scholarly journals Strategy of Insan Kamil in Building Green Education

Nurti Budiyanti ◽  
Asep Abdul Aziz ◽  
Mohamad Erihadiana

The reality of life illustrates the low level of human concern on environment. In fact, it undeniably promotes environmental damage nationally and globally. Therefore, the ecosystem damage in various places and regions has become a serious threat to the survival of the life of the universe. Humans are closely related to nature and they have a great responsibility to protect the universe. In regard to this issue. This article provides an overview of the ideal human strategy, namely Insan Kamil, as a means of increasing awareness of our status as ‘Abdun and our role as caliph in instilling awareness of environmental love through Green Education. This study employed a qualitative approach in the form of literature study in collecting data. The result found that Insan Kamil is considered as a human who is trying to realize his status as a servant of Allah and his role as khalifatullah who has a Divine vision to worship Allah and they also have mission in maintaining natural order and prosperity of the environment. Through the approach of spiritual education, its strategy must be applied within family, school, and community. Thus, it is clear that the strategy of this Insan Kamil is not only in the scope of formal education, but non-formal and in-formal education must also have the same objective integration in order to foster awareness of environmental love through Green Education. Keywords: Strategy of Insan Kamil, Green Educaiton

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Muhammad Candra Syahputra

Indonesia is a country that consist of various tribes, cultures, customs, religions and beliefs. This has become a special asset for the Indonesian people, but on the other hand it has also been disastrous because it can cause conflict with the another. Therefore the need to instill multicultural in people’s lives, certainly through education. Multicultural education should be taken from existing local wisdom, in here the author will take the local wisdom of Lampung which is called nemui nyimah as the basis of multicultural education in Lampung. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the literature study method, with in-depth analysis based on available data sources. The resukts of this study that the culture of nemui nyimah contained multicultural values such as sharing with guests, being friendly to guests, good manners, being generous with guests, which later could be developed in a formal education environtment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-190
Eri Subaeri Ahmad

This study aims to explore the concept of morality and Muslim personality according to the book of Akhlak Li Al-Banin. The research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study approach. The results of the document analysis show that: 1) morals of karimah include several aspects starting from morals towards Allah, morals towards the Prophet Muhammad SAW, morals towards mothers, morals towards fathers, morals towards sisters, morality towards brothers, morals towards relatives, towards assistants, morals towards people who hurt him, morals towards neighbors, morals towards teachers, and morals towards friends. 2) The factors forming the Muslim personality are internal and external factors (education), nature, taufik and guidance. 3) The Muslim personality has special characteristics both in relation to God (morals to God), relationships to apostles (morals to apostles) and relationships with fellow humans (morals to fellow humans). Akhlakul karimah is an implication for the formation of a Muslim personality who is obedient to Allah, the Apostle, and family. It is recommended that moral education in children should start early, before the character and personality of a child who is still holy is colored by environmental influences that are not necessarily parallel to religious guidance; 2) Everyone must equip himself with the Muslim personality, both through formal and non-formal education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 269-285
Kaleb Ribeiro Alho ◽  
Legila Torres Albuquerque ◽  
Paula Ribeiro

Este trabalho apresenta as ações de extensão desenvolvidas no projeto “Ensino de Astronomia com material concreto”, vinculado à Pró-Reitoria de Extensão de uma universidade pública brasileira. O projeto visou enriquecer os conhecimentos astronômicos de alunos do 5° e 6° anos do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública mediante o uso de palestras, atividades práticas e oficinas, produzidas com recursos tecnológicos audiovisuais e materiais de baixo custo. Tendo como referencial teórico a teoria da aprendizagem de Ausubel, as turmas envolvidas no projeto participaram de uma pesquisa com o objetivo de obter dados relativos ao conhecimento prévio que possuíam sobre os tópicos de Astronomia. Por meio das ações desenvolvidas, foram apresentados conceitos astronômicos aos alunos. Após as apresentações, novas coletas de dados foram realizadas com o intuito de verificar o nível de aprendizado alcançado. A análise dos dados revelou que o estágio atingido pelas crianças nem sempre está próximo do ideal da construção de uma visão conceitual e realista do universo. Porém, iniciativas extensionistas na área de ensino e divulgação da Astronomia contribuem para potencializar o interesse dos alunos por esta área de conhecimento. Em contrapartida, podem auxiliar os professores na implementação de novas práticas e metodologias para a aprendizagem desta ciência no ensino fundamental. Palavras-chave: Educação Não Formal; Práticas em Astronomia; Estratégias Metodológicas Astronomy at school: A university extension project at a school in the inland areas of Amazonas Abstract: This paper presents the extension actions developed in the project "Teaching Astronomy with concrete material," linked to the Pro-Rectory of Extension of a Brazilian public university. The project aimed to enrich the astronomical knowledge of students of the 5th and 6th years of an elementary public school through lectures, practical activities, and workshops produced with audiovisual technological resources and low-cost materials. With the theoretical framework of the theory of learning of Ausubel, the classes involved in the project participated in research aiming to obtain data related to the previous knowledge they had about astronomy topics. Through the actions developed, astronomical concepts were presented to the students. After the presentations, new data collections were performed in order to verify the level of achieved learning. Data analysis revealed that the stage reached by children is not always close to the ideal of a conceptual and realistic view of the universe. However, extensionist initiatives in teaching and disseminating astronomy contribute to enhancing students' interest in this area of knowledge. On the other hand, they can help teachers implement new practices and methodologies for learning this science in elementary school. Keywords: Non-Formal Education; Astronomy practices; Methodological Strategies

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Irpan Jamil ◽  
Ozi Setiadi

<p><strong>The politics of Muslim identity in Germany and France. </strong>Islam is a universal religion. It became a religion that grew very rapidly in Europe. Germany and France are countries in Europe affected by Islamic growth. This happens because of many factors, such as the entry of Muslim immigrants, conversion to Islam, and others. This research, firstly, comprehensively describes the concept of Islamic political identity in Germany and France. Second, analyzing it in a descriptive-substantive way to find the ideal pattern of the concept of Islamic political identity in Germany and France. This type of research is a literature study with a qualitative approach to the nature of descriptive-analytical research. This study found that the development of Islam in Germany and France was supported by policies in favor of Muslims, specifically regarding the establishment of places of worship and social and cultural relations. However, the absence of formal religious infrastructure and dealing with secularization are something that needs attention. German and French Muslims make religious ideologies and symbols, such as mosques, their political endeavors.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 147
Renata Sieiro Fernandes ◽  
Antonio Carlos Miranda ◽  
Irene Quintáns

Parte-se da ideia da cidade como campo da educação não formal. Dentre os usos e ocupações atuais do espaço público por contestação, manifestação, lazer, sob orientações políticas, étnicas, artísticas, ambientais, lúdicas, pelo público adulto, têm surgido experiências que envolvem as crianças, como sujeitos-cidadãos ativos e participativos na cidade, o que vem a constituir a experiência da cidade. O objetivo é apresentar e discutir aspectos educativos no campo da educação não formal que são desenvolvidos por meio de ações sociais e comunitárias, relacionando com o conceito de currículo e de currículo oculto no espaço da cidade. Metodologicamente, é um estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa no campo da Educação, do tipo bibliográfico e documental e descritivo e analítico quanto aos seus objetivos. Parte do levantamento de práticas nacionais de educação não formal na cidade envolvendo crianças, tendo sido selecionados 5 projetos dentro de duas categorias denominadas projetos de revitalização do espaço público e projetos de escuta das crianças, para discussão. O referencial teórico baseia-se em Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre e outros. Os dados mostram que, na ocupação dos espaços públicos, o currículo deixa de ser prescrito para ser construído pelas comunidades, na promoção das oportunidades de acesso aos bens sociais e culturais nas três dimensões em que a cidade educa: aprender da cidade, aprender na cidade, aprender a cidade. As crianças que participam dos projetos são entendidas como sujeitos sociais e públicos e que produzem cultura (não apenas a reiteram), promovendo processos de criação, reinvenção e modificação do entorno, do que é comum, das comunidades e da sociedade. Conclui-se que essa participação e as ações empreendidas dão margem a novas possibilidades de atuação no mundo, tirando os sujeitos das tiranias da intimidade.Palavras-chave: Educação não formal. Cidade educativa. Educação e cultura. Currículo.THE CITY AS A FIELD OF NON-FORMAL EDUCATION AND THE EXPERIENCES OF CHILDREN Abstract This article starts with the idea of the city as a place of non-formal education. Among the current uses and occupations of the public space for contestation, demonstration, leisure, under political, ethnic, artistic, environmental and playful orientations by the adult public, experiences have arisen that involve children as active and participative citizen subjects in the city. This is what constitutes the experience of the city. The objective is to present and discuss educational aspects in the field of non-formal education that are developed through social and community actions, relating to the concept of curriculum and hidden curriculum in the universe of the city. Methodologically, it is an exploratory study, qualitative approach in the field of Education, bibliographic and documentary type and descriptive and analytical about its objectives. Part of the survey of national practices of non-formal education in the city involving children, 5 projects were selected within two categories called projects of revitalization of public space and projects of listening to children, for discussion. The theoretical framework is based on Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre and others. The data show that, in the occupation of public spaces, the curriculum is no longer prescribed to be built by the communities, in promoting opportunities for access to social and cultural goods in the three dimensions in which the city educates: learning from the city, learning in the city , learn the city. The children who participate in the projects are understood as social and public subjects and that produce culture (not only reiterate it), promoting processes of creation, reinvention and modification of the environment, of what is common, of communities and of society. It is concluded that this participation and the actions undertaken give rise to new possibilities of action in the world, taking the subjects from the tyrannies of intimacy.Keywords: Non-formal education. Educational city. Education and culture. Curriculum.LA CIUDAD COMO CAMPO DE LA EDUCACIÓN NO FORMAL Y LAS EXPERIENCIAS DE LOS NIÑOSResumenSe parte de la idea de la ciudad como lugar de educación no formal. En el caso de los niños, como sujetos ciudadanos activos y participativos en la ciudad, entre los usos y ocupaciones actuales del espacio público por contestación, manifestación, ocio, bajo orientaciones políticas, étnicas, artísticas, ambientales, lúdicas, por el público adulto, han surgido experiencias que involucran a los niños, lo que viene a constituir la experiencia de la ciudad. El objetivo es presentar y discutir aspectos educativos en el campo de la educación no formales que se desarrollan a través de acciones sociales y comunitarias, relacionándose con el concepto de currículo y de currículo oculto en el universo de la ciudad. Metodológicamente, es un estudio exploratorio, de abordaje cualitativo en el campo de la Educación, del tipo bibliográfico y documental y descriptivo y analítico en cuanto a sus objetivos. Parte del levantamiento de prácticas nacionales de educación no formal en la ciudad que involucra a niños, se seleccionaron 5 proyectos dentro de dos categorías denominadas proyectos de revitalización del espacio público y proyectos de escucha de los niños, para discusión. El referencial teórico se basa en Trilla, Sennett, Lefebvre y otros. Los datos muestran que, en la ocupación de los espacios públicos, el currículo deja de ser prescrito para ser construido por las comunidades, en la promoción de las oportunidades de acceso a los bienes sociales y culturales en las tres dimensiones en que la ciudad educa: aprender de la ciudad, aprender en la ciudad , aprender la ciudad. Los niños que participan en los proyectos son entendidos como sujetos sociales y públicos y que producen cultura (no sólo la reiteran), promoviendo procesos de creación, reinvención y modificación del entorno, de lo que es común, de las comunidades y de la sociedad. Se concluye que esa participación y las acciones emprendidas dan lugar a nuevas posibilidades de actuación en el mundo, sacando a los sujetos de las tiranías de la intimidad.Palabras clave: Educación no formal. Ciudad educativa. Educación y cultura. Currículo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Lutvia Resta Setyawati ◽  
Anneke Sri Avhanti ◽  
Ariska Dian Novarianti

AbstractThe wealth of marine resources in Indonesia does not necessarily guarantee the welfare of the fishing community. Poor fishermen in rich seas are a negative stigma attached to our maritime world. This study aims to reveal the supporting factors of the vicious circle of poverty that ensnares fishermen in the country. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach and literature study to obtain an appropriate description of the data. The results of the study show five factors that support fishermen's poverty, including the patron-client system, the economic impact of destructive and overfishing, environmental damage, low infrastructure quality, and negative perceptions of the fishing profession.Keywords: the vicious circle of poverty, fishing community, archipelagic state.Kekayaan sumber daya kelautan di Indonesia secara faktual ternyata tidak serta-merta menjamin kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat nelayan. Nelayan miskin di laut yang kaya adalah stigma negatif yang melekat di dunia kemaritiman kita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor pendukung vicious circle of poverty yang menjerat para nelayan di tanah air. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan studi literatur untuk mendapatkan penggambaran data yang sesuai. Hasil studi menunjukkan lima faktor yang mendukung kemiskinan nelayan diantaranya adalah sistem patron-klien, dampak ekonomis dari destructive and over fishing, kerusakan lingkungan, kualitas infrastruktur yang rendah, dan persepsi negatif mengenai profesi nelayan.Kata Kunci: lingkaran setan kemiskinan, masyarakat nelayan, negara kepulauan.

Dandy Ashghor Dawudi ◽  
Kamidjan Kamidjan ◽  
Agus Sulton

This research takes the object of Sebening Syahadat by Diva SR, this work is a novel that tells the story of the journey ofa teenager named Sam who is in the process ofsearching for identity. The journey is filled with interesting twits and turns embelissed with a love story that is very suitable if consumed by the younger generation who are learning to find identit. This study aims to reveal the value motives that led Sam’s character in finding his identity, which expected to be a material for reflection for readers, especially young people who are in the process of discovering his identity, the scope of the problem in this study is to reveal the value motives that affect the character’s psyche. Sam is told to have a rascal character.The research method used in this study took a descriptive qualitative approach, data colletion used was a literature study technique with stages of reading, note taking, coding for futher analysis. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis technique.The result of the research in this research process indicate that the mental process of Sam’s character influenced by several factors, including: a. Motives in cultural factors (Situasional Factors), b. The motive for love begins with admiration for the attitude of someone who is full of noble values of character, c. The motive of curiosity and fulfillment of his needs for true value.

Endang Maruti

The research aims to uncover the symbols in the novel The Alchemist and to gain knowledge about the moral teachings in the symbol. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources in this study are words, phrases or sentences in the novel Alchemist. Data collection method is a literature study method with note taking technique. Data were analyzed using description and content analysis methods. The results showed that the novel The Alchemist contained many symbols. These symbols include: (1) wise parents, who symbolize both negative and positive things. From his appearance, parents can symbolize something bad, but behind his old age he symbolizes a knowledge that is very much and wise; (2) stones that symbolize something hard, not easily broken, and can provide clues to something; and (3) deserts or deserts which can be interpreted as symbols of drought, aridity, unattractiveness, emptiness, despair, determination for ignorance, and also as symbols of devotion.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Willyamto Sutardjo Liu

This study aims to examine consumer behavior, customer satisfaction and development strategies that can support or hinder the development of vegetarian restaurants Fortunate Coffee using SWOT analysis. Research with qualitative approach using an analytical process begins with a browse through all the data available from the following sources using literature study, internet media, interviews, and questionnaires.Findings from this study showed that a vegetarian restaurant Fortunate Coffee has many advantages that can support the development of, among other strategic place and cozy, reasonable prices, good service, taste the food was pretty good, and have the product in Samarinda recently sold in Fortunate Coffee vegetarian restaurant that is Bread Vegan. Through of the findingsstrength, weakness, opportunity, threats, then difomulasikan into the SWOT matrix and eventually found a few strategies, namely strategies SO (strength-opportunity) flavorenhancing its menu. ST Strategy (strength-threats) maintain selling prices to remain stable. WO Strategy (weakness-opportunity) held activities such as seminars vegetarian and exciting events. WT Strategy (Weakness-threats), an improvement in consumer promotions, the need for special training to waiters in service procedures, innovations in the form of home delivery.

Ari Sita Nastiti ◽  
Siti Maria Wardayati

Objective - This article is aimed to give an understanding related to the concept of Shariah Value Added (SVA) according to the ideas of several Shariah accounting researchers. Methodology/Technique - This research is written using a qualitative approach with the technique of literature study. Findings - The result shows that nowadays they're still found several weaknesses in SVA related to the definition which could possibly emerge the return of capitalism through ethics utilitarianism, the distribution of welfare is still focused on limited stakeholders and the difficulties of its application. Therefore, it needs deeper learning to find the appropriate formulation of Shariah Value Added, due to the fact that there are still a few researchers who are interested in the theoretical study of Shariah Accounting. Novelty - This article tries to give an understanding related to the concept of SVA from the theoretical study in order to be able to support the academicians to participate in deeper learning on SVA formulation which can be applied in a practical level but is still based on the Islamic values and shariah objective (maqasid al-Shari'ah 'ah). Type of Paper - Conceptual Keywords: Capitalist Economy; Islamic Theory; Islamic Value; Shariah Accounting; Shariah Enterprise Theory; Shariah Value Added

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