packages in Tista Village in support of development and management of Tista Tourism Village, so as to provide economic benefits in directly to the Tista Village community. The devotion technique that is giving counseling to the tista village community which was attended by the village head, the chairman of pokdarwis, the manager of the tourist village and the community, the subject that presented about the homestay to be clean, confortable, and the availability of clean water. Homestay is prepared to be the main accommodation alternative for tourists whotakes the vacation at Tista Wisata Village. But about the cleanliness, is still a shortcoming that must be addressed. Not only homestay, a number of tourist destinations that are intended to attract tourists, should provide the widest information to tourists and maintain the cleanliness of the surrounding environment. All parties must be involved in fixing the existing shortcomings, because to increase tourism requires a high awareness, ie the community will be involved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Yolanda Stepy ◽  
Firman Firman

This study aimed to describe the social capital of the community in developing educational facilities in SD Negeri 005 State Petapahan Jaya, Kampar District. With the reality of a heterogeneous population inhabited by self-employed trans-migrants consisting of Sundanese, Batak, Minang, Malay, and Javanese. Economically the village had developed significantly, especially since the opening of the Palm Oil plantation. This research used a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through observation, interviews and document use. Data analysis techniques used in this study are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that there were three elements of community social capital in developing educational facilities in SD Negeri 005 Petapahan Jaya, Kampar Regency: (1) Social Networking, in the form of community participation and solidarity (2) Trust in the form of honesty and cooperation (3) The existence of norms that jointly owned.

Titin Listiyani

Keberadaan Kelenteng Ban Eng Bio yang terletak di tengah-tengah pemukiman penduduk Tionghoa dan non Tionghoa yang berbeda agama banyak membawa pengaruh. Salah satunya adalah dalam pelaksanaan ritual yang dilakukan di Kelenteng. Pelaksanaan ritual di Kelenteng tidak hanya melibatkan masyarakat Tionghoa yang berada di sekitar Kelenteng, tetapi juga masyarakat non Tionghoa yang berada di sekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji bagaimana pelaksanaan ritual yang dilakukan di Kelenteng Ban Eng Bio dalam membentuk solidaritas sosial, serta bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat Tionghoa dan non Tionghoa sekitar Kelenteng dalam ritual di Kelenteng Ban Eng Bio terhadap upaya pengembangan integrasi sosial. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan ritual yang dilakukan di Kelenteng melibatkan masyarakat Tionghoa dan non Tionghoa baik sebagai pendukung, pengaman maupun penonton, sehingga terjadi suatu solidaritas sosial diantara mereka. Partisipasi masyarakat non Tionghoa dan Tionghoa dapat meningkatkan integrasi sosial masyarakat khususnya di Desa Adiwerna. Keterlibatan masyarakat sekitar kelenteng khususnya masyarakat non Tionghoa dalam ritual masyarakat Tionghoa diupayakan tidak mengarah pada terjadinya percampuran agama yang dianggap bisa menumbuhkan masalah baru dalam hubungan antar umat beragama.The location of Ban Eng Bio temple in the middle of the Chinese and non-Chinese residences , with different religious backgrounds, brings many influences. One of them is the influence on the rituals performed in the temple. The implementation of the ritual in the temple does not only involve the Chinese community around the temple, but also non-Chinese communities in the surrounding areas. The objective of this reasearch is to study how rituals performed at the Ban Eng Bio temple  and the participation of non-Chinese and Chinese communities around the temple forms solidarity and social integration. The methods of research is a qualitative approach and data was collected through observation, interview and documentation. The research reveals that the rituals done in the temple involve non-Chinese and Chinese communities either as supporters, workers, or viewers, resulting in the strengthening of social solidarity among them. The participation of non-Chinese and Chinese society also improves the social integration of people, especially in the Village  of Adiwerna. The involvement of communities around the temples, especially non-Chinese people in Chinese society ritual does not lead into the mixing of religion because it can grow a new problem in inter-religious relations.

Media Wisata ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Hardi Wahyuno

Since the tourist arrives at the location as a rural marketplace, they will get soon their gaze, as they watch some products. These products include location, price, service, facilities, images, in the dynamic of the development of the local people. The local people are considered to be suppliers of the product, as seen in the tourism point of view. The basic point of view of the tourist is the romanticism and nostalgia is experienced at the location and it’s relation with the tourist capacity and capability to understand some associations of the products, as products are categorized and branded, underneath they are the controlled as well as the tourist understand the meaning of the symbols locally, in the form of cultural goods. This case raises up some tourism consideration which this will be studied in the field of comparative rural tourism, heritage tourism. The tourists have their own criteria in understanding people‘s way of life, development, condition, in their locality and in the other hand is the people, the way they understand the tourists’ needs and wants. The relation between local people and tourists attitude is in this contact, communicates the ongoing matter of tourism. The attitude of the local people in the tourist village in Chandran, they are the creator of their heritage. The heritage has a role for them, because its value, in several degrees, is correlatively connected with local history, culture, and nature. This is important to understand local heritage tourism. Diversity of the dynamic rtelation between the village and the city in the tourisme context is significant and it’s difference is understood. The village, it’s self, in the tourisme context, stengthens the destination of Jogjakarta by producing the tourist village in the setting of rural tourisme, heritage tourisme. Tourist needs and wants of the rural as product (tangible-intangible) to consume , the local people make some supplies as attraction, acces includes catergorical and brand, where the product : tourist village is typical and specific, valueable, increases the power of attraction , because of it’s content, where people respons to challenge in their locality at location. The location (historicval, cultural, natural aspect) can increase tourist’s motivation, inisiate the pulled factor, and forme the heritage tourisme, rural tourisme.The role of the people, in their every day life, is as induvidual or collective local actor, they do, they create heritage for them, they expresse visually, in their attitude toward tourist (performence), as well as their attitude is focused at the rural museum. The people acts as cultural model, authentic, fixing up the proses of consumption (economics). The product to consume is attached with it’s association and it’s symbolic meaning (cultural). The Museum Tani Jawa Indonesia in Candran increase the selling value of it’s locality and try to fit with the standard expectation toward the global standar as this is the matter of the field in the comparative rural, heritage tourisme.

Nádia De Sousa Silva ◽  
Geisa Flores Mendes

RESUMO:O artigo busca refletir sobre o significado da produção, comercialização e consumo dos produtos derivados da mandioca na memória social dos grupos familiares residentes no espaço rural do Povoado de Boa Vista da Tapera no munícipio de Encruzilhada, Bahia.  O estudo se ancora em uma abordagem qualitativa e se fundamenta em levantamentos teóricos sobre o tema além de pesquisas documentais e de campo com realização de entrevistas e registros iconográficos. Os resultados permitem afirmar que a produção da farinha de mandioca na localidade em questão se constitui em um elemento importante no processo de construção identitária com o lugar possibilitando, também, a reprodução social de muitas famílias da comunidade.Palavras-chave: Lugar; Mandioca; Memória Social. ABSTRACT:The article seeks to reflect on the meaning of production, marketing and consumption of products derived from manioc in the social memory of family groups residing in rural áreas of the village of Boa Vista da Tapera in the Municipality of Encruzilhada, Bahia. The study is anchored in a qualitative approach and is based on theoretical studies on the subject as well as documentary and field surveys with interviews and iconographic records. The results allow to affirm that the production of manioc flour in the locality constitutes an important element in the process of identity construction with the place and with the territory enabling, also, the social reproduction of many families in the community.Keywords: Place; Manioc; Social Memory.

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