2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Diana Arianti ◽  
Milya Novera ◽  
Ledia Restipa

Pasien pasca stroke iskemik cendrung memiliki gejala sisa yang dapat mempengaruhi fungsi fisik dan aktifitas sehari-hari pada pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Discharge Planning Dengan Pendekatan Family Centered Nursing Terhadap  Kualitas Hidup Pasien Stroke  Di RSI. Ibnu Sina Padang Tahun 2016. Desain penelitian quasi experimental, non equivalent, control group pre test dan post test design. Pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling yang berjumlah 26 orang. Sampel yaitu pasien stroke iskemik. Uji statistik yang digunakan wilxocon signed test. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan consecutive sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik Mann Whitney. Hasil uji satatistik dengan nilai p=0,346 artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan kualitas hidup pasien stroke siskemik sesudah diberikan discharge planning dengan pendekatan family centered nursing.  Disarankan bagi perawat agar dapat memberikan disharge planning dengan baik pada keluarga pasien dalam memberikan dukungan keluarga terhadap pasien pasca perawatan stroke selain itu disharge planning juga diberikan pada pasien untuk dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan semangat hidup yang tinggi sehingga pasien tidak mengalami depresi

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-137
Titik Setyaningrum ◽  
Nyimas Heny Purwati

Rangkaian prosedur pengobatan pada anak dengan leukemia diperlukan jangka waktu yang panjang atau periode dengan kemoterapi yang intensif, sehingga anak mengalami hospitalisasi berulang yang berisiko mengganggu tumbuh kembangnya serta berakibat terhadap proses penyembuhannya. Tingkat kecemasan yang akan ditimbulkan sangat membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga. Intervensi yang dapat diberikan untuk meningkatkan dukungan keluarga yaitu dengan supportive educative system berbasis family centered care. Tujuan penelitian adalah Menganalisis pengaruh  intervensi supportive educative system berbasis family centered care terhadap dukungan keluarga dalam merawat anak dengan leukemia. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Quasi Experimental dengan pendekatan non equivalent  control  group before after design dan jumlah sampel masing – masing kelompok 24. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Hasil penelitian menujukkan rata-rata umur anak pada kedua kelompok adalah 6 tahun, umur orangtua 35-36 tahun dan pendidikan orang tua mayoritas berpendidikan rendah. Hasil penelitian didapatkan p value 0,000 (≥ 0,05) yang artinya terdapat perbedaan dukungan keluarga antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol sesudah diberikan intervensi. Dapat disimpulkan pemberina intervensi supportive educative system berbasis family centered care berpengaruh terhadap dukungan keluarga dalam merawat anak dengan leukemia.   Kata kunci: leukemia pada anak, dukungan keluarga, supportive educative system berbasis family centered care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-91
Febriyanti Akmalia ◽  
Nurul Anjarwati ◽  
Yulia Candra Lestari

Family Centered Care merupakan hal terpenting dalam hospitalisasi anak yang didasarkan pada kolaborasi antara anak, orang tua, dokter anak, perawat anak, dan profesional lainnya dalam perawatan klinis yang berdasarkan perencanaan, pemberian dan evaluasi pelayanan Kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Family Centered Care Terhadap Stress Hospitalisasi pada Anak di Ruang St Theresia RS Panti Nirmala Malang. Desain penelitian menggunakan Quasi Experimental Design dengan pendekatan Pretest-Postest Control Group, Teknik sampling yang digunakan consecutive sampling sebanyak 42 responden, yang terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu 21 responden kelompok kontrol dan 21 responden kelompok intervensi. Hasil uji Wilcoxon menunjukkan ada perbedaan tingkat stress yang signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test pada kelompok perlakuan (p=0,000< 0,05), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol ada perbedaan tingkat stress yang signifikan antara pre-test dan post-test (p = 0,028< 0,05). Berdasarkan uji Mann Whitney terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor tingkat stress post-test kelompok kontrol dengan skor tingkat stress post-test kelompok perlakuan (p=0,000< 0,05). Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Penerapan Family Centered Care pada pasien anak sangat diperlukan, guna untuk menurunkan stress hospitalisasi pada anak dan diharapkan dapat diterapkan di Rumah Sakit maupun di pelayanan Kesehatan untuk meningkatkan kepuasan keluarga dan mutu pelayanan di Rumah Sakit.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Nunik Purwanti ◽  
Ah. Yusuf ◽  
Suprajitno Suprajitno

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder that affects about one percent of the population which is also commonly found in Indonesia. Based on the medical records taken from Surabaya Menur Mental Hospital in July until September 2016, the number of patients diagnosed with this disease is 439 patients. The increasing case of schizophrenia is resulted from the lack of support and role of family and their ability in taking care of patients with schizophrenia. This study used quasi-experimental design (pre-post test controlgroup design), purposed to prove the effects of video-based discharge planning using family-centered nursing on the ability of family in taking care of patients with schizophrenia. This study involved the family members of schizophrenic clients as the population in which half of them were taken as the samples: 15 repondents were chosen as the control group, whereas 15 respondents were taken as the treatment group using consecutive random sampling technique. The independent

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Laili Hajriah Simamora ◽  
Humaidah Br. Hasibuan ◽  
Zulfahmi Lubis

<em>This study aims to determine: 1) the effect of the application of the game magic box on the language development of children aged 5-6 years; 2) the effect of the quiz / question and answer method on language development of children aged 5-6 years; 3) differences in the application of the game  magic box  with question and answer method for language development of children aged 5-6 years at RA Al-Fajar Medan Denai. The method used is quantitative research, the type of research is quasi experimental design using post-test design control group design (non equivalent control group design).  The population is 26,  namely 13 children of class B1 (experimental class) and 13 children of class B2 (control class). The results of this study are 1) The influence of the application of the game magic box on language development of children aged 5-6 years, seen from the calculated value = 10.2700&gt; table = 2.064; 2) The influence of the question and answer method on the development  the language of children aged 5-6 years, seen from the calculated value = 8.6782&gt; table = 2.064; 3) There are differences in the influence of the application of the magic box (mystery box) with the quiz / question and answer method on the language development of children aged 5-6 years in  RA Al-Fajar Medan Denai, seen from the calculated value = 2.7458 and table = 2.064.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 827-846
Nthabiseng Mosese ◽  
Ugorji I. Ogbonnaya

Making connections between the representations of trigonometric functions and an interpretation of graphs of the functions are major challenges to many students. This study explores the effectiveness of the GeoGebra on grade 12 students’ success in making connections between the representations of trigonometric functions and the interpretation of graphs. A non-equivalent control-group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used. The sample of the study consisted of sixty-one grade 12 students from two schools. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the mean achievements of the experimental group and the control group on making connections between representations of trigonometric functions, and on analyses and interpretations of representations of trigonometric functions, in favour of the experimental group. This study extends the findings of previous studies on the effectiveness of dynamic mathematics software on students’ learning of representations and interpretation of graphs of trigonometric functions.            Keywords: GeoGebra, functions graphs, Trigonometric functions

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Rebecha Aprilia ◽  
Sulastri Manurung

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan apakah ada pengaruh teknik Mind Mapping terhadap keterampilan siswa dalam menulis teks deskriptif pada siswa kelas 10 SMK Management Training System tahun akademik 2018-2019. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan metode penelitian merupakan quasi experimental design  yaitu non equivalent control group design yang terdiri dari dua kelas yaitu kelas eksperimen dan kelas control. Kelas experiment diberi perlakuan dengan menggunakan teknik mind mapping. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pre-test dan post-test pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor siswa di kelas eksperimen memperoleh nilai tertinggi dengan nilai 91 dan nilai terendah 9. Nilai tobserve lebih tinggi dari ttable (2.759 ˃ 2.074). Dengan demikian, Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik Mind Mapping berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keterampilan menulis teks deksripsitf siswa. Teknik Mind Mapping juga membantu siswa untuk berfikir lebih creative dalam mengembangkan ide-idenya, mengembangkan konsep serta lebih rileks dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran khususnya menulis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 197-200
Rosmaria . ◽  
Sri Yun Utama ◽  
Titik Hindriati ◽  
Diniyati .

Background: The consumption of Fe tablets needs to be the attention of midwives as one of the spearheads in providing antenatal care services. Due to the low level of compliance of pregnant women to consume Fe tablets, it is necessary to provide appropriate counseling as an effort to increase compliance with Fe tablets. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the application model (Sumiferos) for preventing anemia with pregnant women compliance in consuming Fe tablets at Putri Ayu Health Center in Jambi city. Materials and methods: This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a post-test design by involving an intervention group and a control group (post-test), two group designs. With the total of 70 subjects;the intervention group, 35 respondents were given a website application (sumiferos), and a control group 35 respondents were given a leflet. After a month, the number of Fe tablets that have been consumed was monitored. Compliance of pregnant women in consuming Fe tablets required a monitoring or supervisioncarried out by health workers. Therefore, an intervention was given by using a website-based application (sumiferos) for pregnant women as a communication tool that has been created and designed previously by researchers. Results: Posttest statistical analysis showed that pregnant women who were given a website application (sumiferos) in the intervention group showed better compliance than pregnant women in the control group given lefket. Conclusion: Based on the results,a website application (sumiferos) is more effective than leaflets in improving maternal compliance to consume Fe tablets given by health workers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 191 ◽  
Angel Rajakumari G ◽  
Soli T. K. ◽  
Malathy D

Aim: To assessment of effectiveness of spinal exercises and body mechanics on low back pain among post menopausal women.Participants and setting: A quasi experimental non equivalent control group pretest post test design was adapted. The study was conducted in the urban area of suryapet. 40 post menopausal women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected by nonprobability purposive sampling technique.Intervention: The intervention such as spinal exercises and body mechanics were performed to overcome the level of low back pain among post menopausal women. The pre and post assessment was done by using a combined numerical and categorical pain scale.Measurement and findings: The women completed the demographic and obstetrical information and pain was measured by 0- 10 Modified combined numerical categorical pain intensity scale. This study revealed that there was high significant difference found in low back pain at p<0.001level between study group.Conclusion: The overall findings in the present study revealed that the spinal exercises and body mechanics was effectives and had brought about significant change in the reduction of low back pain among post menopausal women compared to pre test level of low back pain.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 710-716
Fitri Suci Puspita Sari Sari ◽  
Rita Inderawati ◽  
Zuraida Blani

This study aimed to find out whether or not there was any significant difference in speaking ability of the students who were taught by implementing CML (Cultural Model for Literacy) through legends and those who were not. The sample was 41 undergraduate students enrolled in English course at FKIP of Sriwijaya University which were taken by purposive sampling method from 85 total of population. This study used one of the quasi-experimental designs that were pretest posttest non equivalent control group or comparison group design. The students were divided into two groups the experimental and control groups. The experimental group was required to do some phases in treatment of 16 meetings including pre-test and posttest in accordance with introducing new model of teaching speaking that was CML through legends. The data were obtained through speaking test by measuring their oral interpretations to know the students speaking ability. The test was administered twice as pre-test and post-test in both groups. The results indicated that there were any significant differences at level 0.05 level found in the data which were analyzed by using paired sample t-test (t=12.156>t-table=2.080) and independent sample t-test (t=3.252, p<0.05). The results also showed that CML through legends could enhance students speaking ability of the second semester English students of Sriwijaya University.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Yulita Dwi Aryani ◽  
Wasitohadi Wasitohadi

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penerapan model discovery learning terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa SD. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimental-semu (Quasi Experimental Design) dengan Pre-test Post-test Non-equivalent Control Group Design dan menggunakan teknik  pengambilan sampel purpose sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data Uji-t. Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa kelas IV SD dengan menggunakan model discovery learning. 

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