scholarly journals Sosialisasi Langkah Cuci Tangan Yang Benar Guna Mewujudkan Masyarakat Sehat Di Sman 2 Sibolga

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-132
Sumaiyah Sumaiyah

Washing hands is a simple step that can be improve the level of health of oneself, family and community. World Health Organization (WHO) has provided rules regarding good and proper washing steps, whereby the Indonesian government is promoting its socialization especially in the school environment. Senior High School (SMA) Negeri 2 Sibolga is one of the randomly selected schools to carry out the right hand washing step socialization according to WHO. The level of student’s knowledge about the correct steps for washing hands has been shown increase after socialization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 822-827
Sri Isti Untari ◽  
Rahma Nur Praptiwi ◽  
Iftita Rahmi ◽  
Tika Dwi Ariyanti

At the end of 2019 the world's population was tested by the presence of the Covid-19 virus, which in a short time was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Millions of people have been affected by the infection and also tens of thousands have died. One of the preventions of transmission of the Covid-19 virus is by implementing a culture of clean living and implementing strict health protocols. Meanwhile, the fact is that the implementation of a culture awareness of clean living and health protocols is still low. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge of senior high school of Muhammadiyah II Beji-Depok students about clean and healthy living habits and also to provide assistance in adding hand washing and ablution facilities. This community service activity was carried out face-to-face and was carried out from August to December 2020. The result of this activity was the implementation of socialization related to the culture of clean living, giving free masks, and the construction of hand washing facilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
pp. 1109-1116
Sriwahyuni Sriwahyuni ◽  
Sri Darmawan

ABSTRAK Penyakit Diabetes merupakan salah satu penyakit degeneratif yang terkait langsung dengan gaya hidup atau life style, Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), pada tahun 2014, 8,5% dari orang dewasa berusia 18 tahun dan lebih tua menderita diabetes. Indonesia berdasarkan wawancara yang terdiagnosis dokter sebesar 1,5%, dan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan pada tahun 2014, jumlah Kasus Diabetes Mellitus (282 penderita) terdiri atas Diabetes mellitus yang terlapor (207 penderita), Diabetes mellitus yang tidak terlapor (160 penderita) dan Diabetes mellitus bergantung insulin (72 penderita) Peran dari tenaga kesehatan dan orang terdekat yang sangat dianggap penting oleh penderita juga sangat mempengaruhi perilaku dalam mengontrol kadar gula darah penderita DM Tipe II, karena jika tidak ada dukungan dan motivasi dan health edukasi dari tenaga kesehatan  serta orang terdekat maka penderita cenderung tidak memperhatikan status kesehatannya. Kegiatan ini sasaran utama adalah keluarga penderita Diabetes Mellitus yang aktif melakukan suntik insulin yang ada di Dusun Pattiro Desa Paccelekang Kec.Pattalassang Kab.Gowa . Salah satu cara yang ditempuh sebelum dilakukan pelatihan adalah dengan melakukan pertemuan dan pendataan terlebih dahulu tentang warga yang memiliki riwayat aktif melakukan suntik insulin. Pelatihan teknik dan keterampilan melakukan suntik insulin yang tepat Daya serap para peserta terhadap materi kegiatan cukup baik, hal ini terlihat dari kemampuan masyarakat menjawab dan mempraktikan Teknik Suntik Insulin..Kata kunci : Health Edukasi, Pelatihan, Suntik Insulin, Diabetes Mellitus  ABSTRACT Diabetes is a degenerative disease that is directly related to lifestyle, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2014, 8.5% of adults aged 18 years and older suffered from diabetes. Indonesia based on interviews with diagnosed doctors by 1.5%, and South Sulawesi Province in 2014, the number of Diabetes Mellitus Cases (282 patients) consisted of reported Diabetes Mellitus (207 cases), Unreported Diabetes Mellitus (160 cases), and Diabetes Insulin-dependent Mellitus (72 patients) The role of health workers and loved ones who are very important to sufferers also greatly affects behavior in controlling blood sugar levels for people with Type II diabetes, because if there is no support and motivation and health education from health workers and those closest to them then sufferers tend not to pay attention to their health status. This activity is the main target for families with Diabetes Mellitus who actively inject insulin in the Pattiro Hamlet, Paccelekang Village, Pattalassang District, Gowa Regency. One of the methods taken before training is to conduct meetings and collect data in advance about residents who have a history of actively injecting insulin. Training on techniques and skills for performing the right insulin injection The participants' absorption of the activity material was quite good, this can be seen from the community's ability to answer and practice the Insulin Injection Technique. Keywords: Health Education, Training, Insulin Injection, Diabetes                   Mellitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
pp. 522-523
L. Klimek ◽  
J. Hagemann ◽  
A. Alali ◽  
M. Spielhaupter ◽  
T. Huppertz ◽  

Social distancing with the aim of avoiding infections and pre-serve critical care capacities during the COVID-19 pandemic has been implemented in Germany according to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations from early March onwards. Limitations of physical contacts to reduce exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals were handled strictly, particularly in medical centers dealing with airway diseases, like rhinology and pneumology clinics. Such measures and reluctance to visit out- and inpatient services resulted in a 82% decrease in consultations to the 12 German oto-rhino-laryngological (ORL) centres forming our database during the 50 days following March 09 in 2020 if compared to the same period in 2019. Our data on CRS care underline reports on undertreatment of non-COVID-19 individuals with several different diseases during the current pandemic. We should try to reduce the toll these patients have to pay as much as possible. We established telemedicine, e-Health and artificial intelligence-supported triage for selecting the right patients for onsite-consultations and to advise patients in several demands.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-19
Rabie A. Ramadan ◽  
Bassam W. Aboshosha ◽  
Jalawi Sulaiman Alshudukhi ◽  
Abdullah J. Alzahrani ◽  
Ayman El-Sayed ◽  

With the emergence of one of this century’s deadliest pandemics, coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has an enormous effect globally with a quick spread worldwide. This made the World Health Organization announce it as a pandemic. COVID-19 has pushed countries to follow new behaviors such as social distancing, hand washing, and remote work and to shut down organizations, businesses, and airports. At the same time, white hats are doing their best to accommodate the pandemic. However, while white hats are protecting people, black hats are taking advantage of the situation, which creates a cybersecurity pandemic on the other hand. This paper discusses the cybersecurity issues at this period due to finding information or finding another related research that had not been discussed before. This paper presents the cybersecurity attacks during the COVID-19 epidemic time. A lot of information has been collected from the World Health Organization (WHO), trusted organizations, news sources, official governmental reports, and available research articles. This paper then classifies the cybersecurity attacks and threats at the period of COVID-19 and provides recommendations and countermeasures for each type. This paper surveys the cybersecurity attacks and their countermeasures and reports the ongoing cybersecurity attacks and threats at this period of time. Moreover, it is also a step towards analyzing the efficiency of the country’s infrastructure as well as hackers and criminals’ social behavior at the time of the pandemic.

Martina Astari, Bina Marsasi Martina Astari, Bina Marsasi

ABSTRAK Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) remaja adalah penduduk dalam rentang usia 10 – 19 tahun. Masa remaja merupakan periode terjadinya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang pesat baik secara fisik psikologis maupun intelektual. Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) Tahun 2012 menunjukkan Angka remaja Indonesia yang melahirkan sangat mengkhawatirkan . Itu karena terjadi peningkatan tajam pada angka kelahiran di bawah usia 20 tahun. Fertilitas tingkat remaja kelompok usia 15-19 tahun mengalami kenaikan dari 35 menjadi 48 kelahiran per 1.000 penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan dan sumber informasi dengan perilaku seks Pada Siswa-Siswi di SMAN 1 Pangkal Pinang  tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan survey analitik dengan pendekatan  Cross Sectional dimana data yang menyangkut variabel bebas atau resiko dan variabel terikat, dikumpulkan dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Populasi penelitian ini adalah semua kelas X dan XI di SMAN 1 Pangkal Pinang  tahun 2017 sebanyak 215 siswa dengan besar sampel 142 siswa dengan teknik proporsional sampling, instrumen penelitian yaitu kuesioner. Dari hasil uji statistik Chi-Square didapatkan ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan denga perilaku seks dimana P value = 0,011 < 0,05, dan ada hubungan bermakna antara sumber informasi dengan perilaku seks dimana P value =0,028 < 0,05. Dari Hasil penelitian, peneliti  menyarankan upaya- upaya penyuluhan tentang kesehatan reproduksi terhadap anak mulai dari usia dini serta dijadiakn pelajaran tambahan.   ABSTRACT According to the World Health Organization ( WHO ) adolescents are resident in the age range 10 – 19 years. Adolescence is a period of rafid growth and development both physically psychological and intellectual.. Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) in 2012 shows Indonesian teenagers who give birth rate is very alarming . That's because of a sharp increase in the birth rate under 20 years of age . Fertility rate of teenage age group 15-19 years increased from 35 to 48 births per 1,000 population . This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and resources with sexual behavior At High School Students of 1 Pangkal Pinang  in 2017. This research uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach where data concerning the independent variable and the dependent variable or risk , collected at the same time . The study population was all class X and XI in Pangkal Pinang  Capital High School in 2017 with as many as 215 students a large sample of 142 students with proportional sampling technique , the research instrument is the questionnaire . Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate. From the statistical test of Chi-Square which compared bertween P value= the significance level α = 0,05 indicated that there was a significant relationship between the knowledge to sex behavior in which P value = 0,011 and there was also significant relationship between sumber information to sex behavior where P value= 0,028.  From the results of study, the researchers suggest efforts on reproductive health counseling to children from an early age and can be made as additional subjects.

Yuhemy Zurizah Yuhemy Zurizah

  ABSTRAK Flour Albous is the liquid that comes out of the vagina is not excessive blood. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research on reproductive health Data show that 75 women in the world are experiencing vaginal discharge is normal and 45 of them may experience abnormal vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is caused by some common factor, among other personal hygiene which is less good, stress, drug use, wearing tight underwear, rinse the genitals from the wrong direction, did not immediately replace the pads when the menstruation, and a dirty sanitary environment. The design of this research is a survey with cross sectional approach analytic where the independent variables (understanding, messes, symptoms, causes, complications, and cope, prevent vaginal discharge)and the dependent variable (an overview knowledge on students about whiteness) collected within 2 days. He knew an overview knowledge of whiteness on the HIGH SCHOOL students in the County's southern OKU 2016. This population is all 3rd grade HIGH SCHOOL students in the County's southern OKU 2016. Samples of penelian this is a 3rd grade HIGH SCHOOL students in the South 2016dan OKU taken total engineering population, methods of sampling by disseminating a questionnaire with the amount of 150 respondents. Univarat analysis results showed that respondents found out about understanding whiteness good of 79 respondents (52,6%) while less knowledge of 71 respondents (47,4%), response based on the knowledge of the various good whiteness 112 respondents (74,6%) and while less knowledge i.e. 38 respondents (25,4%). respondents to the investigation of knowledge about signs of vaginal discharge either 95 respondents (63,4%) and while less knowledge i.e. 55 respondents (36,6%) respondents based on the cause of vaginal discharge either 60 respondents (40%) and while less knowledge i.e. 90 respondents (60%),reponden based on knowledge about overcoming good whiteness 62 respondents (41,3%) and while less knowledge i.e. 88 respondents (58,7%),respondents to the investigation of the knowledge of good whiteness complications 78 respondents (52%) and while less knowledge i.e. 72 respondents (48%), and the respondent investigation knowledge how to prevent vaginal discharge either 52 respondents (34,6%) and while less knowledge i.e. 98 respondents (65,4%).       Keputihan adalah cairan yang keluar berlebihan dari vagina bukan merupakan darah. Menurut World Health Organization (WHO) Data penelitian tentang kesehatan reproduksi menunjukan bahwa 75% perempuan di dunia mengalami keputihan normal dan 45% diantaranya dapat mengalami keputihan abnormal.Keputihan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor umum, antara lain personal hygiene yang kurang baik, stress, penggunaan obat-obatan, memakai pakaian dalam yang ketat, membilas alat kelamin dari arah yang salah, tidak segera mengganti pembalut saat menstruasi, dan lingkungan sanitasi yang kotor.Desain penelitian ini adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional dimana variabel independen (pengertian, macam-macam, gejala, penyebab, mengatasi, komplikasi, dan mencegah keputihan) dan variable dependen (gambaran pengetahuan pada siswi tentang keputihan) dikumpulkan dalam waktu 2 hari. Diketahuinya gambaran pengetahuan tentang keputihan pada siswi SMA DI Kabupaten OKU SelatanTahun 2016. Populasi ini adalah semua kelas 3 siswi SMA DI Kabupaten OKU Selatan Tahun 2016. Sampel penelian ini adalah kelas 3 siswi SMA DI Kabupaten OKU Selatan Tahun 2016dan diambil metode teknik total populasi, pengambilan sampel ini dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner dengan jumlah 150 responden. Hasil analisis univarat menunjukan responden yang mengetahui tentang pengertian keputihan baik sebesar 79 responden (52,6%), Respon berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang macam-macam keputihan baik 112 responden (74,6%) dan berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang mengatasi keputihan baik 62 responden (41,3%) dan responden berdasarakan pengetahuan cara mencegah keputihan baik 52 responden (34,6%)      

Martina Astari Martina Astari

ABSTRACT Dysmenorrhea, or menstrual pain is a common complaint experienced by women in the lower abdomen. Some teenage girls are often felt in the lower back, hips, pelvis, thigh muscle on, until the calf. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), adolescence is a period in which the individual develops from the first time showed signs of secondary sexual until when it reaches sexual maturity. This study was descriptive survey with cross sectional approach where the independent variable (Knowledge on definitions, etiology, frequency, symptoms, risk factors, pathophysiology, treatment disminore) and the dependent variable was collected in the same time, Knowledgeable picture of the knowledge of young women about disminore in high school East OKU year 2016. the population in this study, that all high school female students of class XII East OKU samples taken in 2016 were all female students of class XII OKU East High School in 2016. Results of univariate analysis showed respondents know understanding disminore good category 104 people (64.60%), while the less category as many as 57 people (35.40%), respondents of the etiology disminore with less category as many as 126 people (78.26%), whereas in both categories as many as 35 people (21.74 %), respondents of both categories Classification disminore with as many as 82 people (50.94%), while the less category as many as 79 people (49.06%), respondents about disminore symptoms with both categories as many as 94 people (53.38%) , whereas with less category as many as 67 people (41.61%), respondents about the risk factors for both categories disminore with as many as 101 people (62.73%), while the category of less than 60 people (37.26%), respondents' knowledge about pathophysiology disminore with both categories as many as 81 people (50.31%), while the category of less than 80 people (49.69%), respondents of the Management disminore with less category as many as 100 people (62.11%), while the good category as many as 61 people (37.89%). From the research, the researchers suggest counseling efforts with the approach according to the students, so as to provide optimum service.     ABSTRAK   Disminore atau nyeri haid adalah keluhan yang sering dialami wanita pada bagian perut bawah.Beberapa perempuan remaja sering merasakannya pada punggung bagian bawah, pinggang, panggul, otot paha atas, hingga betis.Menurut World Health Organization (WHO), remaja adalah masa di mana individu berkembang dari saat pertama kali menunjukkan tanda-tanda seksual sekundernya sampai saat mencapai kematangan seksual. Desain penelitian ini adalah survey deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dimana variabel independen (pengertahuan tentang definisi, etiologi, frekuensi, gejala, factor resiko, patofisiologi, penatalaksanaan disminore) maupun variabel dependen dikumpulkan dalam waktu yang sama, Diketahuinya gambaran pengetahuan remaja putri tentang disminore di SMA OKU Timur Tahun 2016. Populasi dalam penelitian ini, yakni semua murid perempuan kelas XII SMA OKU Timur tahun 2016.sampel yang diambil adalah semua murid perempuan kelas XII SMA OKU Timur tahun 2016. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan responden mengetahui pengertian disminore dengan kategori baik sebanyak 104 orang (64,60%), sedangkan dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 57 orang (35,40%), responden tentang etiologi disminore dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 126 orang (78,26%), sedangkan dengan kategori baik sebanyak 35 orang (21,74%), responden tentang Klasifikasi disminore dengan kategori baik sebanyak 82 orang (50,94%), sedangkan dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 79 orang (49,06%), responden tentang Gejala disminore dengan kategori baik sebanyak 94 orang (53,38%), sedangkan dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 67 orang (41,61%), responden tentang Faktor resiko disminore dengan kategori baik sebanyak 101 orang (62,73%), sedangkan dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 60 orang (37,26%), responden pengetahuan tentang Patofisiologi disminore dengan kategori baik sebanyak 81 orang (50,31%), sedangkan dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 80 orang (49,69%), responden tentang Penatalaksanaan disminore dengan kategori kurang sebanyak 100 orang (62,11%), sedangkan dengan kategori baik sebanyak 61 orang (37,89%). Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menyarankan upaya penyuluhan dengan pendekatan yang sesuai dengan siswa, sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan yang optimal.    

2001 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 705-712 ◽  
Alicia Domingues Ugá ◽  
Célia Maria de Almeida ◽  
Célia Landmann Szwarcwald ◽  
Cláudia Travassos ◽  
Francisco Viacava ◽  

The article analyzes the World Health Organization Report for 2000, with emphasis placed on the methodology used to analyze the indicators utilized to compare and classify the performance of the health systems of the 191 member countries. The Report's contribution was the compromise of monitoring the performance of the health systems of member countries, but because of the inconsistent way it was elaborated, and the utilization of questionable scientific evaluation methodologies, the Report fails to give a clear picture. A criterion-based methodology revision is imposed. The main problems in evidence are the choice of individual indicators of disparity in health that discount the population profile, the inadequate control of the impact of social disparities over the performance of the systems, the evaluation of the responsibility of systems that are only partially articulated to the right of the citizens, the lack of data for a great number of countries, consequently having inconsistent estimations, and the lack of transparency in the methodological procedures in the calculation of some indicators. The article suggests a wide methodological revision of the Report.

Cornelia Clara Tifany

Based on the World Health Organization report, Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious respiratory disease that has become an epidemic in approximately 213 countries throughout the world, including Indonesia. Prior to the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in Indonesia, the Indonesian government’s response, as represented by its high-level officials, suggested a lack of awareness. Some situations then became the turning points for the Indonesian Government, who has since focused more on dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak. Through this research, the writer aims to analyze the Indonesian Government’s treatment of COVID-19 from a health issue to a security issue. Therefore, the securitization theory focusing on the component of securitization from Buzan will be employed as an analytical framework in this research. In addition, the global health governance is also used as a reference to support the writer’s statement. In order to explain the action of the Indonesian Government, this research will use qualitative research with a focus on literacy observations through online news relating to the issues. In conclusion, the change in action of the Indonesian Government was caused by the pressure from GHG, which then showed that the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia is a security issue.AbstrakCoronavirus disease (COVID-19) yang merupakan penyakit pernapasan menular telah mewabah kurang lebih di 213 negara di dunia berdasarkan pada laporan World Health Organization, salah satu negara yang terkena wabah adalah Indonesia. Sebelum ada konfirmasi atas kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia, terlihat sikap pihak pemerintah yang diwakili oleh pejabat tinggi menunjukkan sikap kurang perhatian. Namun beberapa situasi menjadi “turning point” bagi Pemerintah Indonesia yang kemudian memberikan fokus yang lebih dalam menghadapi wabah COVID-19 di Indonesia. Dari keadaan tersebut melalui penelitian ini, penulis menganalisis sikap Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengubah isu kesehatan menjadi isu keamanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori sekuritisasi sebagai kerangka analisis dengan terfokus pada komponen sekuritisasi oleh Buzan. Di samping itu juga menggunakan tata kelola kesehatan global sebagai penopang pernyataan penulis. Agar mampu menjelaskan sikap Pemerintah Indonesia maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan fokus pada pengamatan literasi melalui berita daring yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diangkat. Dalam kesimpulannya, perubahan sikap Pemerintah Indonesia disebabkan oleh adanya tekanan dari tata kelola kesehatan global yang menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia merupakan isu keamanan.

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