scholarly journals Hubungan Perilaku dengan Kualitas Komponen Rumah Penderita Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut tahun 2017 (Studi Kasus di Desa Wage Kec. Taman Kab. Sidoarjo)

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Dana Aprilia ◽  
Umi Rahayu ◽  
Khambali .

Bad behavior of maintaining the quality of house components can be a risk factor to environmentally based disease transmission. a.o, Acute Respiration Infection. The germs of Acute Respiration Infection can be transmitted through coughing or sneezing using air as transmission media. This research aimed to find out the relation between behavior and the quality of house component of people affected by acute respiration infection. This research was analytical with cross sectional approach. Data collection was through observation, interviews and measurements. Sample collected were 51 houses of people suffering from Acute Respiration Infection. Variables of this research were: awareness, behavior, action / proceeding, ventilation available, lighting, humidity, temperature, bedroom occupants density, and cleanliness of the house. Sampling technique used was random sampling. Data analyzes utilized was Chi Square test statistical analysis by means of SPSS 20 version. The result of the research showed that there was a relation between awareness (p=0,005), attitude (p=0,032), action/proceeding (p=0,002) behavior (p=0,002) with the quality of house components of people affected by Acute Respiration Infection. Based on this research, it could be concluded that there was a relation between awareness level, attitude, proceeding, and behavior with the quality of house component of people affected by Acute Respiration Infection. Prevention of transmission of Acute Respiration Infection could be done by upgrading the patient and house inmates behavior to create a healthy house condition.Keywords : Behavior, Quality of the House Components, Acute Respiration Infection

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Selviana Selviana ◽  
Elly Trisnawati ◽  
Sitti Munawarah

Abstract: Factors Related To Occurrence Of Diarrhea In 4-6 Year Children. Diarrhea cases in 4-6-year-old children in Desa Kalimas raised annually, from 10% in 2013 to 33% in 2014, and 35% in 2015. This study aimed at factors related to diarrhea cases in 4-6-year-old children in Desa Kalimas Kecamatan Sungai Kakap. Cross Sectional approach was used forty one sample participated in this study. They were selected by using proportional random sampling technique. The data analysis using chi-square test with a 95% confidence level. The study revealed significant correlation of hand washing (p = 0,043 ; PR = 2,175), microbial quality of drinking water storage (p = 0,016 ; PR = 1,462), availability of family latrine (p = 0,003 ; PR = 3,242), and diarrhea cases. There was no significant correlation between diarrhea cases are the habit of boiling water with the microbial quality of drinking water, the source of water for washing cutlery, and microbial of drinking water, (p > 0,05). It is hoped health authorized staffs in Desa Kalimas apply community- based total sanitation, enhance clean and healthy behaviour, and socialize healthy drinking water storage based on Regulation of Minister of Healthy No. 3/2014.Abstrak: Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Diare Pada Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun. Angka kejadian diare pada anak usia 4-6 tahun di Desa Kalimas mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya. Tahun 2013 kejadian diare sebesar 10%, tahun 2014 sebesar 33% dan 35% pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian diare pada anak usia 4-6 tahun di Desa Kalimas Kecamatan Sungai Kakap. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel  45 orang yang diambil menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling. Uji statistik yang digunakan uji chi-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kebiasaan mencuci tangan dengan diare (p = 0,043; PR = 2,175), penyimpanan air minum dengan kualitas mikrobiologi air minum (p = 0,016; PR = 1,462), ketersediaan jamban keluarga dengan diare (p = 0,003; PR = 3,242). Variabel yang tidak berhubungan yaitu kebiasaan memasak air dengan kualitas mikrobiologi air minum, sumber air untuk mencuci alat makan/minum dan kualitas mikrobiologi air minum dengan diare (p ≥ 0,005). Disarankan agar di Desa Kalimas bisa diterapkan program STBM dan peningkatan penerapan PHBS pada masyarakat Desa Kalimas serta mensosialisasikan cara penyimpanan air minum yang baik sesuai dengan Permenkes No 3 tahun 2014.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 303-309
Maya Arfania ◽  
Raden Neng Yuni Budiarti

ABSTRAK Hipertensi merupakan penyakit kronis yang memerlukan terapi. Adanya beberapa hal yang menyebabkan terjadinya penyakit hipertensi, diantaranya usia, tidak dapat mengendalikan stress, kualitas pelayanan kesehatan, polifarmasi. Salah satu penentu keberhasilan terapi adalah adanya kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat gambaran tingkat kepatuhan minum obat antihipertensi pada pasien dewasa dan hubungan antara faktor risiko dengan jenis kelamin dan polifarmasi di RSUD Karawang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Analitik dengan desain cross sectional dimana sampel diambil dengan teknik Purposive Random Sampling. Dari 115 resep yang diperoleh selama penelitian, terdapat 31 pasien (27%) laki-laki dan 84 pasien (73%) perempuan. Setelah dilakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner MMAS-8, didapatkan hasil sebanyak (22,6%) patuh dan (77,4%) pasien dewasa tidak patuh. Dari hasil analisis berdasarkan uji Chi Square dapat disimpulkan Jenis Kelamin (p=0,317) dan Polifarmasi (p=0,459) bukan fakor resiko terhadap ketidakpatuhan minum obat hipertensi pada pasien dewasa.  Kata Kunci: Hipertensi, Tingkat Kepatuhan, Faktor Resiko   ABSTRACT   The hypertension is a chronic disease that needs to be treated properly and continuously. There are several things that cause hypertension disease, age,  can not control the stress, quality of health services, polypharmacy .One of the critical success of therapy is medication compliance by patients. The purpose of this research is to see an overview the compliance level of adult patient’s anti-hypertention and the relationship between risk factors at gender and polypharmacy at RSUD Karawang. This is a analysis research with cross sectional where sample were taken by purposive random sampling technique. From 115 prescriptions, there were 31 male (27%) Patients and 84 female (73%) patients. After the interview using MMAS-8 questionnare, there were (22,6%) compliance and (77,4%) uncompliance adult patient. From the results of the analysis based on Chi Square test, it can be concluded that Gender (p=0,317) and Polypharmacy (p=0,459)  is not a risk factor for uncompliance in taking hypertension medication in Adult patients.  Keywords: Hipertensi, Compliance, Risk Factor

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 208-217
Puspita Adie Kurniawati ◽  
Rudi Wibowo ◽  
Sri Hernawati

Background: The rate number of myalgia in Bondowoso District is on the fourth ranking (7.21%). Myalgia is commonly suffered and found in elderly people. Some patients of myalgia consumed painkiller for a long time. This consumption might deliver risk of side effect like to cause obstacles in erythrocyte (red blood cells) formation, gastritis, or even osteoporosis. The side effect of chemical medicine causes to most of myalgia patient need to have non-pharmacological therapy, particularly traditional massage. The utilization of traditional massage on those elderly patients which aims to resolve complaints of myalgia in District of Bondowoso is lesser than their medical visit to public health center in approximately 1.75% or about 86 clients per month. Methods: This research was conducted with a cross sectional approach and using chi-square test. The sample size this research was 110 informants and taken by purposive random sampling. Results: The results of this research were 69 informants using traditional massage. Further, informants who has as much income per month > 1,801,406 65 people (59.01%). Most informants know as much informnation abaout traditional massage are 68 people (61.08%). Most informants stated that access to traditional massage sites is easily accessible are 93 people (84.05%). Informants who stated that traditional massage facilities meet the requirements of 62 people (56.4%). The informants stated that the quality of traditional massage fulfilled the quality requirements of 65 people (59.01%). Conclusion: Overall, both the factor of probability and need have relation to the utilization of traditional massage. Moreover, the probability factor (service quality and information) has greater determinant relation to this utilization of traditional massage on elderly people in the case of myalgia in District of Bondowoso. Keywords: traditional massage; myalgia; elderly

Etty Rekawati ◽  
Junaiti Sahar ◽  
Dwi Nurviyandari Kusuma Wati

The transition of elderly lives from productive periods to non-productive makes them need support from relatives, friends or family. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship between family appreciation support with quality and life satisfaction of the elderly in the city of Depok, West Java, with a cross-sectional design. The subjects of this study were 135 elderly people> 60 years old, living with family, do not have infectious diseases, able to communicate in Indonesian; selected by purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using Chi square test. The results of the study indicate that there was a relationship between family appreciation support with the quality of life of the elderly (p-value = 0.022) and life satisfaction of the elderly (p-value = 0.014). The results of this study are expected to support the development of nursing science in the future, especially regarding the quality and satisfaction of life of the elderly. Keywords: elderly; award support; quality of life; life satisfaction ABSTRAK Transisi kehidupan lansia dari masa produktif menjadi non produktif membuat mereka memerlukan dukungan dari kerabat, teman atau keluarga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat hubungan antara dukungan penghargaan keluarga dengan kualitas dan kepuasan hidup lansia di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat, dengan desain cross-sectional. Subyek penelitian ini adalah 135 lansia yang berusia >60 tahun, tinggal bersama keluarga, tidak memiliki penyakit menular, mampu berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Indonesia; yang dipilih dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi square. Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara dukungan penghargaan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup lansia (p-value = 0,022) dan kepuasan hidup lansia (p-value = 0,014). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung perkembangan ilmu keperawatan di masa mendatang, khususnya tentang kualitas dan kepuasan hidup lansia. Kata kunci: lansia; dukungan penghargaan; kualitas hidup; kepuasan hidup

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Jamroni Jamroni ◽  
Avifah Fitrianingrum

Pandemi Covid-19 saat ini menjadi masalah kesehatan terbesar di dunia. Kampanye 3M merupakan satu paket protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah penularan COVID-19. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan dengan observasi langsung di Padukuhan Ngaliyan diketahui bahwa masih ada beberapa masyarakat yang tidak menerapkan perilaku 3M. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa yang mempengaruhi perilaku 3M (Mencuci tangan, Memakai masker, Menjaga jarak) dalam pencegahan penularan COVID-19 di Padukuhan Ngaliyan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian adalah cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan random sampling sebanyak 89 responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-Square. Berdasarkan uji chi square variabel pengetahuan terhadap perilaku 3M diperoleh p-value 0,013 (<0,05), variabel sikap p-value 0,027 (<0,05) dan variabel media informasi 0,020 (<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan media informasi terhadap perilaku 3M di Padukuhan Ngaliyan.  Pandemic Covid-19, is to be the biggest health problems in the world. Campaign 3M is one package the protocol of health to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Based on preliminary studies with direct observation in Padukuhan Ngaliyan be aware that there are still some people who do not implement the behavior of 3M. The purpose of the Study was to determine what factors affect the behavior of 3M (Wash hands, Wear a mask, Keep a distance) in the prevention of transmission of COVID-19 in Padukuhan Ngaliyan. This type of research is quantitative research with the research design was cross-sectional. Sampling technique with random sampling as many as 89 respondents. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square test. Based on the chi square test variable knowledge of the behavior of 3M obtained the value of p-value 0,013 (<0.05), attitude 0.02 (< 0.05) and media information 0.020 (<0,05). The conclusion of this research that there is a significant influence between knowledge, attitudes and media information on the behavior of 3M in Padukuhan Ngaliyan.

Sondang Sidabutar

Background: Higiene sanitation is a factor that is closely related to Helminthiases infection. Purpose: this study was to determine how the occurrence of sanitary hygiene with helminthiases infection in the District elementary school students 0913152014 in District Raya Simalungun. Method: The type of research was descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students of class I to class VI (91 people). The sampling technique was simple random sampling (48). The instrument used in this study was a laboratory test and a questionnaire. The data obtained in this study were analyzed using Chi-square test. Result: Based on Chi-square analysis of the relationship between hygiene and sanitation with the incidence of intestinal worms found handwashing (X2 = 23), the habit of cutting the nails (X2 = 8.21), the habit of eating raw foods (X2 = 12.24), latrine ownership (X2 = 11:47), type of flooring (X2 = 6.13), and the availability of clean water (X2 = 0.0276). Conclusion: From the results of research and discussion, it could be concluded that there was a correlation with the incidence of worm infection habit of hand washing, nail cutting habit, the habit of eating raw foods, floor of the house and latrine ownership. Keywords: sanitation; hygiene; helminthiases; elementary students ABSTRAK Latarbelakang: Higiene sanitasi merupakan faktor yang sangat erat dengan infeksi kecacingan.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui bagaimana higiene sanitasi dengan kejadian infeksi kecacingan pada siswa Sekolah Dasar 091315 Kecamatan Raya Kabupaten Simalungun. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah dekriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah siswa kelas I sampai kelas VI (91 orang). Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah simple random sampling (48). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah uji laboratorium dan kuesioner. Data yang diperoleh, dianalisis menggunakan rumus statistik uji Chi-square dengan t hitung (α = 0,05). Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis Chi-square hubungan antara higiene sanitasi dengan kejadian penyakit cacingan didapatkan kebiasaan mencuci tangan ( X2=23), kebiasaan memotong kuku (X2=8,21), kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan mentah (X2=12,24), kepemilikan jamban (X2=11.47), jenis lantai (X2=6.13), dan ketersediaan air bersih (X2=0.0276). Kesimpulan: ada hubungan kejadian infeksi kecacingan dengan kebiasaan mencuci tangan, kebiasaan memotong kuku, kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan mentah, lantai rumah dan kepemilikan jamban. Kata kunci: higiene; sanitasi; kecacingan; siswa SD

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-42
Miftakhur OksitosinRohmah ◽  
Nita Dwi Astikasari ◽  
Iriyanti Weto

Child development is an increasing skill for structure and function of the more complex body in an orderly and predictable pattern, as a result of the maturation process, involving the process of differentiation of the body's cells, tissues, organs and organ systems develop in such a way that each can fulfill its function. One aspect of development that needs attention is language development and speech. Speech and language disorders are one of the most common problems in children. Purpose of this study was to analize of parenting parents to speech delay in children aged 3-5 years. Design of this study was observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Population of this study all parents of children aged 3-5 years, with Simple Random Sampling technique obtained a sample of 32 respondents. Data analysis using Chi Square test. The results showed almost half of the respondents had a parenting pattern in the permissive category, which was 15 respondents (46.9%) and most of the respondents had speech delay in the category of suspected late talk, ie 20 respondents (62.5%). Result analysis using Chi Square test shows p-value = 0,025 <a= 0,05, so H0 is rejected and H1 accepted which means there was relation of parenting pattern to speech delay in children aged 3-5 years.  Keywords:  Parenting, Speech Delay, Children Age 3-5 Years ABSTRAK  Perkembangan anak merupakan bertambahnya kemampuan (skill) dalam struktur dan fungsi tubuh yang lebih kompleks dalam pola yang teratur dan dapat diramalkan, sebagai hasil dari proses pematangan, menyangkut adanya proses diferensiasi dari sel-sel tubuh, jaringan tubuh, organ-organ dan sistem organ yang berkembang sedemikian rupa sehingga masing-masing dapat memenuhi fungsinya . Salah satu aspek perkembangan yang memerlukan perhatian adalah perkembangan bahasa dan bicara. Gangguan bicara dan bahasa merupakan salah satu masalah yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan keterlambatan bicara pada anak usia 3-5 tahun. Desain penelitian ini adalah analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini seluruh orang tua anak usia 3-5 tahun, dengan teknik Simple Random Sampling diperoleh sampel 32 responden. Analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hampir setengah responden memiliki pola asuh dalam kategori permisif, yaitu 15 responden (46,9%) dan sebagian besar responden memiliki keterlambatan bicara dalam kategori dicurigai terlambat bicara, yaitu 20 responden (62,5%). Hasil analisa menggunakan uji Chi Square menunjukkan nilai p-value = 0,025 <a = 0,05, sehingga H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima yang berarti ada hubungan pola asuh orang tua terhadap keterlambatan bicara pada anak usia 3-5 tahun.  Kata Kunci: Pola Asuh, Keterlambatan Bicara, Anak Usia 3-5 Tahun

Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih Juliana Widyastuti Wahyuningsih

Menopause adalah penghentian permanen menstruasi (haid), berarti pula akhir dari masa reproduktif. Ada beberapa faktor yang mendukung menopause terjadi diantaranya adalah usia saat haid pertama kali (menarche), faktor psikis, Jumlah anak, usia melahirkan, pemakaian kontrasepsi, merokok dan sosial ekonomi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adakah hubungan antara usia melahirkan dan pemakaian alat kontrasepsi dengan usia menopause di kelurahan Sukajaya kecamatan Sukarame Kotamadya Palembang. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional.  Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua wanita usia 55 tahun ke atas di Kelurahan Sukajaya kecamatan Sukarame Kotamadya Palembang pada bulan Spetember tahun 2018 yaitu sebanyak 684 orang.  Sampel yang digunakan diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling yaitu sebanyak 252 orang. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji statistik chi square. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan uji chi square menunjukkan hasil bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara usia melahirkan dengan usia menopause (p = 0,764), Ada hubungan antara alat kontrasepsi dengan usia menopause (p=0,043). diharapkan bidan dan petugas kesehatan lebih proaktif lagi  dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi sehingga perempuan lebih siap menghadapi masa menopause dan mengatasi gangguan-gangguan masa menopause.       ABSTRACT Menopause is the permanent cessation of menstruation (menstruation), meaning also the end of the reproductive period. There are several factors that support menopause occur, including age at first menstruation (menarche), psychological factors, number of children, age of childbirth, use of contraception, smoking and socio-economic. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between the age of childbirth and the use of contraception with the age of menopause in the Sukajaya village, Sukarame sub-district, Palembang Municipality. This type of research is analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all women aged 55 years and over in Sukajaya Village, Sukarame sub-district, Palembang Municipality in September 2018, which was 684 people. The sample used was taken by simple random sampling technique that is as many as 252 people. Analysis of the data used is the chi square test. The results of the study using the chi square test showed that there was no relationship between the age of childbirth and the age of menopause (p = 0.764), there was a relationship between contraception and age of menopause (p = 0.043). It is expected that midwives and health workers will be more proactive in providing reproductive health education so that women are better prepared to face menopause and overcome menopause disorders. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nahrul Hayat ◽  
Asfri Sri Rahmadeni ◽  
Marzuki Marzuki

Caring nurses are very important in meeting patient satisfaction, this is one indicator of the quality of service in a hospital. Nurses are people who become one of the keys in meeting patient satisfaction. Therefore, caring nurse behavior can have an effect on quality service to patients. Some studies conducted in Indonesia show that caring is still lacking for patients in hospitals as much as 50% show poor caring. Patient satisfaction is influenced by caring nurses in serving patients in hospitals. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between caring nurses and patient satisfaction in the inpatient room. This study is a cross sectional analytic study and purposive sampling technique with a sample of 67 patients, collecting data using a questionnaire.The Chi-Square test results showed a significant relationship between caring nurses and patient satisfaction in the inpatient room with a p value of 0,045 (α = 0,05). Nurse caring attitude greatly affects patient satisfaction so it is expected that nurses or other health workers can be more sensitive, be responsive and respond well to patient complaints and show sincere care in helping patients recover

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Desy Ayu Wardani

Background: Menopause phase in women is the time when menstrual cycle stops which is followed by obvious psychological and physical changes and occurs 3 – 4 years. The psychological and physical changes in menopause women will affect the quality of their life. Therefore, supports from the close people, especially from their husbands are needed. Objective: This study aimed to find out the correlation between husband support and the life quality of menopause women. The type of this research was quantitative research using correlation analysis with cross sectional approach with the total of 126 respondents. The technique used in taking the sample was Purposive sampling technique. Chi Square test was used as the bivariate test. Finding: The research finding showed that p-value was 0.032. Conclusion:  There was a correlation between husband support and the life quality of menopause women. Suggestion:  There should be a follow-up research about the factors which affect the life quality of menopause women such as psychological, physical aspects, social relationship and environment surrounding the menopause women.  

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