scholarly journals Averaged Chain Substitution Method – Applicability, Advantages, and Disadvantages

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-138

The article presents the applicability, advantages and disadvantages of the methods of determinant factor analysis, which are employed most commonly in practice for the needs of financial and business analysis. The averaged chain substitution method is developed and tested for approval for all possible combinations of factor models comprising two, three, and four factor variables. Analytical expressions are derived for the quantitative determination of the individual factor influences of the participating factor variables over the variation of their result indicator. It is characterized by universality and eliminates the only significant disadvantage of the chain substitution method, namely the ambiguity (non-accuracy) of the results obtained thereby regarding the quantitative measurement of the individual factor influences of the participating factor variables exerted on the variation of the result indicator when changing the order of substitutions of the factor variables in the construction of factor chains. The objective of the present study is to reveal the applicability, advantages, and disadvantages of the methods of determined factor analysis and to present the results of the approbation of the averaged chain substitution method for all possible combinations of factor models composed of two, three, and four factor variables.

2020 ◽  
pp. 90-100

The article presents the essence and methodology of the universal and precise method of determinant factor analysis developed for the needs of financial and economic analysis. The averaged chain substitution method is a modification of the chain substitution method, which is the fundamental and most commonly used method of determinant factor analysis. The averaged method of chain substitutions eliminates the only significant disadvantage of the chain substitution method, namely the ambiguity (non-accuracy) of the results obtained thereby regarding the quantitative measurement of the individual influence which the participating factor variables exert on the variation of the result indicator while changing the order of the substitution of factor variables in the construction of the factor chains. The methodology of the developed average chain substitution method is presented. Mathematical expressions are derived for the quantitative determination of the individual factor influences over the variation of the result indicator with those dependences between result indicator and participating factor variables that are most commonly used in financial and economic analysis. The methodology of the offered method can also be applied to more complex mathematical dependencies that define the relationship between result indicator and participating factor variables. Similarly, it is applicable in the study of a wide range of economic and non-economic indicators.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Zh.L. Kozina ◽  
S.B. Khrapov ◽  
S. Yevstratov ◽  
N.A. Kolomiets ◽  
S.V. Hryshchenko ◽  

<p><em>The purpose</em> of the study was to develop individual factor models of physical preparedness of high-level volleyball players of different game roles. <em>Matherial and methods</em>. The study was attended by 12 players of the Kharkiv woman women team in Kharkiv Volleyball players were tested for 10 indicators of pedagogical pedagogical testing: Running to 4 points; Running for determining the speed of movement along the volleyball court at a distance of 30 m (9-3-6-3-9 m); Jump in height from place; Jump in height from run; Throwing a stuffed ball from the starting position sitting; Throwing a stuffed ball from the starting position is lying; Lifting of the body from the position lying on the back for 20 s (number of times); Elevation of body from the position of lying on the stomach for 20 s (number of times); The flexion-extension of the hands in the emphasis lying for 20 s (number of times); Leap length from space. The obtained data were mathematically processed using factor analysis methods, on the basis of which the individual factor models of players were constructed. <em>Results</em>. On the basis of factor analysis, the structure of qualified volleyball players' preparedness was determined, in which four expressed factors were expressed: speed-strength training, relative strength, special endurance, high endurance. The model of the belonging of the players to the role is determined according to the determined factor structure: in the attackers of the first pace, the following factors are factors such as speed-power preparedness and relative strength, at attackers of the second pace - speed-power preparedness and fast endurance, fast endurance and special endurance, in Libero - relative strength and special endurance. <em>Conclusion.</em> Using the developed scheme, the individual factor models of players and the developed scale of assessments of the test indicators, one can determine the individual potential opportunities of different players to the game in different roles.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (16) ◽  
pp. 108-120
O. Yu. Mayorov ◽  
E. A. Mikhailova ◽  
A. B. Prognimak ◽  
T. D. Nessonova ◽  

t Introduction. According to the WHO, there is currently an increase in the prevalence, incidence and rejuvenation of depression. This phenomenon is also observed in adolescents. Purpose of the study. Search for sensitive and specific «markers» of depressive disorder in adolescents, which not only make it pos-sible to distinguish between patients and healthy people, but will also be able to assess the effectiveness of different types of treatment. The contingent of the surveyed. Research methods. Examined: 1. Group of adolescents with depression: 52 patients (35 girls and 17 boys). 2. Control group (healthy) — 40 adolescents (18 girls and 22 boys). 3. The EEG was recorded in a state of calm wakefulness and during mental stress. 4. EEG analysis — qEEG software complex — NeuroResearcher®InnovationSuite (MI&T Institute, Ukraine). The entropy of Kolmogorov–Sinai EEG was calculated — a nonlinear indicator of the state of neurodynamics in the studied EEG electrode placement. 5. Multivariate statistical analysis. Factor analysis was used to create the models (STATISTICA, 13.3). Results. The search for objective quantitative «markers» of the depressive state of both sexes adolescents was carried out on the basis of nonlinear EEG analysis and the creation of factor models of the results obtained. The factorial models of the Kolmogorov–Sinai EEG entropy of the studied areas of the cerebral hemispheres of sick and healthy both sexes adolescents in a state of calm wakefulness and during mental test were obtained. A physiological interpretation of the identified main factors is given. Comparison of factor models made it possible to identify differences between depressed and healthy adolescents, as well as gender differences. Differences in the factor models of the EEG pacemaker parameters were also revealed in depressed adolescents in a state of calm wakefulness and during mental stress. Based on the obtained factor models, it is possible to calculate the individual values of the factors for each pa-tient. This allows to determine the individual severity of the studied pathology. The revealed significant differences in factor models in adolescents of both sexes with depression in comparison with factor models of adolescents in the control group can be used to detect depressive disorder during EEG examination. Key words: Depression in adolescents; EEG; Nonlinear EEG analysis; Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy; Factor analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 311
Matthew Wang ◽  
Yi-Hong Lin ◽  
Ilya Mikhelson

This study uses the hidden Markov model (HMM) to identify different market regimes in the US stock market and proposes an investment strategy that switches factor investment models depending on the current detected regime. We first backtested an array of different factor models over a roughly 10.5 year period from January 2007 to September 2017, then we trained the HMM on S&P 500 ETF historical data to identify market regimes of that period. By analyzing the relationship between factor model returns and different market regimes, we are able to establish the basis of our regime-switching investing model. We then back-tested our model on out-of-sample historical data from September 2017 to April 2020 and found that it both delivers higher absolute returns and performs better than each of the individual factor models according to traditional portfolio benchmarking metrics.

VASA ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-198 ◽  
Reinhold ◽  
Haage ◽  
Hollenbeck ◽  
Mickley ◽  

In February 2008 a multidisciplinary study group was established in Germany to improve the treatment of patients with potential vascular access problems. As one of the first results of their work interdisciplinary recommendations for the management of vascular access were provided, from the creation of the initial access to the treatment of complications. As a rule the wrist arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is the access of choice due to its lower complication rate when compared to other types of access. The AVF should be created 3 months prior to the expected start of haemodialysis to allow for sufficient maturation. Second and third choice accesses are arteriovenous grafts (AVG) and central venous catheters (CVC). Ultrasound is a reliable tool for vessel selection before access creation, and also for the diagnosis of complications in AVF and grafts. Access stenosis and thrombosis can be treated surgically and interventionally. The comparison of both methods reveals advantages and disadvantages for each. The therapeutic decision should be based on the individual patients’ constitution, and also on the availability and experience of the involved specialists.

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 179-184
S. V. Kudryashova

The individual forensic activity in comparison with the activity of forensic experts of specialized state institutions is considered, the main advantages and disadvantages are determined. The directions of development of specialized state and non-state forensic institutions are presented in accordance with R. Quinn's competing values model.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 184-193
Ольга Віговська

У статті теоретично обґрунтовано феномен конструктивного самозбереження особистості як ознаки самоактуалізації, розкриття власного потенціалу і побудови перспективи розвитку особистості та емпірично виявлено ознаки психологічної детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок з різним соціальним статусом. Зазначено, що проблема самозбереження асоціюється з особливостями прояву інстинкту самозбереження людини, але потреби вищого порядку зумовлюють соціальну природу її поведінки, яка локалізована у найвищій точці самореалізації. Теоретично обгрунтовано, що самореалізація визначає тенденцію раціональної організації життя людини та проявляється у її почутті задоволеністю життям. З’ясовано, що психологічну основу конструктивного самозбереження становлять індивідуально-типологічні характеристики людини, які відображають психофізіологічні та психосоціальні резерви самореалізації особистості. Розроблена програма емпіричного дослідження, а також комплекс використаних методів математичної обробки результатів дослідження дає змогу конкретизувати психологічний зміст детермінації домінуючого інстинкту у конструктивній самореалізації жінок вікового діапазону 35-45 років та з різним соціальним статусом. У жінок, які виховують проблемну (хвору) дитину, домінує інстинкт "егофільного типу", що виражається у їх надмірному егоцентризмі і супроводжується низькими показниками самоактуалізації, на відміну від досліджуваних жінок, які виховують здорових дітей і у яких на фоні вираженої тенденції до самоактуалізації домінує базовий інстинкт "дослідницького типу" та "лібертофільного типу". This article theoretically proves constructive phenomenon of self identity as signs of self-disclosure own potential and prospects of development of individual construction. In addition, it empirically showes signs of psychological determination of the dominant instinct in a constructive self-determination of women with different social statuses. It was noted that the issue of self-preservation is associated with the peculiarities of manifestation of self-preservation instinct of man, but it needs higher-order cause social nature of the behavior that is localized at the highest point of self-realization. It theorized that self-realization determines the trend of rational organization of human life and manifests itself in its sense of life satisfaction. It was found that the psychological basis of constructive self-preservation of the individual make individually-typological characteristics of a person that reflect physiological and psychosocial reserves of self-realization. The developed program of empirical research, as well as the methods used complex mathematical processing of results of research allows to specify the content of the psychological determination of the dominant instinct of constructive self-realization а women age range of 35-45 years and with different social status. Women who bring up the problem child dominates the instinct of self-preservation, which is reflected in their excessive self-centeredness, and is accompanied by low levels of self-actualization, as opposed to the study of women who are raising healthy children and that against the backdrop of a pronounced tendency to self-actualization, dominated by basic instinct "research type" and "independent type."

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 78-87

Judicial psychology is the science that analyzes and tries to understand the criminal phenomenon in general and its determinant factor in particular, by the complexity of factors that generate it and by the diversity of its forms of manifestation. Although the determining factor of criminal behavior is always subjective being generated by the psychic of the offender, this aspect must be correlated with the context in which it manifests itself: social, economic, cultural context etc. Judicial psychology investigates the behavior of the individual in all its aspects, seeking a scientific explanation of the mechanisms and factors enhancing criminal favors, thus enabling the identification of the preventive measures to be taken to reduce the categories of offenses. It studies the psycho-behavioral profile of the offender, identifying the causes that determined its behavior in order to take preventive measures.The domain of judicial psychology is mainly deviance, conduct that departs from the moral or legal norms that are dominant in a given culture. The object of judicial psychology is the criminal act, correlated with the psychosocial characteristics of the participants in the judicial action (offender, victim, witness, investigator, magistrate, lawyer, civil party, educator, etc.). The science of judicial psychology also analyzes how these characteristics appear and manifest themselves in concrete and special conditions of their interaction in three phases of the criminal act: the pre-criminal phase, the actual criminal phase and the post-criminal phase.

O. Yu. Atkov ◽  
S. G. Gorokhova

The individual dynamics of the allostatic load index was revealed mainly due to changes in the glucose level, body mass index, which makes it applicable for assessing the short-term adaptation to the stay in the conditions of shift work

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