2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Sakhi Herwiana ◽  
Mukminatus Zuhriyah ◽  
Ria Kamilah Agustina

The objective of this community service activity / PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) is to provide knowledge to participants (parents and children) about the importance of character education from early age through the family. This program was motivated by problems that happens in society in Ngusikan, Jombang, East Java, children in that area addicted to play gadgets and have a tendency to anti-social behavior and lack of social courtesy. The method in this program used a dialogical collaborative-participatory approach includes in-house training (lectures, questions and answers, discussions) for the delivery of material, direct practice to make storytelling media, testing, practice of using fairy tale media and mentoring assisted by KKNT students. The number of participants in this program is approximately 40 participants, including students. This community service activity (PKM) was followed by women who have job as a housewife. The participants stated that this activity was very useful and was a new experience. This community service activity went well and was greeted with enthusiasm from the participants..

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Abdul Malik ◽  
Dodi Dahnuss ◽  
Isnaini Leo Shanty

This community service activity aims at socializing the implementation of character education to families in Sebauk community and training families in Sebauk community on how to implement character education. The approach was socialization and implementation through lecture, discussion, and training the family members. The result of this activity was the increase of knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes of Sebauk community about the eighteen character values ​​that must be implemented in educating children in each Sebauk family.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 188-193
Denok Sunarsi ◽  
Endang Kustini ◽  
Asep Muhammad Lutfi ◽  
Rini Dianti Fauzi ◽  
Noryani Noryani

Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha skala home industry untuk meningkatkat ekonomi keluarga masyarakat Desa Cidokom. Selain itu juga untuk menggerakkan masyarakat sekitar agar sadar menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan lingkungan dengan sadar pengelolaan sampah yang baik dan benar. Metode pengabdian dengan penyuluhan, diskusi dan tanya jawab serta praktek langsung pengolahan barang bekas menjadi barang yang bernilai ekonomis. Hasil kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat turut berkontribusi membangun desa Cidokom melalui ibu-ibu PKK nya berbagi pengetahuan,  mendorong masyarakat untuk pengembangan sumberdaya yang dimiliki secara berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan ekonomi keluarga. Wirausaha home industry daur ulang barang bekas ini dimaksudkan dapat memberikan motivasi bagi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dan berkarya sehingga mendatangkan manfaat bagi dirinya dan masyarakat sekitar.Kata Kunci: Wirausaha, Home Industry, Ekonomi Keluarga ABSTRACTThe purpose of this community service activity is to foster entrepreneurial spirit of home industry scale to improve the family economy of Cidokom Village community. In addition, it is also to move the surrounding community to be aware of maintaining environmental hygiene and health by being aware of good and correct waste management. Dedication method with counseling, discussion and question and answer as well as direct practice of processing used goods into items of economic value. The results of this activity are expected to contribute to building the village of Cidokom through its PKK mothers sharing knowledge, encouraging communities to develop their resources in a sustainable manner to improve the family economy. The home industry entrepreneur used to recycle used goods is intended to provide motivation for the community to improve their abilities and work so as to bring benefits to themselves and the surrounding community.Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Home Industry, Family Economy

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-55
Grida Saktian Laksito

The socialization of the love of saving is a form of community service, with the aim of helping elementary school students to increase their understanding of the importance of saving from an early age to SD Baiturrahman Tasikmalaya City. Saving in various perspectives is highly recommended because the habit of living extravagantly will only leave difficulties in the future, in accordance with the motto of saving money on a rich base. This method of community service activity begins with the preparation stage and field survey. This survey stage begins with direct discussions with the Principal of SD Baiturrahman Tasikmalaya City to identify student behavior in managing finances given by their parents as provisions at school, after knowing the behavior of students in managing their finances, the next activity will be carried out face to face using the method of delivering socialization materials with counseling techniques, questions and answers, quizzes, creations to make piggy banks, as well as by adding games. The results of this study are to provide knowledge of participants who are SD Baiturrahman Tasikmalaya City, where previously they were less enthusiastic in saving and getting used to living extravagantly. After participating in the socialization activity for liking to save, students are able to distinguish between necessities and wants, learn how to treat the two items and can apply saving behavior from an early age.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 604
Puspita Ayu Marhaeni ◽  
Beti Prihandini ◽  
Sulastri Sulastri ◽  
Ni Nyoman Yeni ◽  
Ria Setia Sari

The purpose of this community service is so that parents and children can understand the prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 in children while utilizing 4M movements (washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds in the Indonesian language). The method used is health education and the practice of six steps to washing your hands. The results of this activity showed that children could understand and be interested in participating in health education on "prevention and control of the spread of COVID-19 to children by using 4M movements", and children and families are willing to implement protocols in their lives. The conclusion is that by implementing the 4M protocol in the family environment, we hope it can reduce the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Hardian Mursito ◽  
Aulia Ar Rakhman Awaludin ◽  
Theresia Evy Yulianti Nedeak

In general, the residents of RT 004 RW 03 have a level of education at the junior and senior high school levels. This is due to the economic factors and the absence of encouragement from parents for their children to continue their education to a higher level. Moreover, women who do not continue their education at school are unemployed or decide to become housewives, because they do not have the skills to live independently. Most of the mothers are only housewives who only take care of their children and husbands. This condition cannot improve the economic condition of the family that is not fixed and coupled with the high economic burden that requires each family to be able to think creatively in order to survive amid the economic pressure. The objectives of this community service activity included: Assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment in the formation of business groups, assisting women’s group of Family Welfare and Empowerment on how to utilize and cultivate the broiler rabbits as a small entrepreneur. The implementation of this training activity was expected to help in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in rabbit cultivation for underprivileged people through the formation of a small business group of women of Family Welfare and Empowerment and in the form of published scientific articles. Abstrak Warga masyarakat yang berada di RT 004 RW 03 pada umumnya adalah lulusan SMP dan SMU. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor ekonomi dan tidak adanya dorongan dari orang tua agar anak-anak mereka melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi. Terlebih anak perempuan yang tidak melanjutkan sekolah akhirnya menganggur atau hidup berumah tangga, karena mereka tidak mempunyai bekal keterampilan untuk bisa hidup mandiri. Sebagian besar ibu-ibu hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangga yang hanya mengurusi anak dan suaminya. Kondisi ini tidak dapat memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi keluarga, penghasilan yang tidak tetap dan ditambah beban ekonomi yang tinggi menuntut setiap keluarga untuk dapat berfikir kreatif agar dapat bertahan hidup ditengah himpitan ekonomi. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain: Membantu Ibu PKK dalam pembentukan kelompok usaha yang harus dibentuk, membantu Ibu PKK dalam cara pemanfaatan dan pengolahan kelinci pedaging sebagai wirusaha kecil. Diharapkan setelah kegiatan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan menumbuhkan semangat berwirausaha budidaya kelinci bagi masyarakat prasejahtera melalui pembentukan kelompok usaha kecil ibu PKK dan berupa luaran artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Budi Juliardi ◽  
Ranti Nazmi ◽  
Lira Suryani

Character education is a must for countries that want to make their citizens have good attitudes and behaviors. The goal to be achieved in Community Service activities is to make students aware of the need to have and implement attitudes that have character. In the school environment, the teacher's role is to educate the character of students. Thus, community service activities want to make students aware and want to instill and develop character attitudes through socialization. Socialization is given to provide direct literacy of character education to students. Socialization is filled with questions and answers so that students who are not familiar with matters relating to character can immediately ask the implementation team.

Zuhud Rozaki ◽  
Arie Kusuma Paksi

Desa Terong memiliki cukup banyak kasus stunting. Perhatian terhadap pemenuhan pangan yang bergizi perlu dilakukan. Upaya peningkatan gizi masyarakat lewat pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan dengan penanaman tanaman buah seperti papaya California dan alpukat yang bergizi bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan gizi dan ekonomi masyarakat sasaran dengan memanfaatkan lahan pekarangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan pendampingan. Masyarakat sasaran sangat antusias dengan kegiatan pengabdian ini, terlihat dari jumlah peserta saat penyuluhan dan penyerahan bibit pepaya california dan alpukat. Meskipun hasil dari tanaman buah tersebut membutuhkan waktu, masyarakat sasaran merasa bahwa upaya ini cukup membantu dalam usaha perbaikan gizi masyarakat. Bahkan masyarakat berpikiran bahwa penanaman tanaman buah di lahan pekarangan ini bisa menjadi potensi pengembangan desa menjadi desa wisata berbasis buah. Jangka panjang dari dampak kegiatan pengabdian ini sangat berarti mulai dari level keluarga sampai wilayah desa. Pemenuhan gizi keluarga secara mandiri lewat lahan pekarangan perlu dikembangkan, masyarakat perlu lebih disadarkan. Selain memberikan asupan gizi yang baik, juga bernilai ekonomis. Kata kunci: Lahan Pekarangan, Pepaya California, Alpukat, Gizi Masyarakat, Stunting ABSTRACT Keywords: Homegarden, California Papaya, Avocado, Community Nutrition, StuntingStunting cases in Terong Village are quite high. Attention on the nutrient food fulfillment need to be more serious. Efforts to increase people nutrition through homegarden utilization with planting california papaya and avocado can be solution here. This community service activity aims to increase people nutrition and economic through homegarden utilization. Method which was used is extension and assistance. The targeted community was very enthusiastic about this community service program, it can be seen from the number of participants during extension and handing over California papaya and avocado seeds. Although the results of the fruit crops need time, the targeted community feels that this effort is quite helpful to improve people nutrition. The targeted community thinks that planting fruit trees on homegarden can be a potential for village development to become a fruit-based tourism village. The long-term impact of these community service activities is significant from the family level to the village area. Fulfillment of family nutrition independently through the homegarden utilization, the community needs to be more aware. In addition to providing good nutrition, it is also economically valuable.

Ade Evriansyah Lubis ◽  
Mhd Fahmi ◽  
Mawardinur Mawardinur ◽  
Filli Azandi ◽  
Agung Nugroho

Character formation should be done as early as possible. Early age is a time when a person gets the right to play with high intensity. One of the processes of character building can be done in the learning process of formal education. Moreover, the most economical form of a game is the traditional game. Therefore, efforts are needed to actualize traditional game activities for elementary school students. The socialization process was carried out using a demonstration method, both theoretically and practically. Moreover, data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. As for the results of this Community Service activity, it can be concluded that the activity went well where the principal, teachers, and students were very enthusiastic in implementing a series of socialization activities for traditional games.

Satya Widya ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Zuhdi Majdi

Parenting is a process in the family, the interaction of parents and children. The family is where a child is born, the first place a child gets an education, consisting of father, mother and child. The family also became the main central place of character education formation of children. Family education is the fundamental or foundation of subsequent children's education. In the society of the nobility and in general people Sasak known to have the motto of Lomboq Mirah Sasak Adi meaning Lomboq straight meaning. Mirah is a true gem, an elegant precious metal that is very expensive. Sasak comes from sa'sa 'sa'i, sopo, seke' which means one. Adi means something that is very high value. Therefore, the true (mule jati) "straight road" is a very noble path, a very high value, as the only path to be followed by the sasak. and the road is a straight path (siratulmustakim) commanded by Allah SWT contained in the Qur'an and Al Hadith. In the process of learning guidance and counseling teachers are teachers who are tasked to provide guidance to students who are problematic and who are not problematic if considered important by the teacher guidance and counseling, therefore the role of teachers guidance and counseling in the learning process is needed, because learners have problems are diverse

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-356
Jalu Norva Illa Putra ◽  
Nina Widyaningsih

This community service activity aims to train teachers to make learning media in the form of pictorial stories with children's literary content. This article is a case study of community service at the Nakula Gugus Teacher Working Group in Wonogiri, Central Java. Children's literature in this context is defined as a medium that is used as an intermediary to convey a form of character education for children. Apart from this, children's literature is considered an appropriate medium because it is able to attract students' interest through visual and narrative forms. Children's literature is also able to have more appeal if from the beginning it comes from ideas that are owned by the children themselves. This will stimulate a sense of ownership and logic to the things that the story structure wants to instill. The method used is lectures and discussions, then in the form of workshops on picture story books. The result of this community service is a picture book with a theme that is close to children related to the use of gadgets, which are then given the title Playing with Friends.

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