scholarly journals Assessment of Stunting Status and Stunting Prevention Efforts in Toddlers in Penajam District, North Penajam Paser Regency

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 949-955
Ruminem Ruminem ◽  
Mayusef Sukmana

North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU) is one of the 100 priority districts/cities for stunting intervention in Indonesia. The prevalence of stunting in PPU Regency is 27%, while the prevalence in East Kalimantan is 28.3%, and nationally, 36.4%. Stunting has an impact on impaired brain growth, physical growth, and development. The purpose of community service is to analyze the characteristics of stunting toddlers and stunting prevention through posyandu activities. The method of implementing descriptive-analytic through secondary data collection activities for stunted toddlers is described. Posyandu activities for toddlers through health checks, providing nutrition education to toddlers in the villages of Penajam, Gunung Steleng, Nipah Nipah, and Nenang. Literature study on the prevention of stunting under five by the local government of PPU Regency. The results showed that there were 92 stunting toddlers, 53 boys, and 39 girls, with 68 short toddlers and 24 very short toddlers, most of whom were >24 -60 months old, i.e. 59 toddlers. Stunting prevention includes health checks for children under five, education on stunting prevention at posyandu and strengthening of stunting prevention/control policies with Regent Regulations. More optimal efforts are needed in implementing the Regent's regulation for the prevention of stunting under five.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-69
Aeda Ernawati

ENGLISHPregnant mothers need adequate nutritions for both the mother’s and fetus’ health. Malnutrition during pregnancy tends to cause nutritional problems. However, many pregnant mothers do not know the significant of nutritional needs during pregnancy. The purpose of this article is to discuss nutritional problems that are likely to threat pregnant mothers. This article was a literature study. The main data were secondary data, which were obtained from governmental documents and previous relevant studies. Pregnant mothers are vulnerable to several nutrional problems, such as Chronic Energy Deficiency, Anemia, and Iodine Deficiency Disorder. Those nutrional problem during pregnancy tend to affect the quality of future generation due to slow physical growth, mental development, and low intelligence of children. INDONESIAWanita hamil memerlukan gizi yang cukup untuk kesehatan ibu dan janinnya. Jika kebutuhan gizi ibu tidak tercukupimaka dapatberpotensi menyebabkan masalah gizi. Namun demikian, ibu hamil seringkali tidak mengetahui adanya peningkatan kebutuhan gizi selama kehamilan. Tujuan penulisan untuk membahas tentang masalah-masalah gizi yang rentan terjadi pada ibu hamil. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur. Data yang digunakan merupakan data sekunder berupa laporan dari instansi pemerintah dan penelitian-penelitian terdahulu. Ibu hamil rentan mengalami beberapa permasalahan kurang gizi. Masalah gizi yang sering terjadi pada ibu hamil adalah Kurang Energi Kronis (KEK), Anemia, dan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium.Masalah gizipada ibu hamil berdampak pada kesehatan ibu dan bayinya. Bayi yang dilahirkan dapat mengalami keterlambatan pertumbuhan fisik dan perkembangan mental serta penurunan kecerdasan.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 139
Sri Utami ◽  
Rekawati Susilaningrum ◽  
Dwi Purwanti

Abstrak Latar belakang. Optimalisasi tumbuh kembang anak merupakan salah satu upaya prioritas dalam mempersiapkan anak Indonesia generasi yang berkualitas. Keluarga mempunyai peran penting dalam menyiapkan anak mencapai tumbuh kembang optimal, melalui stimulasi dan pemantauan tumbuh kembang dengan menggunakan buku KIA. Di Jawa Timur, kepemilikan buku KIA sudah di atas 80% (Kemenkes RI, 2018), namun Kepemilikan buku KIA belum diimbangi dengan pemahaman isinya serta pemanfaatannya oleh ibu. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan pemahaman keluarga tentang buku KIA sebagai upaya optimalisasi tumbuh kembang balita. Metode. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara konseling,  dengan sasaran keluarga (ibu) yang mempunyai anak bayi dan balita. Jumlah sasaran 30 keluarga. Hasil. Pertumbuhan balita sebagian besar (83%) status gizi (BB/T) normal, Sebagian besar (77%) status gizi berdasarkan TB/Umur kategori normal. Hampir seluruhnya (97%) perkembangan sesuai usia. Setelah dilakukan konseling terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan ibu tentang pemanfaatan buku KIA dalam upaya optimalisasi tumbuh kembang dari 87% menjadi 100% berpengetahuan baik, dari 97% sikap positif menjadi seluruhnya 100% sikap positif, dan dari 83% Tindakan sesuai dalam pemanfaatan buku KIA, menjadi 97% sesuai. Konseling yang diberikan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan Tindakan ibu dalam pemanfaatan buku KIA. Kata Kunci: Pemberdayaan, Buku KIA, Tumbuh Kembang Bayi dan Balita.  Abstract Background. Optimizing child growth and development is one of the priority efforts in preparing quality generations of Indonesian children. Families have an important role in preparing children to achieve optimal growth and development, through stimulation and monitoring of growth and development using the MCH Handbook. In East Java, ownership of KIA books is above 80% (Ministry of Health RI, 2018), but ownership of MCH books has not been matched by understanding the contents and their use by mothers. The purpose of this community service is to increase family understanding of the MCH book as an effort to optimize the growth and development of toddlers. Method.The method used is interview counseling, targeting families (mothers) who have babies and toddlers. The target number is 30 families. Result. Most of the children under five (83%) had normal nutritional status (BW / T). Most (77%) nutritional status based on TB / age was normal. Almost all (97%) developed according to age. After counseling was carried out, there was an increase in the mother's knowledge about the use of MCH books in an effort to optimize growth and development from 87% to 100% good knowledge, from 97% positive attitudes to 100% positive attitudes, and from 83% appropriate actions in the use of the KIA book, to 97 % corresponding. The counseling provided can increase the knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers in the use of the MCH book. Keywords: Empowerment, MCH Handbook, Infant and Toddler Growth.

Gita Rizki Amaliya

Nutrition is one of the things that is still a global problem, including in Indonesia. Inadequate nutrition from in the womb to birth can cause various health problems for both mother and baby. One of the health problems that can occur in children under five due to malnutrition is stunting. This community service activity was held in Mojosari Village, Kalitidu, Bojonegoro. Undernutrition of children under five is one of the problems that must be addressed by the village government of Mojosari because based on Posyandu data, it was noted that in 2019 there were 38 underfives who were malnourished. The purpose of this community service is as an effort to improve nutrition for malnourished toddlers in Mojosari Village. The community service stages started from problem identification by obtaining primary and secondary data from observations, FGD, indept interviews and questionnaires as well as data from posyandu, ponkesdes and puskesmas. The data then obtained several lists of problems which were then prioritized using the CARL method so that the priority problem was obtained, namely malnutrition. After that, look for the root of the problem using the problem tree diagram, then prioritize alternative solutions using the MEER method. The results of the calculation of the MEER method found the priority alternative solutions, namely the development of the positive deviance (PD) program. So that the community service program carried out is the BOHLAM HATI Program (Providing Processed Healthy Nutritious Food) which contains a series of activities, namely the provision of nutritious food, the innovation of the RAZIA (Children's Nutrition Report) book, socialization in the form of talk shows, cooking demonstrations, and food decoration competitions. This series of activities is expected to increase the participation of mothers and toddlers in the PD program so that it can improve nutrition and reduce the number of under-five malnutrition.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-153
Parmonangan Manurung

The growth rate of people very rapidly with urbanization and density urban environments, had affected the availability of children's playground in informal settlements, especially in big cities. These conditions have adverse effects for the development of children who live in urban environments. Children as mandated by law, have the right to get a chance to play, on the other hand, play a part of the development of the child as well as a medium of learning. Base on this background, this paper aims to examine the influences of density informal settlements in urban environment for the availability of children's playground, especially friendly playground. This paper used qualitative research methods to conduct a literature study and observation to some locations where children play. The results showed that the density of settlement and urban growth over time reduces children's playground, and this will have an impact on the growth and development of children. From the discussion, it can be concluded that, an open space or a children-friendly playground in an informal settlement is needed in order to support the growth and development of children, because play is a very important activity in the process of their physical growth and social development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Baiq Fitria Rahmiati ◽  
Nurul Hidayah ◽  
Junendri Ardian ◽  
M. Thontowi Jauhari ◽  
Wenny Wijaya

Basic Health Research Data 2018 states that the prevalence of malnutrition in infants is 18.8%. MPASI, complimentary food to breast milk, is food or drink containing nutrients, given to babies or infants aged 6-24 months, and given in stages according to the age and digestive capacity of the babies or infants to meet their nutritional needs other than breast milk. This dedication aims to improve the nutritional status of infants under five years old by providing nutrition education to mothers of children under five related to the provision of complementary feeding recommended by WHO. The method used is counseling to 30 mothers of toddlers in Mataram City. The results of the community service activity show that there is an increase related to participants’ knowledge of complementary foods, solving problems for children who do not want to eat, and an increase in commitment to make complementary foods according to those recommended by WHO. The conclusion of this dedication is an increase in knowledge and willingness of mothers to provide food in accordance with WHO recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 275
Dedi Putra

The implementation of court in Indonesia has not fulfilled as expected because any parties involving in court has a lack of capacity, consistency, and integrity to provide legal service seriously. Some people assume that court services are not still optimal. To settle the problems, the Supreme Court just has officially issued Regulation No. 1 of 2019 regarding the Administration of Cases and Legal Proceedings in Courts via Electronic Means on 8 August 2019. This regulation is believed as an appropriate solution to face those problems. To elaborate more, this study illustrates a judicial reform in Indonesia, e-court, and access to justice, the conception of e-court including the performance of e-court and its drawbacks and challenges in the digital era. The research method uses normative research by approaching legal review and literature study. The technique of primary data collection applies Supreme Court regulation while means of secondary data are collected from concept or theory as set out under bibliography. Judicial reform in Indonesia is indicated by issuing new regulation regarding e-Court and e-Litigation, the implementation e-Court itself has been attributed to 32 courts consisting of general religious, and state administrative courts. Through e-Court, access to justice more transparent and accessible. Besides, justice seekers have no worries regarding distance issues as of e-Court may allow them to fight in court without face to face. Parties have no doubt relating to the acceleration of court to settle any dispute in Indonesia.

Agrotek ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Kunto Wibowo

<em>The agricultural sector</em><em> is a strategic sector in Manokwari regency. The agricultural sector provides a major contribution in the regional economy, an economic base of rural people, dominate the life of most residents in this region and provider of food and raw materials for other sectors. The purpose of this study was to determine how big the contribution of different sub-sectors that exist in the agricultural sector, which analyzes sectors influential in changing the economic structure of agriculture in the area and know the potential commodities that can be developed in an effort to enhance the role of the agricultural sector. The research method used through literature study and analysis of secondary data sourced from the relevant authorities. To find out how big the factors that influence changes in economic structures of domination of the agricultural sector into non-agricultural sector estimates used Ordinary Least Square (OLS). For the determination of the potential commodities that can be seeded used method approach Location Quotient (LQ). The results showed the greatest contribution of the different sub-sectors within the agricultural sector contained in the food crops sub-sector. Based on the rate of growth per year, plantation crops sub-sector occupied the highest positions. The sectors that provide real impact on the agricultural sector's contribution to the regional gross domestic product �of the building sector and services sector. Potential commodities that can be developed in different areas in Manokwari regency include food crops and pulses, vegetables and fruits and livestock including cows, goats, pigs and chicken.</em>

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Baskoro Wicaksono

This study describes the border management policy conducted by the central government, provinceof East Kalimantan and Nunukan. Policies such as the establishment of regulatory, institutionalstrengthening, programs and infrastructure development. The policy is getting good responsefrom the elite and the masses. On the other hand policy makers have expectations of localcommunities border synergism Sebatik Island in order to build and develop the border areas so asto break the chain of dependence on Malaysia. The research was conducted in Sebatik Island,East Kalimantan province Nunukan with the formulation of the problem (a) what policies areoriented to maintain borders, (b) How is the public response to government policy, (c) What areyour expectations of policy makers in local communities to regional border. This study usedqualitative methods to phenomenological research strategy. Techniques of data collection in thisstudy using two ways, namely in-depth interviews and secondary data view Results indicate thatthe existing policy of both the central and provincial to district borders do not solve the problembecause it is made on the island of Sebatik with other border regions. The policy does not includelocal knowledge, where it is desperately needed by the people Sebatik. In addition to policies onprograms and infrastructure development of the center, the district adopted a policy of inactionagainst the illegal cross-border trade, which on the one hand against the rules but if enforced thenpeople can not perform economic activities that impact well-being. Policies like this gets a positiveresponse from the public. Expectations for the future border policy is to load local content orlocal knowledge.Keyword: border policy, local knowledge, dependent relationship

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