2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: ИНДЕЙКИ, ПОРОДЫ, ГЕНОФОНД, ПРОДУКТИВНОСТЬ, ИНКУБАЦИОННЫЕ ЯЙЦА, МОРФОЛОГИЯ ЯИЦ, БИОХИМИЧЕСКИЙ СОСТАВ ЯИЦ АННОТАЦИЯ: Целью настоящей работы явилось определение продуктивных особенностей, морфологических и биохимических характеристик инкубационных яиц переярых индеек биоресурсной коллекции в начале, середине и конце продуктивного периода при групповом учете. Исследования проводились в производственных условиях СГЦ «СКЗОСП» на индейках биоресурсной коллекции: шести пород основного генофонда и четырех популяций нового генофонда - голубых, красных и групп 602 и 607. Установлено, что средняя живая масса переярых индеек основного генофонда в начале яйцекладки превосходила стандартные значения. Наиболее высокая масса яиц (83,07 г) отмечена у бронзовой северокавказской породы. Индекс формы яиц у индеек генофонда находился в переделах 68,53-72,93%. Единицы Хау во всех породах находились в пределах 92,93-94,73%, соответствуя стандарту. Содержание витамина В2 в белке яиц было в пределах нормы у бронзовой северокавказской и узбекской палевой пород; превышение норматива наблюдалось у белой северокавказской (на 0,43 мкг/г), московской белой (на 0,67 мкг/г) и черной тихорецкой (на 0,75 мкг/г) пород. Лучший показатель по живой массе в 16 недель отмечен у белой северокавказской (5,54 кг) и московской белой (5,63 кг) пород; в этих же породах самцы имели высокую мясную оценку (от 4,47 до 4,55 балла). Живая масса индюшат-самцов в группе 607 составила 5,98 кг. THE PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, MORPHOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EGG INDICES IN RUSSIAN TURKEY BREEDS OF GENE POOL COLLECTION POGODAEV V.A.1, BURAVTSOVA I.N.2, ROMANENKO I.V.2, KOLOBOVA O.E.2 1 North-Caucasian Federal Scientific Agrarian Center 2 Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry” of Russian Academy of Sciences The productive performance, morphological and biochemical egg indices in Russian turkey breeds of gene pool collection of the North-Caucasian Zonal Experimental Station for Poultry were determined in the molted hens in the beginning, middle, and finishing stages of the second season of lay. Six breeds of the gene pool and four new populations (blue, red, group 602, and group 607) were analyzed. Average hen weight at the beginning of lay in all 6 gene pool breeds exceeded the standards for the breeds. The highest average egg weight throughout the second season of lay was found in Bronze North-Caucasian breed (83.07 g). Shape indices of eggs in all 6 breeds fell within the range 68.53-72.93%; Haugh units were 92.93-94.73% and corresponded to the standards. Concentration of vitamin B2 in the albumen was normal in Bronze Nor-Caucasian and Uzbek Fauve breeds; in 3 breeds this parameter was above the normal range (by 0.43 μg/g in White North-Caucasian, by 0.67 μg/g in Moscow White, and by 0.75 μg/g in Black Tikhoretskaya breeds). The highest live bodyweight in males at 16 weeks of age was found in White North-Caucasian (5.54 kg) and Moscow White (5.63 kg) breeds; these breeds also featured the highest average scores of meat quality (4.47-4.55 scores out of 5). Among new populations the highest live bodyweight in males at 16 weeks of age was found in group 607 (5.98 kg). Keywords: TURKEY, BREEDS, GENE POOL COLLECTION, PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, EGGS FOR INCUBATION, EGG MORPHOLOGY, BIOCHEMICAL EGG INDICES

Intermittent Lighting Improves the Efficiency of Artificial Insemination in Cage Housed Laying Hens Kavtarashvili A.Sh., Kolokolnikova T.N. Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Poultry Institute” of Russian Academy of Sciences Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center Summary: The effects of different lighting regimes on the oviposition schedule, productive performance, and reproductive efficiency in cage housed laying hens of layer parental flock (Hisex White-R) were studied; the reasonable regime of artificial insemination (AI) under intermittent lighting is proposed. It was found that intermittent lighting regime 1L:4D:4L:1D:4L:10D compared to the constant lighting significantly alters oviposition schedule: under this regime 82.3% of all daily eggs were laid until 9 am (vs. 66.6% in control). This regime and AI at 10 am improved the productive and reproductive performance compared to control (constant lighting 16L:8D and AI at 12 am): mortality by 1.9%, egg production per initial hen by 3.8%, egg weight by 1.1%, percentage of eggs suitable for incubation by 1.9%, egg fertility by 0.9%, hatchability by 2.3%, hatch of chicks by 2.9%, feed conversion ratio (kg of feed per 10 eggs) by 5.3%, the expenses of electric energy for lighting (per 1000 eggs suitable for incubation) by 54.5%. Key words: INTERMITTENT LIGHTING, CAGE HOUSED LAYERS, ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (AI), OVIPOSITION SCHEDULE, AI TIMING, PRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE, REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE

A. G. Tulinov ◽  
T. V. Kosolapova

The cocksfoot grass is a valuable early ripe forage crop with good yield and excellent feed quality. It is used to create hayfields and pastures and is a component of grasslands of meadows of almost all regions of the Komi Republic. However, the expansion of varieties adapted to the soil and climate of the North needs this valuable crop. For this purpose from 2015 to 2018 there was the research of the varieties and wild populations of the cocksfoot grass of the world collection for further use in the creation of new adaptive varieties. The experiment took place in 2015 at the experimental field of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Komi Scientific Center, the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Syktyvkar). The soil of the plot is sod-podzol, medium loamy in granulometric composition. The collection of nursery-garden included 10 samples of the cocksfoot grass of various ecological and geographical origin. As a standard, the Neva variety was taken. The experiments were carried out using seedlings according to the scheme 80x50 cm, the plot area was 10 m2, four repetition. Varietal samples were evaluated by winter hardness, indicators of productivity of green mass and seeds. Meteorological conditions during the years of research allowed us to evaluate the winter hardness of the cocksfoot grass samples. As a result of evaluating 10 samples, wild-growing samples from the Komi Republic (42733, 43024, 45945) and Norway (41826) were distinguished for a number of economically valuable traits, characterized by high winter hardness, even germination and green mass productivity on average for 3 years - 21.523.7 t/ha, dry weight - 4.7-5.1 t/ha and seeds - 354-576 kg / ha. These samples provide valuable starting material for further breeding work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: МЯСНЫЕ КУРЫ ПОРОДЫ ПЛИМУТРОК, ЛИНИЯ, СЕЛЕКЦИЯ, ЯЙЦЕНОСКОСТЬ, ВЫВОД ЦЫПЛЯТ, ВЫХОД ИНКУБАЦИОННЫХ ЯИЦ, ДЕФЕКТЫ ЯИЦ АННОТАЦИЯ: Работа проведена в производственных условиях СГЦ «Смена». В опытах использовали птицу породы плимутрок: отцовскую линию в материнской родительской форме (СМ7), материнскую линию в материнской родительской форме (СМ9), материнскую родительскую форму (СМ79). Установлено, что по мясным курам новых исходных линий СМ7 и СМ9 в 2020 г. в процессе целенаправленной селекционной работы отмечено увеличение по сравнению с 2015 г. выхода инкубационных яиц на 2,0 и 2,1% соответственно; вывода цыплят - на 1,1 и 1,3%; яйценоскости на начальную несушку за 60 недель жизни - на 2,2 и 3,1%; массы яиц в 30 недель жизни - на 0,7 и 1,2%; выхода цыплят от одной несушки - на 5,9 и 7,8%. Куры двухлинейной материнской родительской формы СМ79 имеют преимущество над исходными линиями СМ7 и СМ9 по яйценоскости за 60 недель жизни на 14,3 и 3,7% соответственно, по массе яиц - на 0,17 и 0,96%, по выходу инкубационных яиц - на 0,5 и 0,3%, по выводу цыплят - на 8,2 и 4,6%, по выходу цыплят от одной несушки - на 27,1 и 9,7%. Это превосходство обусловлено эффектом гетерозиса по воспроизводительным признакам. Меньшее количество яиц с дефектами у кур в 2020 г. по сравнению с 2015 обусловило различие по выходу инкубационных яиц. От мясных кур за 60 недель жизни в 2020 г. получено больше инкубационных яиц, чем в 2015 г., на 17145 шт. (по линии СМ7 - на 4602 шт., СМ9 - на 5254 шт., СМ79 - на 7289 шт.), и, соответственно, меньше яиц, реализованных как пищевые. THE IMPROVEMENT OF REPRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY IN THE SELECTED PLYMOUTH ROCK LINES EGOROVA A.V.1, EFIMOV D.N.1, EMANUYLOVA ZH.V.1, KOMAROV A.A.1 1 Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry” of Russian Academy of Sciences The reproductive efficiency in three Plymouth Rock lines selected by the Center for Genetics & Selection “Smena” (paternal and maternal preparental lines SM7 and SM9 and their hybrid, maternal parental broiler line SM79) in 2020 in compare to 2015 was assessed. It was found that targeted selection of the preparental lines SM7 and SM9 between 2015 and 2020 increased egg production during 60 weeks of the productive season per initial hen by 2.2 and 3.1%, egg weight at 30 weeks of age by 0.7 and 1.2%, the percentage of eggs suitable for incubation by 2.0 and 2.1%, hatch of chicks by 1.1 and 1.3%, number of healthy chicks per parental hen by 5.9 and 7.8% respective to lines SM7 and SM9. Hybrid maternal line SM79 in 2020 featured higher reproductive efficiency in compare to its parental lines SM7 and SM9 due to the effect of heterosis: egg production during 60 weeks higher by 14.3 and 3.7%, egg weight at 30 weeks of age by 0.17 and 0.96%, percentage of eggs suitable for incubation by 0.5 and 0.3%, hatch of chicks by 8.2 and 4.6%, number of healthy chicks per parental hen by 27.1 and 9.7% respective to lines SM7 and SM9. The higher percentage of eggs suitable for incubation in 2020 in compare to 2015 is related to lower percentages of eggs with genetically conditioned defects (lightweight, two-yolk, belted, crackled, etc.) due to the targeted selection. The output of eggs suitable for incubation from equal-sized flocks in 2020 was higher in compare to 2015 by 17,145 eggs in total (by 4,602 in SM7, 5,254 in SM9, and 7,259 in SM79), and lesser amounts of non-suitable eggs were therefore sold as table eggs. Keywords: PLYMOUTH ROCK BROILER CHICKEN, LINE, SELECTION, EGG PRODUCTION, HATCH OF CHICKS, EGGS SUITABLE FOR INCUBATION, DEFECTS OF EGGS

Козак С.С., Серегин И.Г., Козак Ю.А. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: ПТИЦЕПЕРЕРАБАТЫВАЮЩИЕ ПРЕДПРИЯТИЯ, МЯСО И МЯСНЫЕ ПРОДУКТЫ, МОЮЩИЕ И ДЕЗИНФИЦИРУЮЩИЕ ПРЕПАРАТЫ, ПОДГОТОВКА РАСТВОРОВ, КОНТРОЛЬ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ МОЙКИ И ДЕЗИНФЕКЦИИ, ХРАНЕНИЕ ДЕЗСРЕДСТВ АННОТАЦИЯ: Рассмотрены вопросы санитарии и гигиены в цехах переработки птицы с учетом современных требований к производству мяса и мясных продуктов. Изложен порядок проведения ветеринарно-санитарных мероприятий с целью обеспечения качества и безопасности мяса птицы и птичьих мясных продуктов. Особое внимание обращается на сроки обеззараживания различных объектов и препараты для эффективной обработки помещений, оборудования, тары и инструментов. Отмечается необходимость своевременно разрабатывать, совершенствовать и утверждать инструкции по применению различных моющих и дезинфицирующих препаратов на предприятиях, по технике безопасности и правилам личной гигиены при работе с кислотными и щелочными дезсредствами. THE REQUIREMENTS TO VETERINARY SANITARY PROGRAMS FOR THE UNITS OF POULTRY PROCESSING ENTERPRISES (A REVIEW) KOZAK S.S.1, SERYOGIN I.G.2, KOZAK YU.A.3 1 Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry” of Russian Academy of Sciences 2 Moscow State University of Food Production 3 Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary of K.I. Skryabin and Y.R. Kovalenko” of Russian Academy of Sciences Different aspects of sanitary and hygiene in the premises and units of poultry processing enterprises are highlighted in relation to modern safety concepts in the meat branch of food industry. The programs and protocols for sanitary procedures and control providing quality and safety of poultry meat and meat derived products are described. Special attention is paid to the terms of regular disinfection of different objects and to the preparations for the effective disinfection of premises, equipment, packing materials, and devices. The necessity of constant upgrade and perfection of the application protocols for different detergents and disinfectants and labor safety and hygienic standards for the operations with alkaline and acidic disinfectants is emphasized. Keywords: POULTRY PROCESSING ENTERPRISES, POULTRY MEAT AND MEAT DERIVED PRODUCTS, DETERGENTS AND DISINFECTANTS, PREPARATION OF SOLUTIONS, CONTROL OF EFFICIENCY OF CLEANING AND DISINFECTION, STORAGE OF DISINFECTANTS

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-41
Y. V. Ulyanovskaya

The objects of research are representatives of the genus Malus growing in the Kuban zone of the North Caucasus region. The purpose of the research is the breeding improvement of the of apple southern assortment on the basis of the development of the scientific direction “Introduction, variety study and breeding of pome crops in the North Caucasus and the creation of promising domestic varieties with improved adaptability and quality. The history of the creation and development of this scientific direction of the scientific school “Southern Horticulture” in the North Caucasus, the founder of which was Lev M. Sergeev (1886-1980. Under his leadership, the first breeding programs for seed crops (apple, pear, quince) for the North Caucasus region were developed, the priority of which was to improve the characteristics of productivity and quality characteristics of fruits; with his active participation, a network of gossortuchastok was organized in the North Caucasus and by the end of 1947 a zoned assortment of the main fruit crops of the south of Russia was formed. At present, the development of the above-mentioned scientific direction has been continued in the works of L. M. Sergeev, original studies of which are based on the use of a complex of classical and improved methods for creating and evaluating breeding material, modern achievements in molecular genetics, biochemistry, cytology, and are aimed at creating domestic varieties with improved productivity and quality of fruits, with high resistance to abiostressors and the main fungal pathogens of the North Caucasus. In recent years, the gene pool of the apple tree has been significantly updated, numbering 436 specimens of various ecological and geographical origin and ploidy, most of which are from Russia (49 %), Western European countries (18 %), and the USA (17 %). Over the years of research, scientists from North Caucasian Federal Scientific Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making have created and submitted for State variety testing 81 new apple varieties, including 25 varieties created in collaboration with scientists from All- Russian Research Institute for Fruit Crops Breeding, I. V. Michurin Federal Research Center and others. 36 apple varieties obtained on the basis of the use of spontaneous and induced mutagenesis, an improved method of polyploidy, directed, repeated and geographically distant hybridization were included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in the North Caucasus region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-263
Anna A. Bakaneva

Forests in our natural environment play an important role. They are a necessary natural resource and perform many functions in the forest ecosystem. As in our country, as well as abroad, due to numerous studies, the enormous role of forests in preserving the ecological balance of the environment has been confirmed. To ensure the uniqueness of the Astrakhan region, it is necessary to restore Lower Volga forests, which in turn perform significant functions, namely: influence on hydrological regime, protect soil from degradation, wind and water erosion, preserve recreational potential of the territory and provide local population with stable agricultural production. In spring and fall of 2019, employees of the Precaspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences planted 120 seedlings of common oak (60 plants in spring and 60 plants in autumn) in the areas located in the right bank of the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain to the south of Solenoye Zaimishche village. At the end of October 2020, 64 seedlings (53 %) of common oak survived. The best (100 %) survival rate was noted in annual seedlings, which were planted in spring at the site with shading. The greatest plant death (20 %) was in two-year-old seedlings planted in fall at sites with no shading.

Anastasia Grigorievna Osedakh

The subject of this article is life and research activity of the Soviet geologist, paleontologist, Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, explorer of the European North-East of Russia, discoverer of the Pechora coal basin – Alexander Chernov (1877-1963). The object of this research is the Russian historiography on his scientific biography. The goal a consists in the analysis of biographical essays, writings, newspaper notes about A. A. Chernov, available information on his scientific biography, as well as insufficiently studied topics. It is determined that the historiography of works dedicated to A. A. Chernov is extensive, and describes life path of the scholar, his academicc, pedagogical, and social activities. The author indicates Chernov’s role in training geology scholars in the process of institutionalization of science in the North, namely the Institute of Geology of Komi Scientific Center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, organization of exploration works in the European North-East of Russia. His remarkable contribution to geological exploration of the territories of Russian North along with the discovery of Pechora coal basin is described. It is revealed that the history of establishment and development of Chernov’s scientific school, formed on the premises of Guerrier Courses in Moscow and in the Komi Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union remains insufficiently studied.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 116-121
Olga Valerievna Skrotskaya

In the Botanical Garden of the Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a collection of plants of the genus Sorbus complex is studied. Currently it includes 23 species and more than 40 samples of different geographical origin, as well as nine varieties. The studied plants are in the pregenerative and generative periods of ontogenesis. The morphobiological features of individuals of different species of mountain ash at these stages of development were determined. Introducers of East Asian origin in the conditions of the North have time to fully complete the cycle of seasonal development and are highly winter-resistant. Plants that have entered the generative period of development form full seeds. Experiments on vegetative reproduction with the use of stimulants of root formation and without them showed a different ability of half-woody cuttings of the species and varieties of mountain ash to rooting. The most promising for further cultivation in cold climates and the selection of decorative and productive forms can be considered species of East Asian and American origin, as the most winter-hardy. Other specimens of S. mougeottii and S. austriaca (species no less interesting as ornamental and fruit plants) should be brought to the test as well as plants of these species should be grown from the seeds of local reproduction.

2021 ◽  
pp. 37-40
Elena Vladimirovna Polukhina ◽  
Natalia Vladimirovna Tyutyuma

Experience in studying the rootability of grape cuttings was conducted on the territory of the vineyard of the Precaspian agrarian federal scientific center of the Russian academy of sciences, located in the Chernoyarsky district of the Astrakhan region. The research period is from 2015 to 2019. The relevance of the research is due to the insufficient availability of local planting material in the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as the high efficiency of the method for obtaining grape seedlings on their own roots. The purpose of the research was to study the survival rate of grape cuttings in the crop and identify varieties that are characterized by the best rooting ability. The article presents data on the ability to root cuttings of grapes of 18 table varieties of different maturation periods. The lowest rooting rate in the experiment had varieties Cardinal, Straseni, Memory Negros, the Gift to Zaporozhye, Karaburnu. It was found that the use of early – maturing varieties Kodryanka, Bogatyrsky, Lora, middle – matured-Husain pink and Lowland, late-matured-Moscow, Sevan, Soviet, the level of rootability of which varied from 44.2 to 71.4 %, is optimal for obtaining root-related seedlings of grapes.These varieties have a good ability to rhizogenesis, which allows us to recommend them for accelerated propagation of grape varieties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 70 (2) ◽  

Околелова Т.М., Енгашев С.В., Лесниченко И.Ю., Шевяков А.Н., Хребтова Е.В. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ ПТИЦА, ВИТАМИНЫ, ПРЕМИКСЫ, ГИПОВИТАМИНОЗЫ, ПЕЧЕНЬ, ЯЙЦО, КОСТИ АННОТАЦИЯ: Рассмотрена роль качества премиксов в питании птицы в связи с реализацией ее генетического потенциала продуктивности. Приведены особенности повышенной чувствительности птицы к недостатку витаминов. Описаны факторы, влияющие на потребность птицы в витаминах и некоторых микроэлементах. Приводятся критерии биологической полноценности инкубационных яиц различных видов сельскохозяйственной птицы и ориентировочные показатели обеспеченности птицы витаминами по их содержанию в печени (витамины А и Е). Рекомендовано контролировать обеспеченность птицы витамином D3 по минерализации костяка и даны ориентировочные показатели содержания золы, кальция и фосфора в костях у высокопродуктивной птицы разных видов и направления продуктивности. Обобщены данные по обеспеченности птицы витаминами, полученные при анализе печени, яиц, костяка. Обращено внимание на причины низкой обеспеченности птицы витаминами А, В2, D3 и даны рекомендации по профилактике гиповитаминозов, включающие, прежде всего, контроль содержания витаминов в премиксах и биологических объектах (яйцо, печень, костяк), а также применение водорастворимых витаминных комплексов для экстренной выпойки при гиповитаминозах. RISKS RELATED TO THE QUALITY OF VITAMIN PREMIXES FOR POULTRY AND THEIR PREVENTION OKOLELOVA T.M.1, ENGASHEV S.V.1, LESNICHENKO I.YU.1, SHEVYAKOV A.N.2, KHREBTOVA E.V.2 1 Research & Implementation Center “Agrovetzashchita” 2 Federal Scientific Center “All-Russian Research and Technological Institute of Poultry” of Russian Academy of Sciences The role of the quality of premixes in poultry nutrition and its effects on the realization of genetic productivity potential are reviewed. The responses of poultry to the deficits of different vitamins and factors affecting the requirements in vitamins and trace elements of different productive groups are described. The biochemical criteria of the quality of eggs for incubation of different poultry species and reference values of the contents of certain vitamins (A, E) in liver are presented. The recommendations on the control of the provision with vitamin D3 via bone mineralization parameters (the contents of ash, calcium, and phosphorus) in different poultry species and groups are provided. The data on the efficiency of vitamin nutrition obtained by the analyses of liver, eggs, bones are summarized. The possible reasons of insufficient supply of vitamins A, B2, and D3 are presented. The identification of the hypovitaminoses should be primarily based on the analyses of the real contents of vitamins in premixes and in eggs, liver, and bones; these conditions can be effectively and promptly prevented by the periodic supplementation of drinking water for poultry with water-soluble complexes of vitamins.

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