online quizzes
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 937
Amira Eza Febrian Putri ◽  
Aiga Ventivani ◽  
Okti Rjeky ◽  
Sunarti Sunarti

ABSTRAKUpaya pendidik dalam memenuhi tuntutan pendidikan abad 21 saat ini telah menghadapi tantangan berat yaitu adanya pandemi. Pola pembelajaran yang biasanya dilakukan secara tatap muka, mau tidak mau kini harus berjalan dengan cara daring. Ketidaksiapan ini menimbulkan berbagai masalah yang ditemukan di lapangan antara lain ketidaktercapaian tujuan pembelajaran, kesulitan penyampaian materi pembelajaran, kurangnya interaksi dengan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, kualitas pemberdayaan sarana dan elemen dalam pembelajaran yang terbatas, terbatasnya pengetahuan tentang penggunaan media yang sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini. Sedangkan dari prespektif siswa, terdapat masalah yang sering dihadapi ketika pembelajaran daring yaitu siswa merasa jenuh karena pembelajaran  dan penugasan yang monoton, tagihan tugas yang menumpuk, pembelajaran tidak semenyenangkan pembelajaran tatap muka, mengantuk karena terlalu lama menyimak penjelasan guru via online sinkron, dan sulitnya jaringan internet. Pelatihan perangcangan soal berbasis teknologi ini dilakukan sebagai upaya meningkatkan kecakapan guru terkait pembuatan aktifitas daring, khususnya tes dalam bentuk kuis online yang lebih menarik daripada sekedar penugasan manual. Adapun kegiatan dalam pengabdian berupa (1) pembelajaran daring; (2) masalah yang  terjadi dalam pembelajaran daring; (3) pembelajaran daring yang ideal; (4) pemanfaatan teknologi dalam tes dan latihan. Hasil dari kegiatan pelatihan ini menunjukkan, dengan aplikasi quizizz, proprofs, dan i spring suite guru dapat menumbuhkan minat dan motivasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Mandarin, serta tercipta pembelajaran lebih bervariasi yang belum pernah dilakukan oleh guru sebelumnya. Kata kunci: pelatihan; pembelajaran daring; guru; bahasa mandarin. ABSTRACTEducators' efforts to meet the demands of 21st century education have faced a severe challenge: pandemics. Learning patterns that are usually done face-to-face, inevitably now have to run in an online way. This unpreparedness raises various problems found in the field including inability of learning objectives, difficulty in delivering learning materials, lack of interaction with students in the learning process, quality empowerment of facilities and elements in limited learning, limited knowledge of media use in accordance with current conditions. While from the perspective of students, there are problems that are often faced when online learning is that students feel saturated because of monotonous learning and assignments, piling up assignment bills, learning is not as enjoyable as face-to-face learning, sleepiness because it is too long to listen to the teacher's explanation via online sync, and the difficulty of the internet network. This technology-based training is done as an effort to improve the skills of teachers related to the creation of online activities, especially tests in the form of online quizzes that are more interesting than just manual assignments. The activities in this training are (1) online learning; (2) problems that occur in online learning; (3) ideal online learning; (4) utilization of technology in tests and exercises. The results of this training activity showed that with quizizz applications, proprofs, and i spring suites teachers can foster interest and motivation in Mandarin language learning, as well as create more varied learning that has never been done by teachers before. Keywords: training; online learning; teacher; mandarin. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 499
Fakhriyah Fakhriyah ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini ◽  
Meitria Syahadatina Noor ◽  
Andini Octaviana Putri ◽  
Lisa Fitriani ◽  

ABSTRAKKekurangan Energi Kronik (KEK) pada remaja putri/wanita adalah suatu kondisi di mana remaja putri/wanita mengalami kekurangan gizi (kalori dan protein) yang berlangsung lama atau menahun. Berdasarkan hasil Riskesdas 2018 angka kejadian KEK pada remaja putri sebesar 33,5 %. Data Riskesdas Kalimantan Selatan angka KEK paling banyak pada kategori usia remaja (15-19 tahun)  yaitu sebanyak 41,24% pada wanita hamil dan 38,27%  pada wanita yang tidak hamil. Berdasarkan survei pendahuluan terdapat 58,3 % remaja di Kecamatan Aluh-aluh mengalami KEK. Mitra sasaran kegiatan PKM adalah siswi SMAN 1 Aluh-aluh. Berdasarkan hasil survei dan diskusi dengan mitra, ada beberapa masalah yang dihadapi oleh mitra, yaitu mereka tidak pernah melakukan pemantauan status gizi dan rendahnya pengetahuan terhadap makanan dengan gizi seimbang. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian adalah dengan memberikan edukasi remaja sadar gizi secara daring dengan cara diskusi menggunakan media ebooklet tentang gizi seimbang dan KEK. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan siswi SMAN 1  Aluh-aluh tentang gizi seimbang dan KEK. Sebanyak 62 % meningkat, 20% menurun dan 18% tetap. Rekomendasi kepada pihak sekolah adalah melaksanakan kegiatan edukasi tentang gizi seimbang dan KEK secara berkala untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja dan dapat mengaplikasikannya dalam rangka mencegah terjadi KEK. Kata kunci: edukasi; pemberdayaan; siswi SMAN 1 Aluh-aluh; gizi seimbang; KEK; booklet.  ABSTRACTChronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in adolescent girls/women are young women/women who experience malnutrition (calories and protein) that lasts for a long time or are chronic. Based on the results of the 2018 Riskesdas, the incidence of CED in adolescent girls is 33.5%. Data from Riskesdas South Kalimantan has the highest number of CED in the category of adolescents (15-19 years) as many as 41.24% in pregnant women and 38.27% in women who are not pregnant. Based on the preliminary survey, there were 58.3% of adolescents in Aluh-aluh District experienced CED. The target partners of PKM activities are students of SMAN 1 Aluh-aluh. Based on the survey results and discussions with partners, there are several problems faced by partners, namely they have never monitored their nutritional status and have low knowledge of balanced nutrition. The method of implementing the service is to provide nutrition-aware youth education online by means of discussions using ebooklet media about balanced nutrition and CED and online quizzes about balanced nutrition. Based on the results of the evaluation, there was an increase in the knowledge of SMAN 1 Aluh-aluh students about balanced nutrition and CED. A total of 62% increased, 20% decreased and 18% remained. Recommendations to the school are to carry out educational activities about balanced nutrition and CED on a regular basis to increase adolescent knowledge and be able to apply it in order to prevent CED from occurring. Keywords: education; empowerment; students of SMAN 1 Aluh-aluh; balanced nutrition; CED; booklet.

А.И. Руденко ◽  
А.А. Николаева

Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью внедрения и развития новых методов в образовании в связи с изменением уклада жизни и новыми запросами на рынке труда. Цель статьи заключается в том, чтобы проанализировать инновационные методы обучения и его тренды, такие как “life-long learning” («непрерывное образование»), “microlearning” («микрообучение»), “flipped classroom” («перевёрнутый класс») и в рамках эмпирического исследования подтвердить необходимость их внедрения в школьное образование. Предлагается перечень Интернет-сервисов для проведения онлайн-викторин и других образовательных игр с использованием ИКТ. Подчёркивается важность формирования у школьника способности расставлять приоритеты в обучении, глубинно осознавать причины для постоянного саморазвития и самообразования, в особенности в условиях дистанционного обучения (на примере результатов опроса среди школьников 6 - 11 классов ГБОУ Школа «Марьино»). Приводятся способы повышения мотивации современного ребёнка и помощи ему в преодолении рассеянности внимания и лени, которые могут быть применены учителями или родителями. Статья предназначена для изучения проблематики школьными учителями и родителями обучающихся школ. The relevance of the article is due to the need for the introduction and development of new methods in education in connection with the changing way of life and new demands in the labor market. The purpose of the article is to analyze the innovative methods and trends in the education as “life-long learning”, “microlearning” and “flipped classroom”. The list of Internet services for conducting online quizzes and other educational games using ICT is given. The importance of forming the student’s ability to prioritize learning, to deeply understand the reasons for constant self-development and self-education, especially in the context of distance learning (based on the results of a survey among students of grades 6 - 11 of the state general education school “Maryino” School) is emphasized. The methods of increasing the motivation of the modern child and helping him to overcome distraction and laziness, which can be applied by teachers or parents, are given. The article is for school teachers and parents of school students to study this problem.

Stephen Agnew ◽  
Jane Kerr ◽  
Richard Watt

This research explored the effect of incentives to complete online quizzes during a course. When a 1% weighting incentive per quiz was removed, student engagement dropped dramatically. There is also evidence that students who continued to complete quizzes did so with less vigour, spending less time on each quiz, starting them later in the week and having fewer attempts per quiz on average. The average mark per quiz was also lower once an incentive to complete them was removed. There was no significant difference in examination performance based on how many quizzes a student continued to attempt after incentives were removed. However, a comparison to a control group of students who sat the same invigilated assessments showed that, relative to term test performance, final exam mean score was 7% lower for the cohort who had the incentive to complete online quizzes removed. This differed from the control group, who showed no difference between term test and final examination mean scores when quiz incentives were maintained for the entire course. Building on previous research, this study demonstrates that a binary variable representing engagement in online quizzes did not capture the quality of that online engagement. Implications for practice or policy: Completion of online formative assessments by students is reduced if course leaders remove small-stakes incentives. The removal of small-stakes incentives by course leaders harms student motivation and achievement. Specifically, students who complete formative online assessment without incentives have fewer attempts, start them later in the availability window, spend less time completing them and record a lower mean score than those with incentives. Average final examination achievement is lower when incentives to complete online formative assessments are removed by course leaders.

László Bognár ◽  
Tibor Fauszt ◽  
Mariann Váraljai

In today’s modern world, the pace of technological development can be con-sidered exponential. Education must constantly adapt to this dynamic devel-opment. It must be able to innovate, to use modern tools and methods that are effectively integrated into the learning process. Education should provide an appropriate learning environment to meet changing needs, one way of which is e-learning. This environment can be an excellent support for the learning process; however, it will hardly be effective without developing the right student learning attitude. The e-learning environment gives freedom and independence to the individual, at the same time. For the learner's individual endeavor to be successfully completed as expected, control and continuous feedback are needed. One way to do this is through self-quizzing. Self-quizzes, divided into units, related to the learning material, with appropriate difficulty and amount, can help to understand and engrave the processed material, and thus improve the effectiveness of learning. Self-quizzes create the opportunity for imme-diate feedback, which is a very important feature of an e-learning environ-ment. According to many scientific research, immediate feedback can greatly help maintain interest and motivation, and quizzes are suitable tools for this purpose. In our research, we sought to answer the question of how the continuous, self-monitoring practice opportunity provided by online quizzes affects stu-dent achievement. In the case of an online course held at the University of Dunaújváros in 2019, we examined whether students who continuously per-form self-quizzes will be more effective by the end of the learning process than their peers who are less receptive to independent self-quizzing. We also addressed the effect of the nature of time spent on self-reflexive quizzing on learning success.

Setiyani Setiyani

Various problems faced by teachers, students and parents when studying online during a pandemic. The teacher feels the saturation of students studying at home and completing school assignments. Therefore, there is a need for innovation in assigning tasks to be more fun and not a burden. One such innovation is using quizizz. The aim of this service is to improve teacher competence in making online evaluations through the quizizz application . The method used to carry out the service is in the form of lectures, questions and answers, and practice . This activity was attended by 19 teachers at Sadagori 1 Elementary School in Cirebon City. From the results of the community service activities, the teacher's ability to make online quizzes using quizizz increased 100%. Beginner teachers who have never used or know the Quizizz application can easily create and publish quizzes in Google Classroom. The involvement of tutors in each group really helps the teacher to practice making quizzes using quizizzes. The participants were very enthusiastic about participating in the training and hoped that this training would be sustainable.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-48
Muthi' Ikawati ◽  
Adam Hermawan ◽  
Muhammad Novrizal Abdi Sahid ◽  
Susi Ari Kristina ◽  
Ediati Sasmito

Laboratory work of Pharmaceutical Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM aims to provide skills of applying antigens, antibodies, and immunological techniques in pharmaceutical; and ideally each student should be able to perform it completely. However, the limitation of time and facilities making the learning process ineffective. An innovative learning method such as hybrid e-learning is expected to increase the learning effectiveness. Learning materials and online quizzes/discussions were uploaded and carried out using (eLisa), respectively, combined with on-site works in the laboratory. The method was evaluated by examination scores and final grades. Student participations in online quizzes increased from first to fourth quiz (average participation rate 98.86±0.87%). Compared to the conventional method applied in 2016 (n=207), the examination average score did not increase; however, the percentage of students whose score is 90-100 were higher in the hybrid e-learning. The average final grade of the hybrid e-learning was 81.43±0.70; whereas the conventional method of 2016 was 80.22±5.22. More than 80% students (n=48) expressed easiness in following courses and were satisfied with the online learning materials’ quality. Hence, the hybrid e-learning results positive effects in increasing the effectiveness of the learning process. Development of more interactive online platforms is needed to optimize the learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 96
Yunika Lestaria Ningsih ◽  
Nila Kesumawati ◽  
Putri Fitriasari ◽  
Dina Octaria ◽  
Allen Marga Retta ◽  

<p><strong><em>Abstract.</em></strong> <em>Nowadays, digital information resources are available and can be accessed easily by educators and learners. References for studying both material and evaluation instruments can also be found easily by using the search engine. One application that can be used by teachers in making digital learning evaluation instruments is the Kahoot! Application. The objectives of this activity are: (1) to introduce the Kahoot! as a learning medium, especially in making online quizzes, and (2) to improve teacher skills in using the Kahoot! application. The implementation method used in this activity is lectures, practice, and discussion. Data were collected through a training satisfaction questionnaire. The results showed that the training was run very well, and the participants were very enthusiastic. The data analysis showed that 91.38% of participants stated that this training activity could increase teachers' knowledge about the Kahoot! in learning, and 90.52% of participants stated that this training could improve teacher skills in using the Kahoot! application. </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak.</strong> <em>Pada era big data sekarang ini, sumber daya informasi digital telah tersedia dan dapat diakses dengan mudah oleh para pendidik dan pembelajar. Referensi untuk belajar baik itu materi dan instrumen evaluasi juga dapat ditemukan dengan mudah dengan menggunakan mesin pencarian Google. Salah satu aplikasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh guru atau tenaga pengajar lainnya dalam membuat instrumen evaluasi pembelajaran digital adalah aplikasi Kahoot!. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah : (1) untuk mengenalkan aplikasi Kahoot! sebagai media pembelajaran khususnya dalam membuat kuis online, dan (2) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah ceramah, praktik dan diskusi. Data dikumpulkan melalui angket kepuasan pelatihan. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan berjalan dengan lancar, dan peserta kegiatan antusias dalam mengikuti pelatihan. Dari hasil analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa 91,38% peserta kegiatan menyatakan bahwa kegiatan pelatihan ini dapat menambah pengetahuan guru tentang aplikasi Kahoot! dalam pembelajaran, dan 90,52% peserta menyatakan bahwa pelatihan ini dapat meningkatkan keterampilan guru dalam menggunakan aplikasi Kahoot!.</em></p>

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