scholarly journals The Sundanese Head Tie as a Sundanese Political Brand Identity in Indonesia(Biographical Study of Dedi Mulyadi's Politicians 2003-2018)

Brand identity is usually claimed on a product, even though an individual is primarily a public figure who needs his own identity so that it is in the minds of the community or its supporters, so the writer limits the research focus to the "Iket Sunda" (Sundanese headband) used by Dedi Mulyadi as a politician who succeeded in building a lead in Purwakarta Regency in West Java, Indonesia, from a city that passively became a city that was active in the community and crowded. While the purpose of this study was to find out the Brand Identity of Politicians Dedi Mulyadi through the Sundanese Typical Head Tie. This study uses a qualitative method with a biographical study approach, a factual description of social phenomena through a constructivist paradigm. The results of this study that the author found were two aspects that did not yet exist in Kapferer's The Six Facets Prism Brand Identity, namely the Standard and Professional aspects as forming the Eight Facets Prism - Political Brand Identity. Called Octagon of Political Brand Identity. There are findings of novelty research results. The research on this biography study is still fairly rare, so it is original, originating from the main subject, Dedi Mulyadi and validated by living witnesses and material from trusted online media coverage in Indonesia and so that they can add reference to the field of communication, especially in the narrative study approach.

Brand identity is usually claimed on a product, even though an individual is primarily a public figure who needs his own identity so that it is in the minds of the community or its supporters, so the writer limits the research focus to the "Iket Sunda" (Sundanese headband) used by Dedi Mulyadi as a politician who succeeded in building a lead in Purwakarta Regency in West Java, Indonesia, from a city that passively became a city that was active in the community and crowded. While the purpose of this study was to find out the Brand Identity of Politicians Dedi Mulyadi through the Sundanese Typical Head Tie. This study uses a qualitative method with a biographical study approach, a factual description of social phenomena through a constructivist paradigm. The results of this study that the author found were two aspects that did not yet exist in Kapferer's The Six Facets Prism Brand Identity, namely the Standard and Professional aspects as forming the Eight Facets Prism - Political Brand Identity. Called Octagon of Political Brand Identity. There are findings of novelty research results. The research on this biography study is still fairly rare, so it is original, originating from the main subject, Dedi Mulyadi and validated by living witnesses and material from trusted online media coverage in Indonesia and so that they can add reference to the field of communication, especially in the narrative study approach

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 362-370
Ikhsan ◽  
Utang Suwaryo ◽  
Neneng Yani Yuningsih ◽  
Franciscus Van Ylst

Purpose of the study: The aim of this study is to examine the role of special autonomy funds in poverty reduction in Aceh and to find out how to deal with poverty in Aceh and what obstacles are faced by Aceh Government. Methodology: This research used a qualitative method with a case study approach to provide a detailed explanation and exploitation. Research data obtained through interviews and data obtained also through local and national online media and the media data were analyzed using Nvivo 12 Plus, specifically by using the NCapture feature, which allows researchers to systematically compile and analyze documents. Main Findings: This study found that the implementation of poverty reduction programs and policies is still in the form of false participation due to low transparency and accountability and economic dependence on other regions outside Aceh and the small number of medium and large industries in Aceh. Applications of this study: The findings of this study are useful for exploration by the Aceh Government in order to maximize the role of special autonomy funds in poverty alleviation efforts in Aceh. Novelty/Originality of this study: Research on the Aceh Special Independence Fund has been widely explained by a number of researchers. However, there is no publication that specifically explains the role of special self-government funds to reduce poverty. Consequently, the use of accountable and transparent special autonomy funds can reduce poverty in Aceh.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-96
Muhammad Anshori

This paper explores the meaning of reality constructions coverage two online media, and, about "Raja Jokowi" in the general election 2019. The study uses a qualitative method with Entman analysis framing to express means of the media coverage—data collected by taking primary and secondary sources. Primer data took from two online media news that is restricted to November 11-20, 2018. Furthermore, I collected second sources from journals, research reports, online news portals, and books. All online media have been limited by news numbers; is five news, and is five news. Resulting studies that two online media have been featured a neutral information about "Raja Jokowi" poster. It can be proved with choosing diction word that does not contain controversial. This condition is essential as a social stabilization strut in other to does not occurs a vertical conflict in the political momentum. Meanwhile, the campaign team of Jokowi, know as Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN), has wisely explored in the media for all of the black campaigns; it will all be taken care by the authorities. The political elite’s consciousness to dampen the masses and fanatical society towards one of the spouses of presidential candidates is a maturity in democracy.Artikel ini mengeksplorasi makna konstruksi realitas pemberitaan dua media online, dan, tentang “Raja Jokowi” pada momentum pemilihan presiden tahun 2019. Untuk mengungkapkan makna tersebut, studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis framing Entman. Data dikumpulkan dengan pengambilan sumber data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari berita online dua media dengan batasan waktu 11-20 Nopember 2018. Masing-masing media online di batasi jumlah beritanya; berjumlah 5 berita dan berjumlah 5 berita. Sementara itu, sumber sekunder dikumpulkan melalui sumber dari jurnal, laporan penelitian, portal berita online, dan buku. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua media online tersebut memberitakan tentang poster “Raja Jokowi” bersifat netral. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan pilihan diksi kata yang tidak mengandung kontroversi. Kondisi ini penting sebagai penyangga stabilitas sosial agar tidak terjadi konflik vertikal di tengah politik nasional yang memanas. Sementara itu, kampanye yang mengarah kepada Tim Sukses pemenangan Jokowi, disebut juga Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN), dapat dihandel secara bijak. Pernyataan Ketua Tim Sukses Jokowi, Erick Tohir, secara bijak menyampaikan dalam media, segala sesuatu yang mengarah kepada kampanye hitam (black campign), semua akan diurus oleh pihak berwenang. Kesadaran elit politik untuk meredam masa dan masyarakat yang fanatik terhadap salah satu pasangan Calon Presiden adalah bentuk kedewasaan dalam berdemokrasi.

Mihhail Kremez ◽  
Ragne Kõuts-Klemm

The article provides a short theoretical discussion of framing in news and its role in the construction of reality. They present their approach to frame analysis by showcasing the coverage of two concrete events (the explosion in Arkhangelsk Oblast on August 8, 2019; the Eastern Economic Forum, that took place in Vladivostok on 4–6 September 2019) in Russia by the Estonian, German, and Bulgarian online media, with an emphasis on the Estonian news portals. The analysis rests on the assumption that individual members of society base their actions on the meanings that different events have to them; thus, an analysis of media constructions can explain people’s attitudes to specific social phenomena. Journalists play a crucial role in the formation of public attitudes towards the events that take place outside the country borders. Journalistic framing is based on the choices journalists make guided by their professional standards. It is demonstrated that the journalists working for the news portals under discussion generally use a rather narrow scope of frames in picturing Russia. On the one hand, these frames indicate limited access to information, while on the other hand, the use of frames by the journalists indicates their intention to attract the readership’s attention, the need to present the reality in a simplified and easily understandable form, etc. The authors concluded that their findings indicate certain trends in framing Russia in the traditional EU online media, and argue for the necessity to pay more attention to the selection of information in online media newsrooms.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Muh. Firyal Akbar ◽  
Sri Handyani Suprapto ◽  
Widya Kurniati Mohi

This research is generally aimed at strengthening Muhammadiyah union institution in one of Muhammadiyah's business charity in Gorontalo Province, whereas specifically the purpose of this research is to know objective description about reality that happened at campus of Muhammadiyah University of Gorontalo from organizational culture that developed on campus This, taking into account the organizational culture found in Muhammadiyah in accordance with the PHIWM. This research uses qualitative method with case study approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interview and documentation. Research time started from January to June 2017 From the results show that the employees have not implemented properly. Indicators of hard work still have not shown good results because most employees still do not understand the main duties and functions in work. Discipline indicators are also not well implemented where there are still many employees who enter the campus through the provisions of the time set as well while attending events on campus and when entering the time of prayer still not heed these things. The last indicator is the optimization in the work also has not shown the maximum results because only a few who are able to work effectively in accordance with the work agenda that they set previously.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Kulon Progo Regency is one of the districts that has many innovations, one of which is community empowerment in collaboration with a modern shop abbreviated as the shop name owned by the people (tomira). This research was motivated by the achievements of the Kulon Progo district government in carrying out development and innovation in the development of the Kulon Progo region by fully involving the Kulon Progo district community through community empowerment. This initiative was taken by the government of Kulon Progo Regency to improve community empowerment and protect the people of Kulon Progo Regency from various economic threats. Considering that in the past few years many modern shops have mushroomed in each district/city, so this is what makes Kulon Progo Regency move quickly to empower the community by collaborating between MSMEs or cooperative with modern shops. This study uses a qualitative method which case study approach. With the empowerment that has been done, the original products of Kulon Progo Regency or local products can be traded in modern stores so that local products in Kulon Progo Regency can compete with national products in these modern stores. The existence of such cooperation will indirectly improve the image of Kulon Progo Regency and lift the original products of Kulon Progo Regency. The lifting of the original products of Kulon Progo Regency will have a positive impact on the community, where indirectly the economy of the community will increase so that there will be prosperity for the community. Kabupaten Kulon Progo adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki banyak inovasi, salah satunya adalah pemberdayaan masyarakat bekerja sama dengan toko modern disingkat nama toko yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat (tomira). Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pencapaian pemerintah kabupaten Kulon Progo dalam melakukan pengembangan dan inovasi dalam pengembangan wilayah Kulon Progo dengan melibatkan sepenuhnya masyarakat kabupaten Kulon Progo melalui pemberdayaan masyarakat. Inisiatif ini diambil oleh pemerintah Kabupaten Kulon Progo untuk meningkatkan pemberdayaan masyarakat dan melindungi masyarakat Kabupaten Kulon Progo dari berbagai ancaman ekonomi. Menimbang bahwa dalam beberapa tahun terakhir banyak toko-toko modern telah menjamur di setiap kabupaten/kota, jadi inilah yang membuat Kabupaten Kulon Progo bergerak cepat untuk memberdayakan masyarakat dengan berkolaborasi antara UMKM atau bekerjasama dengan toko-toko modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, dengan metode yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi. Dengan pemberdayaan yang telah dilakukan, produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo atau produk lokal dapat diperdagangkan di toko modern sehingga produk lokal di Kabupaten Kulon Progo dapat bersaing dengan produk nasional di toko modern ini. Adanya kerjasama tersebut secara tidak langsung akan meningkatkan citra Kabupaten Kulon Progo dan mengangkat produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Pencabutan produk asli Kabupaten Kulon Progo akan berdampak positif bagi masyarakat, di mana secara tidak langsung perekonomian masyarakat akan meningkat sehingga akan ada kesejahteraan bagi masyarakat.

Humaniora ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Anak Agung Ayu Wulandari ◽  
Ade Ariyani Sari Fajarwati

The research would look further at the representation of the human body in both Balinese and Javanese traditional houses and compared the function and meaning of each part. To achieve the research aim, which was to evaluate and compare the representation of the human body in Javanese and Balinese traditional houses, a qualitative method through literature and descriptive analysis study was conducted. A comparative study approach would be used with an in-depth comparative study. It would revealed not only the similarities but also the differences between both subjects. The research shows that both traditional houses represent the human body in their way. From the architectural drawing top to bottom, both houses show the same structure that is identical to the human body; head at the top, followed by the body, and feet at the bottom. However, the comparative study shows that each area represents a different meaning. The circulation of the house is also different, while the Balinese house is started with feet and continued to body and head area. Simultaneously, the Javanese house is started with the head, then continued to body, and feet area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 225
Fadhli Zul Fauzi ◽  
A. A. Gede Brahmantya Murti ◽  
Laili Alfiati Imamah ◽  
Nimas Hapsari

This article aims to examine the issue of infrastructure development in Papua Province, Indonesia. This article specifically discusses the problems confronted during the process of infrastructure development in Jayapura and the challenges in expanding them. The method used in this study is the qualitative method with a case study approach, wherein the infrastructure development case selected is the Papua Bangkit Stadium and Holtekamp Bridge located in Jayapura. Both infrastructure development cases serve as sample cases that show the extent of infrastructure development impact in Papua, and the issues that were confronted, starting from the development process up to the expansion. The study results indicate that although previous studies have shown positive correlation between development and welfare, in reality, there are several problems occurring in Papua’s infrastructure development. Preparedness of human resources, cultural issues, and weak coordination between every level of regional government institution, these are the main problems in Papua’s infrastructure development. This article is expected to assist in resolving the issues found in Papua’s infrastructure development, and to provide recommendations for resolving those issues.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-44
Indah Ahdiah

AbstrakThis study aims to determine the background and motivating factors for survivors to become local volunteers in the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction natural disasters that occurred on September 28 in the city of Palu. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The results of the study showed that being a survivor's background in volunteering was a position as a board or member of Muhammadiyah, and there was also an interest in MDMC work. The driving factors (1) imply the meaning of Al Maun, be useful human beings, (2) as an act of gratitude, (3) an expression of gratitude for the opportunity of life given by God, (4) working as a volunteer becomes one of the ways to restore emotions.Keywords : survivor, volunteer, humanitarian organizations

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