scholarly journals Warisan Metode Pendidikan Islam untuk Generasi Millennial

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-94
Zaini Miftah

One of the inheritances of Islamic teachings which is very fundamental in achieving educational outcomes is the learning method. Therefore, this learning method will be very effective and active in encouraging students to be able to develop their potential to be better, ranging from intelligence, personality, character and skills that are useful for themselves and society. Islamic religious education and humans have a very fast dynamism, where Islamic religious education will survive for all ages, so that whenever and anyone who learns it will be able to receive the same and complete understanding of the sources of Islamic religious education, while humans when attached as social beings then there will be a challenge for him to be able to accept the changing times. This writing method is a literature review with a descriptive and exploratory approach which can be concluded that the method of Islamic religious education is an educational method with regular and systematic work and thinking of all the factors that exist to achieve the objectives of Islamic religious education, to deliver material Islamic education effectively and efficiently requires dynamic methods and approaches, including the Hiwar Qur'ani and Nabawi Method, the Stories of the Qur'ani and Nabawi, Amtsal Qur'ani and Nabawi, Uswah Hasanah, Tadrib and Tajribah, Ibrah and Mau 'Idzah, and Targhib and Tarhib

Al-Albab ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 83
Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman

Studies on religious education teacher’s competences in Aceh could not be separated from studies on state’s intervention toward education. State hegemony occurs in the form of regulation formalization which regulates efforts for improving qualification and competence of teachers. The research showed that the presence of Act No. 14, 2005 and the Government Regulation No. 74, 2008 had been used as legal reference to encourage the improvement of Aceh religious education teachers’ qualification and competence. This is a qualitative study in which triangulation in data collection was used. The data was then collected through documentations, observations, and deep interviews. This work emphasizes that improving teachers’ competences in Islamic education system in Aceh was in accordance to and did not contradict with national education system and moreover strengthen the content of Act No. 14, 1005 and Government Regulation No. 74, 2008. Qualification and competence of religious education teachers in Aceh underwent improvement better than previous term. However, teachers experienced that socialization process and implementation of regulation has yet to receive upmost attention. The study also suggests that religious education teachers’ qualifications and competences will significantly contribute to the development of religious education quality, thus Islamic education transforms intently in national and state relations order.

Nadwa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Munawar Rahmat

<p><em>The study aims to describe the model of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) lectures that are peaceful, moderate, and tolerant in Indonesia University of Education (UPI). The research method used is descriptive-qualitative. </em><em>The study found that the peaceful, moderate, and tolerant model of Islamic Education is to use open-ended lecture models that include the openness of lecturers, materials and methods. The openness of the lecturer is shown by the attitude and the thinking of the lecturer who sees the difference of understand, madzhab and religion as necessity and not exclusive, material disclosure is shown by substantive and inclusive material selection, while method openness is demonstrated by the use of an argumentative dialogical learning method consisting of ushul study cross-mazhab method, methodology of madhahab typhology  and method of study of religions</em>.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan model perkuliahan PAI yang damai, moderat, dan toleransi di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan deskriptif-kualitatif. Penelitian menemukan bahwa Model Pendidikan Agama Islam yang damai, moderat, dan toleran yaitu menggunakan model perkuliahan yang terbuka yang meliputi keterbukaan dosen, materi dan metode. Keterbukaan dosen ditunjukkan dengan sikap dan pemikiran dosen yang melihat perbedaan paham, mazhab dan agama sebagai keniscayaan dan tidak bersifat eksklusif; keterbukaan materi ditunjukkan dengan pemilihan materi secara substantive dan inklusif,sedangkan keterbukaan metode ditunjukkan dengan penggunaan metode pembelajaran yang dialogis argumentatif yang terdiri dari metode studi <em>ushul</em> lintas mazhab, metode tipologi mazhab dan metode studi agama-agama.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Fauzi Rahmanul Hakim

In learning Islamic Religious Education (PAI) students need a learning model that is appropriate and precise in its characteristics. Learning model is termed by interpreting a broader scope than the learning method or strategy. Therefore, the learning model can be interpreted as planning which is used as a reference or rule in the learning process carried out in the classroom and can be a determinant of learning equipment such as teaching materials, books, curriculum, and so on. So it can be said that the learning model is a directional framework from the educator for the teaching process. This research tries to present an overview of the learning problems of an interactive model in the practice of Islamic education. Islamic education is now faced with various kinds of challenges, demands and needs that have never existed before. So it is not enough with just one learning model, it takes innovation in the renewal of the learning model that is tailored to the system needs, curriculum, human resource competencies, infrastructure, and others. If not, then Islamic education in practice will be increasingly left behind because it becomes a problem of learning models that do not adapt to developments. This research uses a literature study approach, data collection through text studies, then the data obtained is analyzed using content analysis. This method intends to analyze the problems of interactive learning in Islamic education practices. So it becomes a solution if the urgency learning model is made into a good innovation from its weaknesses and strengths. Because the learning process of students will be considered more effective if students after learning can find out something that was not previously known. So, learning achievement will change for the better with a change in new behavior in the level of reason, knowledge, thinking or advancement of physical potential.

An Naba ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-178
Hisam Ahyani ◽  
Agus Yosep Abduloh ◽  
Ahmad Nurwadjah ◽  
Andewi Suhartini ◽  
Naeli Mutmainah

The impact of changing times is so great, such as the 4.0 era as it is today for children, teenagers, and parents, who need to adapt to the current era. And it would be nice for us to provide an overview and understanding to our children in a way that is appropriate for their age in order to be able to grasp what we mean. And we should educate more with tenderness and love, the position of parents in developing children's nature, the implications of which in the 4.0 era are very important because with that we can be closer and easier in providing education. The educational method that we use may be done in realizing a disciplined and independent child's personality which stems from the child's desire to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter. This research method is library research with the object of the verses of the Qur'an using several interpretations from the commentators including: Tafsir Jalalain Tafsir Ibn Kathir Tafsir Al-Maraghi to uncover and explore the Position of Parents in the Al-Qur'an, Role Parents in Developing Children's Fitrah, and Implications of the Role of Parents in Developing Children's Fitrah in the 4.0 era. The results of the study show that 1) The view of Islamic education regarding the nature of the child means that the position of the child has two opposing sides. One side of the child is the trust of Allah entrusted to the parents. On the other hand, children are nature for the lives of parents in particular and society and the environment in general. 2) The implications of the position of parents in developing children's nature, the implications of which in the 4.0 era are a necessity, as mufassir views and opinions Salaf scholars have different opinions in interpreting the word fitrah, the majority argue that the meaning of fitrah is Islam. So that it has become a joint obligation for parents to maintain the mandate of Allah SWT in the form of children, which in the 4.0 era children must be monitored and supervised to ensure that the child's behavior (behavior) as a child who was born naturally (good) in origin.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Zulfikar Ali Buto

Mahmud Yunus’ contribution to the development of learning methods has poured in a bookentitled al-Tarbiyah wa al-Ta’lim. The bookprovides inspiration to researchers to conduct critical analysis of analysis figures. This study aimed to see the contribution of learning methods of Islamic Religious Education Mahmud Yunus in the book al-Tarbiyah wa al-Ta’lim. This research used qualitative research with the character study approach. The findings of contribution of learning method of Islamic Education Mahmud Yunus such as al-Istiqraiyah learning method, al-Tatbiqiyah learning method, al-Khabariyah learning method, and al-Tahawuriyah learning method Mahmud Yunus was able to develop the learning process in the five stages of the learning process. These five stages include al-Ta’aruf, Muqaddimah, al-‘Arad, al-Tatbiq, and al-Ikhtitam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 243-250
Aam Abdussalam ◽  
Udin Supriadi ◽  
Muhamad Parhan ◽  
Nurti Budiyanti

This paper aims to develop an Ulul Ilmi model in Islamic Education learning for the character of 21st-century students, which, of course, can help. Realize these national education goals—the research method used using a qualitative approach and literature study techniques in collecting data. Based on the findings, the Ulul Ilmi Model is very supportive in Islamic Religious Education learning because it has extreme divine values to achieve ma'rifatullah goals to shape 21st-century students' character. The method used is the method (1) the uswah hasanah method, an exemplary method that must be applied to an educator and passed on to students, (2) the ibrah mauidzah method, which is a learning method that must be delivered in the classroom, and (3) the targhib tarhib method, a method of strengthening for character building. Thus this pattern is later called the Ulul Ilmi model. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model Ulul Ilmi dalam pembelajaran PAI untuk pencapaian karakter mahasiswa abad 21, yang tentunya dapat membantu merealisasikan tujuan pendidikan Nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan teknik studi pustaka dalam pengumpulkan data. Berdasarkan hasil temuan, model Ulul Ilmi ini sangat memungkinkan untuk diterapkan dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, karena memiliki nilai Ilahiyyah yang sangat kuat mencapai tujuan ma’rifatullah dalam rangka membentuk karakter mahasiswa abad 21. Metode yang digunakan ialah (1) metode uswah hasanah, yang merupakan metode keteladanan yang wajib diterapkan bagi seorang pendidik dan diwariskan kepada para peserta didik, (2) metode ibrah mauidzah, merupakan metode pembelajaran yang wajib untuk disampaikan di dalam kelas, dan (3) metode targhib tarhib, yakni metode penguatan untuk penanaman karakter. Dengan demikian pola inilah yang kemudian disebut sebagai model Ulul Ilmi.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 148-157
Rajiah Rusydi ◽  
Alamsyah Alamsyah

ABSTRAK Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey dan merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua siswa dan orang tua siswa. Adapun teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik penarikan sampel secara Porposive Sampling yakni sampel diambil secara langsung yaitu kelas I, II, III yang berjumlah 134 siswa dan sampel pada siswa dikhususkan kepada proses pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam sehingga langsung kepada guru yang mengajar Pendidikan Agama Islam. Selanjutnya data yang dikumpulkan di lapangan diolah dengan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Dari hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa, pengaruh pendidikan agama islam dalam keluarga terhadap sikap beragama siswa di Madrasah Aliyah Darunnajah Botong Kec. Bungaya Kab, Gowa adanya kompetensi kepribadian yang dimiliki oleh guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dan keluarga, siswa dapat belajar dengan efektif dan suasana yang kondusif, bersikap baik terhadap guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dan orang tua, siswa mampu menerima pelajaran dengan baik sehingga siswa bisa menambah pengetahuannya terkhusus dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam yang berpengaruh terhadap akhlak dan tingkah laku siswa di dalam keluarga. Kata Kunci : Pendidikan Agama Islam, Keluarga dan Beragama siswa ABSTRACTThis type of research  was a survey research and was a descriptive qualitative research. The population in this study were all students and parents of students. The technique used was sampling technique in Porposive Sampling ie the sample is taken directly that is class I, II, III which amounted to 134 students and the sample on the students was devoted to the learning process of Islamic Religious Education so directly to teachers who teach Islamic Religious Education. Further data collected in the field is processed by quantitative descriptive analysis. From the research results prove that, the influence of religious education in the family of religious attitudes toward students in Madrasah Aliyah Darunnajah Botong Kec. Bungaya Kab, Gowa presence of personality competencies owned by teachers of Islamic Religion and family, students can learn effectively and conducive atmosphere, be kind to teachers of Islamic Education and parents, students are able to receive lessons well so that students can increase their knowledge especially in the subjects of Islamic Religious Education which affect the character and behavior of students in the family.Keywords: Islamic Education, Family and Religious Students

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Ali Imarn Sinaga ◽  
Agus Yusuf Rajagukguk

The study aims to analyse and classify the Islamic learning methods contained in the film I Not Stupid Too 2. The results of this research are expected to give a thought donation about the delivery of Islamic education methods both at home and in the school environment for children and adolescents as well as a reflection material for parents and educators. This research is a research study library, and includes qualitative descriptive research that seeks to reveal a problem or event as it is. Data collection is done using the documentation method. This research uses content anaysis (content analysis) or document analysis, which means giving meaning to the data that is successfully collected and from that meaning is drawn conclusions. The results showed that the film I Not Stupid Too 2 contains many values of Islamic religious education, especially in terms of methods of learning used, so that the film is safe to consume the general public and highly recommended for educators. The result of this research is the Islamic learning methods found in the film I Not Stupid Too 2 include; Method of Mau'idzah (advice), al Targheeb method (gift giving), Tarheeb method (penalty given), amtsal Method (Parable), method of precision, exercise method, and question and answer method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 237
Endang Syarif Nurulloh

Development of awareness of the importance of the environment is a journey that must be pioneered for the sake of the survival of the next generation so that it is not threatened due to irresponsible human behavior today. Environmental education aims at introducing various values ​​and explaining concepts to develop the ability of attitudes and skills needed to understand and appreciate the mutual relations between humans, culture, and the biophysical environment. This analysis was developed as an effort to further explore the development of environmental awareness in Islamic education. The development of environmental awareness can be implemented through religious values ​​with an environmental perspective in Islamic educational institutions. The religious climate in the environment in Islamic educational institutions can be realized through approaches: 1) the creation of a religious education environment, 2) the realization of worship facilities, 3) the realization of the learning method by using the approach of religious values ​​in every learning, especially religious values ​​with an environmental perspective 4 ) the realization of the example of educators who have noble morals in particular having a concern for the environment.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-76
Andi Hidayat

Method of education is very fundamental to the achievement of learning outcomes, effective learning and will actively encourage the learners to be able to better develop their potential, ranging from intelligence, personality, attitude and skills that are useful to themselves and society.Islamic studies and human beings have a dynamism that is very fast, where Islamic religious education will be valid for all times so that whenever and whoever learned it will be able to receive the same understanding and the whole of the sources of Islamic religious education, while humans when attached as a social creature will formed a challenge for him to be able to accept the changes of the era.The method of this paper is the study of literature with descriptive approach and explorative where it can be concluded that the method of Islamic education is a method of education by working regularly and systematically and reflect on all the factors that exist to achieve the objectives of Islamic religious education, to deliver material Islamic religious education in an effective and efficient method and a dynamic approach, including hiwar methods (conversation) Qur'anic and Prophet, stories of Qur'anic and Prophet, Amtsal Qur'anic and Prophet, Exemplar, habituation and practice, ibroh and Mau'izoh, Targheeb and tarhib.

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