Baitul 'Ulum: Jurnal Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi
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Published By Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sultan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

2745-7559, 2580-9903

Khairunisa Khairunisa ◽  
Wenny Dastina ◽  
Buchari Katutu

ABSTRACT Introduction. The purpose of this study was to determine the Jambi Province DPAD Strategy in developing a Social Inclusion-Based Library to Create a Literate Society, constraining factors in developing a social inclusion-based library in an effort to create a literate community in the Jambi Province Regional Library and Archives Service, and the efforts made to overcome these obstacles. Data Collection Metod. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a purposive sampling approach. Resilt and Discussions. The results of this study indicate that there are several strategies implemented by DPAD Jambi Province in developing social inclusion in libraries, namely: involving the active role of librarians, issuing policy regulations and forming a Synergy Team, holding stakeholder meetings, Launcing Ipustaka Jambi, and carrying out activities advocacy Peer Learning Meeting. The obstacles faced by the Jambi Province Regional Library and Archives Office in developing social inclusion- based libraries are limited budget funds and networks. As for the efforts made by the Regional Library and Archives Office of Jambi province in overcoming the constraints of developing social inclusion-based libraries, namely establishing cooperation with various parties, both from the province, district and private sector and utilizing the existing budget optimally. Conclusions. Based on the research that has been done on the DPAD strategy in developing a social inclusion-based library. With this strategy, it is hoped that this social inclusion program can run well and can be developed for program development in program recipient libraries, namely district libraries and village libraries. Keyword: Strategi, Inklusi Sosial, Perpustakaan Umum, Masyarakat Literate

Hanifa Lizasri ◽  
Marlini Marlini

Introduction. Public relations is an important service in the library, public relations functions as the delivery of information to users. This study aims to see the perceptions of librarians' perceptions in implementing the public relations function at the Padang State University Library. The specific objectives of this study are; (1) to see the perceptions of librarians in serving library users, (2) to be alert to foster trust from library users to librarians, (3) to see librarians in serving library users, (4) to see how to start and stop librarian communication with library, (5) to see how librarians notify library users if any. new collection, (6) to see the service implementation. public relations by librarians for library users. Data Collection Medhod. This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Data collection was carried out by direct research into the library who conducted an interview with one of the librarians in the field of circulation services at the Library of Padang State University. Result And Discussions. Based on the results of research conducted, the results show that public relations services at the Padang State University Library in conveying information to users are based on user needs. The inability of users to find information is the librarian's job to find the information needed and convey information related to new collections that exist in the library to the library users. Conclusions. The research was conducted using qualitative methods to obtain information related to the perception and implementation of public relations at the Padang State University Library. Keyword: Public relations library, public relations service.

Sri Wahyuni

ABSTRACT Introduction One of the efforts to provide the best service for users is by developing innovative library services. One of them is by developing a video content-based library collection. MMTC Yogyakarta Multi Media College Library has developed a video content-based information retrieval system. It is hoped that by utilizing this video content-based STKI, users will be helped and get accelerated information in finding the material needed, especially searching for material in video files. Data Collection Method. In this paper the writer uses qualitative research with a library research approach, while the data analysis uses content analysis techniques. This method the authors use to observe and analyze an information system. Results and Discussions. In developing a Content Based Video Retrieval strategy in the MMTC Yogyakarta Multi Media High School Library, it begins with identifying user needs, creating a system design, evaluating the system design, pouring the system design into a programming language, testing the system, evaluating the system and using it. Then, the authors also provide an overview of the development of the STKI by conducting a SWOT analysis. Based on the macro analysis, the opportunity and threat variables will be formulated, while the internal analysis will formulate the strength and weakness variables. The last stage is the STKI analysis, while the stages are: complete definition, problem analysis, needs analysis, logic design and needs analysis. Conclusions. In the Content Based Video Retrieval development strategy at the MMTC Yogyakarta Multi Media College Library, there are several things that need to be considered in the development of an information retrieval system, including: User needs, development budget (budget), human resources, support from leaders and facilities (software and hardware) and IT infrastructure (internet network). The development of the STKI should begin with identifying user needs and conducting a SWOT analysis to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the system, as well as the goal so that the system can be optimally empowered by users. Keywords: Library, Information Retrieval System, Video Content

Wiwin Irpina

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the process of procurement of library materials at the Regional Library and Archives Service of Muaro Jambi Regency. The research method used is library research methodologically classified as qualitative research with a descriptive approach in the form of a case study which aims to explain the procurement of library materials at the Regional Library and Archives Service of Muaro Jambi Regency. Data collection techniques used were through observation and interviews. The findings of the study are (1) the Regional Library and Archives Office of Muaro Jambi Regency has carried out library material procurement activities through purchases from book agents, bookstores, gifts, entrances and through assistance once a year. (2) The Regional Library and Archives Office of Muaro Jambi Regency has never procured serial publications, as well as non-book materials (recorded works) because according to them library materials are rarely needed by users. (3) The procurement of library funds for library materials is not running properly as seen from the constraints that occur, namely the lack of spending funds for the procurement of library materials both from series published library materials and recorded library materials, as well as the lack of attention from leaders leading to the procurement of library materials so that the available collections incomplete, not up to date and not used by the user. From these findings, it is hoped that the Regional Library and Archives Office of Muaro Jambi Regency will continue to procure collections of serial publications and recorded works because these collections can increase the number of collections available, create public interest in reading and add to the repertoire of library collections. Furthermore, the Regional Library and Archives Service of Muaro Jambi Regency should process funds properly by paying attention to user needs so that library materials purchased are in accordance with user education. Then also the head of the library must pay more attention that leads to the procurement of library materials so that the available collections can be more up to date, complete, and can be used by users. Keywords: Library Material Procurement, Library Collection, Public Library

Felya Invita Fijas ◽  
Marlini Marlini

ABSTRACT SMA Negeri 3 Tualang, Kab. Siak is one of the schools in Siak Regency, Riau. This search describe preservation and maintance activities which are carried out as an effort to save information in the library material collection of SMA Negeri 3 Tualang, Kab. Siak library. To find out of the activities carried out by the library of SMA Negeri Tualang, Kab. Siak, the author conducted research through qualitative methods. In finding this information, an interview was conducted with one of the librarians of SMA Negeri 3 Tualang, Kab. Siak to get information about the activities of preserving and maintaining the library collections at SMA Negeri 3 Tualang, Kab. Siak, Riau. The results of this study explain that the factors of damage to library materials in the library of SMA Negeri 3 Tualang, Kab. Siak, Riau are such as bookworms, mice, dust and humans. Efforts made to prevent damge such as cleaning dust regularly, providing camphor around the library and collection shelves, and providing warning and sanctions for damage caused by students and attempts to repair damage by photocopying damage collections pages and restocking. Keyword: preservation, library, collections.

Aras Satria Agusta

ABSTRACT Introduction. This article is entitled "Gender & Leadership of Muhammadiyah Higher Education Libraries: Service Innovation during the Covid-19 Pandemic." The purpose of writing is to systematically describe and interpret gender and leadership in bringing new innovations in library services during the Covid-19 pandemic in the form of transformative policies. Research Methods. In this article, the author uses descriptive qualitative methods with constructivist and critical interpretive efforts in seeing the phenomena that occur, by formulating several crucial issues which are summarized in the question: Why is genderization of library leadership important to produce new innovations in services in times of crisis? Meanwhile, the data were collected by means of online observation, online interviews and call interviews. The main data is through call interviews and through chat communication media. The informants in this study were the head of the library and librarian / library staff at Muhammadiyah Higher Education including Muhammadiyah Riau University, STIKES Muhammadiyah Gombang, and Muhammadiyah Makassar University. Results and Discussion. The results of the research in this article show that the role of gender feminism in library leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic crisis is very urgent in relation to efforts to transform service change as protecting the existence of libraries. The head of the Muhammadiyah College library plays a professional and maternal role in making a policy (democratic and transparent). In crisis conditions, transformation is carried out by utilizing both forms of service, namely conventional (covid-19 protocol) and digital (wa, instagram, zoom, repository, and web library). So, that these efforts are very intersubjective to become novelty for Muhammadiyah Higher Education libraries in an effort to transform services that are more creative, innovative, and relevant from various conditions. Conclusions and recommendations. From these results, to bring existence to the Muhammadiyah Higher Education library in various intersubjective conditions requires relevance between effective policies in line with the gender role of the head of the library. This is necessary for the library to consider more carefully the policies to be taken so that it is user-oriented, because it will affect the existence of the library in the future in facing various situations. Keywords: Gender, Leadership, Transformation, Innovation, Library, PT Muhammadiyah

Dian Maisaroh

ABSTRACT Introduction. The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of the students of the Al-Muhsinin Islamic Boarding School in Koto Petai Village to access, evaluate, and use information on the kitab kuning content with literacy standards of the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA).Data Collection Method. To collect precise and accurate data, the researcher used qualitative research. The method of determining the subject was done by purposive sampling, the data collection methods used were the interview method, the observation method and the documentation method.Analysis Data. Data analysis was used, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.Results and Discussions. The results of this study are: The ability of the Santri at the Al-Muhsinin Islamic Boarding School of the Koto Petai Village in Accessing Information on the Kitab Kuning is quite good, this can be seen from the information obtained from discussions with teachers and clerics and also with friends. and chosen to be applicable in everyday life. The ability of the Santri at the Al-Muhsinin Islamic Boarding School of Koto Petai Village in Evaluating Information on the Kitab Kuning is quite good, it can be seen that to get clear information each person has different versions, some select and sort the information first and some are direct use the information. It depends on each person how to get the information. The ability of the Santri at Al-Muhsinin Koto Petai Islamic Boarding School in using the Kitab Kuning information is not good. It can be seen that in using the information obtained by the informants they have not applied or applied it and in communicating information to other parties, the informants also rarely communicate the information they know to other parties. Keywords: Information Literacy, Kitab Kuning, Santri

Hendra Junawan ◽  
Nurdin Laugu

Introduction. This article discusses the existence of social media YouTube, Instagram and Watsapp in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic among virtual communities in Indonesia. The development of social media is increasing every year, especially in the conditions of the corona virus outbreak. The development of social media in Indonesia has experienced a very significant increase, it can be seen that Indonesia is in the 3rd position of social media users in the world. Data Collection Method. The method used in this article is by using the literature method by reading literature related to discussion and it can be analyzed that the existence of social media such as YouTube in the midst of the Covid pandemic has experienced a surge in users of around 88% and is then followed by Whatsapp social media with the number of accesses of 84% and Instagram with 79%. Results and Discussions. Based on the data above, we can see the development and level of existence of several social media which is frequently accessed by the world's population during the Covid 19 pandemic. This development has certainly experienced a very clear penetration of internet users among the Indonesian virtual community. Conclusions. the development of social media in Indonesia and globally has increased very significantly. The existence of social media which was popular during the Covid-19 pandemic, which placed YouTube as the first media that was very popular with the highest number of users in the world.

Rapita Rapita ◽  
Athiatul Haqqi ◽  
Fridinanti Yusufhin

ABSTRACT Introduction. The purpose of this research is to find out how the role of the Head of the Library in encouraging the promotion / functional position of librarian in the Regional Library and Archives Service of Jambi Province and to find out what are the factors that hinder the promotion and functional position of librarian as well as the efforts of the Head of Librarian in encouraging promotion. and librarian functional positions at the Regional Library and Archives Office of Jambi Province. Data Collection Method. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a purposive sampling approach. Result and Discussion. The results of this study indicate that the role of the Head of the Library in encouraging the promotion / functional position of librarian in the Regional Library and Archives Service of Jambi Province has not fully provided a role, especially for librarians who have problems collecting credit numbers and are late in promotion / functional librarian position. Inhibiting factors in promotion / functional position of librarian caused by: 1). The assessment team who sometimes judges are not objective in providing value. 2). Differences in perceptions between the assessment team in assessing the physical evidence of librarians. 3). The assessment team's draft was issued late. 4). Librarian functional officers do not understand how to fill out the DUPAK correctly. 5). Librarian functional officers are less creative or lazy to collect credit scores. 6). Workload that does not match the number of librarians. The effort of the Head of the Library in encouraging promotion and functional position of librarian at the Regional Library and Archives Service of Jambi Province is to be temporarily suspended from the Librarian Functional Position if it is 5 years late to collect credit figures, besides that it will also be transferred to a structural position. Another effort is planning this year to hold a DUPAK preparation workshop which aims to enable librarians to be able and know how to properly compile DUPAK based on JUKNIS. Conclusions. 1). It is expected that the Head of Service will pay attention to the librarian functional officials. 2). It is hoped that the assessment team can provide values transparently and fairly. 3). It is hoped that it can create an activity program aimed at motivating librarians in collecting credit scores

Aras Satria Agusta

Introduction. This article is entitled "Analysis of webometrics content in the Syiah Kuala University repository and the University of North Sumatra". The purpose in writing is to look at the quality of institutional repositories based on webometrics content, which has an impact on the ranking of webometrics 2020. Data Collection Method. In this article the authors use a descriptive quantitative approach, while observations are made by observing and analyzing search results on webometrics indicator devices systematically and in a standardized manner. existing indicators, data generated for each webometrics content indicator against size indicators, visibility indicators, rich file indicators, scholar indicators on institutional repository websites through search engines and normalized. Result and Discussions. The results of this study are that each indicator of size, visibility, rich file and scholar in the repository of the University of North Sumatra is superior to Syiah Kuala University with the total ranking of the December 2019 webometrics indicator is 3.56506 while Syiah Kuala University with a total value of 0.83811 . Then the difference in the total rating in the repository is 2.72695, which allows a change in the ranking of the two universities. Conclusions. From the results of the repository ranking, the University of North Sumatra was superior with a score of 3.56506 while Syiah Kuala University with a total score of 0.83811. Then the difference in the total ranking value in the repository is 2,72695 which has an impact on each achievement of activeness with loyal members of the community in developing institutional repositories. From this, the academic community of each campus should encourage their scientific works to be published on the repository website they already have, while students submit their scientific work in the form of a paper or final project to the library and then processed and disseminated on the repository website.

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