2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 292-311
Fagholi Rohman ◽  
Maria Ismail

Parenting is  very urgent thing for the growth and development of children's future.The role of parents to the children's education, social functions, protection, affection, religiosity and economy as well as recreational and biological functions greatly affect how the results of parenting patterns against the child. It can be categorized from several types of parenting. This article discusses about how uniqueness parents' parenting, family custom of tengger krajan hamlet. (1) How the parenting for children in famil Tengger area ?; (2) How is the harmony between parents' expectations and heredity conditions in Tengger area. The discussion approach used by the researcher that is descriptive qualitative approach with the research grounded theory model to get the description of reality that is happening in description and making reader can describe the condition carefully.This research has produced a pattern worthy of being called a new pattern that is static, rooted and related to various aspects of custom so that it is not included in the previous parenting styles and can serve as a guideline for further research assets. With different locations and research subjects, it will give birth to data that supports the existence of other uniqueness that has not been previously covered in existing theories.                 ang tua merupakan hal yang sangat urgen bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak untuk masa depan. peran orang tua terhadap pendidikan anak, fungsi sosial, proteksi, afeksi, religiusitas dan ekonomi serta fungsi rekreasi dan biologis sangat mempengaruhi bagaiamana hasil pola asuh orang tua terhadap anaknya. hal tersebut dapat dikategorikan dari beberapa jenis-jenis pola asuh.  artikel ini membahas tentang bagaimana keunikan pola asuh orang tua, adat keluarga tengger dusun krajan. (1) Bagaimana pola asuh anak dalam keluarga di kawasana Tengger?; (2) Bagaimana keselarasan antara harapan orang tua dan kondisi keturunan dikawasan Tengger. Pendekatan yang digunakan oleh peneliti yaitu pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dengan model penelitian grounded Theory demi mendapatkan gambaran realita yang tengah terjadi secara deskripsi dan memungkinkan pembaca dapat menggambarkan keadaan dengan seksama. Penelitian ini telah menghasilkan bentuk pola yang layak untuk dinamakan pola baru yang bersifat statis, mengakar dan bersangkut paut dengan berbagai aspek adat sehingga tidak termasuk dalam kategori-kategori pola asuh sebelumnya dan dapat menjadi pedoman dalam rangka modal penelitian selanjutnya. Dengan lokasi dan subjek penelitian yang berbeda, akan melahirkan data yang mendukung adanya keunikan-keunikan lain yang belum tercover sebelumnya dalam teori-teori yang ada.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Amelia Haryanti ◽  

The purpose of this research is to find out the role of parents / guardians of learners in helping the character of learners during online learning in the covid-19 pandemic and the obstacles faced by parents during online learning. This research method uses a qualitative approach with case studies. The research subjects used were parents / guardians of learners in Pondok Benda Village, Pamulang District of South Tangerang City. Data collection techniques use observation, documentation, and interviews. The results of the research obtained are as follows: Parents are more trying to foster the character values of learners during online learning, parents provide real examples between subject matter and real examples in everyday life that can be witnessed and felt directly by learners in the environment where they live, while the obstacles faced by parents are the way of delivery in providing understanding of learning materials to learners,  Not as good as teachers in school. To overcome these problems parents create a group with Civic Education teachers to jointly conduct supervision and consultation related to learning materials so that learners are maximal in understanding learning during online learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 124
Nurul Istiqomah

<p>Entrepreneurship is very important to instill independence in the younger generation. There are a number of things that have an important influence on a child's soul, including family, school and the environment. The role of the family, especially mothers as early educators who put the most important foundation for the growth of the personality and maturity of children's thinking. There are several research focuses that exist in, among others, (1) to know parents in instilling entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang. (2) to knowing the form or result of the cultivation of entrepreneurial education values in the central tempe chips industry in Sanan, Malang (3) to knowing the obstacles in cultivating entrepreneurial education values in the Tempe chips industry center in Sanan, Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach to the type of research of community phenomena because researchers take data directly in the field. The technique of collecting data uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data reduction, and data presentation. The conclusion of this study is the role of parents in instilling entrepreneurial values is to guide and support the activities of their children in the field of entrepreneurship. The results have been well implemented through habituation. The obstacle in implementing entrepreneurship for children is the lack of parental trust so that it is difficult to teach entrepreneurship, it is difficult to determine which products are sold because they are too expensive, and the difficulty of the child to divide time.</p><p class="CPKeyword"><em><strong>Keywords: the role of parents; entrepreneurship</strong></em></p>

Muhammad Rezki Andhika

This paper examines the role of parents as a source of character education for early childhood. This study was conducted using the library research method. The results of this study indicate that the role of parents is a determining factor for children's development, both physically and mentally, is the role of both parents as the first and main educators for children who are born until they are adults. In the process of forming knowledge, various parenting styles conveyed by parents are very important. Education in the family plays a very important role in developing the character, personality, cultural values, religious and moral values ​​, and simple skills of children. The role of parents in influencing the character of children is no longer borne by the mother only. The role of the father in shaping the character of the child is very large. Fathers are still obliged to participate in maintaining interactions with their children, such as inviting them to talk, joke, and play.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Alin Ulpiyati ◽  
Elan Elan ◽  
Sima Mulyadi

Parental participation is very basic in the development of a child's character, one of which is intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is very important for children, if someone has a high level of intelligence, he will be able to control his emotions so that the actions taken are based on the correct knowledge. Therefore, in developing this intrapersonal intelligence, a stimulus from parents is needed. The purpose behind this research is to describe the role of parents in developing intrapersonal intelligence of children aged 5-6 years. The researcher uses a case study approach approach, the type of instrumental case study approach. The selection of research subjects was carried out by purposive sampling, which consisted of two families. This information collection method is carried out using interviews, observation, and documentation. This study uses data analysis techniques created by Miles and Huberman. The results showed that parents play a role in providing support, parents play a role in providing guidance, parents play a role in uniting children's activities, parents play a role in providing understanding for children, parents teach children in emotions, parents play a role in habituation to children.

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 155
Eartha Beatricia Gunawan ◽  
Ahmad Junaidi

This study aims to describe the representation of sex education in the film Dua Garis Biru by director Gina S. Noer. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method uses Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis with two-way significance and the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. The subjects of this study are Dara and Bima, the object of this study is a sign of sex education represented in scenes, dialogues, and characters in films. Methods of data collection by observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The film Dua Garis Biru tells the story of how Dara and Bima, two teenagers, must be responsible for the consequences that they did not think of before due to free sex. This film also illustrates the important role of parents in communicating information about sex to children. The results of this study indicate that there is a picture of sex education in the film Two Blue Lines. It was concluded that the side or form of sex education is displayed in scenes, dialogues, or characters that insert the importance of knowing sex education and knowing the consequences of every action related to sex. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan representasi pendidikan seks  dalam Film Dua Garis Biru karya sutradara Gina S. Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes dengan signifikan dua arah dan pemaknaan denotasi, konotasi, dan mitos. Subjek penelitian ini adalah Dara dan Bima, objek penelitian ini adalah tanda pendidikan seks yang direpresentasikan dalam adegan, dialog, dan karakter dalam film. Metode pengumpulan data dengan observasi, studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Film Dua Garis Biru bercerita tentang bagaimana Dara dan Bima, dua remaja harus bertanggung jawab atas konsekuensi yang tidak mereka pikirkan sebelumnya karena melakukan seks pranikah. Film ini juga menggambarkan pentingnya peran orang tua dalam mengkomunikasikan informasi tentang seks kepada anak. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat gambaran tentang pendidikan seks dalam film. Sisi atau bentuk pendidikan seks ditampilkan dalam cuplikan adegan, dialog, atau karakter tokoh yang menyisipkan pentingnya mengenal pendidikan seks dan mengetahui konsekuensi dari setiap perbuatan yang berhubungan dengan seks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 76-102

Statistics students’ conceptions of the work of statisticians and the discipline of statistics may play an important role in the topics to which they attend and their interest in pursuing further study. To learn about students’ conceptions, we collected open-ended survey responses from 44 undergraduate students who had completed introductory statistics courses. We used a grounded theory phenomenographical qualitative approach to identify several themes in students’ conceptions. In addition to the test-and-procedure conception, we offer several other themes, such as acknowledgement of variation and the role of ethical integrity. We use a metaphor of painting styles to compare to experts’ conceptions of statistics. By identifying “seeds” of what may be developed into expert conceptions, these preliminary results set possible foundations to explore trajectories that may help shape students’ conceptions of statistics. First published June 2020 at Statistics Education Research Journal Archives

Beth Preston

Technical functions of artifacts are commonly distinguished from their social functions and from biological functions of organisms. Schemes for classifying functions often encounter what the author calls the continuum problem—the imperceptible merger of function kinds. This is a special case of a debate about natural kinds in philosophy of science, which has resulted in a turn to an epistemological construal of kinds, in contrast to the traditional, purely ontological construal. The author argues for an epistemic analysis of function kinds along the lines of John Dupré’s (1993) “promiscuous realism.” This provides leverage for asking new and important questions about the epistemic purposes served by our various schemes for classifying artifact functions, and about the epistemic role of technical functions in particular. The author argues that the common classification into technical, social, and biological functions has more disadvantages than it has advantages.

Perspektif ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-66
Denny Erica ◽  
Haryanto Haryanto ◽  
Mari Rahmawati ◽  
Irwin Ananta Vidada

From an Islamic point of view, children are a mandate given by Allah to their parents, to provide good and healthy education, involving families is a place for children to learn, communicate, communicate, and behave towards the environment associated with it, and a children will always need a lot of attention and affection from both parents. The role of parents in the development of early childhood education from an Islamic point of view must be able to provide an explanation of all the children born in a state of nature, instill monotheism and aqeedah truly to children, teach children to help prayer, teach children to read the Koran, motivate children to always pray, teach children to always be grateful, motivate children to worship at the mosque, teach children to always be naked, teach children to always maintain the cleanliness of the body, and teach children to love each other God's creatures. By involving parents in providing education that contains Islamic religious values, it is expected that these early childhood children can support the process of adaptation to the outside environment, bearing in mind that these early childhood have strong character and faith in the process of development of growth and development for child.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-105
Craig M. McGill

The role of academic advising in higher education remains largely misunderstood by university stakeholders, faculty and staff, students, and academic advisors. Many hold the simplistic view that academic advising is merely transmitting information to students to ensure timely graduation, a perception that limits what advising can do for student learning, growth, and development. Interviews with NACADA leaders and document analysis reveals a grounded theory of the academic advising process: within the advising context, students connect with caring institutional representatives, make meaning of experiences, and engage in informed decision-making. Synthesizing these experiences helps students develop their academic identity. The theory can aid stakeholders outside of academic advising and give practicing advisors language to explain the valuable work they do with students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 106-118
Mohammad Rasikhul Islam

The competency of the teacher can contribute or increase learning achievement can be an active example of inofative criminative and have high integration in school. The purpose of this research is to know the role of the PAI master competence in enhancing student learning achievement.  This research uses the method of decriptif with a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using observations, interviews and documentation studies. Research subjects are the principals and teachers of PAI. The results of the study showed: (1). Pedagogic competence, (2). Personality Competencies (3). Social competence and (4). Professional competence.

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