2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Wan Saleha Wan Sayed ◽  
Mohd Hasrul Shuhari ◽  
Wan Hishamudin Wan Jusoh

Sufism is a knowledge discipline which derives from three basic Islamic components along with tauhid and fiqh knowledge. It is a principle of knowledge discussing regarding the cleaning method and purification of soul of an individual Muslim from a mazmumah trait (al-takhalli) and self-prepared method with mahmudah trait (al-tahalli) in order to get the blessing of Allah. It requires a guidance and support from a qualified individual because in order to succeed, there must be many internal and external obstacles will arise that is not easy to be overcomed without guidance. Therefore, sufi order is an institution which consists of the practise and the true appreciation of sufism according with the syaikh mursyid’s leadership. Meanwhile, this study is purposing in explaining the concept of sufi order to the society with the main focus is to analyse the tarekat approach which is focused to its role in human spiritual empowerment. This is a qualitative approach study. The data collecting method used is a documentation method which refer to the secondary sources. The finding of the study summarised that the sufi order institution is an effective approach in empowering an individual spiritual through the syaikh mursyid’s approach in guiding the students (salik). Tasawuf merupakan salah satu disiplin ilmu daripada tiga komponen asas ilmu Islam di samping ilmu tauhid dan fikah. Ia adalah bidang ilmu yang membicarakan berkenaan kaedah pembersihan dan penyucian rohani seseorang individu Muslim daripada sifat mazmumah (al-takhalli) dan kaedah menghiasi diri dengan sifat mahmudah (al-tahalli) dalam usaha untuk sampai kepada keredaan Allah. Ia memerlukan kepada tunjuk ajar dan sokongan daripada individu yang berkelayakan lantaran dalam proses untuk mencapai kejayaan, sudah pasti akan terbentang pelbagai halangan dan rintangan dalaman mahupun luaran yang tidak mudah untuk diharungi tanpa bimbingan. Dengan demikian, tarekat tasawuf merupakan sebuah institusi yang mengandungi pengamalan dan penghayatan tasawuf yang sebenar melalui pimpinan syaikh mursyid. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan menjelaskan konsep tarekat tasawuf kepada masyarakat dengan tumpuan utamanya untuk menganalisis pendekatan tarekat yang difokuskan kepada peranannya dalam pemantapan spiritual insan. Kajian ini adalah berbentuk kajian kualitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah metode dokumentasi dengan merujuk kepada sumber-sumber sekunder. Dapatan kajian ini menyimpulkan bahawa institusi tarekat tasawuf merupakan satu pendekatan yang efektif dalam memantapkan spiritual individu melalui pendekatan syaikh mursyid dalam membimbing para salik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-133
M. Dimyati Huda ◽  
Nur Chamid

This article seeks to reveal the principles, rituals, and rationality of a religious movement named Teosofi Tariqa. This Sufi order has existed in Indonesia since 1908. This research finds its importance on the basis of the fact that the Teosofi Tariqa offers different perspectives from other religious movements. It also becomes an interesting study in terms of religious conflict resolution in Indonesia. Using a qualitative approach, this research relies much on a number of data collecting instruments such as observations, interviews, and documentation. The Miles and Huberman versions are used to analyzing the data. The research finds that the Teosofi Tariqa in Surabaya promulgates tolerance and diversity principles towards other people regardless of their religions. As a Sufi order, the Teosofi Tariqa puts emphasis on mysticism and meditation as a means of submission, obedience, and servitude to the absolute and rational God. It also emphasizes the importance of community services.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 93 ◽  
Sriyanti Mustafa ◽  
Toto Nusantara ◽  
Subanji Subanji ◽  
Santi Irawati

<p class="apa">The aim of this study is to describe the mathematical thinking process of autistic students in terms of gesture, using a qualitative approach. Data collecting is conducted by using 3 (three) audio-visual cameras. During the learning process, both teacher and students’ activity are recorded using handy cam and digital camera (full HD capacity). Once the data is collected (the recording process is complete), it will be analyzed exploratively until data triangulation is carried out. Results of this study describes the process of mathematical thinking in terms of a gesture of students with autism in three categories, namely correctly processed, partially processed, and contradictory processed. Correctly processed is a series of actions to solve the problems that are processed properly marked with a matching gesture, partially processed is a series of actions to resolve problems with partially processed properly marked with discrepancy gesture, while contradictory processed is a series of actions to solve the problems that are processed incorrectly marked with the dominance of discrepancy gesture. Matching gesture demonstrate the suitability of movement or facial expressions when observing, pointing, and uncover/calling the object being observed, while the discrepancy gesture indicates a mismatch movements or facial expressions when observing, pointing, and uncover/calling the object being observed.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 188
Gea Papurane Langi ◽  
Imron Mawardi

This research is done to see any risks that happened in Islamic bank, which can damage the bank. While it aims to find out the strategy used by Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) to reduce the risk faced and often happened in the field. The research method uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collecting was done by relating proposed questions and the conclusion made from the result of the interview with Branch Manager (BM), Relation Manager, and Remedial BMI of Branch Office of Mas Mansyur. The result of this research showed that BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office had done the process of risk management by identifying risk in the manner of finding out the existing risks which are financing risk; market risk; and ownership risk, measuring and monitoring the risks in the manner of doing measurement to find out and see any reason that causes those risks exist, and controlling and managing the existing risks in Musyarakah Mutanaqisah (MMQ) financing in the manner of ways that have already determined by BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office. The last is by monitoring the risks in MMQ financing at BMI of Mas Mansyur Branch Office.Keywords: Risk Management, Risk, Financing, Musyarakah Mutanaqisah, Bank Muamalat Indonesia

polemica ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-83
Antônio Roberto Xavier ◽  
José Gerardo Vasconcelos ◽  
Maria Jucilene Freire Lopes Marinho ◽  
Ana Paula Sthel Caiado

Resumo: Este artigo objetiva, sobretudo, promover o debate teórico-epistemológico sobre os desafios e possibilidades do desenvolvimento de ensino-aprendizagem interdisciplinar em razão das matrizes curriculares adotadas. É fato que a discussão sobre interdisciplinaridade no trabalho docente, apesar de não ser tão nova, encontra-se em alta e mantém interfaces com outras categorias do gênero, principalmente quando se relaciona com a gestão e as práticas educativas em sala de aula. Nesse sentido, para a produção deste artigo, seguiram-se os caminhos metodológicos da pesquisa bibliográfica do tipo descritiva com base em revisão de literatura de fontes secundárias de livros, artigos, legislação e documentos oficiais. No tocante à abordagem, acolheu-se a qualitativa, visando análise mais aprofundada das categorias elencadas, a saber: interdisciplinaridade, etnociência, multidisciplinaridade, pluridisciplinaridade e transdisciplinaridade, destacadas nos respectivos tópicos deste artigo. Com relação à técnica interpretacional, recorreu-se à análise do discurso na perspectiva da relação indissociável do histórico com o social. Como conclusão sucinta, deixou-se posto que as práticas educativas de forma interdisciplinar são dinamizadoras e facilitadoras para uma compreensão mais ampla e diversa do ensino-aprendizagem. Desse modo, possibilitam a formulação de um saber crítico-reflexivo, promovendo a integração de conteúdos nas mais diversas áreas de conhecimento, incluindo, inclusive, o arcabouço cultural dos saberes populares e não formais aos formais e científicos.Palavras-chave: Interdisciplinaridade. Etnociência. Multidisciplinaridade.Abstract: This article aims, above all, to promote the theoretical-epistemological debate on the challenges and possibilities of the development of interdisciplinary teaching-learning due to the curricular matrices adopted. It is a fact that the discussion about interdisciplinarity in teaching work, although not so new, is up and maintains interfaces with other categories of the genre, especially when it is related to management and educational practices in the classroom. In this sense, for the production of this article, we followed the methodological paths of bibliographic research of the descriptive type based on literature review of secondary sources of books, articles, legislation and official documents. With regard to the approach, the qualitative approach was adopted, aiming at a more in-depth analysis of the categories listed, namely: interdisciplinarity, ethnoscience, multidisciplinarity, multidisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, highlighted in the respective topics of this article. With regard to the interpretative technique, we used the analysis of discourse in the perspective of the inseparable relationship between historical and social. As a succinct conclusion, it is emphasized that interdisciplinary educational practices are dynamic and facilitating a broader and more diverse understanding of teaching and learning. In this way, its allows the formulation of a critical-reflexive knowledge, promoting the integration of contents in the most diverse areas of knowledge, including the cultural framework of popular and non-formal knowledge to formal and scientific knowledge.Keywords: Interdisciplinarity. Ethnoscience. Multidisciplinarity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 65-94
Rizki Pauziah Siregar

Testimony is a statement made by a witness who saw the incident by himself and was at the scene at that time. Nothing can escape this evidence in the afterlife, nor can it be manipulated in the slightest. So the source of the problem that will be discussed is how to witness the body and the interpretation of the rationality of the testimony of the limbs in QS. Yasin: 65. The research approach used by the author is a qualitative approach and is more inclined to follow library research and uses thematic analysis methods, this research will rely on the interpretation of Al-Jawahir Fi Tafsiril Qur'an by Tantawi Jauhari and books. as primary sources, research journals, and research theses as secondary sources. And what is relevant to this research, the results of the testimony of the limbs according to tantawi Jauhari are that the limbs will testify and it is not only in the afterlife, the body can testify against its owner. but even in the law that applies in the world, the limb that can be used to prove it, to reveal a crime such as murder or abuse. Here the limbs are like hands, it can help to expose the crime. One of them uses a DNA or fingerprint test, and only Allah will see what the testimony on the Day of Judgment is.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Arif Hidayat

Translation techniques are expected to be solutions to cope with translation problems faced by translators. Due to this reason, translation learners are taught these techniques to be their provision in handling translation problems they will face as professional translators. This research is aimed at giving comprehension of the using translation techniques tendency in informal letter translation. Case study method is used in this research to analyze how English Letters students who have learnt translation through qualitative approach and document data collecting technique. This research uses Molina & Albir's (2002)Translation Techniques to identify the translation technniques used by the students.The result shows that the dominance of literal translation technique by a very significant data finding from the eleven techniques used with normal distribution ranging from 17 until 27 data per students.In the next research, it is hoped that there will be wider scope of study to analyze the trends of translation techniques in those students’ affiliation.Keywords: Literal Translation, Teknik Penerjemahan, Informal Letter

Rima Esni Nurdiana ◽  
Nurdin Laugu

This research aims to understand the role of al-Hakim Biamrillah in developing of Dar Al-Hikmah library in Egypt during his leadership as Khalifah Daulah Fatimiyah. The research used a qualitative approach based on literature, both primary and secondary sources. This study found a number of important points related to the development of Dar Al-Hikmah library for the role played by the Khalifah al-Hakim. The first role played by al-Hakim is management of Dar Al-Hikmah library with the appointment of library managers to handle the library collections. The second role is the development of collection through procurement, especially related to the mechanism of purchasing books, both from local and other the countries. The last role concerns the library as a center for the development of science and teaching. As a center of science, this period is marked by the birth of great scientists, such as Ali bin Nu'man and Ibn Killis.

Al-Ulum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Idham Idham

This article aims to elaborate the pattern of regeneration of Islamic scholars (ulama) in South Sulawesi by focusing on the study of Ma�had Aly As�adiyah Sengkang Wajo. In the search, a qualitative approach was used. Data collecting was done through interviews, observation, literature study and documentation. The results of the research indicate that the regeneration of Islamic scholars in South Sulawesi had been long conducted in some Pondok Pesantren (Islamic Boarding Schools). This study finds out that the regeneration of Islamic scholars was provided with a certain medium in a special program. The existence of Pondok Pesantren As�adiyah Sengkang by implementing the regeneration of Islamic scholars through Ma�had Aly caused Pondok Pesantren As�adiyah Sengkang to be one of 13 organizers of Ma�had Aly program that was given an operational license by the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-161
Herlina Herlina ◽  
Warjio Warjio ◽  
Nina Siti Salmaniah Siregar

The objectives of this study are: 1. to find out how the implementation of Hope Family Program (PKH) in Sumber Sari Sub-District, Sei Tualang Raso District, Tanjungbalai town. 2. Implementation of Family Hope Program (PKH) in the Sumber Sari Sub-District, Sei Tualang Raso District, Tanjungbalai town. This research used theory of implementation approach of policy by Daniel Mazmanian and Paul Sabatier. This theory sees the variable in controlling the problem. The variable of ability of policy in structuring the implementation process accurately and variable from outside of policy that influence the implementation process. This research used descriptive methodology with qualitative approach. The data collecting was done by monitoring and interview thoroughly. The results of this research show that the implementation of PKH in Sumber Sari Sub-District has a slight problem and has not been fully implemented properly. The socialization has not been comprehensive, so there is less support from related parties. Data collection of PKH recipient participants has not been maximized, there are some families who should get PKH but have not yet obtained it. Mentoring has not been done well and the use of PKH funds by RTSM is sometimes used outside the provisions. For the long term, it has not been able to change the mindset and behavior of the RTSM significantly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 1161-1168
Depi Prihamdani ◽  
Andes Safarandes Asmara ◽  
Haerudin Haerudin ◽  
Harmawati Harmawati ◽  
Anggy Giri Prawiyogi

The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the role of English subject to implant and to improve students’ university behavior to be honest, do not cheat on the test, and do not corrupt on their daily life. Subject of this study is the first semester student of PGSD the academic year of 2019/2020 University of Buana Perjuangan Karawang. In order to reach the goal of this study the writer uses qualitative research method with descriptive qualitative approach. While, technique of data collecting is done by observing, field studying, interviewing and documenting. The result of this study is expected to be able to have a contribution and is useful for all related parties, especially university or college in order to build students’ behavior to be honest, do not cheat on the test and do not corrupt in their life

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