2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nila Trisna

The Regional People's Legislative Assembly (DPRD) is a form of representative institution of the people of provinces, districts, or cities in Indonesia which is located as an element of local government administration together with the Regional Government. The existence of the Regional People's Legislative Assembly is regulated, among others, in Law Number 27 Year 2009 concerning the People's Consultative Assembly, the People's Legislative Assembly, the Regional Representative Council, and the Regional People's Legislative Assembly. Article 342 of Law Number 27 Year 2009 stipulates that "Regency / Municipal DPRD shall be a regional representative body domiciled as the element of the regional administration of a regency / municipality. In formal juridical, DPRD is the working partner of Regional Head either Governor, Regent, or Mayor. Since the enactment of Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government, the Regional Head shall no longer be responsible to the Regional People's Legislative Assembly, since it shall be elected directly by the people through the election of the Regional Head and Deputy Regional Head. Article 27 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 32 Year 2004 stipulates, among other things, that "the Regional Head has an obligation also to provide reports on the implementation of regional government to the Government, and to give accountability report to the DPRD". Nevertheless, the role of DPRD is enormous in determining regional policy.This study uses the normative juridical method, which is the approach done by examining the legislation relevant to the problem under study or looking from the normative legal aspects. Technique of data collection is done by Research of Library (Library Research), that is by studying book and literature relevant with writing. Keywords: Executive, Legislative.Relationship Partnership  

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Lies Ariany ◽  
Risni Ristiawati

The Regional government which carried out based on the principle of autonomy as wide as possible implies that the regions are given the authority to regulate and manage all their own affairs. So, this study tried to conduct a study of normative law to further examine the nature of the implementation of regional autonomy, and the second tried to analyze the role of regional regulations in order to support the implementation of regional autonomy through library research using the statute approach and conceptual approach. The results of the study indicated that one of the important ideals and rationalities for implementing regional autonomy was to make the policy process closer to the society, not only in the central government. For this reason, authority needs to be given so that local governments can take their own initiative to make decisions regarding the interests of the local community through laws at the local government level. Thus, the contents of the Regional Regulations are to accommodate the interests of the people in the regions in order to achieve happiness and prosperity that is distributed equally to the people in the area.Pemerintah daerah dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip otonomi yaitu memberi dan melaksanakan rumah tangga itu sendiri. Untuk alasan ini, penelitian ini adalah studi hukum normatif untuk memeriksa lebih lanjut tentang pelaksanaan otonomi daerah dan pendekatan lain yang dapat dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan perpustakaan menggunakan pendekatan Statuta dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa salah satu cita-cita dan rasionalitas penting pelaksanaan otonomi daerah adalah membuat proses lebih dekat dengan masyarakat, tidak hanya di pemerintah pusat. Untuk alasan ini, perlu mengisi ruang sehingga pemerintah dapat mengambil inisiatif sendiri untuk membuat keputusan tentang lingkungan masyarakat melalui peraturan di tingkat pemerintah daerah. Ini adalah konten materi dari Peraturan Daerah pada dasarnya untuk mengakomodasi manfaat masyarakat di daerah dalam rangka mencapai kebahagiaan dan kemakmuran yang didistribusikan secara merata kepada orang-orang di daerah tersebut.(The regional government is carried out based on the principle of autonomy is giving and carrying out the household itself. For this reason, the research is normative legal studies to examine more about the implementation of regional autonomy and other approaches that can be analyzed using the library approach using the Statute approach and the conceptual approach. The results of the study show that one of the important ideals and rationalities of the implementation of regional autonomy is to make the process closer to the community, not only in the central government. For this reason, it is necessary to fill the space so that the government can take its own initiative to make decisions about the community environment through a regulation at the regional government level. This is the material content of the Regional Regulation is essentially to accommodate the benefits of the community in the area in order to achieve happiness and prosperity that is evenly distributed to the people in the area). 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-145
Shinta Melly ◽  
Nur Syafawani Binti Azman

Abstract Perception in relation to environment, which is process by individuals organize and interpret the impression of their senses to give meaning to their environment. With the perception, attitude will be formed which stable tendency to act in certain situations. The purpose of this study is to find out the perception of the people in Malaysia towards to waste management which seen from the role of the people in waste management, the motivation of the people to participate and the activities of people participation in waste management. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using observation, interview, and documentation study techniques in data collection. The results of the analysis of this study are: a) public perception of waste management in Malaysia b) efforts made by the government in relation to waste management in Malaysia c) impact of increasing waste production in Malaysia. Kata Kunci : Waste, Perception, Waste Management

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-175
Arifuddin N

The bureaucracy arrangement in the government administration process studied in this research is how the role of the bureaucracy in the government administration process and the factors that influence the bureaucracy in the government administration process. This research is an empirical juridical legal research, by looking directly at the legal behavior of bureaucratic officials. Legal materials obtained regarding the structuring of government administration processes in Maros Regency are analyzed to find solutions to the problems faced. The results showed that the bureaucratic arrangement in the government administration process in Maros Regency, can be seen from the administrative management process by looking at the level of ease of service procedures, speed in service, low costs charged to the people, professionalism of officials in providing services. That the Maros Regency government in realizing the governance administration process has been running even though it is still not optimal. This is because there are still irregularities that occur in terms of public services to the community, although this is still in the stage of reforming towards excellent service standards. The influencing factor in the implementation of the bureaucracy in the implementation of public services in Maros Regency in serving the community is the availability of sufficient budget to support the operational implementation of public services. And the inhibiting factor is the service procedure factor, in addition to the lack of facilities and infrastructure

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Weni Gusdi Sari ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin

This study examines the concept of regional autonomy in Islamic constitutional law about how is the concept of regional autonomy in Islamic State Constitutional Law and how is the autonomy of regional heads in the perspective of Islamic constitutional law. This research is a qualitative research library (Library Research). The data of this study were obtained through the Islamic law/Fiqh research method with a historical approach. After the data has been collected, it is then processed by studying, researching, studying and understanding the concept of regional autonomy in Islamic Constitutional Law referring to the Al-Quran and Hadith and related articels. This study found the following results: (1) The concept of regional autonomy in Islamic constitutional law is practiced in three types of regional government, namely al-imarah al-khashah, al-imarah al-ammah, al-imarah al-istila. (2) The autonomy of the regional head's power in the perspective of fiqh siyasah dusturiyah or Islamic constitutional law is in accordance with the conditions and authority granted by a Khalifah. The Khalifah as head of state gives authority to al-Amir (Head of Region) in the functions of: collecting taxes in the region, managing regional administration and providing services to the people in the region, maintaining security in the region, attracting kharaj and collecting zakat, upholding and disseminating Islam in the region. area, as well as being a prayer priest.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 167
Amil Amil ◽  
Lalu Hendra Maniza ◽  
Rio Wahyudi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pemerintah desa poto tano terhadap pengembangan Objek wisata pulau kenawa dalam membangun ekonomi masyarakat. Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriftif. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu menggunakan data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, angket, dokumentasi, dan library research. Hasil penelitian peran pemerintah Desa Poto Tano terhadap pengembangan objek wisata pulau kenawa dalam membangun ekonomi masyarakat. Bekerjasama dengan dinas kebudayaan dan pariwisata sumbawa barat dan instansi lain dalam mengadakan event acara Wild West Sumbawa Cruise untuk mempromosikan pulau kenawa. Meningkatnya taraf ekonomi masyarakat Desa Poto Tano menjadi lebih baik dan mampu menciptakan lapangan kerja baru. Faktor penghambat menurut pemerintah karena belum adanya ijin dari kementerian lingkugan hidup dan kehutanan melalui dinas lingkungan hidup dan kehutanan kabupaten sumbawa barat. Belum lengkapnya sarana dan prasarana penunjang pariwisata bagi wisatawan. Faktor pendukungnya adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat desa poto tano untuk mengelola dan menjaga pulau kenawa sebagai aset yang menguntungkan di wilayah mereka. Abstract This study aims to determine the role of the village of Poto Tano government towards the development of Kenawa Island attractions in developing the community's economy. In this study the method used is qualitative descriptive. There are two sources of data in this study, namely using primary data and secular. The data collection technique used is using the method of interview, observation, questionnaire, documentation, and researc library. The results of the research are the role of the village of Poto Tano on the development of Kenawa Island tourism objects in developing the community's economy. Collaborate with the Sumbawa West Culture and Tourism Office and agencies to hold the Wild West Sumbawa Cruise event to promote the island of Kenawa. Increasing the economic level of the people of Poto Tano village has become better and able to create new jobs. The inhibiting factor according to the government is because there is no permit from the environment and forestry ministry through the environmental and forestry services of Sumbawa Barat District. The incomplete facilities and infrastructure supporting tourism for tourists. The supporting factor is the awareness of the people of Poto Tano village to manage and maintain the island of Kenawa as a profitable asset in their area.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Baharuddin Thahir

Social Policy and Regional Autonomy. The policy of decentralization and the practice of regional autonomy in Indonesia is a tool in the realization of the ideals of justice, democracy and the welfare of the people. This study aims to discuss social policy     and regional autonomy in accordance with the author’s understanding of the various sources obtained. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques in this study, the authors use literature review. In other words all efforts made by the author to gather information that is relevant to the topic or problem being discussed. The results show that the practice of governance today shows that social policy has been carried out. The national government and the regional government make social policy a matter that must be done in implementing government affairs. In decentralization, social policy has its own place in implementing government affairs. In that context social policy is understood as a policy and program run by the government, which is designed to improve people’s welfare or increase human dignity. Keywords: social policy, local government, regional autonomy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 179-184
Asep Hidayat

This research is motivated by the fact that in the State and society, it is still far from expectations; of course, this should be accountable by the government to the people who have voted for it because they have contributed their voices and in other aspects, the community has handed over their power and authority to the government. The problem in this research is that the government's accountability to the community is still low. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the duties and functions of accountable government administration. This study uses a normative juridical qualitative approach based on legislation. Data collection techniques used are documentation/library studies. The results showed that the function of government administration was not optimal, so it had an impact on the level of public trust in the government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-44
Rahmad Syah Putra

This study concerns the process of resolving the Aceh’s conflict and the role of one of the leaders in Aceh's peace, Farid Husain. The purpose of this study is to examine and to discuss the history of the resolution of the Aceh’s conflict, and the role of Farid Husain in Aceh peace In collecting the data, this study uses historical and descriptive analytical methods. The method of data collection is through three methods, namely observation, interview and documentation study. The results showed that during the conflict in Aceh, very much effort was made by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to resolve the Aceh’s conflict, starting from the reigns of President Soekarno, Suharto, BJ, Habibie, Abdurrahman Wahid, Megawati Soekarno Putri, to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Government and Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla who became the solution to the peaceful conflict in Aceh through intensive direct dialogue between facilitated by the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI). Farid Husain was one of the people involved in the Aceh peace process who played a role in opening communication with GAM leaders and working behind the scenes to supply information about Aceh and GAM in the interests of the Indonesian peace team in resolving the Aceh conflict through peaceful means. The results of the study also found that the Aceh peace process was collectively carried out by various parties, not involving one actor, one of which was Farid Husain who played the role of To See The Actor, also involving various other figures including the Acehnese leaders themselves.

Owner ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Victorinus Laoli

One manifestation of the important role of banking in a region, as implemented by PT Bank Sumut, Gunungsitoli Branch, is to distribute loans for investment, consumption and working capital for the people in the area. The purpose of providing credit for banks is the return of credit that earns interest and can increase income to finance activities and business continuity. From the results of research conducted with this data collection technique, it shows that PT Bank Sumut has a number of loans from 2009 to 2014 which each year rises. From this study, it is also known that the rate of credit repayment has a positive influence on the level of profitability.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Noval Setiawan ◽  
Sarbini Sarbini

The people who live in Anggrasmanis village, consist of various kinds of religions. There are Islam, Christian, and Hinduism. The tolerance between religious communities in Anggrasmanis village was maintained even though it was often tinged with tension and suspicion. This encourages religious figure to build communication. This study aims to describe how the pattern of communication inter-religious figures in Anggrasmanis village, so attitude of tolerance is born. The type of research used  is a qualitative description method with qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Researchers’ finding communication patterns of religious figures in Anggrasmanis village are linear communication patterns and circular communication patterns that occur in direct conversation between religious figures and direct feedback. The role of religious figures to building tolerance at Anggrasmanis village is by participating in activities at the village such as religious holidays.

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