2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 64-67
Meilisha Putri Pertiwi ◽  
Suci Siti Lathifah

Research on the condition of the nesting habitat of Chelonia mydas (green turtle) in Pangumbahan Beach, Ujung Genteng, South Sukabumi has been carried out. Data retrieval is done 6 times for 2 days, 27-28 November 2017 at 3 observation stations. The abiotic parameters measured include surface temperature and depth of 50 cm, surface humidity and depth of 50 cm, beach width, beach slope, and the size of sand grains. While the biotic parameters measured were density, relative density, the frequency of attendance, and distribution patterns of Pandanus tectorius (sea pandanus) vegetation. Based on the results of data processing, the biophysical conditions in Pangumbahan Beach are still suitable for the Chelonia mydas nesting habitat. It also got clear evidence of the many Chelonia mydas landings during the data collection.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Harfiandri Damanhuri ◽  
Dahelmi Dahelmi ◽  
Hafrijal Syandri ◽  
Dietriech G. Bengen

The research was conducted on three small islands of marine conservation area of West Sumatra, namely Kasiak Island, Bindalang Island and Karabak Ketek Island from January to December 2016. This research  aimed to study the variation of biophysical character of nesting habitat of green turtle (Chelonia mydas L, 1758) by survey method, measurement, observation and analysis. All data were analyzed using Main Component Analysis (PCA), Kriskal Wallis Test Analysis. Based on PCA analysis, the contribution on main character is 43.28%. These results are supported by biophysical conditions of spawning habitats for green turtles is on Karabak Ketek Island as an ideal  island of spawning sites favored by green turtles, when compared to the location of Bindalang Island and Kasiak Island habitats.Result of Kruscal Wallis analysis of Karabak Island rank; 11.90, with a chi-square value; 10.47, asymp sig value 0.005 (5% -10%). This value shows the difference between the biophysical character of the spawning habitat on the character of the coastal slope parameter (KP) is 9.60 °.This is also the ideal slope value for the sandy beach habitat (PSe) and fine sandy beaches (PHA) as the main spawning location for green turtles in West Sumatra

2020 ◽  
Vol 167 (12) ◽  
Nicole Esteban ◽  
Jeanne A. Mortimer ◽  
Holly J. Stokes ◽  
Jacques-Olivier Laloë ◽  
Richard K. F. Unsworth ◽  

AbstractTo better understand dietary requirements, trophic shifts, and trophic interactions of the threatened green turtle (Chelonia mydas), we conducted a comprehensive global review and literature tabulation (177 studies) reporting diets of individuals > 25 cm carapace length. We analysed those studies involving natural sites and healthy animals that reported relative proportions of all diet components (67 studies, 89 datasets at 75 sites, 13 geographic sub-regions, 3 oceans). We compared diets by sub-region and foraging site relative to four diet components, i.e., seagrass, macroalgae, terrestrial plants (including mangroves) and animal matter. To assess sea surface temperature (SST) as an environmental driver, values were extracted from satellite data (single year) and site-specific observations (study durations) and examined relative to diet composition. Satellite data indicated that at warmer sites with temperatures > 25 °C (≥ 6 months annually), diet was predominantly herbivorous (mean = 92.97%; SE = 9.85; n = 69 datasets). At higher latitude sites and in cold-water currents with SST < 20 °C (≥ 6 months annually), dietary animal matter featured prominently (mean = 51.47%; SE = 4.84; n = 20 datasets). Site-specific observations indicated that SST had a small but significant effect on contributions of animal matter (r2 = 0.17, P =  < 0.001) and seagrass (r2 = 0.24, P =  < 0.001) but not macroalgae and terrestrial plants. Our study presents the first quantitative evidence at a global scale that temperature may be an important driver of omnivory, providing a new perspective on variations in green turtle diet, especially in light of global warming and climate change.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Dharmadi Dharmadi ◽  
Ngurah Nyoman Wiadnyana

Chelonia mydas merupakan spesies penyu yang paling umum dari 6 spesies yang ditemukan di Indonesia. Dewasa ini, jumlah penyu hijau banyak mengalami penurunan, karena berbagai faktor seperti ada perburuan dan pengambilan telur penyu secara ilegal, serta terjadi degradasi habitat. Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari kondisi habitat peneluran dan fluktuasi jumlah penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) yang mendarat di Pulau Derawan, Kabupaten Berau-Kalimantan Timur, yang diharapkan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan bagi pengelolaan habitat penyu. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Maret dan September 2006 menggunakan metode survei dan pengamatan langsung di lapangan. Deskripsi dari habitat penyu bertelur adalah daratan luas dan landai yang terletak di atas bagian pantai dengan rata-rata kemiringan 30° serta di atas pasang surut antara 30 sampai dengan 50 m. Kondisi pantai berpasir tidak kurang dari 90% dan sisa debu maupun tanah liat dengan diameter butiran halus sampai dengan sedang. Jumlah penyu yang mendarat di Pulau Derawan 408 ekor pada tahun 2004 menurun menjadi 168 ekor pada tahun 2005. Penurunan jumlah penyu hijau (Chelonia mydas) yang mendarat di Pulau Derawan disebabkan oleh menurunnya kondisi lingkungan pantai akibat meningkatnya aktivitas masyarakat, berkurangnya kerapatan vegetasi pantai akibat abrasi, dan berkurangnya ruang tempat peneluran karena pembangunan rumah wisata di pinggir pantai di Pulau Derawan. Green turtle is a most common of six turtles species found in Indonesia. Actualy, this turtle population has much decreased, due to some factors, such as turtle hunting and turtle eggs taking illegally as well as habitat degradation occurrence. The current work studied the condition of nesting habitat and the fluctuation of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) population landed in Derawan Island, Berau District in East Kalimantan, with hope that the results are usefull as input for better management of sea turtle habitat. The study that was conducted on March and September 2006 used survey methods and direct observation in the field. Habitat description of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) shows that the area for nesting is the sandy coast of less than 30° slope, silt as well as compacted beach with small and medium grains diameter, and the difference between low and high tide is 30 to 50 cm. Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) number in the nesting area of Derawan Island was 408 individuals in 2004 and decreased to about 168 individuals in 2005. This condition might be caused by the degradation of nesting habitat environment due to the increase of human activity, decrease of coastal vegetation density by coastal abration, and decrease of nesting habitat caused by the builts of housing and resort in the coastal area of Derawan Island.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-55
Fridah D. Obare ◽  
Robert Chira ◽  
Dorcus Sigana ◽  
Andrew Wamukota

The green turtle (Chelonia mydas) is the most common sea turtle nesting along Kenya’s coastline. Varying biophysical factors influence choice of nesting sites where eggs are laid. This study was conducted between February and November 2016 and was designed to establish the relationship between numbers of C. mydas nests on the beach and biophysical variables such as vegetation cover, organic matter content (OMC), beach width, and beach slope. Multiple regression analysis was employed to assess the factors that contribute to the number of C. mydas nests on a beach. This analysis did not allow prediction of the number of nests in a statistically significant way (F (4, 26) = 0.094, p > 0.05, R = 0.120). However, there was a decrease in the number of nests with increased vegetation cover (b = - 0.013), OMC (b = - 8.114), beach width (b = - 0.089) and slope of the beach (b = - 0.352). Approximately 70% of nests occurred on beaches with medium and fine sand. Beaches with intense human activities were associated with high OMC which significantly affected the number of nests on the beach. It is therefore recommended that existing laws should be enforced to control beach development and human activities along the Kenyan coast to protect nest sites. Additionally, long term monitoring should be put in place to evaluate the impact of human disturbance on the favourable biophysical factors influencing the number of nests on a beach, as a management tool in the conservation of C. mydas. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Yorianta Sasaerila ◽  
Dewi Elfidasari ◽  
Muhammad Qeis Tsal Sabil

<p><em>Abstrak</em> - <strong>Penurunan populasi penyu hijau yang terjadi secara terus menerus dari tahun ke tahun, menyebabkan penyu termasuk dalam daftar CITES Appendiks I plus zero <em>quota of wild capture for commercial trade</em> saat ini. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan upaya konservasi yang baik untuk menjaga kelestarian penyu hijau. Salah satu proses yang penting diketahui bagi kelangsungan sirkulasi hidup penyu adalah proses bertelur. Oleh karena itu perlu diketahui </strong><strong>kondisi</strong><strong> pantai yang menjadi habitat penyu bertelur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi terhadap jenis dan struktur vegetasi, serta karakteristik habitat </strong><strong>bertelur </strong><strong>penyu hijau di kawasan konservasi penyu pangumbahan sukabumi</strong><strong>. A</strong><strong>nalisa kuantitatif </strong><strong>yang dilakukan </strong><strong>berupa penghitungan indeks nilai penting vegetasi dan analisa fisik lingkungan sekitar </strong><strong>habitat bertelur</strong><strong> penyu. Berdasarkan letak sarang telur penyu, ditemukan sebanyak 12 spesies vegetasi yang terdiri dari 4 jenis berupa pohon besar, 3 jenis berupa pohon kecil, 3 jenis berupa perdu, 3 jenis berupa herba, 1 jenis berupa semak. terdapat lebih dari 3 jenis vegetasi yang sangat penting di pangumbahan yaitu <em>Callophyllum inophyllum, Terminalia catappa, Ipoemoea pes-caprae</em>. Karakteristik fisik pantai pangumbahan juga masih mendukung proses bertelur penyu hijau. Pantai Pangumbahan memiliki rata- rata suhu 20 <sup>o</sup>C-30 <sup>o</sup>C, intensitas cahaya rendah (0) dan kecepatan angin 2,2 knots serta komposisi pasir yang sesuai.</strong></p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Kata </em></strong><strong><em>K</em></strong><strong><em>unci</em></strong><em> -</em><em> </em><em>H</em><em>abitat </em><em>B</em><em>ertelur, </em><em>P</em><em>enyu </em><em>H</em><em>ijau, </em><em>V</em><em>egetasi, </em><em>Pantai </em><em>Pangumbahan</em><em>, Karakter Fisik</em></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p><em>Abstract</em> - <strong>The decline in green turtle populations that occur continuously from year to year, causing turtles to be included in the list of CITES Appendix I plus zero quotes of wild capture for commercial trade today. Therefore it is necessary to do a good conservation efforts to maintain the sustainability of green turtles. Therefore it is necessary to know the condition of the beach that turtles laying habitat. This study aims to identify the type and structure of vegetation, as well as the green turtle nesting habitat characteristics in turtle conservation area Pangumbahan sukabumi. Quantitative analysis is done by calculating the index of vegetation important values and physical analysis of the environment around turtle nesting habitat. Based on the location of turtle egg nest, found 12 species of vegetation consisting of 4 types of large trees, 3 species of small trees, 3 types of shrubs, 3 types of herbs, 1 species of shrubs. There are more than 3 important vegetation types in pangumbahan namely Callophyllum inophyllum, Terminalia catappa, Ipoemoea pes-caprae. Physical characteristics of pangumbahan beach also still support the process of laying green turtle. Pangumbahan Beach has an average temperature of 20<sup>o</sup>C-30<sup>o</sup>C, low light intensity (0) and wind speed of 2.2 knots and suitable sand composition.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords - </em></strong><em>Habitat lay eggs, Green Turtle, Vegetation, Pangumbahan Beach, Physical Character</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Adriani Sri Nastiti Krismono ◽  
Amula Nurfiarini ◽  
Ahmad Fitrianto ◽  
Ngurah Nyoman Wiadnyana

The coastal habitat condition much influences the moving of sea turtles to coast for nesting. In West Java Province there are some potential coasts as nesting habitat of sea turtles, but it has experiencing of many damage and has not been touched yet as the protected area for sea turtle nesting habitat.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Andi Ibrahim ◽  
Djumanto Djumanto ◽  
Namastra Probosunu

Population of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) that laid their eggs in the Derawan Islands conservation area was declined due to various factors. The aim of this study was to determine the number of egg that was laid down into the nest for each green turtle parent and its correlation to shade, sandy beach width, and moon phase. The study was conducted from 24 January to 31 March 2015 in the Sangalaki Island. The observation of the broods stock was done by walking down the beach in the night to find out the broodstock that laid the eggs and counted the number. A sign was given to the nest of broodstock that finished laying the eggs. On the following day, nest excavation, egg collection, and the environmental measurement were conducted. Environmental conditions were measured include the depth of the nest, substrate temperature, the distance of the nest site to the shading trees and the border line of lowest tide. Data analysis was done descriptively by counting the number of eggs and environmental parameters. The results show that the average number of egg per nest was 97 items with the range of 45 - 127 items, the length of the carapace was 96 cm with a range of 86 - 107 cm, the average depth of the nest hole was 73 cm with a range of 56 - 87 cm. Broods stock of green turtle that laid more eggs would dig nest hole deeper, but there was no correlation between the carapace length and the number of the laid eggs. The average number of green turtle broods stock that lay eggs in the Sangalaki Island was 486 individual/ month with the range of 168 - 1085 individu/month. The west and east seasons affect the frequency of nesting and the laid eggs. The frequency of spawning occured throughout the year and the highest spawning frequency occured in August which coincides with the peak of the East Season. The frequency of spawning during the East Season was four times higher than during the West season. The frequency of green turtle landing was not affected by the lunar phase. Based on the location of laying egg, the beaches that were selected for laying egg are located in the northwest, northeast, and south parts of the Sangalaki Island. The Green turtle nests were commonly found in the vegetation shading areas (64%) than open sand areas (36%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-121
Sudiyar . ◽  
Okto Supratman ◽  
Indra Ambalika Syari

The destructive fishing feared will give a negative impact on the survival of this organism. This study aims to analyze the density of bivalves, distribution patterns, and to analyze the relationship of bivalves with environmental parameters in Tanjung Pura village. This research was conducted in March 2019. The systematic random system method was used for collecting data of bivalves. The collecting Data retrieval divided into five research stasions. The results obtained 6 types of bivalves from 3 families and the total is 115 individuals. The highest bivalve density is 4.56 ind / m², and the lowest bivalves are located at station 2,1.56 ind / m²,  The pattern of bivalve distribution in the Coastal of Tanjung Pura Village is grouping. The results of principal component analysis (PCA) showed that Anadara granosa species was positively correlated with TSS r = 0.890, Dosinia contusa, Anomalocardia squamosa, Mererix meretrix, Placamen isabellina, and Tellinella spengleri were positively correlated with currents r = 0.933.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-159
Suharyanto H Soro

Lecturer plays an important role in teaching Englishas a foreign language, in spite of the success of teaching English itself depends on the many factors, one of them is students’ participation in the English class. In the other words, the teaching of English becomes useful and more systematically when the lecturer is fully aware of the aims and values of teaching of English subject since the core principle of any teaching  is “know what you do and only do what you know”. Hence it is essential to understand the aims and values of teaching English. In linguistics study,performance and competence are different, competence is study about language rules in the abstract form or one’s capacity to use a language, while performance is the application of one’s ability in the concrete form, or the actual application of this competence in speaking or listening. Chomsky (1965:18) said that  performance is the effect or the application of competence. Further he said that clearly, the actual data of linguistic performance will provide much evidence for determining the correctness of hypotheses about underlining linguistic structure. Notice the following figure. The data collection procedures in the present study are based on classroom participant observation, student interviews, and questionnaire  are the primary sources of data collection. As a point of departure, unstructured interviews conducted with English and students to gain initial understanding of the learning English as a foreign language. This also serves as a pilot study, paving the way for designing the guidelines for the semi structured individual interviews. Notes taken in these unstructured interviews were included in the data analysis. Taking lecture involves the lecturer and the students in formal setting. Lecturer is one who transfers special knowledge (English teaching materials) to his students in form of academic setting. They are engaged in academic norms, for example lecturer has qualified education (magister or doctorate degree) and the students  have already registered their status as a university student. The lecturer’s function is threefold. In the presentation stage of the material, the lecturer serves as a model, setting up situations in which the need for the target structure is created and modeling the new structure for students to repeat. The lecturer was required to be skillful manipulator, using questions, commands, and other cues to elicit correct sentences from the students. The students wanted the lecturer to give more opportunities for English practice. They can learn from mistakes and develop in real situation. Role play is one of methods can be applied in teaching English. The students like this methods (96%) because they can imitate and practice their English pronunciation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 585-591
Luana Melo ◽  
Isabel Velasco ◽  
Julia Aquino ◽  
Rosangela Rodrigues ◽  
Edris Lopes ◽  

Fibropapillomatosis is a neoplastic disease that affects sea turtles. It is characterized by multiple papillomas, fibropapillomas and cutaneous and/or visceral fibromas. Although its etiology has not been fully elucidated, it is known that there is a strong involvement of an alpha - herpesvirus, but the influence of other factors such as parasites, genetics, chemical carcinogens, contaminants, immunosuppression and ultraviolet radiation may be important in the disease, being pointed out as one of the main causes of a reduction in the green turtle population. Thus, the objective of this article was to describe the morphology of cutaneous fibropapillomas found in specimens of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), using light and scanning electron microscopy in order to contribute to the mechanism of tumor formation. Microscopically, it presented hyperplastic stromal proliferation and epidermal proliferation with hyperkeratosis. The bulky mass was coated with keratin, with some keratinocyte invaginations, that allowed the keratin to infiltrate from the epidermis into the dermis, forming large keratinized circular spirals. Another fact that we observed was the influence of the inflammation of the tumors caused by ectoparasites.

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