scholarly journals Peran Pendidikan Agama Islam terhadap Akhlakul Karimah Anak

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-190
Eri Subaeri Ahmad

This study aims to explore the concept of morality and Muslim personality according to the book of Akhlak Li Al-Banin. The research uses a qualitative approach with a literature study approach. The results of the document analysis show that: 1) morals of karimah include several aspects starting from morals towards Allah, morals towards the Prophet Muhammad SAW, morals towards mothers, morals towards fathers, morals towards sisters, morality towards brothers, morals towards relatives, towards assistants, morals towards people who hurt him, morals towards neighbors, morals towards teachers, and morals towards friends. 2) The factors forming the Muslim personality are internal and external factors (education), nature, taufik and guidance. 3) The Muslim personality has special characteristics both in relation to God (morals to God), relationships to apostles (morals to apostles) and relationships with fellow humans (morals to fellow humans). Akhlakul karimah is an implication for the formation of a Muslim personality who is obedient to Allah, the Apostle, and family. It is recommended that moral education in children should start early, before the character and personality of a child who is still holy is colored by environmental influences that are not necessarily parallel to religious guidance; 2) Everyone must equip himself with the Muslim personality, both through formal and non-formal education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sujud Sujud

Murder is an inhuman crime, where the perpetrator of the crime kills with the intention of being planned in advance because it will kill other people's lives for a specific purpose, this crime is a crime of enmity between individuals and groups so that the victim is helpless, so the police investigator reveals his identity. Carefulness is needed. The problems discussed are what are the factors causing the crime of murder and how are the efforts to overcome the crime of murder. The research method used is normative juridical research. Data collection is based on literature study, based on the results of the research that the author has done, the factors that cause murder are internal and external factors. Internal factors, namely internal factors, and external factors, namely economic, environmental, and family factors. Efforts to tackle the crime of murder, namely penal and non-penal measures, are efforts to reduce the space for movement and opportunities for the committing of crimes. The suggestion in this research is that there is a need for cooperation between legal institutions and the government through police and military officers to prevent and cope with future premeditated murder, prosecutors and judges are requested to be able to prosecute and impose the maximum possible punishment on the perpetrators of the murder guided by the Criminal Code.

Agung Suharyanto ◽  
Devi Annisa Siagian ◽  
Juanda Juanda ◽  
Supriadi Putro Panjaitan ◽  
Syafriyeni Tanjung ◽  

The perception of fishermen about formal education is influenced by various factors, both internal and external factors. The perception someone has is different from the perception of others. Based on this the researcher in this case found that the views of parents of children's education in Hamlet 14 Village Paluh Kurau Kec. Silver Overlay Kab. Deli Serdang varies. From the data obtained from the parents in Dusun 14 Desa Paluh Kurau Kec. Silver Overlay Kab. Deli Serdang said that, firstly education is important, they always tell and do not forbid their children to go to school, it's just that sometimes their children do not want to go to school. Second, parents are still more concerned with the economy, it is evidenced by how to include children in terms of making a living. This happens because parents have experienced it from previous generations. This situation is in perparah with the behavior of children in line with the old opinion where the school was not so important.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ahmad Thoharul Anwar

<p><em><span lang="IN">The purpose of this study is to know the management of productive zakat for the economic empowerment of society in LAZISNU Kudus. This study uses a qualitative approach and is described descriptively. Data collection techniques used interviews, observation, and documentation. While data analysis using data reduction, data display and verification. From the results of the study concluded that the management of productive zakat funds conducted by LAZISNU Kudus using the stages in management science. The steps in the empowerment of productive zakat by LAZISNU Kudus include data collection, supervision and supervision. There are two obstacles facing LAZISNU, internal and external factors. Among the internal factors are limited funds provided, lack of coordination, lack of adequate human resources and administrative management that is still traditional. While external factors include is still a lot of muzakki who pay zakat outside amil institutions and mustahik less know management business.</span></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-33
David Setiawan ◽  
Jonathan Hizkia Hosea Salendur

This article aims to look at the self-concept that is formed in Christian youth today with the lively development of TikTok social media. Informing a positive self-concept of young people, external factors are very influential. Of the many studies that have been conducted, many have found that a positive self-concept is influenced by the TikTok social media application for TikTokers. Based on these facts, it is necessary to conduct research on the causes of positive self-concept for today's youth, especially Christian youth. Through descriptive qualitative research with a literature study approach and field surveys, it can describe the causes of positive self-concept TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan Tawangmangu to be implemented for today's Christian youth. From this research, it was found that the positive self-concept of TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan is not affected by TikTok social media, but because TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan Tawangmangu is young people who have accepted Christ and live life to be like Christ.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Dadang Kurnia ◽  
Ani Nur Aeni

Cases of bullying among elementary school students are high, therefore need to get attention. This study reveals an indication of physical bullying that occurs in elementary students and its implications for moral education according to the guidance of Religion. The method used is survey and literature study with qualitative approach. Participants involved a number of 55 elementary school teachers in the Cirebon region, including districts and cities. The results showed that 1) almost half of the physical bullying indication occurred in primary school with the highest percentage is in punching and pinching behavior, while the smallest percentage of the strangling behavior, 2) moral education can be a therapy to change the bad behavior of physical bullying and can be used as an effort to prevent. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Supandi Supandi

The subject of the study in this study are: 1) The form of the problems caused in providing maple PAI reinforcement conducted by the teacher, 2) How to overcome the problems faced by the teacher in providing PAI map reinforcement. This study uses a qualitative approach, with a type of descriptive data analysis. This data collection is obtained through interviews, observation and documentation analysis. The informants from this study were principals, teachers and some students in the research location. The technique used to check data credibility is the extension of the presence of researchers and in-depth observation and triagulation. The results show that the problems caused in providing reinforcement are a) learning methods that are considered less varied by the teachers, b) learning media that are considered to be less qualified, c) internal and external factors of students which are the problems of PBM's success, d) Uneven human and natural resource problems. Whereas ways to overcome these problems include: a) including MGMP program teachers, b) Making maximum use of learning media, c) Conducting good communication networks for all parties, d) Pairing between the smart and the less intelligent.

Muhamad Murtadlo

AbstractMadrasah in some Southeast Asian countries have a unique position, besides being as a place of teaching and educating Islam, it also performs the function of formal education. This study will examine the position of madrasah in one of the Southeast Asian countries, namely the Philippines. Madrasah in the Philippines was initially considered as part of the seeding the idea of separatist Moro people who want to separate from the Philippines. This research was conducted by literature study approach, with the aim of tracing the history and treatment of the Philippines government to this kind of educational institutions. The results showed that the Philippine government has started to accommodate madrasah in their national education system.AbstrakMadrasah di beberapa negara Asia Tenggara mempunyai posisi unik, di samping sebagai tempat pengajaran dan pendidikan agama Islam lembaga ini ternyata juga menjalankan fungsi pendidikan formal. Penelitian ini ingin mengkaji posisi madrasah di salah satu negara Asia Tenggara, yaitu Filipina. Madrasah di Filipina awalnya dianggap sebagai bagian dari penyemaian ide separatisme bangsa Moro yang ingin memisahkan dari Filipina. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan, dengan tujuan melacak sejarah dan perlakuan pemerintah Filipina terhadap lembaga pendidikan jenis ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah Filipina mulai mengakomodasi lembaga pendidikan madrasah dalam sistem pendidikan nasional mereka.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Hadira Latiar

Librarians are always required to adapt to the situation surrounding the library. This is influenced by internal and external factors. For this reason, librarians are required to have good skills in dealing with various situations in the library. Librarians' abilities are determined by many factors. One of them is factors that can be monitored through the logic of Bourdieu's thinking about habitus, capital, arena, and doxa-heterodoxa-orthodhoxa. On that basis, the formulation of the problem presented in this study is how is the application of Pierre Bourdieu's logic to librarians? This research is a literature study, which is supported by relevant information sources. The data analysis is done by means of interpretation. Pierre Bourdieu has the concepts of habitus, capital, arena, and doxa-heterodoxa-orthodhoxa. The results of the research conducted regarding the logic of Bourdieu's thinking show that habitus cannot be separated from the existence of librarians as individual or social human beings. Thus forming a librarian as an individual who can always adapt to various situations that develop in the library.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-97
Muhammad Candra Syahputra

Indonesia is a country that consist of various tribes, cultures, customs, religions and beliefs. This has become a special asset for the Indonesian people, but on the other hand it has also been disastrous because it can cause conflict with the another. Therefore the need to instill multicultural in people’s lives, certainly through education. Multicultural education should be taken from existing local wisdom, in here the author will take the local wisdom of Lampung which is called nemui nyimah as the basis of multicultural education in Lampung. This research uses a qualitative approach, with the literature study method, with in-depth analysis based on available data sources. The resukts of this study that the culture of nemui nyimah contained multicultural values such as sharing with guests, being friendly to guests, good manners, being generous with guests, which later could be developed in a formal education environtment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-92
Aris Setyoko ◽  
Zamrud Whidas Pratama

Abstract: Working on or how to work musically in a musical presentation or composition is an essential element. With the process of working on a musical dish, a good and quality dish will be achieved. The working process is essential to achieve the competency standard of a Javanese musical dish. In learning the practice of Javanese Karawitan, the Ethnomusicology Study Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Mulawarman University, encountered problems in the implementation of this working process. It has an impact on the lack of achievement of learning competency standards. The purpose of this paper is to describe the factors that influence the non-achievement of competency standards in learning Javanese musical practice in terms of working on Javanese karawitan. The method used is descriptive analysis. The data collection technique was done by interview, literature study, and qualitative analysis of the work. The results showed that there were internal and external factors. Internal factors include (1) differences in the cultural background of each student, (2) students have not been able to determine the direction of working on karawitan, and (3) students have not been able to determine the considerations for working on karawitan. The external factor is the learning media used, namely the incomplete Javanese gamelan instrument. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as material for evaluating learning in Javanese Karawitan practice courses.   Abstrak: Garap atau cara kerja musikal dalam sajian gending atau komposisi karawitan merupakan unsur penting. Dengan adanya proses garap pada sebuah sajian gending karawitan, akan tercapai sebuah sajian yang baik dan berkualitas. Proses garap menjadi hal yang penting untuk mencapai standar kompetensi dari sebuah sajian karawitan Jawa. Pada pembelajaran praktik Karawitan Jawa Program studi Etnomusikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Mulawarman mengalami kendala dalam pelaksanaan proses garap ini. Hal ini berdampak pada belum tercapainya standar kompetensi pembelajarannya. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tidak tercapainya standar kompetensi dalam pembelajaran praktik karawitan Jawa dalam hal garap pada karawitan Jawa. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analisis. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, studi pustaka, dan analisis garap karya secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi (1) perbedaan latar belakang budaya setiap mahasiwa, (2) mahasiswa belum bisa dalam menentukan arah garap karawitan, dan (3) mahasiswa belum bisa menentukan pertimbangan garap karawitan. Faktor eksternalnya adalah media pembelajaran yang digunakan, yaitu instrumen gamelan Jawa belum lengkap. Diharapkan dari hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi pembelajaran pada mata kuliah Praktik Karawitan Jawa.

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