Characteristics of preparatory actions of an athlete in training and competition activity

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 41-49
Dmitry Pakhomov

This paper focuses on preparatory actions in training and competitive process. The article analyzes, summarizes and characterizes preparatory actions in terms of their implementation as the part of an exercise and sport activity in general. For the first time we have proposed classification of preparatory actions as a separate element of training process. The structure of this classification appear as the hierarchy of its constituent elements and their description based on the theory, methodology and practice of their application in sport activities. We have considered setup and preparation of sport equipment before competition exercises, visualization of a sport task, and its simulation without special tools and equipment to be separate actions of an athlete for the first time. Research methods and organization of research. We have used the following methods in our study: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, testing, generalization of information, and formalization of the data for mathematical statistics. Research results and discussion. The main part of the article called “Study of the forms and structure of preparatory actions. Characteristics of preparatory actions” contains description of the research, substantiated analysis, generalization and identification of the main structural elements in a sport exercise. Conclusion. The paper contains “Classification of preparatory actions of an athlete” in a convenient tabular form. The chapter “Preparatory actions in a sport training system” contains the analysis of classification of preparatory actions of an athlete presented in the Table. It describes the signs of preparatory actions and their characteristics in a sport training system. Practical significance of this study is to form the basis of classification of preparatory actions as the part of a sport exercise. The study introduces characteristics of such actions, and it describes their duality in the conceptual apparatus of scientific and methodological research. It enables coaches, athletes and specialists in the field of sport activities to apply new methodological techniques in the training process and to plan it in the annual cycle due to a new attitude to both the exercise itself and its constituent elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 01010
Maria Vladimirovna Alimova ◽  
Daria Grigorievna Gutorova ◽  
Tatyana Viktorovna Kapshukova ◽  
Ekaterina Stanislavovna Kozlovskaya ◽  
Ivanna Ivanovna Prokopova

In the 2020/2021 academic year, due to objective circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, Russian universities were forced to organize the admission of foreign citizens to preparatory departments exclusively in a distance format. This academic year turned out to be experimental and opened up many opportunities for both students and teachers. At the same time, taking into account the accumulated training experience, it can be concluded that when using an exclusively distance learning format, both advantages and significant disadvantages were identified, which, in turn, became a prerequisite for conducting the study. The purpose of this article is to identify and analyze in detail the main disadvantages of teaching types of speech activities in the online format and using remote learning platforms. The authors, as practicing teachers of Russian as a foreign language, directly faced all the problems considered in the article, and they observed the same difficulties among their colleagues. In this regard, the main methods for carrying out the work were methods characteristic of empirical research, first of all, observation, classification of results and generalization. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to analyze the problems related to different areas of the organization and functioning of educational activities that arise in the distance learning process at the pre-university stage. This determines both theoretical and practical significance of the work carried out. As a result, the authors managed to summarize and systematize the disparate difficulties, which in the future may become the basis for finding systemic solutions to the identified problems.

2013 ◽  
Vol 303-306 ◽  
pp. 2191-2197
Xiao Hong Lu ◽  
Qiu Shi Zhang ◽  
Xue Feng Zhang ◽  
Zhang Rui

The training of distribution operators is an important link to ensure the safe operation to effectively enhance the training effect,the paper put forward a new teaching form that combining the line operation and simulation training. It firstly analyzes the distribution network simulation training function demand, then designs training simulation system structure,extracts simulation training process,introduces the key technology:three-dimensional simulation technology,then simulation training process,finally gives the system development example. The application result shows the power line operation simulation training system can effectively guarantee the operation training effect,has a great practical significance.

10.12737/5916 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 122-126
Классина ◽  
S. Klassina

A trainer-athlete social interaction has systemic psychological and physiological nature. The systemic quantization of the behavior concept, offered by K.V. Sudakov, was the methodological basis for creation of the trainer-athlete social interaction physiological model. It is shown that the trainer’s verbal instruction promotes the systemic organization of the trainer-athlete social interaction (SYSTEMOQUANT), which has higher level hierarchy in relation to the athlete’s training activity. The athlete’s sport activity in SYSTEMOQUANT is presented as the sequence of athlete’s systemic quantums, which are characterized by stage activity results and have lower hierarchy in relation to the end result of SYSTEMOQUANT. All this allows to speaking about "inclusion" systemic quantums of athlete as a system of organizations lower level in SYSTEMOQUANT social interaction coach-athlete. The quantitative integrated assessment of parameters of reached sports results and “physiological cost" of these results allows to carry out timely correction of athlete’s sport activity. The analysis of dynamics of result’s parameters and "physiological cost” allow to estimate "the load worth» of each athlete’s training activity stage and to reveal critical stages of physical activity. It optimizes the athlete’s training process and accelerates the acquisition of high level sport training for their. The author notes that the dependence of the "physiological cost" sports result from its parameter is defined as the individual abilities of the athlete, his / her functional status at the time of exercise and sport. The physiological model of trainer-athlete social interaction can be used in a training process of athletes. It should be noted that such a system approach to studying of a social interaction problem can be used, not only in sport, but in the educational and production practice of teaching, where the training verbal instruction is actively used. Using the monitoring with feedback, the instructor (teacher) will always have information about the success of his instructions and student’s physiological cost.

2019 ◽  
pp. 83-92
Inna Konstantinovna Nesterchuk

This article is devoted to the one of the most promising types of tourism – gastronomic. The author defined the definition of «gastronomic tour», proposed a classification of gastronomic tourism products, and identified the conditions for its development. Goal. Popularization of national cuisine, which can tell about the history of a country or region, their past and present no less than music, architecture, literature. Along with them, she acts as the brightest monument. Promotion of gastronomic tours by national restaurants and the classification of gastronomic tourist products. Method. The technique of territorial recreational systems is used to evaluate the possibilities of development of gastronomic tourism and in particular gastronomic tours. Results. Author's definition of «gastronomic tour» is given, the history of its origin and development was analyzed, the classification of gastronomic products was developed, the theory of territorial recreational systems in relation to gastronomic tourism and gastronomic tours was considered. Scientific novelty. For the first time the definition of «gastronomic tour» has been generalized, gastronomic tourist products have been classified, the preconditions for its development have been identified. Practical significance. Food is considered as a unique language (cultural code) and at the same time as one of the ways of the nation self-identification. Specifics are manifested in the possibility of widespread development of gastronomic tourism, in the diversity of manifestations of gastronomic tours in any season of the year, in the possibility of promoting local farms and producers of food products. It has been developed a unique classification of gastronomic tours, in which the main and the private directions are singled out.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-58

Topicality of the research is justified with followings: the periphrasis as a stylistic device was studied by many scholars, however, expressing the names of the famous people in periphrasis of two different languages has not been studied yet. Aim and tasks of the research are to study the etymological derivations of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people from different sources and analyzing and estimating linguocultural attributes of the collected examples and to find their similar and distinctive features in the correlation of two languages. Tasks of the following article are: the classification of the names of English and Uzbek famous people expressed in periphrasis; linguocultural peculiarities of the periphrasis units of the names of famous people of different cultures. Object and subject of the research are periphrasis units of the names of famous people in English and Uzbek languages, to determine linguocultural peculiarities of the English and Uzbek famous people in periphrasis. The theoretical significance of the research is connected with the fact that for the first time the author tries to investigate linguocultural properties of the English and Uzbek famous people’s names in periphrasis. The practical significance of the article is in theoretical assumptions of periphrasis units in both languages, examples reflecting the linguocultural peculiarities of the English and Uzbek periphrasis units can be applied as practical examples at lectures on Cultural Linguistics and Lexicology. The procedure of the analysis of the practical material can be applied writing other articles in Cultural Linguistics.

Oleksandr Ostrohliad

Purpose. The aim of the work is to consider the novelties of the legislative work, which provide for the concept and classification of criminal offenses in accordance with the current edition of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the draft of the new Code developed by the working group and put up for public discussion. Point out the gaps in the current legislation and the need to revise individual rules of the project in this aspect. The methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis and generalization of the available scientific and theoretical material and the formulation of appropriate conclusions and recommendations. During the research, the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: terminological, logical-semantic, system-structural, logical-normative, comparative-historical. Results In the course of the study, it was determined that despite the fact that the amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine came into force in July of this year, their perfection, in terms of legal technology, raises many objections. On the basis of a comparative study, it was determined that the Draft Criminal Code of Ukraine needs further revision taking into account the opinions of experts in the process of public discussion. Originality. In the course of the study, it was established that the classification of criminal offenses proposed in the new edition of the Criminal Code of Ukraine does not stand up to criticism, since other elements of the classification appear in subsequent articles, which are not covered by the existing one. The draft Code, using a qualitatively new approach to this issue, retains the elements of the previous classification and has no practical significance in law enforcement. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in law-making activities to improve the norms of the current Criminal Code, to classify criminal offenses, as well as to further improve the draft Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Larysa Gromozdova ◽  
Inna Stenicheva

Purpose of the article: to determine the essence of different elements ofsocio-economic space of the region. Construction of the structure and isolationof individual elements of socio-economic space as a multi-vector formation.This article highlights the essence and different approaches to defining theconcepts, structure and mechanisms of formation of economic and social spacesof the region, innovation space as a basic element of socio-economic space.Research Methods: The methodological basis of the research is the fundamentalprinciples of economic theory, regional economy, scientific views and approachesof foreign and domestic scientists. To achieve the purpose of the study, themethods used at the empirical and theoretical levels were used: axiomatic,abstract, system-structural analysis, analogies and comparisons, graphoanalytic,by which the characterization of the nature of the concepts of space, socioeconomic space, as well as innovation space region. Their general properties,structure and functions are described.The criteria of optimality and balancesof interests in the formation of different types of space in the region areconsidered. The classification of the regional space is proposed, and the networkconnections of the innovation space according to components and elements arerevealed, which allows to study deeply the social, economic and other problemsof development of the region.Scientific novelty: the classification of regionalspace by separate constituent elements is proposed. The concept of “innovationspace” was introduced into scientific circulation, the scheme of networkconnections of the innovation space with other elements of the regional socioeconomic space was developed. Conclusions and Prospects for Further Research:In today’s context, it is possible to significantly improve the economic stateof development of Ukrainian regions by using a scientifically sound andcomprehensive approach to defining and studying the concepts of socioeconomic and innovative space.In the further study it is necessary to considerin detail the mechanism of organizational activity of innovation space in theregion. It is very important to pay attention to information support for theformation of the innovation space, the creation of a regional legal field ofinnovation space, mechanisms for coordinating regional innovation activitieswithin the innovation space, as well as the influence of internal and externalfactors on the formation and development of the innovation space.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
А. Н. Сухов

This given article reveals the topicality not only of destructive, but also of constructive, as well as hybrid conflicts. Practically it has been done for the first time. It also describes the history of the formation of both foreign and domestic social conflictology. At the same time, the chronology of the development of the latter is restored and presented objectively, in full, taking into account the contribution of those researchers who actually stood at its origins. The article deals with the essence of the socio-psychological approach to understanding conflicts. The subject of social conflictology includes the regularities of their occurrence and manifestation at various levels, spheres and conditions, including normal, complicated and extreme ones. Social conflictology includes the theory and practice of diagnosing, resolving, and resolving social conflicts. It analyzes the difficulties that occur in defining the concept, structure, dynamics, and classification of social conflicts. Therefore, it is no accident that the most important task is to create a full-fledged theory of social conflicts. Without this, it is impossible to talk about effective settlement and resolution of social conflicts. Social conflictology is an integral part of conflictology. There is still a lot of work to be done, both in theory and in application, for its complete design. At present, there is an urgent need to develop conflict-related competence not only of professionals, but also for various groups of the population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Elmira Shamsuvaleeva ◽  
Anastasiya Nevmyvaka ◽  
Andrey Nazarenko

The purpose of the research is to study the possibility of predicting the development of aerobic endurance of athletes through a comparative analysis of the outcomes of genetic and computerized testing. Methods and organization of the research. In our research, we used scientific and methodological literature, as well as the outcomes of competitive activity and genetic analysis of a particular athlete. The total number of survey respondents was 158 people including athletes (n = 85) and coaches (n = 73). Results and discussion. Some authors find the relationship between the ability to develop and manifest endurance and the presence of the appropriate alleles of genes: ACE I, ACNT X, ACNT3 (RX, XX), ADRA2A, AMPDI C, PGC1A Gly, NFATC4, UCP2. Most studies reveal the relationship between the ACE gene and endurance supported by the I allele. Genetic foresight of the possibility of developing aerobic endurance of athletes can become the framework for the application of an individual approach in sport training, and contribute to the development of techniques aimed at the refinement of physical qualities. The modern approach to the coaching and competitive activities of athletes should include both genetic and functional studies of the human body. Conclusion. Sport forecast cannot be based solely on genetic testing results. The presence of polymorphisms in one or more genes associated with sport activity is the platform for good performance in a particular sport, but the actual manifestation of genetic predisposition depends on many factors. These factors include nutrition, daily routine and competent organization of the training process, which requires a high level of theoretical and practical competency of coaches in the field of biomedical education.

Proceedings ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Martino Colonna ◽  
Benno Zingerle ◽  
Maria Federica Parisi ◽  
Claudio Gioia ◽  
Alessandro Speranzoni ◽  

The optimization of sport equipment parts requires considerable time and high costs due to the high complexity of the development process. For this reason, we have developed a novel approach to decrease the cost and time for the optimization of the design, which consists of producing a first prototype by 3D printing, applying the forces that normally acts during the sport activity using a test bench, and then measuring the local deformations using 3D digital image correlation (DIC). The design parameters are then modified by topological optimization and then DIC is performed again on the new 3D-printed modified part. The DIC analysis of 3D-printed parts has shown a good agreement with that of the injection-molded ones. The deformation measured with DIC are also well correlated with those provided by finite element method (FEM) analysis, and therefore DIC analysis proves to be a powerful tool to validate FEM models.

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