scholarly journals Pengaruh Pelatihan Kader Posbindu Terhadap Perilaku Deteksi Dini Hipertensi Pada Usia Dewasa

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Asri ◽  
Sigit Mulyono ◽  
Uswatul Khasanah

The problem of hypertension in adulthood is very important to be a concern because it can cause both acute and chronic diseases such as heart and blood vessel disease, Posbindu cadre training is an activity carried out as an effort to improve skills and knowledge of early detection of hypertension so that the presence of cadres who are the spearhead in health services in the community are able to detect hypertension early. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of posbindu cadre training on early detection of hypertension in adulthood. This research design uses the Quasi One Group Experiment pre-test Post Test with Paired T-Test. The population in this study was all people suffering from hypertension with a total sample of 84 people. The results showed that there was a change in the mean value before and after the training that was equal to 82 then to 87. The results of the Paired T-test analysis showed that there was an influence of the posbindu cadre training on the behavior of early detection of hypertension where the value (P = 0.001).

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Putri Megasari

Hepatitis has become a health problem in the world. The hepatitis virus infected many people. According to the teacher of MTsN 02 Bondowoso more than 20 students have hepatitis A viral infection. The purpose of this research was to know the differences of students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study used pre-experimental (pre-post test design). This study used stratified random sampling technique, 127 students from 270 sample involved this research,and 143 students was excluded. We used questionnaires to collect data. The results showed that the mean value of the students 'knowledge about hepatitis A before counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 83.96 with the lowest value of 37.5 and the highest value was 100. The mean value of the students' knowledge about hepatitis A after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015 was 93.21 with the lowest value waf 62.5 and the highest value was 100. Paired t test showed that t (-9.07) > t table (1.98), the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected. There was a difference between students' knowledge about hepatitis A before and after counseling in MTsN 02 Bondowoso 2015. This study showed that routine counseling by healthcare provider was important to prevent hepatitis A infection.; Keywords: counseling, knowledge of students, hepatitis

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-21
Nidya Comdeca Nurvitriana ◽  
Setiana Andarwulan

Background of research on mother's knowledge of toddlers in providing feeding schedules, especially snacks. Giving snacks that are not right on schedule will have an influence on the growth and development of infants. Through the Emotional Demontration method, eating schedule for snacking can be controlled. Emotional Demonstration is the provision of education not only through lectures but also through games so that the key messages conveyed can be remembered by mothers of toddlers in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya. The Emo Demo method is one solution to reduce the stunting rate. In 2017 the stunting rate in Indonesia reached 22.2%. Based on the results of the survey conducted through interviews with nutritionists, it was explained that there were 16 stunting toddlers in Posyandu V Surabaya. Quantitative Research Methodology, a quasi-experimental research design method with one group pretest posttest approach. The population in this study were all mothers of children under five in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya as many as 36 people, samples as many as 36 mothers of toddlers. With a total sampling technique. Analyze data with Paired T-test. The results showed the mean value of the pre test was 6.06, the mean value after the post test reached 8.16. While the significance value of p value = 0,000 with α = 0.05 through the Paired T-test. The conclusion is that there are differences in the knowledge of pre and post test among mothers of children under five in Posyandu V Mulyorejo Surabaya, p value = 0,000 with α = 0.05. Suggestions for health workers to continue to make improvements in practicing emotional demonstration to participants because it is very useful in increasing knowledge to prevent increased stunting rates.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Helatul Mardiah ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
K Kholisotin ◽  
Ahmad Kholid Fauzi ◽  
Abdul Hamid Wahid

AbstrakBayi Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) rendah merupakan berat badan bayi yang lahir kurang dari 2500 gram tanpa memandang masa gestasi atau usia kehamilan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu merawat bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar BBLR. mengetahui tingkat keterampilan ibu dalam memberikan perawatan terhadap bayi BBLR sebelum dan sesudah diberikan perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan total sampling dengan rancangan one-group pra-post test design dengan tujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan ibu dalam merawat bayi BBLR. populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu yang memiliki bayi BBLR yang pernah melahirkan dan dirawat di RSUD dr.H. Koesnadi Bondowoso dengan total sampel 42 responden. Uji variabel menggunakan uji paired T test. Hasil penelitian dengan uji paired T test (α=0.05) sebanyak 42 responden menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu terhadap perawatan bayi BBLR memiliki nilai signifikan 0.000, P.Value kedua kelompok penelitian ini adalah ρ=0.000, pada tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan (α= <0.05). Ada peningkatan yang signifikan dari tingkat pengetahuan dan tingkat keterampilan ibu setelah diberikan edukasi perawatan dasar bayi BBLR. Kata kunci : Perawatan Dasar Bayi BBLR, Pengetahuan, keterampilan.The Effectiveness Of  Babies Basic Care Towards Knowledge and Maternal Skills Of LBW Babies  AbstractLow Birth Weight (LBW) is the weight of baby born less 2500 grams regardless of gestation or gestational age. The purpose of this research is to know the level of knowledge of mothers caring for LBW babies before and after giving basic care of  LBW babies. Knowing the level of maternal skills in providing care for LBW before and after giving basic care. This research method use sampling total with one-group pre-post test design with the aim of identifying the level of  knowledge and mothers skills in caring for LBW babies. The study population was the mother who had LBW babies who had given birth and treated at the RSUD Dr. H. Koesnadi Bondowoso with a total sample 42 respondents. This variable test using paired T test. The result of this research with a paired T test (α = 0.05) 42 respondents indicated that the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills towards LBW babies care had a significant value 0.000, P.Value of these two research groups was ρ = 0.000, at the level of knowledge and skills ( α = <0.05). There is a significant increase from the level of knowledge and the level of maternal skills after giving the basic caring education for LBW babies.Key words: the basic care of LBW babies, knowledge, Abilty

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 159
Ade Chandra ◽  
Sukri Rahman ◽  
Al Hafiz ◽  
Eva Decroli ◽  
Hafni Bachtiar

Latar belakang: Tumor ganas kepala dan leher adalah tumor ganas yang berasal dari epitel traktus aerodigestif atas. Radioterapi adalah salah satu modalitas talaksana pada tumor ganas kepala dan leher. Kelenjar tiroid akan terpapar radioterapi selanjutnya merangsang terjadinya kelainan pada kelenjar tiroid. Hipotiroid merupakan efek samping yang paling umum terjadi akibat radioterapi. Diagnosis hipotiroid ditegakkan melalui pemeriksaan laboratorium yaitu didapatkan peningkatan TSH dan penurunan T4. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh radioterapi terhadap kadar TSH dan T4 pasien tumor ganas kepala dan leher di RSUP Dr. M. Djamil, Padang. Metode: Analitik cross sectional dengan desian pre and post test only pada                            10 responden tumor ganas kepala dan leher. Sampel berupa darah vena yang dihitung kadar TSH dan T4 menggunakan alat Vidas 3. Data dianalisis dengan uji t berpasangan. Hasil analisis statistik dinyatakan bermakna bila didapatkan hasil p<0,05. Hasil: Nilai rerata kadar TSH sebelum dan setelah radioterapi didapatkan 0,57 ± 0,512 µIU/ml. Nilai rerata kadar T4 sebelum dan setelah radioterapi didapatkan 0,721 ± 0,508 µg/dL. Uji t bepasangan didapatkan peningkatan rerata kadar TSH setelah radioterapi dengan p = 0,004 yang menunjukkan peningkatan bermakna rerata kadar TSH setelah radioterapi dan didapatkan penurunan rerata kadar T4 setelah radioterapi dengan p = 0,001 yang menunjukkan penurunan bermakna rerata kadar T4 setelah radioterapi. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan bermakna rerata kadar TSH serta penurunan rerata kadar T4 sebelum dan setelah radioterapi pada pasien tumor ganas kepala dan leher walau belum melewati nilai normal.ABSTARCTBackground: Head and neck cancers are malignancies that originate from upper aerodigestive tract epithelium. Radiotherapy is one of the modalities treatments for head and neck cancer. Thyroid glands which exposed by radiotherapy, furthermore can induce abnormalities. Hypothyroid is a most common abnormality that occur after radiotherapy. Diagnosis hypothyroidism can be established through laboratory examination that is obtained an increased levels of TSH and decreased levels of T4. Purpose: To determine effect radiotherapy on levels of TSH and T4 in patients with head and neck cancer in Dr. M. Djamil Hospital, Padang.     Methods: Cross sectional analytic study with pre and post test only on 10 respondents with head and neck cancer. Samples taken from venous blood then TSH and T4 were counted with Vidas 3. Data was analyzed with paired t-test. The statistical result was significant with p<0,05.             Result: Mean value of TSH before and after radiotherapy is 0,57 ± 0,512 µUI/ml. Mean value of T4 before and after radiotherapy is 0,721 ± 0,508 µg/dL. From paired t-test resulted an increase of TSH mean value after radiotheraphy with p = 0,004 which implies a significant enhancement of TSH mean value after radiotheraphy and decreasing T4 mean value after radiotheraphy with p = 0,001 which implies a significant deflation of T4 mean value after radiotheraphy. Conclusions: There was significant enhancement of TSH mean and significant deflation of T4 mean value before and after radiotherapy on patients with head and neck cancer even still within normal value.  Keywords: Radiotheraphy, TSH, T4, head and neck cancer.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Resa Wahyuni ◽  
Galuh Nita Prameswari

Anak tunanetra memiliki resiko yang sama seperti anak normal untuk mengalami masalah gizi karena kurangnya pengetahuan gizi, sehingga diperlukan pendidikan gizi beserta media tepat untuk dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi anak-anak  tunanetra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara pengetahuan gizi buah dan sayur sebelum diberi dan setelah diberi media buku gizi braille pada anak tunanetra di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Luar Biasa (MILB) Budi Asih Semarang. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan one group pretest posttest design. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan total sampling karena jumlah populasi yang terbatas, yaitu sebanyak 7 sampel. Diperoleh rata-rata skor untuk pre test sebesar 10,57, dan rata-rata skor post test sebesar 16,71. Berdasarkan uji t test berpasangan yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh nilai sig (0,018) < 0,05 hal ini berati terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor sebelum diberi media buku gizi braille dan setelah diberi media buku gizi braille. Children with visual impairment have the same risk as eyesight children to have a nutrition problems because the lack of nutrition knowledge, in order to the nutrition education is required with the appropriate media to be able to improve theirs nutrition knowledge. This study aimed to know the significant different about nutrient of fruits and vegetables knowledge before and after given nutrient book in children with visual impairment at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Luar Biasa (MILB) Budi Asih Semarang. The type of this research was pre experiment with one group pretest posttest design approach. Sampling was used total sampling because the population was limited, there were 7 samples. The mean of pre test score was 10,57 dan post score was 16,71. Based on the paired t test, the value of sig (0,018) <0,05 it means there were significant differences between score before given nutrient media braille book and score after given nutrient media braille book.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nia Agustiningsih ◽  
Setyawati Soeharto ◽  
Rinik Eko Kapti

Abstract : Patient with chronical diease such as Hemodialysis more likely need psycotherapy because until now medical atention only focus on physical aspect. Psycotherapy that can be used on Hemodialysis that going through depression is cognitive therapy and logo therapy. This study was to analysed the difference of influence between cognitive therapy and logo therapy on Hemodialysis patient that going through depression. This study was used quasi experimental pre–post test design. Respondent taking part in this study was 15 respondent for cognitive therapy and 15 respondent for logo therapy with puporsive sampling procedure. Study was conducted on Hemodialysis unit on RS Wava Husada Kepanjen from 21 April until 26 Mey 2017. Data analysis used on this study was dependent t test  and independent t test. Dependent t test  analysis showed  significant value is 0,000 (less than < 0,05).Analysis showed  significant value is 0,000 (less than < 0,05) that means there is difference between cognitive therapy and logo therapy to decrease depression on hemodialysis patient with mean value cognitive therapy (1,62) dan logo therapy (3,82). Conclussion on this study is that logo therapy more effective to reduce depression on Hemodialysis patient than cognitive therapy so logo therapy can applicated in hemodialysis patient.Keyword : cognitive therapy, logo therapy, depression in hemodialysis patient Abstrak : Pasien dengan penyakit kronis dengan hemodialisis diperlukan psikoterapi karena selama ini fokus penanganan di pelayanan kesehatan hanya pada masalah fisik. Psikoterapi yang bisa digunakan pada pasien hemodialisis yang mengalami depresi adalah cognitive therapy dan logo therapy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh cognitive therapy dan logo therapy terhadap depresi pada pasien dengan hemodialisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian quasi experimental pre – post test design. Jumlah responden dalam penelitian ini 15 responden untuk kelompok cognitive therapy dan 15 responden untuk kelompok logo therapy yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan tehnik purposive sampling. Penelitian dilakukan di unit hemodialisis RS Wava Husada Kepanjen mulai tanggal 21 April – 26 Mei 2017. Pemberian terapi dilakukan oleh peneliti sendiri yang telah mendapatkan lisensi dari perawat spesialis jiwa. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dependent t test dan independent t test. Hasil analisis dependent t test  pada kelompok sebelum dan setelah diberikan cognitive therapy dan logo therapy didapatkan hasil nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti bahwa ada perbedaan skor depresi antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pemberian cognitive therapy dan logo therapy  Sedangkan hasil analisis independent t test menunjukkan bahwa nilai signifikansi 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti  ada perbedaan yang bermakna antara cognitive therapy dan logo therapy dalam menurunkan depresi pada pasien dengan hemodialisis yaitu dengan rata – rata penurunan terhadap depresi untuk cognitive therapy dan logo therapy masing – masing yaitu 1,62 dan 3,86.  Hal ini berarti bahwa logo therapy lebih efektif menurunkan depresi pada pasien hemodialisis dari pada cognitive therapy. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut diharapkan bahwa logo therapy bisa diaplikasikan sebagai alternatif psikoterapi pada pasien hemodialisis.Kata Kunci: cognitive therapy, logo therapy, depresi pada pasien hemodialisis

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 54
Arita Destianingsih ◽  
Ari Satria

The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of the use of alphabet cards game as interesting tool to explain vocabularies and it make it easier to remember their meanings. This study belongs to the quasi experimental research and presents pre-test, post test and to investigate the effect of using alphabet cards game on vocabulary mastery of commercial business administration students. The participants were the students from commercial business administration students at the third semester (N=54) of State Polytechnic Bengkalis and divided into two groups. Both groups were taught vocabulary, however, the experimental group students who are exposed to alphabet cards game and the controlled group students who received conventional method. Pre-test and post-test were given to both experimental group students and controlled group students. The score of the vocabulary tests were compared through independent sample t-test. The mean value of pre-test of experimental class was 61.35, while the control class was 52.23. After learning using alphabet card games in experimental class the mean value obtained in post-test was 78.85, while in control class was 59.04.  The improved of learning outcomes can be seen from the level of significance was 0.000 and it was lower than t test 0.000<0.05.  It means that the hypothesis null is not accepted. Therefore, it can be concluded that the score of the students in learning vocabulary between the experimental group and control group was significantly different. The experimental group students who learned vocabulary using alphabet cards game had increased their vocabulary mastery.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bismi Widi Hastari ◽  
Dyah Gandasari ◽  
Harry Harry

Tani Maju farmer group is one of the farming groups located in Rorotan Village, Cilincing District, North Jakarta City Administration. This group has a lot of sheep and advanced management. Despite they manage their sheep well, they are not well informed on how to manage the sewage from their castles (faces and urine). So far, they just throw away the sewage or gave them to fellow farmers. This study aimed to analyze the level of farmers' knowledge in making use of sheep's urine to be degraded into bio urine in the Maju Farmer group. Data was collected through the pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed using paired t-test and Wilcoxon statistical software (IBM SPSS Statistics 25). The results of the study showed that farmers' knowledge in sewage (Urine) management increased; there is a significant difference in farmers' level of knowledge in bio urine production before and after bio urine extension.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 472-476
Hay Citra Ningrat ◽  
Linda Mayasari

Purpose of Study: This research is talking about the use of Webtoons comic in speaking on the recount. The aim of this research is to know whether this media is effective in teaching speaking on the recount. Methodology: It is pre-experimental research with one group of pre test - post test. Thirty students in X-5 class at Muhammadiyah 1 high school Surabaya become the sample. The treatments had been done twice, so there are two pairs of results. Results: The results are administered and calculated by using SPSS 21 for windows (paired T-test). The means of pair 1 are 31.93 (pre-test 1) and 34.77(post test 1). Meanwhile, the means of pair 2 are 32.00 (pre test 2) and 35.77 (post test 2). The sig value for pair 1 is .00 and pair 2 is .00. Based on these figures, it can be said that there is any different before and after the implementation of teaching speaking performance on a recount by using Webtoons. Even the improvement of students’ speaking competence on recount is not much, for the students. Implications/Applications: Webtoons is an interactive teaching medium which makes them more enthusiastic, comfortable and easily arrange their text to be told.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-70
Endang Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Wa Ode Diana Harisa

Backgrounds: Intellectual Disability students must be able to master the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation skills. However, to teach this skill to them is not easy. They need certain methods to learn these skills to get effective results. Video-Based Instruction is one method to teach these skills. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of Video-Based Instruction on the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation on Intellectual Disability students. Methods: This is quantitative research with pre-experimental type and one group pretest-posttest design. The data collection tool is a "personal hygiene" questionnaire. The data analysis method uses a paired sample t-test with the help of SPSS version 25. This research conducted at SLB Negeri 3 Central Jakarta with a total sample is 20 respondents selected by the purposive sampling technique. Results: Most respondents were 14 years old (20%), 7th grade (30%), get menarche at 12 and 13 years (25%). The mean score for the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation pre-test is 41.30 and post-test is 53.20. Paired sample t-test results showed that sig. (2-tailed) <0.001. Conclusion: The results showed that it received Ha, which means that there is an effect of Video-Based Instruction on the practice of personal hygiene during menstruation on Intellectual Disabilities students. The results also showed that there are mean score differences of the pre-test and post-test results, which is an increase in the mean score of the post-test results by 11,90.

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