scholarly journals Understanding Scientific Literacy and Pedagogy Competence: A Critical Insight into Religious Integration Thinking Skills

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 273
Ahmad Zainuri ◽  
. Sukarno ◽  
Miftachul Huda

This study aims to examine the scientific literacy and pedagogical competence on the ability to comprehend the religious integration amongst Islamic education pre-service teachers. This research used a quantitative approach involving 156 participants from several universities. Data were obtained through conducting survey. Data analysis was performed with bivariate correlation. Based on the data analysis carried out, the finding showed that the significant correlation between scientific literacy skills and pedagogy competence to the ability of religious integration thinking skills within Islamic religious content and values. This is based on the value of sig. (2-tailed) between X1 (Science Literacy) to the integration ability obtained that the value of 0,000, which means <0.05. This data proves that there is a significant correlation between the ability of scientific literacy skills and pedagogy skills to the ability of science integration comprehension amongst the Islamic education pre-service teachers.   Received: 2 September 2021 / Accepted: 30 October 2021 / Published: 3 January 2022

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-76
Muhammad Retsa Rizaldi Mujayapura ◽  
Karim Suryadi ◽  
Sardin Sardin

This article aims to examine the importance of information literacy and scientific literacy skills to prevent exposure to misinformation in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Believing in misinformation encourages behaviour that is detrimental to individuals and groups due to anxiety, fear, uncertainty, and a lack of critical thinking skills. This study uses a qualitative approach with a systematic literature review (SLR) method. Through the SLR method, this article uses various sources of empirical research by collecting data and information to analyze elements in information literacy and scientific literacy that can identify misinformation. Information literacy is considered to be more useful in preventing belief in misinformation compared to the concepts of digital literacy, media literacy, and news literacy. Information literacy skills with information verification, and supported by scientific literacy with intellectual virtue, can recognize misinformation about COVID-19 so that it can prevent individuals from believing in misinformation that can result in errors of action. Scientific information literacy needs practical intervention to the public, one of which is through the role of educational institutions.

Hamsa Doa ◽  
Richardo Barry Astro ◽  
An Nisaa Al Mu’min Liu

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kevalidan perangkat pembelajaran fisika model OrDeP2E pada materi gelombang bunyi untuk melatihkan kemampuan literasi Sains siswa MAS Al-Mutaqin Wolowaru. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dinilai oleh dua orang. Data validasi diperoleh menggunakan penilaian perangkat dengan kategori 1-4. Penelitian ini mengacu pada pengembangan model 4-D. Perangkat yang divalidasi yaitu a) RPP, b) BAS, c) LKS, dan d) Tes Kemampuan Literasi Sains. Hasil analisis data yang sudah divalidasi menunjukkan bahwa a) RPP mendapatkan skor 3,34 (valid), a) BAS mendapatkan skor 3,52 (valid), c) LKS mendapatkan skor 3,47 (valid), d) tes kemampuan literasi sains mendapatkan skor 3,70 (sangat valid). Hasil analisis perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan literasi sains siswa MAS Al-Mutaqin Wolowaru. Kata kunci: Model Pembelajaran OrDeP2E; Validitas Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika. ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the validity of the OrDeP2E model of physics learning on sound wave material to train the science literacy skills of MAS Al-Mutaqin Wolowaru students. The learning tools developed were assessed by two people. Validation data were obtained using device ratings with categories 1-4. This study refers to the development of a 4-D model. The validated tools are a) lesson plans, b) BAS, c) worksheets, and d) Science Literacy Ability Test. The results of data analysis that have been validated show that a) RPP scores 3.34 (valid), a) BAS scores 3.52 (valid), c) LKS scores 3.47 (valid), d) tests of scientific literacy skills get a score of 3.70 (very valid). The results of the analysis of the learning tools developed are suitable to be used to improve the scientific literacy skills of MAS Al-Mutaqin Wolowaru students. Keywords: OrDeP2E Learning Model; The Validity of Physics Learning Devices.

Hamidulloh Ibda

Abstract: In answering the fourth industrial revolution era, basic Islamic education institutions did not adequately apply old literacy (reading, writing, arithmetic), but had to apply new literacy (data literacy, technology literacy and human resource literacy or humanism). This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of basic Islamic education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Strengthening new literacy in Islamic elementary education teachers as a key to change, revitalizing literacy-based curriculum and strengthening the role of teachers who have digital competencies. The teacher plays a role in building competency generation, character, having new literacy skills, and high-level thinking skills. Islamic elementary education as a basis for determining intellectual, spiritual, and emotional intelligence in children must strengthen 21st century literacy skills. Start creative aspects, critical thinking, communicative, and collaborative. Islamic elementary education is urgently needed to strengthen new literacy and revitalize digital-based curriculum. Curriculum revitalization refers to five basic values of good students, namely resilience, adaptability, integrity, competence, and continuous improvement. Islamic elementary education educators must be digital teachers, understand computers, and be free from academic illness. The goal is to realize high competency generation, character and literacy to answer the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era. Abstrak: Dalam menjawab era Revolusi Industri 4.0, lembaga pendidikan dasar Islam tidak cukup menerapkan literasi lama (membaca, menulis, berhitung), tetapi harus menerapkan literasi baru (literasi data, literasi teknologi dan literasi sumber daya manusia atau humanisme). Artikel ini membahas tantangan dan peluang pendidikan dasar Islam di era Revolusi Industri 4.0. Penguatan literasi baru pada guru pendidikan dasar Islam sebagai kunci perubahan, revitalisasi kurikulum berbasis literasi dan penguatan peran guru yang memiliki kompetensi digital. Guru berperan membangun generasi berkompetensi, berkarakter, memiliki kemampuan literasi baru, dan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Pendidikan dasar Islam sebagai dasar penentu kecerdasan intelektual, spiritual, dan emosional pada anak, harus memperkuat keterampilan literasi abad 21. Mulai aspek kreatif, pemikiran kritis, komunikatif, dan kolaboratif. Pendidikan dasar Islam urgen memperkuat literasi baru dan revitalisasi kurikulum berbasis digital. Revitalisasi kurikulum mengacu pada lima nilai dasar dari peserta didik yang baik, yaitu ketahanan, kemampuan beradaptasi, integritas, kompetensi, dan peningkatan berkelanjutan. Pendidik pendidikan dasar Islam harus menjadi guru digital, paham komputer, dan bebas dari penyakit akademis. Tujuannya mewujudkan generasi berkompetensi tingkat tinggi, karakter dan literasi untuk menjawab tantangan era Revolusi Industri 4.0.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (SpecialIssue) ◽  
pp. 77-83
Siti Aisyah ◽  
Minnah El Widdah ◽  
Sukarno Sukarno

This study aims to determine the analysis of scientific literacy skills and the ability of teachers in developing science literacy-oriented learning in Islamic Kindergartens in Bangko City. This study uses a quantitative approach with survey techniques. Data analysis was carried out by means of quantification on each measured aspect and continued with descriptive analysis. Based on the data and discussion as described above, at the end of this study it can be concluded that in general the ability of Islamic Kindergarten teachers in Bangko City is evenly distributed in each category. The scientific literacy ability of teachers with category "A" is 8 people or about 22.22%. There are 9 teachers with literacy ability categories "B" and "C" each or about 25%, while the rest, as many as 10 people or around 27.78% are categorized as "D". In the aspect of teacher ability in developing science literacy-based learning, it is dominated by teachers with the ability category "D", as many as 12 people or about 33.33%, then followed by teachers with category "B" abilities as many as 10 people or about 27.27%. In the third place are teachers with the ability category "C" as many as 9 people or about 25%, and the rest are teachers group with category "A", which is as many as 5 people or about 13.89%. Therefore, the improvement and development of teachers' scientific literacy skills still needs to be improved

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-111
Gito Hadiprayitno ◽  
A Wahab Jufri ◽  
Siti Syifa’un Nufus

This study aims to describe the achievement of students’ scientific literacy competencies in Integrated Science subjects. Research subjects were class VIII students at MTsN Mataram in the 2019/2020 academic year. The research method was used descriptive with a qualitative approach. Research sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data collection technique used a written test on the aspects of scientific literacy competence according to PISA 2018. Data analysis were used descriptive, Bivariate Correlation test, and Anova test used software application related. The results showed that the students’ scientific literacy skills in the Integrated Science including very low category (40.5%) with the highest to the lowest achievements in each category a) interpreting data and proving data (15, 4%), b) test and design scientific investigations (13.6%), and c) explain phenomena (11.6%). So, we need more effort to improve and increase students’ scientific literacy skills by integrating aspects of scientific literacy competencies during implementing science learning in schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-204
Ina Marlina ◽  
Usep Soepudin ◽  
Nyimas Ayu Ratna Gumilar

This study aims to determine the effect of comic media on the scientific literacy skills of students in class IV and to determine the response of students to the use of comic media in classroom learning. The method used in this study is a quasi-experimental method. The research design used was the Nonequivalent Groups Pretest-Posttest Design. The research design consisted of two groups (control class and experimental class), each of which was given a pretest and posttest. The population in this study were students at SD Negeri Cilaja and SD Negeri Ligarmanah, while the sample was taken from two groups, namely class IV SD Negeri Cilaja as the experimental group and class IV SD Negeri Ligarmanah as the control class. Data collection was obtained through description questions in the form of pretest and posttest, as well as statements in the form of a Likert scale questionnaire. The data analysis technique used was quantitative data using Minitab 18.0 software for Windows and Microsoft Excel. In the results of this study, there were changes in the pretest and posttest scores of the experimental class that had increased, at the pretest the mean score of students was 27.75, while in the posttest the average score of students was 40.15. Whereas in the control class the average score of the posttest students was only 34.45. This is reinforced by the results of the N-Gain calculation from the experimental class and the control class which show that the average increase in the experimental class and the control class has a different increase. The experimental class who received learning using comic media had an increase of 38.8% with a moderate increase category. Meanwhile, the control class who received regular learning had an increase of 20.6% with a low increase category. The questionnaire data analysis showed that students gave a positive response to science learning using comic media with an average score of 3.80. In the test results of the difference between the two mean posttest data using the Two Sample T 'test, there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class with a significant level of <0.05, it can be concluded that there is an effect of comic media on the scientific literacy abilities of class students. Experiments using comic media have a significantly higher increase compared to the control class with ordinary learning.

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-81
Lutfia Fajriah ◽  
Endang Surahman ◽  
Romy Faisal Mustofa

            This research aims to find out the relationship between critical thinking skills and students' decision-making skills on viral material in MAN 1 Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method used is correlational. The population in this study was all students of class X MIPA consisting of 8 classes. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling with samples class X MIPA 3, X MIPA 4, and X MIPA 5 with 107 students. Data collection techniques using instruments in the form of tests. The research instrument used in this study consists of two instruments, namely critical thinking skills instruments in the form of a question in the form of a description, as many as ten questions with five indicators. For the instrument of decision-making skills in the form of a question in the form of a description, as many as 12 questions with five indicators. The data analysis technique used is a bivariate correlation test. Based on the results of research shows that critical thinking skills have a weak relationship with decision-making skills. This is evidenced by a correlation coefficient value of 0.208 with a determination coefficient value of 4.3%.  Keywords: Critical Thinking Skills, Decision Making Skills, Virus Material.

Dea Wahyu Sartika ◽  
Yuni Ahda

This study aimed to describe the results of the analysis of scientific literacy skills of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang and SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang. This research is descriptive research. The technique of sampling was purposive sampling. The data collection technique used the PISA scientific literacy questions of 2015 and was supported by interviews between students and a teacher. The data analysis technique was carried out by calculating the average value of the students’ scientific literacy test results. The technique of checking the validity of the data used triangulation. The results showed that the achievement of students’ scientific literacy was in the low category. The conclusion of this study is the achievement of the result of the scientific literacy test of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang and SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang based on the total score showed that the ability of students of SMPN 4 Tanjung Pinang in answering scientific literacy questions is higher than the students of SMPN 6 Tanjung Pinang.

Achmad Habibullah

AbstractPedagogical competence is one of important competencies to the teachers. Therefore, this study aims to determine how the pedagogical competence of teachers is, viewed from the aspects of learning know­ledge skills, preparation of lesson plans, and learning in the classroom. This study used the quantitative method with 631 respondents of civil servant teachers of Islamic Education at school and teachers of ge­neral subjects at madrasah (Islamic school) recruited from non-permanent teachers in 20 districts/cities in Central Java province, selected at random. The findings show that teachers’ pedagogical competence knowledge on the aspect of learning knowledge skills is in the “poor” category, the aspect of students’ potential development knowledge and reflective efforts to improve the learning quality becomes a very weak point at an average value with the “very poor” category. In addition, the aspect of ability to prepare lesson plans is in the “sufficient” category, the teaching material organization and the evaluation aspect are very weak competence aspects, which get “poor”. Meanwhile, the competence of learning implemen­tation aspect is in the “sufficient” category. AbstrakKompetensi pedagogik merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang penting bagi guru. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kompetensi pedagogik guru, dilihat dari aspek kemampuan pengetahuan pembelajaran, menyusun rancangan pembelajaran (RPP), dan pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan responden 631 guru PNS Pendidikan Agama Islam pada sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran umum pada madrasah yang direkrut dari guru honorer di 20 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dipilih secara random. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru pada aspek kemampuan pengetahuan pembelajaran dalam kategori “kurang”, aspek pengetahuan pengembangan potensi peserta didik dan upaya reflektif untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran menjadi titik yang sangat lemah dengan mendapat nilai rata-rata dengan kategori “sangat kurang”. Selain itu, aspek kemampuan menyusun RPP dalam kategori “cukup”, aspek pengorganisasian materi ajar dan aspek evaluasi merupakan aspek kemampuan yang sangat lemah dengan mendapatkan nilai “kurang”. Sedangkan, aspek kemampuan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dalam kategori “cukup”.

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