scholarly journals Tinjauan Tiga Desain Kaus Khas Tegal

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 25-41
Sudjadi Tjipto Rahardjo ◽  
Lintang Woro Hayuningsih

AbstrakBanyaknya perantau asal Tegal menjadi ide awal bagi produsen kaus di Tegal untuk memproduksi kaus dengan tema khas Tegal yang ditujukan sebagai sarana pelepas rindu kampung halaman. Kaus tersebut juga ditujukan sebagai simbol identitas kedaerahan serta bentuk rasa bangga pada budaya lokal. Penelitian ini mengambil objek tiga desain kaus khas Tegal yaitu Kaus “Galgil”, Kaus “Tegal”, dan Kaus “Kepriben”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui desain kaus khas Tegal jika ditinjau dari penggunaan warna, ilustrasi, tipografi, dan layout serta untuk mengetahui ciri khas dari desain kaus tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara. Kemudian metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data komponensial. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan fakta bahwa mayoritas konsep desain kaus khas Tegal lebih menonjolkan kata-kata serta istilah dalam bahasa Tegal sehingga desain-desainnya lebih banyak berupa permainan tipografi serta minim penggunaan ilustrasi. Kata kunci: kaus, Tegal, desain komunikasi visual, identitas lokal AbstractThe high numbers of nomans with Tegal origin initiated the idea for the T-shirts producers to design T-shits with particular themes. The T-shirt is also designated as a symbol of a regional identity and a form of pride to the local culture. This research took three Tegal typical T-shirt as the objects namely Galgil Tshirt, Kaus Tegal, and Kepriben T-shirt. The purpose of this research is to know Tegal typical T-shirt design when viewed from the use of colours, illustrations, typography, and layouts, as well as to know the characteristics of the T-shirt design. This research is using qualitative approaches while the source data analized were obtained by observation and interviews. The data analysis method used is componential analysis techniques. The research found fact that the majority of Tegal typical T-shirt design concept are more prominent to words and terms of Tegal languages therefore the designs are more in the form of playing typography and minimal use of illustrations.  Keyword: T-shirt, Tegal, Visual Communication Design, Local Identity

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 103-120
Sudjadi Tjipto Rahardjo ◽  
Rossa Dyana Pramusita

AbstrakKemasan pada saat ini telah mengalami penambahan fungsi dimana kemasan tidak lagi sekedar untuk melindungi dan sebagai wadah, tetapi juga berfungsi sebagai media promosi serta komunikasi sebuah produk. Kini desain kemasan telah menjadi bagian penting dalam proses pemasaran. Penelitian ini mengambil objek kajian kemasan Roti Murni di Yogyakarta yang sudah lama tidak mengalami perubahan desain kemasannya. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui latar belakang desain kemasan Roti Murni yang sudah lama tidak mengalami perubahan dan meninjau kemasan kardus Roti Murni dengan teori kemasan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Metodologi penelitian kualitatif digunakan dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Data penelitian kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis komponensial menggunakan teori warna, bentuk, ilustrasi, tipografi, dan tata letak menurut Desain Komunikasi Visual. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan fakta yang menarik bahwa kemasan Roti Murni tidak berubah karena perusahaan tidak memiliki desainer kemasan, dan desain kemasannya tidak secara keseluruhan sesuai dengan teori DKV. Kata kunci: Kemasan, Roti Murni, Tampilan Visual, Yogyakarta  AbstractPackaging at this time is indicating to have some additional functions where the packaging is no longer simply to protect or just as a container of a product inside, but also serves as a media campaign of a product inside. Packaging design then has become an important part of the marketing process. The object of this study is the packaging design used by “Roti Murni”, one of bakery companies in Yogyakarta. The packaging design used by “Roti Murni” has been known that it has not been changed since long time ago. The purpose of the study is to determine the background of “Roti Murni” packaging design that has not changed and to review the design of the packaging with the theory of Visual Communication Design. This study is using qualitative research methodology, while the source data analized were obtained by observation and interviews. Data were analyzed with componential analysis techniques using the theory of color, shape, illustration, typography, and layout in Visual Communication Design. The research found an interesting fact that the packaging of “Roti Murni” has not changed since the company does not have packaging designers, and the overall packaging design itself was not designed by using the theory of Visual Communication Design. Keywords: Packaging, Murni Bakery, Visual Review, Yogyakarta

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-79
Faizatur Rofi'ah

The proliferation of the corona virus affects all aspects of life, including education. This led to a revolution in the learning from conventional to digital. The purpose of this study is to 1) describe the general review of learning in mathematics and; 2) analyzing the alternatives to the learning revolution in mathematics with the physical policy of physical distancing. This research uses type of reference research. The validity test uses source data triangulation. Data validity obtained with various sources and extensions. Data analysis techniques use constant methods of comparison. The result of this article, which is 1) in general, math learning has been more conventional (face to face) and; 2) there is an alternative to math related to physical distancing, which is online/long-distance learning by making good use of accessible applications through Internet service. Online math learning by giving both a learning video, the settings are as interesting as possible, online discussions, and assessments through online quizzes.

2015 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-38
Luisya Kamagi

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memahami secara komprehensif nilai-nilai humaniora dalam antologi puisi "Blues untuk Bonnie" karya WS Rendra. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan studi pustaka, dan teknik analisis data dengan analisis isi melalui kajian struktural semiotik. Hasil penelitian yakni antologi puisi Blues untuk Bonnie karya WS Rendra mengandung nilai-nilai humaniora yang terlihat melalui tanda-tanda semiotik berupa moralitas, simpati, empati, kasih sayang, kepedulian, kerjasama, dan toleransi. Temuan penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa masih banyak jenis-jenis karya sastra yang dapat dijadikan objek kajian dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan yang berbeda untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai pendidikan terutama pendidikan karakter bagi siswa dan mahasiswa. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi terhadap pengajaran sastra di sekolah lanjutan sampai perguruan tinggi dalam bentuk penyusunan bahan ajar atau pengembangan model pembelajaran apresiasi sastra sebagai alternatif pemecahan masalah pendidikan karater bangsa. Kata Kunci: Nilai-nilai humaniora, antologi puisi, kajian struktural semiotik Abstract The objective of this research is to understand comprehensively the humanities values in antology of poetry "Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra. The research used content analysis method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are used library study and data analysis techniques with content analysis through the study of structuralism semiotic. The result was the antology of poetry 'Blues for Bonnie" by WS Rendra contains humanities values seen through semiotic signs are morality, symphaty, empbaty, love, care, togetherness, and tolerant. The findings lead to the recomendation that there are still many kinds of literary works which can be the object of research by using different approaches for investigating education characters! values for students. This finding implicates to literary instruction in schools to universities in forms of teaching materials or literary appreciation instruction as one of the alternative problem solving of the nation character education. Keywords: humanity values, poetry antology, structuralism semiotic research

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-78
Winny Gunarti Widya Wardani ◽  
Ahmad Faiz Muntazori

Islam as a religion of da'wah has obliged every Muslim to play a role in spreading the truth of the Qur'an. In the era of information technology like today, the spread of Islamic teachings can be done in various ways, including through memes. For millennials who are proficient with technology, Islamic memes are an alternative media for da'wah. This is due to the power of memes in conveying messages through image visualization and humour-style text. Islamic memes are generally distributed via the internet and messaging applications on smartphones. Most Islamic memes are designed using illustration styles. To understand the visual language of memes, this study formulates the question: how to read visual signs in Islamic memes as da'wah media, because the types of da'wah in memes are not only in the form of written text but also in the form of images? This study uses a combination method, which combines quantitative and qualitative approaches. Quantitatively, this study collects data about the views of the millennial generation on the attractiveness of illustration-style Islamic memes. Whereas qualitatively, an analysis of samples of illustration-style Islamic memes uses semiotic theory to see the structure of design elements as the visual language of da’wah messages. The results of this study are expected to be a reference for the scientific field of visual communication design, as well as encourage the creation of more productive and communicative Islamic memes as da'wah media for millennial generations.

Panggung ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
Sumbo Tinarbuko

ABSTRACT This article uses qualitative  research method by describing, interpretating,  and explaining the  connotation  meaning  of public  service  advertisingLater   on it is classified  based on  the sociolinguistics,  pragmatics, visual communication  design, and semiotics theory.The method of semiotics  visual  communication  analysis  is also used as an analysis method for verbal and visual  data. It is used as one of public service advertising  reading  methods do to the tendency to see things,  such as art, culture, social, visual communication design, and public service advertising  as the phenomenon  of language  and sign.It is important to understand the semiotics of visual  communication  theory, because it can be used to enlarging  the imagination,   insight, and  knowledge about  the importance  of under- standing  semiotics  of visual communication,  both on the creation  and designing public service advertising  process or process  of reviewing  the public service advertising object. Practically,  it gives a positive adventage for the advertising  practitioners  or students    at the Department  of Advertising and Visual Communication Design. Keywords: sign, code and meaning  of public service advertising,  semiotics  of visual  communica- tion, verbal message and visual message     ABSTRAK  Tulisan ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan cara mendeskripsikan, menginterpretasikan, dan menerangkan makna konotasi iklan layanan masyarakat yang kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan pada bangunan teori sosiolinguistik, teori pragmatik, teori desain komunikasi visual, dan teori semiotika.Metode analisis semiotika komunikasi visual juga dimanfaatkan sebagai metode analisis data verbal dan data visual, sebagai salah satu metode pembacaan Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) akibat adanya kecenderungan untuk memandang berbagai hal, seperti seni, budaya, sosial, desain komunikasi visual, dan ILM sebagai fenomena bahasa dan tanda.Penguasaan teori semiotika komunikasi visual ini penting karena dapat digunakan sebagai bahan referensi verbal dan visual bagi khalayak untuk memperluas imajinasi, wawasan, dan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya memahami semiotika komunikasi vi- sual baik dalam proses penciptaan dan perancangan iklan layanan masyarakat maupun proses mengkaji objek iklan layanan masyarakat. Secara praktikal memberikan manfaat yang positif baik bagi praktisi periklanan dan biro iklan pada umumnya maupun civitas akademika Jurusan Periklanan dan Desain Komunikasi Visual pada khususnya. Kata kunci: tanda, kode dan makna iklan layanan masyarakat, semiotika komunikasi visual, pesan verbal, dan pesan visual

Nurhadi Nurhadi

This study aims to determine the rational fiqh about zakat and grants in the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law (KHES). This research method uses a qualitative concept, with a normative juridical approach in concreto and legal synchronization, while the Risert library research type (literature) and data analysis techniques use the contents analysis method with the benefit of measuring instruments. The result is that zakat and grants have an important role in life berketuhanan, community and state, in the science of fiqh propulsion has maqashid hifzu al-Maal (memlihara treasure) for the sanctity of property, the soul also keep the despicable nature for the benefit of the afterlife, so that the sacred property of property other people. Zakat and grants are compulsory logging and circumcision, both of which are dimensions of good deeds, namely the dimensions of worship, social and economic. Awareness of the ummah in performing zakat, as well as the idolatry that is given to the authorized institution to manage and distribute it, while implementing regulations as a provision in accordance with KHES Article 684 that the State has the right to withdraw zakat and penalties for people who are reluctant to pay zakat, this can improve economic welfare the ummah and significantly reduce poverty.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-122
Yun Fitriano ◽  
Okta Septiarani

The purposes of this research is to determine the effect of return for (mudharabah muthlaqah) an the growth of third party funds in Bank Syariah Mandiri. The data used are secondary data in the form of Bank Syariah Mandiri financing report from January 2017 until December 2017 which is taken through the official website of Bank Syariah Mandiri. Data analysis techniques using simple linier regression analysis method with computer program SPSS Version 21.0. this research concludes that the effect of return (mudharabah muthlaqah) is a variable that has a bis influence on the growth of third party funds in Bank Syariah Mandiri. Return on profit sharing (mudharabah muthlaqah) affects third party fund growth of 63,9 %.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-58
Raflis Raflis ◽  
Juni Rahmat Zai

The problem in this thesis is figurative language in Shakespeare's poetry. The reason for choosing the figurative language in William Shakespeare's poetry is because all of his works contain many literary qualities, which are figurative and each of these poems has a beautiful story that is translated into a beautiful figurative form.The purpose of this study is to analyze types of figurative language, figurative language formulas, and figurative language functions in Shakespeare's poetry. In this writing, library research is taken as a data collection method. As for the data analysis method, the researcher describes literary work as a not-based structure that forms it as an internal factor of literature. Data collection techniques use documentation techniques to find data relevant to the research. In data analysis techniques, the author uses a formalist approach, all elements needed to understand the work contained in the work itself. The main purpose for formalist criticism is to determine how elements in Shakespeare's poetry work together with text content to form meaning to the reader.The findings in this thesis are: 1) figurative language in Shakespeare's poetry can be divided into simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, and repetition. Simile can be found in Madrigal poetry; Metaphorical figurative languages ​​can be found in four Shakespearean poems, A Fairy Song, Song Bridal, Dirge, and Sonnet 116; personification can be found in two poems Shakespeare, A Madrigal and Dirge; hyperbole can be seen A Fairy Song, Dirge, and Sonnet 116; and Repetition can be seen in three poems of Shakespeare, A Fairy Song, A Madrigal, and Dirge.

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