scholarly journals Analysis and Prediction of Engineering Student Behavior and Their Relation to Academic Performance Using Data Analytics Techniques

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 7114
Hanns de la Fuente-Mella ◽  
Claudia Guzmán Gutiérrez ◽  
Kathleen Crawford ◽  
Giancarla Foschino ◽  
Broderick Crawford ◽  

This study focuses on identifying personality traits in computer science students and determining whether they are related to academic performance. In addition, the importance of the personality traits based on motivation scale and depression, anxiety, and stress scales were measured. A sample of 188 students from the Computer Engineering Schools of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso was used. Through econometric two-stage least squares and paired sample correlation analysis, the results obtained indicate that there is a relation between academic performance and the personality traits measured by educational motivation scale and the ranking of university entrance and gender. In addition, these results led to characterization of students based on their personality traits and provided elements that may enhance the development of an effective personality that allows students to successfully face their environment, playing an important role in the educational process.

Cezary Kuśnierz ◽  
Aleksandra M. Rogowska ◽  
Iuliia Pavlova

Background: This study examined the relationship of academic performance with the Big Five traits of personality, academic motivation, and gender in a cross-cultural context. Methods: Participants in the study were 424 university students of physical education (PE) departments from Poland (53%) and Ukraine (47%). Undergraduates completed a brief version of the International Personality Item Pool (Mini-IPIP) to assess the Five-Factor model of personality, the Academic Motivations Scale (AMS), and grade point average (GPA). Results: Polish PE students scored higher in emotional stability and extroversion and had a higher GPA than Ukrainian PE undergraduates. Gender differences were found in both personality traits and academic motivation scales. Intrinsic motivation may predict academic performance. Conscientiousness and intellect emerged as mediators of the relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic performance and gender was found as a moderator in the relationship between conscientiousness and academic success. Conclusions: Women are more motivated regarding academic achievements than men. In addition to intrinsic motivation, the most important factors for academic grades are some personality traits, gender, and cultural differences. Openness and conscientiousness in men are mediators between intrinsic motivation and academic performance. The results of this study may be useful for PE academic teachers to improve the motivation of their students.

2017 ◽  
Vol 28 (68) ◽  
pp. 382
Luciano Campos da Silva ◽  
Daniel Abud Seabra Matos

<p>São objetivos deste trabalho: analisar o fenômeno da indisciplina escolar por meio dos dados do PISA 2012; aplicar um modelo de regressão linear multinível tendo o clima disciplinar como variável dependente; e identificar fatores explicativos intra e extraescolares associados à indisciplina. A contribuição mais significativa deste trabalho é apontar que a indisciplina parece ser mais dependente de fatores intra do que extraescolares. Variáveis clássicas como nível socioeconômico, tipo de escola e gênero não apresentaram poder explicativo sobre a indisciplina, o que tenciona a tese de que o fenômeno se associaria diretamente à origem social dos estudantes. A proporção de repetentes da escola se mostrou o fator de maior impacto na indisciplina.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave:</strong> Indisciplina Escolar; PISA; Regressão Linear Multinível; Comportamento do Aluno.</p><p> </p><p><strong><em>Indisciplina en el PISA: entre lo intra y lo extraescolar</em></strong></p><p><em>Son los siguientes los objetivos de este trabajo: analizar el fenómeno de la indisciplina escolar por medio de los datos del PISA 2012; aplicar un modelo de regresión lineal multinivel con el clima disciplinar como variable dependiente; e identificar factores explicativos intra y extraescolares asociados a la indisciplina. La contribución más significativa de este trabajo es la de señalar que la indisciplina parece ser más dependiente de factores intra que extraescolares. Variables clásicas como el nivel socioeconómico, el tipo de escuela y el género no presentaron poder explicativo sobre la indisciplina, lo que proyecta la tesis de que el fenómeno se asociaría directamente al origen social de los estudiantes. La proporción de repetidores de la escuela se mostró el factor de mayor impacto en la indisciplina.</em></p><p><em><strong>Palabras-clave:</strong> Indisciplina   Escolar; PISA; Regresión Lineal Multinivel; Comportamiento del Alumno.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Indiscipline in PISA: between intra- and extra-school factors</em></strong></p><p><em>This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of school discipline using data from the PISA 2012; to apply a multilevel linear regression model considering the disciplinary climate as the dependent variable and to identify explanatory intra and extra-school factors associated with discipline. The most significant contribution of this paper is to point out that the discipline issue seems to be more dependent on intra than extra school factors. Classical variables such as socioeconomic status, type of school and gender had no influence on discipline, presupposing the idea that the phenomenon is directly associated to students’ social background. The proportion of repeat students in school proved to be the factor of greatest impact on discipline.</em></p><p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> School Indiscipline; PISA; Multilevel Linear Regression; Student Behavior.</em></p>

T.P. Dunskaya

Recently, an increasingly urgent problem of the modern school, uniting the efforts of psychologists and teachers, is the problem of social disadaptation, as a phenomenon that prevents the full-fledged personal development of a student, his socialization and complicates the educational process. Everywhere there is an increase in the number of children in school with signs of social disadaptation, expressed in an inadequate form of orientation of the child in school life (in the position of a school-boy) and in educational activities, in unproductive cooperation with adults and peers, in a weak level of ability to self-regulation of their activities, school failure, a high level of school anxiety, aggressiveness and negative emotional attitude towards school. Along with the obvious manifestations of social disadaptation, its early signs are widespread, such as increased school anxiety, overestimated or low self-esteem, decreased learning motivation against the background of good academic performance and discipline, which, due to their “veiledness”, are often not attracted to themselves the attention of teachers and psychologists. Socially unadapted children seem lazy, undisciplined, intel-lectually undeveloped, dependent and stubborn, self-willed, poorly managed. At the same time, the child's behavior is distinguished by indecision, passivity, or negativism, stubbornness, aggression. It seems that children with such behavior do not want to behave constructively, deliberately violate discipline. However, this impression is wrong. The child is not really able to cope with his experiences. The presence of negative experiences and affects in a schoolchild inevitably leads to break-downs in behavior, serves as a pretext for the emergence of conflicts with adults and peers. Despite the close attention to this problem, the problem of finding pedagogically effective methods of up-bringing, types and forms of activity corresponding to the physical and mental development of younger students, contributing to the formation and development of social experience and personality traits, which would help the younger student to build ad-equate relationships with the environment, that is, would be factors of social adaptation. Today, in a number of developed countries, there is considerable experience in the use of art therapy in working with children and adolescents with various emotional and behavioral problems and developmental disorders. There are numerous confirmations of the effectiveness of using this technique in schools, where it acts as a means of not only healing and correction, but also development. The main goal of introducing art therapy into schools is to adapt children (including those suffering from emotional and behavioral disorders) to the conditions of an educational institution, and improve their academic performance. The art therapy program “I and We” allows at the early stages to identify children at risk, the development of emotional and behavioral problems, and contributes to the development of students’ mental qualities and personality traits that are of great importance for their successful psychosocial adaptation. The novelty of the program is associated with the adaptation of modern technologies for working with the child's personal sphere to the peculiarities and conditions of working with children with psychological problems in an educational institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  

the aim of the research is to identify the role of e-learning platforms in enhancing the academic performance of undergraduate students, and to identify the obstacles to their application in the history department, and the researcher relied on the descriptive approach to answer the research questions. The first stage, and the second stage), and the variable gender (male, female). The necessary data was collected using a questionnaire prepared by the researcher consisting of (30) paragraphs divided equally into two parts. The first included the role of the Google Classroom platform in enhancing the electronic performance of undergraduate students in the history department, while the second was the obstacles to using electronic educational platforms (the Google Classroom platform In the educational process, the stability of the questionnaire was verified, as the first part reached (0.87) and the second (0.89). After applying the questionnaire and analyzing the results statistically, the research results revealed that the evaluation of the research sample for the effectiveness of e-learning according to the Google Classroom platform was (high). As for the obstacles to using the Google Classroom platform, it was (low) and there were no statistical indications in the stage and gender variable. The researcher recommended holding training courses and workshops in the field of e-learning and assisting learners to get rid of the obstacles they face in the educational process, and the need for future marriage between e-learning and attendance in Iraqi universities, as well as a number of proposals, namely, conducting a study to evaluate the role of the Google Classroom platform in various branches Other knowledge, and a study on the obstacles to using e-learning from the faculty point of view. Key words: e-learning platforms, Google Classroom, academic performance.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-147 ◽  
Gian Vittorio Caprara ◽  
Mariagiovanna Caprara ◽  
Patrizia Steca

Three cross-sectional studies examined stability and change in personality over the course of life by measuring the relations linking age to personality traits, self-efficacy beliefs, values, and well-being in large samples of Italian male and female participants. In each study, relations between personality and age were examined across several age groups ranging from young adulthood to old age. In each study, personality constructs were first examined in terms of mean group differences accrued by age and gender and then in terms of their correlations with age across gender and age groups. Furthermore, personality-age correlations were also calculated, controlling for the demographic effects accrued by marital status, education, and health. Findings strongly indicated that personality functioning does not necessarily decline in the later years of life, and that decline is more pronounced in males than it is in females across several personality dimensions ranging from personality traits, such as emotional stability, to self-efficacy beliefs, such as efficacy in dealing with negative affect. Findings are discussed in terms of their implications for personality theory and social policy.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Fernando Pacheco Olea ◽  
Carolina Villacís ◽  
Patricio Álvarez Muñoz

Este artículo es producto de una investigación que tiene como finalidad establecer la relación que tienen las TIC con el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes del Colegio Técnico Industrial “La Alborada” de la ciudad de Milagro, provincia del Guayas, Ecuador. Este estudio se enmarca dentro de las investigaciones descriptivas, correlacionales, ya que por medio del análisis, observación, comparación y descripción de las variables, se establece el escaso uso de las herramientas tecnológicas en el proceso educativo. Los datos estadísticos se obtienen de los resultados por la aplicación de instrumentos a los estudiantes y docentes de la institución. Se utilizaron los métodos deductivos, inductivos y teóricos para el desarrollo del proceso. La propuesta requiere un fortalecimiento en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, siendo importante que los docentes conozcan el uso adecuado de las mismas y las integren en sus horas de clases, porque mejorará el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes por su nueva forma de explicar las clases que serán más interactivas y divertidas. Es necesario realizar un Plan de capacitación en el uso de las herramientas e- learning que garantice una educación de calidad.   Palabras claves: TIC, rendimiento académico, proceso educativo.   ABSTRACT   This article is the result of a research that aims to establish the relationship of ICTs to academic performance of students in the Industrial Technical College “La Alborada” in Milagro, Guayas, Ecuador. This study is part of a descriptive, correlational research, since through analysis, observation, comparison and description of the variables, the limited use of technological tool sin the educational process is established. The statistics are obtained from the resultsof the application of tools for students and teachers of the institution. Deductive, inductive and theoretical process development methods were used. The proposal requires as treng then ing in the use of new information and communication technologies and it is important that teachers become aware of their proper use and incorporate them in their classes, because these will improve the academic performance of students in classes that are more interactive and fun. It’s necessary to design a training plan in the use ofe-learning tools to ensure quality education.   Keywords: TIC, academic achievement, educational process.   Recibido: febrero 2015Aprobado: mayo 2015

2019 ◽  
Jeffrey A. Shero ◽  
Sara Ann Hart

Using methods like linear regression or latent variable models, researchers are often interested in maximizing explained variance and identifying the importance of specific variables within their models. These models are useful for understanding general ideas and trends, but often give limited insight into the individuals within said models. Data envelopment analysis (DEA), is a method with roots in organizational management that make such insights possible. Unlike models mentioned above, DEA does not explain variance. Instead, it explains how efficiently an individual utilizes their inputs to produce outputs, and identifies which input is not being utilized optimally. This paper provides readers with a brief history and past usages of DEA from organizational management, public health, and educational administration fields, while also describing the underlying math and processes behind said model. This paper then extends the usage of this method into the psychology field using two separate studies. First, using data from the Project KIDS dataset, DEA is demonstrated using a simple view of reading framework identifying individual efficiency levels in using reading-based skills to achieve reading comprehension, determining which skills are being underutilized, and classifying and comparing new subsets of readers. Three new subsets of readers were identified using this method, with direct implications leading to more targeted interventions. Second, DEA was used to measure individuals’ efficiency in regulating aggressive behavior given specific personality traits or related skills. This study found that despite comparable levels of component skills and personality traits, significant differences were found in efficiency to regulate aggressive behavior on the basis of gender and feelings of provocation.

2020 ◽  
Serena Stefani ◽  
Gabriele Prati

Research on the relationship between fertility and gender ideology revealed inconsistent results. In the present study, we argue that inconsistencies may be due to the fact that such relationship may be nonlinear. We hypothesize a U- shaped relationship between two dimensions of gender ideology (i.e. primacy of breadwinner role and acceptance of male privilege) and fertility rates. We conducted a cross-national analysis of 60 countries using data from the World Values Survey as well as the World Population Prospects 2019. Controlling for gross domestic product, we found support for a U-shaped relationship between gender ideology and fertility. Higher levels of fertility rates were found at lower and especially higher levels of traditional gender ideology, while a medium level of gender ideology was associated with the lowest fertility rate. This curvilinear relationship is in agreement with the phase of the gender revolution in which the country is located. Traditional beliefs are linked to a complementary division of private versus public sphere between sexes, while egalitarian attitudes are associated with a more equitable division. Both conditions strengthen fertility. Instead, as in the transition phase, intermediate levels of gender ideology’s support are associated with an overload and a difficult reconciliation of the roles that women have to embody (i.e. working and nurturing) so reducing fertility. The present study has contributed to the literature by addressing the inconsistencies of prior research by demonstrating that the relationship between gender ideology and fertility rates is curvilinear rather than linear.

Mª Cristina Núñez del Río ◽  
Mónica Fontana Abad

RESUMENNo se puede negar el incremento en los diez últimos años de investigaciones y publicaciones centradas en la Competencia Socioemocional. En concreto, este estudio aborda uno de los procesos que, según Goleman (1996), forma parte del constructo Inteligencia Emocional: la motivación. Numerosos estudios tratan su relación con el rendimiento y el fracaso escolar (González, Mendiri y Arias, 2002; Brier, 2006). El aumento de los índices de desmotivación en las aulas, unido a un rendimiento académico cada vez menor en algunos grupos de alumnos —a los que se unen aspectos y situaciones familiares disfuncionales—, justifica este estudio acerca de uno de los factores que más incidencia puede tener en los alumnos y sobre el que se puede intervenir: se trata de las características de los profesores que son percibidas como motivadoras por sus alumnos. En concreto, el estudio aborda el análisis de las diferencias en función de los diferentes cursos, el sexo y los factores de motivación según la Escala de Motivación Académica (EMA, Manassero y Vázquez, 1997, 1998). Para ello, se presentan los primeros hallazgos de un estudio, con una muestra incidental de 350 alumnos de ESO, pertenecientes a dos colegios concertados de diferentes áreas de Madrid. El trabajo concluye con algunas pautas de intervención para los profesores, que se consideran recomendables en la actuación en las aulas.ABSTRACTIt can’t be denied that, in the last ten years, research and publications focusing on Social and Emotional Competencies is increasing. This study addresses one of the processes, which according to Goleman (1996), is part of the Emotional Intelligence construct: motivation. Numerous studies deal with its relationship with performance and school failure (Gonzalez, Mendiri and Arias, 2002; Brier, 2006). The increased rates of demotivation in the classroom, coupled with an increasingly lower academic performance in some groups of pupils, together with dysfunctional family situations, justify this study about one of the factors with more impact on students: the characteristics of teachers who are perceived as motivating by the students. Specifically, in this paper, the differences taking into account the courses, the sex and the motivational factors according to the Academic Motivation Scale (EMA, Manassero and Vazquez, 1997, 1998) will be analyze. For this propose, the first findings of a study, with an incidental sample of 350 students from two schools in different areas of Madrid, will be presented. The paper concludes with some recommended guidelines for intervention for teachers in the classroom. 

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